I had a lot of fun learning physics. I’d pay for Space Tow Truck 2 any day.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Education Games.

“I’ve come away from my great time with Space Tow Truck a little smarter…”

“…educational, entertaining, and stimulating…”


Full review at

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

SPACE TOW TRUCK - ISAAC NEWTON's Favorite Puzzle Game on Steam

Against the Gradient

Against the Gradient

This game annoys me. It covers only four real transporters, and the rest are “nanobots” (so they can transport chemicals in both directions). And these two-way transporters work ONLY from higher to lower concentrations, rather than evening the concentrations in an only statistical sense, like in real cells. In that sense, I’d consider it “educational” only in the barest sense, and it’s not super-fun as a game either – but it could be. The only reason I’m voting “yes” is that with so few reviews a negative one would be devastating, and I’d like to see this improved upon. Surely a more complicated (and more realistic) cell-management game could be a lot of fun AND very educational.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Education Games.

Interesting way of apllying learning to a game. The idea is reatively simiple and straight forward, get the germs from point A to point B. Of course luck will play a hug part in this game. Either way it is still woth the time for younger children as they can learn a thing or two while playing so for that reason I recommend the game!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Against the Gradient on Steam

All about lines: Constellations

All about lines: Constellations

In each level, you must locate and synchronize a constellation, using the instruments and information offered by the software. Use the data and tools in your advantage, explore and gather information for the database.


  • Identify and synchronize more than 40 constellations;

  • Atmospheric soundtrack and SFX to help you immerse in the game;

  • Beautiful technological space art;

Read More: Best Puzzle Space Games.

All about lines: Constellations on Steam

Pictures of Life

Pictures of Life

An amusing puzzle game that really made me think. You have to line up pictures in a way that makes sense and some of the sequences are pretty difficult.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

june 13, 2020 edit: difficulty settings have been removed, hints now happen by pressing ‘h’ instead of waiting 2/3/5 minutes.

pictures of life is basically a 1st-person picture-based trivia game. you’re in a room, have to take pictures out of a closet, put them on the wall and figure out what connects them, then re-arrange them in the correct order. pressing the big button on the desk verifies your answer and if it’s correct, you can move on to the next puzzle. you can guess as many times as you want, except in the annoying final chapter, which drops you back in the menu after every incorrect one.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Pictures of Life on Steam



Pick up and throw 3D cells generated from real microscopy data. Sort them by the stages of cell division, mitosis, to test your biology knowledge!

MiTOSSis on Steam

Project Chemistry

Project Chemistry

I’d really like to give this a positive review, but this game still needs work.

If you already have some background in physical sciences or engineering, navigating the campaign is manageable, if frustrating, exercise in trawling wikipedia and online chemical equation calculators. However, this doesn’t help someone who doesn’t have that background. I would expect more “education” given the “educational” genre of this game.

Several reaction pathways that exist in real life and presumably would complete a campaign task, but the game stubbornly refuses to provide the expected reaction as an option. For example, I’m currently stuck on the “electroplating” task for creating CrCl3 from Cr2S3. According to to an online equation balancer, either 6 KCl or HCl should be able to complete this reaction, but no dice. The hint in this case doesn’t help on this step either. I’m unable to determine if I’m not finding the true reaction after several googling attempts, or if this is a bug/oversight by the developers. Chemistry, as with many fields, often provides multiple pathways to a desired end, and I think this game should reflect that.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Game is good and maybe even very good for early access game. Hopefully this message will reach devs so there is my opinion written 25th Dec 2020:

  • game looks like it was designed ‘mobile first’ which makes rather poor experience for PC with average 34" screen

  • interface is terrible (wsad for movement in 3D environment with dull, gray background without reference XYZ axes, compounds are unmovable, no way to rearrange compounds but only to wipe all the table altogether)

  • an overlay menu to pick compound breaks user connection with the ‘table’ not mentioning the ‘quest’

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Project Chemistry on Steam

Tricone Lab

Tricone Lab

Tricone Lab is a unique, “pure” puzzle game by a “microscopic indie developer”. Pick it up if you are looking for an original puzzler to challenge your mind in new ways.

The “pure” refers to the focus on the puzzles. There is no story. There is a sort of biochemistry theme, but aside from the visual aesthetic, there’s not any “actual” biochemistry going on here (so don’t worry if that wasn’t your favorite school subject). The visual “biochemistry” presentation is quite nice, unique, and carefully crafted (surely no small feat to program).

Real player with 125.9 hrs in game

A Lateral-Thinking Puzzler for people who like to think outside the box.

Tricone Lab performs a fairly substantial technical challenge in the floating interface. Then, there is the geographical challenge of matching math to shape and space, in puzzles crafted by hand.

Geometric Interface/Graphics

Most puzzle games are on a grid, which is much easier to program. But, Tricone Lab’s cells are floating, amoeba-like structures that gradually change shape while you play. As you pull and drag lines, and the nodes interact with one another, it looks like drawing with a pencil. These long projections can become quite comical when structures called “anticatalysts” start grabbing the nodes you needed to complete the puzzle. Some cells have positive or negative charges, and that may break down larger units you have constructed, all in all causing you to laugh, or cry depending on the difficulty of the map. It certainly brings to mind Dante’s various levels of paradise, purgatory, and hell, all in one game.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Tricone Lab on Steam

Whiskers & Tail

Whiskers & Tail

Fun Little game, but I wish they would have put more time into the sound design. I had to turn off the music after a little bit and the button press sounds were a little jarring but overall I enjoyed it. I like the story that ties all the levels together so it’s not just a series of puzzles. I would recommend.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Whiskers & Tail on Steam

Molecule - a chemical challenge

Molecule - a chemical challenge

Molecule - a chemical challenge:

Chemistry was one of those subjects that I personally found boring when I was at school. To this day, I still don’t understand why a student who was studying commerce needed to have an idea about chemistry! The only explanation that I can think of, is that the school was trying to turn its students into some sort of alchemists, turning rocks into gold and making money for the school! If only they were able to teach chemistry in a fun way, just like in Molecule – a chemical challenge!

*– [Real player with 6.9 hrs in game](*

Interesting and intriguing puzzler. Definitely challenging.

I applaud the developer for prompt and quick fixes to any issues, and the recent critical bug I noticed looks to have been completely fixed. So I am giving this brainteaser a thumbs up again.

*– [Real player with 6.6 hrs in game](*


![Sokobond]( "")

## Sokobond

### DID YOU KNOW that:

- Helium is so small that it leaks through glass?

- DNA can be mutated with Hydroxylamine NH2OH?

- World's Methane is produced by 66% from cows and by 11% from termites?

- You want Ethanol C2H6O and not Methanol CH4O in your drink, because the latter makes you blind?

- Burning Cyanogen C2N2 will get you a 4000°C flame?

- Bombardier beetles use Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 reaction to jet a boiling toxic at their enemies?

- A firefly's glow comes from Dioxetane C2O2H4?

- All heat and light from our sun comes from fusion of Hydrogen H?

*– [Real player with 20.7 hrs in game](*

I have yet to be dissappointed by Alan Hazelden's elegant puzzle games. Typical of his style, Sokobond employs simple, self-explanatory mechanics in a series of small, self-contained puzzles which nevertheless manage to be frustratingly challenging.

The difficulty builds up naturally – each new mechanic is introduced on its own, first with simple levels to give you an idea of the basic tricks, and then with harder levels. Then, the different mechanics are brought together in later puzzles. Stopping to think logically through the situation is a must; if you don't, you get stuck trying things that don't work over and over, and many levels seem impossible.

*– [Real player with 15.2 hrs in game](*
