Flying Soldiers

Flying Soldiers

Do you like war games? We offer you something new. Discover our unique and funny squad of bird soldiers. They are at your command. Become the best strategist and lead them to victory. Enjoy this entertaining avian conflict!

Not everything is as it seems in this fun game, because these “flying soldiers” can hardly glide a few inches and they don’t exactly have the abilities to go into battle. So, it’s no surprise that, with squads made up of these “characters”, they wouldn’t be able to get themselves out of the mess they’re in. Their only hope lies in your tactical skills to help them advance.

Read More: Best Puzzle Runner Games.

Flying Soldiers on Steam

MechDefender - Tower Defense

MechDefender - Tower Defense

Cool little ‘tower defense’ game.

Loved the difficulty, but if you going to master some earlier levels without upgrades, you may become too tough for later ones. It may ruin a challenge.

Upgrade system is a bit too intricate. But maybe it’s just me.

Always a pleasure to find a “gem of a game” of it’s price category.

Definitely recommended.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Real Time Tactics Games.

So I got this game because my visa card wasn’t working on some other site so I went to the last page in the specials and got this for 75 cents to test my card. My card worked!

Fun game. Standard tower defence, little glitchy, crashes a bit, (might be on me for not upgrading my 2070 super) no option to turn sound or music down, either muted or full volume. The red thingy you’re defending and be picked up and moved by enemies and they drop I when they die. Really tests your gamer skill having to charge your set up on the fly. something something i only wrote this review cuz i thought it was funny how i got it what ever who cares gg

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

MechDefender - Tower Defense on Steam

Para Bellum

Para Bellum

Para Bellum — is a real-time strategy puzzle game that will require a high level of microcontrol from you. The action takes place in an original fantasy universe in which you have to take control of the fate of an entire continent. During the story campaign, you will take one castle after another by storm, step by step freeing your patrimony from the power of the vile but powerful empire of Denatar. Para Bellum is an unusual RTS that uses original mechanics for the genre.

You are the first ruler to unite the scattered kingdoms of western Kiltmer under your rule in order to effectively counter the threat of the elven empire of Denatar. However, the Emperor of the Elves and the most vile of his vassals managed to outwit you: your army was weakened, your brother was killed, and you managed to escape only by a miracle, after a fierce battle for the capital. Many years have passed, and finally you have the opportunity to return what is yours by right, recapture every fortress of western Kiltmer and end the rule of the cunning elves!

Having examined the sketch of the fortress walls from your scouts, having analyzed the enemy’s defenses, you lined up your army in the correct formation, putting each troop in its place. All troops have special abilities and their own specialization. It is necessary to correctly combine units with their abilities to overcome the enemy’s defense.

However, it doesn’t end there! You have to personally lead the assault, opening up the potential of each troop on each of the five attacking lines simultaneously. Cover defenseless soldiers with shields, dodge the devastating shots of enemy ballistae, counteract the attacks of the besieged, light torches in the darkness and In the end, break through the gates of the coveted castle with successive blows of your rams!

The game sets certain conditions at the stage of army formation. You are free to choose the troops and their formation by yourself. To line up a turtle bristling with shields so that no enemy arrow reaches the target, or opposite, to shower the defenders with heavy fire of their own arrows, so that they are afraid to even look towards your impending army - the choice is yours! Most importantly, do not forget that to counter the enemy’s defenses on each of the attacking lines, you need to select the appropriate units in your own army.

  • Para Bellum is characterized by high dynamics of what is happening, any mistake or delay can cost you dearly.

  • You will need to collect a unique army, to successfully complete the level. This feature turns the preparatory assault phase into a puzzle.

  • There are three sets of challenges for each level, differing in their complexity. Maximum difficulty will require you to concentrate and use all units competently.

  • The army formation depends on your playing style.

  • Many interesting and varied squads and mini-games associated with them.

  • Colorful locations and formidable fortresses.

Read More: Best Puzzle Early Access Games.

Para Bellum on Steam

War Mines: WW1

War Mines: WW1

Great game!

Congratulations to the Devs! This is the best minefield retelling I’ve ever played :)

The idea of ​​bringing the WW1 theme fit perfectly to illustrate the game.

This is a game where you have a lot of fun and relax for hours as you progress through the levels.

I’m addicted!

