If you love low budget games that you can 1v1 with, this ios the real deal

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best PvP Competitive Games.

best 79p i’ve ever spent.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


The prophecy of statues

The prophecy of statues

beware as this developer unrightfully banned a screenshot I posted of their game

The developer has changed the game title and removed all the original game files replacing them with nothing. As for now it appears to be abandoned and I would recommend avoiding this game until it is updated again

If you find this review helpful be sure to thumbs up and follow my Curator Page

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best PvP Competitive Games.

Review based on content

released up to Sept, 30th 2018.



Spoke too soon on my Curator page (that wont happen again). Just finished the first puzzle level. I was under the impression that The prophecy of Statues was still in development.

The translation to English is decent but at times confusing.

And IM not sure but this could be a one dev kind of situation. Which is okay. Everything just takes a lot longer.

*– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](*


![我们的房屋 OUR HOUSE]( "")

## 我们的房屋 OUR HOUSE

I gifted like 4 friends this game and I like to believe the the laughs were worth 3 bucks

*– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best PvP Competitive Games.

--- Only 2 out of the 4 game modes work. No playerbase. Assets taken from store and cobbled together in a very haphazard manner. Game states that it is INSIDE LIGHT which is also sold on Steam. Perhaps it is the same game being sold multiple times in violation of Steam's ToS. I also fell through the map on the second time I loaded a game. The gun still shoots while in the menus, which are default Unity menus. *– [Real player with 0.1 hrs in game](* --- ![混乱使者]( "") ## 混乱使者 I would have been happy with a bad game tbh. This isn't a bad game, it doesn't work. 3 out of 4 of the game modes don't actually do anything. As you can't click on them, went into an online room bought some friends the game. I don't know if it was supposed to be a battle royal definitely wasn't. Maybe it was a hide and seek don't know didn't work. Alot of the characters you can choose dont have jump animations so you just get stuck in a canal. Other players glitch into the ground. I don't like to refund games but, if the only game mode doesn't work what can you do. *– [Real player with 1.1 hrs in game](* ANOTHER UPDATE: They changed the gamefiles again and now it is a strange multiplayer game which is not playable as singleplayer. because of that, i can not say much about the game because no one plays the game. i just show you a small video, so you can see how the game looks. Gameplay Video: UPDATE: I did a re-check today and the Unit Z- Battlegrounds assett flip is gone. Now it is the game in the trailer. I played not much because the controls with the mouse are weird, but maybe the game is ok for some players. *– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Mini Royale]( "") ## Mini Royale #### LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND In **Mini Royale**, up to 50 toy soldiers fight for victory. The game is played in a children's room, from a rather unusual perspective, full of exciting things to discover, and lots of weapons and equipment that will help you set yourself apart from the other players. All players start on a toytrain that goes through the children's room. Think carefully about when to jump off. Now weapons and equipment must be sought. The zone specifies where the players have to move during a round. But one thing is certain, in the end there can only be one winner. #### Features: * 10 unique weapons with different attachments, as well as grenades and med's. * A grappling hook with which higher levels and areas such as a shelf or a box can be reached, as well as advantageous positions for long weapons * A zipline that allows you to cover greater distances on the map * An elevated platform that allows you to move up to higher positions * A vending machine where you can buy equipment in exchange for currency * A machine where you can upgrade your weapon levels for currency. #### The following weapon levels can be found in the world: * Gray, green, blue and gold (legendary), which each have better properties #### Game modes: * In addition to the classic Battle Royale mode, we are working on other game modes that make the game experience different round by round. * Experience Mini Royale alone in **SINGLE**, **DUO** or **SQUAD** mode. Should one of your friends fall in battle, there will be ways to bring them back. **We are a team of just a few developers and would be happy to receive any form of support and feedback so that we can steer this project in the right direction together with the community.