After being sentenced to 20 years of conscription service to pay off your corporate debts, you find yourself woken from a long cryogenic slumber aboard the derelict remains of the warship you had been stationed on.

You are now on ADACA, a “fly-over” planet in the heart of the galaxy’s rust-belt.

The strange man who thawed you out has replaced your arm with a robotic prosthetic, capable of force-manipulating loose objects, including enemy weapons. This may come in rather handy, considering the law isn’t quite fond of you or your new friends…

However, the police won’t be your only problem. ADACA is a strange and old world, full of dark mysteries. There are powerful, dangerous secrets out there in the rust, and many factions are looking to uncover them for their own ends…

ADACA is an episodic sandbox FPS heavily inspired by story-driven titles of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. This game features a heavy emphasis on exploration and manipulation of the environment to defeat your foes and solve puzzles using your gravity-manipulating robotic arm!

Read More: Best PvE Cyberpunk Games.

ADACA on Steam



Self-Delusion is a first-person survival horror. The game based on an original setting of Slavic myths. The Player has never before faced such unique enemies like: Kolobok, Leshy, Boggart, Lapot and other characters of grim tales.

The danger will awaits you everywhere: in a mystery house full of evil creatures in a old school or in an abandoned village.


  • Horror in the original setting

    Monsters of Slavic tales and myths: “Kolobok”, “Leshy”, “Boggart” and other will hunt you down.

  • Opponents with unique abilities and behavior pattern

    Find your survival strategy based on the behavior of the monsters and the environment.

  • Atmosphere

    The sense of danger grows with every new stage, and unpredictable mobs will keep you in constant tension.

  • Exploring

    Explore a strange village house and other locations. Can you uncover the secrets of these places?

  • Complexity

    Choose the game difficulty that suits you best, depending on your skills.

  • Different endings

    Only your actions will determine how this story ends.

How did you guess the main goal is survive. Sounds pretty easy but do not deluse yourself. The situation will change every second and the monsters have no mercy for you.

Read More: Best PvE Survival Horror Games.

Self-Delusion on Steam

The Northern Gate : Special agent

The Northern Gate : Special agent

The world has been attacked by unknown creatures a hundred years ago and in order to protect mankind from the second attack, you have to go to the past and collect the gems. You are the only special agent left, and you are the only hope.

What would you do if you are the only and the last hope of the world?

The Northern Gate is an FPS Adventure game where you become the last special agent and kill the monsters to save the world. However, even though you are a special agent, those monsters invading mankind are not easy enemies. You will have to challenge them to kill them. You could fail sometimes, but as you face those difficult moments, you will find the patterns, grow and finally, complete your mission successfully and save the world. It’s all in your hand.

In order to survive and complete the mission, you have to…

  • Explore the abandoned island from a hundred years ago.

  • Grab the guns or any weapons on the ground to fight and kill the monsters.

  • Find some foods and water to keep yourself healthy.

  • Ride your flying board, and look for the portals at the cities to kill the elite monsters and collect the gems.

  • Escape the island through the Northern Gate!

Read More: Best PvE Shooter Games.

The Northern Gate : Special agent on Steam

Lucid Steam

Lucid Steam

This game is currently a bit rough around the edges, but with a bit of polishing could end up really great!

Right now though, it could use more tooltips to help people understand what’s going on and what effects what.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Lucid Steam on Steam




Symbiotic is a sci-fi action drama visual novel with dark undertones, and a love story which will be a roller coaster of emotion. As Zaydin and company go through the rigorous training to master the use of their symbiote partners, they must overcome numerous obstacles and fight enemies far beyond their control, all while dealing with the emotions that come with being teenagers. The race is on for the survival of mankind in this grueling war with another world!

Zaydin is a young complicated kid trying to cope with the loss of his mother, an evil entity attempting to control his mind, and the war of the worlds waged by alien Symbiotes, who have come to eradicate or consume all life on earth. While attending SCAR institute, the principal of the establishment, Neolinus, acts as his caretaker/guardian, at the request of Zaydin’s deceased mother. Neolinus is seen as a pain in the ass to the young orphan. Elliosa and Kadin, the friends he never wanted, have extremely different views on Zaydin. While Elliosa has a major crush on him, Kadin, being the protective big brother type (Even though they’re not related) sees him as a dangerous jerk, though the question of why he hates him so much still lingers. They are joined by their symbiote partners, Tama who belongs to Zaydin, Pinkie Elliosa’s loveable friend, and Spike the “tough guy” belonging to Kadin. Together with the rest of the school they will discover what it means to be at war, not only with the aliens but also with their own emotions.


