Assignment 42

Assignment 42

Very delicious robot game where you navigate between rooms and use robots to solve problems. For some reason at level three it didn’t run for me. But as I try to point out in many of my reviews. I has potato.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Early Access Games.

Great game controlling your robot. And evacuating hostage.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Assignment 42 on Steam

Girls Like Robots

Girls Like Robots

Not recommended for achievement hunters due to tedious and unfun last achievement.

From it’s store page, this game looks really charming and appealing. It has very positive reviews and an adorable trailer. I bought it for the fun of the puzzles and because I liked the art style. However, by the end of it, I found it to be tedious and unlikable. As someone who strives for 100% on games that I enjoy playing, I open this game now only in pursuit of the last achievement. Here’s what stands out from my experience:

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Funny Games.

Girls Like Robots is a title that perfectly captures both the charm and the core mechanic of this excellent puzzle game.

It’s such a simple concept. There is a rectangular grid and you’re tasked with placing the various characters in the scene in such a way that everybody is happy or some other requirement is fulfilled. How happy people are is influenced by who they’re next to, so girls literally like robots.

Nerds like girls, like robots and like being near the edge of the group but dislike being next to other nerds (I like to imagine it’s because they disagree on the age-old Star Wars vs. Star Trek debate).

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Girls Like Robots on Steam

Manufactoria 2022

Manufactoria 2022

This is one of the best games in the zachlike genre that I’ve played. It beats every non-Zachtronics zachlike I can think of, and beats a bunch of Zachtronics games as well. The computational model in this game is just so rich despite its simplicity, that even 70 hours in, I can still discover new patterns that help me optimise a level or two.

The original Manufactoria introduced me to this genre way back when, and this is a fantastic remake that improves on the original in every aspect. It took me a little over 70 hours to beat every level and get every medal in the game, and I could put in countless more to push my scores to their limits.

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Simulation Games.

If you like engineering/puzzle games, definitely try this out. A small number of simple mechanics combine powerfully enough to let you do very complex things. Plus, compare scores with global leaderboards and your friends.

If you remember Manufactoria from 2010, this is the same idea but more polished and with more puzzles.

Real player with 57.2 hrs in game

Manufactoria 2022 on Steam

Sam & MaRU

Sam & MaRU

The premise:

It’s a Zach-Like programming puzzle game where you write code to move robots around a 2D grid and perform tasks. If that sounds like your thing (and it certainly sounded like mine!), you’ll probably like this one. The most well-known and obvious game to compare it to is 7 Billion Humans, but to me it feels much more heavily influenced (in both gameplay and story, and art style for that matter) by Marvellous, Inc..

It is different enough from both of those to qualify as its own thing, though.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

A charming little game where you program your worker-bot to complete mundane tasks - uncover a sinister plot - and get in over your head engaging in corporate espionage!

The levels lacked any leaderboards - so there’s less of an incentive to optimise everything like you often get in this genre - so not a huge amount of replay value; but I was a big fan of the easter eggs, with extra scraps of story hidden off the main track.

It’s also good at teaching you the mechanics; introducing them slowly - so by the end combining them into a complex program becomes second nature… I mean very good at that; someone has obviously put a lot of thought into doing that.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Sam & MaRU on Steam

Tetrobot and Co.

Tetrobot and Co.

The Game

Tetrobots are a line of small, cubic robots. Maya, a brilliant young engineer, has been given a number of damaged tetrobots to repair. She has built Psychobot, an even smaller robot, which she injects into the tetrobots so that it can repair them from the inside. Along the way she will find clues pointing to the location of her friends and mentors, Alexei and Marcus. This is a sideways-on puzzle game where you control Psychobot.

The Puzzles

There are a series of flick-scrolling screens, through which you guide Psychobot. There are various obstacles, like laser beams, collapsable barriers, and so on. The basic aim is to get to the exit portal on each level, but there are also memory blocks to collect, which unlock later tetrobots. There are various blocks lying around, which you can collect and store in your inventory. You can pick up a block if you are on the same horizontal level as it, and any distance away, as long as there nothing to block the line to it. You can also fire it out, on a horizontal level, and it will travel until it hits something. Blocks are affected by gravity.