** --- ![Anarchy Legends Online]( "") ## Anarchy Legends Online ![]( **Anarchy Legends Online** is a multiplayer tactical action third-person shooter developed by **Diat Funa**, a solo developer inspired by old competitive multiplayer games focusing on team-based tactics and real individual skills. Initially, ALO features **15 playable characters** known as Legends, each with their own unique ability, **36 weapons, 9 game modes and 8 maps**. Every aspect of the game is well balanced and is subject to a constant observation to avoid abuses. Anarchy Legends Online features 12-player online battles where everyone starts on an even playing field, which means **no RNG factor**, equipment or perks advantages for veterans. In each game mode, you can choose a Legend and two weapons before respawn and there aren't loot boxes or similar systems based on luck: **ALO is based on skill, experience and teamwork**. To make this more authentic, most **headshots** are one-hit kill, there is a **ping system** that can be used to communicate with your team and there are **2 different experience/ranking systems**, one of which is based on player's skill and it can increase and decrease. Anarchy Legends Online is currently under development, and its release date is **TBA**. --- ![Battleground]( "") ## Battleground Ahahah, this is a pubg for the poor. This game is a good prank for a gift to a friend. Hahahaha *– [Real player with 4.9 hrs in game](* poopy game no good *– [Real player with 1.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Battlerite Royale]( "") ## Battlerite Royale Don't understand the negative reviews, this is probably one of the funnest games I've ever played. Edited 11/27/19: We're approaching the end of the year and with countless hours in this game I can begin to understand slightly why the game in a sense, flopped. I believe a lot of it was bad luck or perhaps focusing on the wrong issues, in that all of the issues of the game are very minute but subtly influence newer players in just the right way to be drawn away from the game; and through a series of widespread misunderstandings with this game it garnished an undeserved negative reputation. This game can be absolutely amazing if you have the patience to understand its inner workings. There are still players like myself occasionally playing, so don't hesitate to buy this game if you're looking for a little new fun/want to support these great developers on their next (bigger and better) project. *– [Real player with 317.7 hrs in game](* Rarely review games, but I feel this game justifies one. When I first started playing this game, it was refreshing experience. It felt like Heroes of the Storm in a BR mode. There are many customization options that are on par with Overwatch. Such as choosing a costume with variants of colors and rarities. There are different mounts as well that range from horses, to pugs, and to mythical creatures. Gameplay wise its fun at FIRST. Everything is new, you believe you get outskilled by other players, and there are many champions to explore. The game has so much potential, but I feel the first experience of your game reflects differently the further hours you invest into the game. *– [Real player with 211.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Soldat 2]( "") ## Soldat 2 It's a good, fun game, but still lacks a fair bit of refinement. Hit registration is absolutely horrendous at the moment. You throw a knife at someone, you can see it hits the mark, because it then stops and drops to the floor, but no damage is done. Similar thing with sniper rifles. You see the bullet pass through the opponent and it does zero damage. Grenades. Sometimes you hit a person with all 3 grenades and they still don't die, but they throw just one back at you and poof, you're dead. Player balancing system is just silly. When you join a server with an even number of players, you become the poor soul that is going to be tossed back and forth between teams whenever the team you're in exceeds the other team's score by 2 (flag caps or bases occupied). You might get thrown into the opposing team just as they're about to lose. Lovely. *– [Real player with 71.2 hrs in game](* I wouldn't recommend buying this, even if it's for nostalgia purposes. The game is literally dead, whenever I attempt to play there's noone online on any servers - I'll join a game and play with bots for a while and occasionally 1 or 2 people may join but then leave after 10-15 minutes. There's no Oceanic community, that's for sure. The only community is a few Russians and Germans that sometimes populate their server, but other than that - it's essentially dead. There's also no effort to boost the player population, such as creating communities for specific regions, simple things such as in the Soldat 2 Discord you can create a rank specifically for their region so people can tag @Oceania or @Australia "let's populate a server" - there's none of that or anything close. *– [Real player with 56.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Starfighter General]( "") ## Starfighter General It cost $0.64 *– [Real player with 44.9 hrs in game](* If you like flying and blowing stuff up you'll enjoy this game. *– [Real player with 13.6 hrs in game](* ---