Seasons & Chapters:

This Visual Novel is based around a system of Chapters and Seasons. All chapters within the first season would be free to play once you have bought the game, and those chapters have been released. The following season would be purchasable DLC due to the size and amount of content that will be put into it. Chapters come out when they’re finished, so you don’t have wait for the season to be finished to continue the story.

Season 1:

The first season begins with introductions to the cast of characters, and the main protagonist, Zaydin, being rebellious towards SCAR Institute and his caretaker, Principal Neolinus. Zaydin must deal with his emotions, repressed memories, “friendship” with Elliosa, rivalry with Kadin, unintentionally befriending another girl at the school, and a dark evil presence lingering in his mind as he goes through this warrior high-school setting. The war that wages between Earth and the symbiote planet, Metamor, threatens to destroy everything, and forces the children of Earth to rise up and protect the planet against the monstrous creatures that are sent to it, but another possible threat looms that could undo what the school has done to protect the planet. As you progress through the Visual Novel you will be sent on required (and some optional) missions to kill the Sym-Monsters sent to Earth from Metamor. Zaydin’s ego and bad temper constantly get him into trouble, whether it’s his caretaker/principal, the Class S president Alastair, or even his own “friends”, Zaydin acts out and antagonizes everyone around him… but is he doing it because he’s a bully, or for some other reason?

Psychopath or Savior:

As you progress through the story and missions you will be given a choice that decides whether you will be punished like a villain or hailed as a hero. In missions you can fight Sym-Monsters and save Civilians. It is required that you fight and kill a certain number of Sym-Monsters, however it is NOT required that you save the civilians, this gives way to a moral dilemma… do you save everyone like a true hero? Or do you let them all walk into the fates they would have endured had you never even arrived? Doing either of these to an extreme degree may result in a secret ending as well as changing the game later down the line, recruiting allies, or causing you to encounter something truly terrible…

Visual Novel Styled as a Kinetic Novel (Kinda)

“A kinetic novel is a linear type of visual novel where no narrative or gameplay choices typical to the latter are presented.”

Symbiotic is more akin to a Kinetic Novel then a traditional Visual Novel, since the story is more linear and the ending is the same regardless of what you ultimately decide to do; however, it is possible to change the difficulty and variety of the game, as well as changing HOW the ending plays out and what happens to the characters. As mentioned above you can get a Psychopath or Savior ending in every chapter of the game, with this comes new challenges, allies, or minor story aspects you wouldn’t see otherwise. The new allies can replace party members in missions allowing you to customize how you play through the missions. The challenges come in the form of unique enemies that are angry, vengeful, and prepared to kill anything they see.

Symbiotic on Steam

The Moon 2050™

The Moon 2050™

This is a Sci-fi RPG in which the protagonist must save the galaxy from The Evil Professor.

The action-packed story takes place in the future, in the artificially created galaxy of The Moon 2050. At the heart of this galactic system is Black Hole Inc., founded by the eccentric inventor and scientist ‘The Evil Professor’. It was he who became the main reason for the extermination of biological beings and the destruction of planets.

The Professor, ignoring all the laws of the existence of living beings, is obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an ideal form of life; different from the existing ones. But every attempt to create such a super-being always results in failure. He never would have imagined that all his failed experiments would end up inhabiting The Moon 2050.

One day, The Professor fired his weapon of mass extermination of biological beings at the ship on which the protagonist Harry was flying with his partner. Harry was saved, but the co-pilot was not. He disappeared and ended up in Black Hole Inc. for experimentation. Harry, worried about the loss of his partner, finds out the true reason for the loss. Harry decides to wait for the end of the haunting disappearances of biological beings, remembering that his loved ones have already disappeared in a similar way.

The player, controlling the protagonist, Harry, will have to journey to find The Evil Professor and overthrow him and all his cyborgs and robots, destroy all laboratories and generators that power Black Hole Inc., and ultimately destroy the entire evil empire.

The player will have to complete linear tasks and advance through the story saving each character, destroying enemy mobs, and looking for loot in secret places to gain access to other missions.