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Loved the research that has been done on The Great War (aka World War I). I learned something about WWI that I did not previously know about the dogs used. This is a quick game though. Like many people, completed the game in less than an hour. Gives a new spin on the old Windows Minesweeper game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

War Mines: WW1 on Steam

Escape from Tatris

Escape from Tatris

This game is unironically better than Escape From Tarkov, the game it is inspired by. This game has fixed 100s of the glitches of original tarkov. Hackers? Basically none, I seriously would pay money equivalent to the EOD edition. It has a great inventory system. Of course it has very little items, but of course this is for balance. After playing for only 14 minutes I have experienced only positive things. Those minutes were pure bliss. My only problem with this game is that it is free, if the developer were to add a donation box I would surely do so.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

The combination of two russian classics definitely add up to an experience no gamer should miss. the innovative gameplay and groundbreaking mechanics create a game that has perfected the fine balance of uniqueness and originality with simplicity and overall fun, an impressive feat for how different this title is from other mainstream AAA games. While the game itself is captivating and will have you playing for hours on end, this doesnt subtract from the other aspects such as the stunning visuals and graphics and absolutely gorgeous soundtrack. The game is a well rounded masterpiece that covers all the essential bases of a good game, while remaining unique and not being chained by traditional game design, as it riskily tries mechanics and aspects that humanity has never seen in a video game before. The most significant part however is the price: Escape From Tatris is free. For a piece of art so perfect that one could mistake it for on of Gods own creations, a price tag of 0 is really the cherry on top of this delicious cake of a videogame. Download Escape From Tatris now, and i can bet my own life that you will not regret it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Escape from Tatris on Steam

War Cube

War Cube


☐ not worth

☐ acceptable

☑ absolutely worth


☑ minimum

☐ medium

☐ high end

☐ NASA computer


☐ wear glasses to protect your eyes

☐ bad

☐ OK

☑ good

☐ masterpiece


☐ download took longer

☐ short

☐ few hours

☑ long

☐ endless


☐ it doesnt have

☑ still better than Twilight

☐ good

☐ fantastic


☑ easy

☐ easy to learn, hard to master

☐ hard

☐ dark souls

☐ korean level


☐ game itself is one big BUG

☐ bugs destroying the game

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

reminds me of a borg cube only it’s trash game

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

War Cube on Steam

Keep Wall

Keep Wall

Protect your home from the merciless tanks, they come with full of ammunition.

Send the trucks to create the wall prepare for their attacking as soon as you can.

Show them, it’s not easy to pass you!

And make high score!!

Keep Wall on Steam

Orbital Defence Command

Orbital Defence Command

Obviously a lot of love put into it, with lots of fun and addictive gameplay and music.

Kind of a mix of oldschool arcade space shooter and a bit of tetris puzzle.

Cool bosses, enemy ships and easy to pick up, takes skills to beat!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

pretty good game, took me a minute to figure out what to do but when I did I enjoyed it. I think that you should be able to use your mouse to aim but other than that it’s a neat game


Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Orbital Defence Command on Steam

Asylamba: Influence

Asylamba: Influence

At the lower difficulty levels, Asylamba: Influence just isn’t very compelling or rewarding.

At the higher difficulty levels, it simply isn’t skill-based. It needs re-balancing to be a well-built game whose design fulfills its aims. Sadly, there appears to be no one reading the Forums and no other method for providing feedback to the Devs.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Review in a) german and b) english at release (Mai/may 2018):

a) german


  • stimmiges Design

  • einige Level sind eine echte Herausforderung

  • es gibt eine gewisse Abwechslung

  • das Spielprinzip ist durchdacht und passt: Spielspaß ist vorhanden


  • einige bugs aktuell: steam-Awards funktionieren nicht, Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist nicht durchgängig vorhanden (vermutlich ein Bug), Tutorial endet ohne Abschluss-Bildschirm

  • zu langes Tutorial

  • kein Speichern in der Cloud möglich


Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Asylamba: Influence on Steam

Merge & Blade

Merge & Blade

Awesome game^^ I saw a preview for this game a bit ago and added it to my wishlist. I LOVE merging things and tetris. This has the same kind of feeling. I love the sounds they use and its satisfying when I make a major merge. I also like that the characters can be upgraded and that there are other upgrade features. Some levels are simple while others offer a bit of a challenge/need to have a little strategy to get where your going. Overall its very fun. Kudos to everyone who worked on this^^

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

I totally recomend to buy this game if you want a relaxing game to play while you listen to a podcast or drink some coffee, but despite of this there are some things that need to be taken in count before you but it:

-The campaign mode it’s just a succesion of levels there’s not a lot of story on the game.

-The gameplay mechanics are really good and fun once you get into them, but there’s a moment on the game where the upgrading mechanics become quite badly balanced and unfair for the player.

-The game in general isn’t difficult, but there are a few moments where it spikes brutaly making the player get stuck for like an hour or two in a level while quite literaly after you get past those spikes you have to play 2 or 3 levels that you could beat without caring too much about the strategy aspect of the game.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Merge & Blade on Steam