The Moon 2050™ on Steam

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat

Our story begins with a very good looking pigeon with an amazing name, who’s dream is to act in the great theater that they live in. With the help of a lovely human, a fluffy pigeon and a questionably french bird, they create the perfect human disguise: a trench coat. Heigh-ho, hey-ho! Alas, suddenly, the world ends! Zounds! Bazinga! Yeet! All hope is lost! But, in the nick of time, a figure approaches this spectacular pigeon with an offer. Would you like to try again?

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat is a fast paced, action, adventure game, where you try to find out what ends the world and stop it before the world ends again five minutes later. And if you fail? Just try again!

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat on Steam



Graphics are amazing, and gameplay is extremely smooth!

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

The guns feel great especially the minigun on the initial car you drive. Currently there is a shotgun, handgun, smg, and assault rifle. The combat can be tricky if the enemy detects you first. There is fuel scattered around the map and makes you search for it to keep driving.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

After on Steam

Fm45’s Sprite Man Adventures

Fm45’s Sprite Man Adventures

Hahah Veryyy funn!!

The aesthetics is so cute!! I also love the game for being simple easy an entertaining!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Game is a grind! It is worth the buy from such a small streamer, made from Fredmaster45 ( )

Go give him a follow :)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Fm45's Sprite Man Adventures on Steam

Monster Tribe

Monster Tribe

Monster Tribe fuses strategy combat with rpg systems, item collection and dungeons filled with puzzles to pull the player into its world. But ultimately, this is a game all about exploration. The island of Akama is vast and wild, reclaimed by nature over many years. There are mountains, beaches, forests and mines, along with some scenery much less familiar. Remnants of vast ruins can be seen all throughout the land. In order to explore these strange - and sometimes dangerous - lands, you will need the help of the Ateyan. By binding your spirit to these creatures, you will be able to uncover the many secrets Akama has to offer. You will use the Ateyan to battle your way through the wilderness, and along the way there will be many unique resources to collect. Your tools will help you scavenge for rare ores and logs, and forage for food in the trees and beneath the waves. Resources will be a huge aid to both you and the Ateyan that choose to follow you, allowing you to unlock special fusion forms and power up your party. Once you feel ready, the player can take their team of Ateyan to one of the many Towers present throughout the island, to try to tackle the strange and mysterious dungeons and puzzles that await them there. Beyond these epic challenges lie answers to the mysteries of the past, and possibly a way forward for the people of the present.

In a vast ocean landscape, a lone island sits. This island is called Akama by its people, and it is a very special place. It is the home of not only its native people, but also strange creatures called Ateyan. The Ateyan appeared on this island through a magical Rift, and continuously draw energy from it. Using this magical spirit energy, the Ateyan have manifested wonderful powers of all kinds.

The player will embark into the land of Akama and relearn the secrets of the past. Along the way, you will use the unique powers of the Ateyan to restore a balance that had been tipped a long time ago, and reveal truths about the island, the creatures, and the people who inhabited it long ago. There is much more to the history of this land than the stories that have been passed down. Will you journey to the heart of this world to see them for yourself?

Battling is a key aspect to Monster Tribe, and so we put the utmost care into making sure we got it right. Battles are fought with teams of Ateyan on a small grid battlefield, with each team occupying their own side of the field. There are many complex elements to the way these battles play out, but we have done everything we can to make sure that they are not only deep, but accessible and fun to play through. Below we will detail many of the nuances of the battle system for those hoping to dig their teeth into the meat of the game.

Akama contains many biomes filled with spaces for all kinds of different creatures to fill unique niches in its ecosystem. But, it seems that besides fish and a few birds, no animals live on the island. Instead, small balls of light roam around the wilderness, barely even visible to some - and not at all to others. They are called Ateyan, and according to history they are much more than they appear to be. In the ancient past the Ateyan appeared, through what is only referred to as The Rift, and they exploded in population and diversity all through the island. For many generations they lived alongside the people of the island, and there are descriptions of all kinds of magical, powerful creatures capable of incredible feats. But it seems somewhere along the line the Ateyan and the humans drifted. The Ateyan remained on the island, but only their spiritual essence could be seen; those same strange balls of light. The rest of their existence fell into a space between this world and the world of the Rift, and there the Ateyan could continue their lives without the disturbance of humanity. It is in this form that they stayed. Now, even their very existence as anything more alive than the rocks and rivers - has come into question. As the player will discover upon beginning their journey, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

  • Monsters to find and train

  • Puzzle filled Dungeons

  • RPG levelling and resource management

  • Quests

  • Hand-crafted world

  • 2 player local vs. mode

Monster Tribe on Steam