Real player with 61.9 hrs in game

Smooth evolution of Blocks That Matter (BTM) and its ideas.

It’s about:

  • solving puzzles with blocks made from different materials (wood, sand, glass, stone and etc.);

  • the core of each puzzle is collecting, throwing blocks, build a different figures from them or interact with level’s environment using properties of blocks’ material: wood isn’t immune to fire, sand transforms into glass (or ice / water into steam) after heating, steel is pulled by magnet and etc.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Tetrobot and Co. on Steam



In the year 2399, automation is rife, every sector across all areas of industry have been automated with just a handful of jobs available to man.

There was no robot uprising or sudden change of power that was expected in the late 20th century, but a gradual erosion of jobs and the crawling growth of vast automated industrial complexes working tirelessly and efficiently, more than man could ever have hoped for.

This should have been a future of hope and prosperity, instead man is relegated to the side lines, a bored consumer, barely able to make ends meet and clamouring for just one of the few remote jobs still available to them.

You’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve been selected from 10s of 1000’s to start as a remote CCTV operator, man’s value now is so low that it is more efficient to have man controlling remote CCTV cameras than to automate them.

Your role is simple, to mark any Automaton units for the recycling program that have malfunctioned or that have hit SAT (Self Awareness Threshold), today is your first day, you connect remotely to the AMI Industrial Complex…


  • Control a remote CCTV drone camera allowing you a unique view into an automated industrial complex

  • Hack devices in the world through a series of ever more complex interfaces

  • Interact with and reprogram devices and automatons

  • Converse with automatons through the branching narrative system

  • Delve into the Cybersphere, the central data matrix that shows all the accessible data nodes with a complex through the BotOS 2395 operating system

  • Unravel the truth behind this vast automated empire.

Look for the Anton 2 Level Demo on STEAM

FInd a Level 1 Spoiler Playthrough at the end of the screen shots if you’re stuck

Anton on Steam

Metronix Lab

Metronix Lab


In a Technology Center, a Super Computer is invaded by hackers known as “The Public”. They continue to search for Power runes and have control over all local machines, except for one robot (Metronix-47) that has the updated algorithm, preventing hacking by “The Public”, its mission is to recover the runes of Power and disable “A Hacker Invasion”.

Features :

  • Characters with different mechanics.

  • Collectible.

  • Time-Trials.

Metronix Lab on Steam

31st prototype

31st prototype

Though the game was really short, I really appreciated playing it. The story, the puzzles and the art were really great and entertaining. I was invested in it and it was really fun.

The downsides were the wonky translations and the fact that I had a hard time to click into certain places (which was a minor issue) but besides that, it was all good!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Neat little game, loved the sketch sytle.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

31st prototype on Steam



just bought this game, cause it looked fun and was 90% off, so it was only 1 dollar. I- it- um- i wouldn’t recomend buying this, especially for 10 dollars, there is no intrusctions, no story, and is really repetitive. you just shoot random things, find random codes, try the past 7 doors that are stilll locked to find out the code does nothing, accidently jump into a random laser and lose 10 minutes of progress. no checkpoints or anything. you then find a room that spawns robots, and you just spam for your life. but actually your to short to hit the robots so you gotta jump to hit them. then you accidently run into a laser for .01 seconds and die. it doesnt even have a list of codes you have seen, or anyway to keep track, so like halfway thorugh the level you just go back to find at least 13 codes, get a peice of paper, write down the codes, and just try them all. its just trial and error. 10 times. execpt you gotta restart every couple minutes. you also ranedomly get stuck in the ground, and you stick to walls. you can also press e to turn random things but it doesnt tell you that. you can also shoot the random water things that sometimes have codes. 1/10 vodoo games makes better games then this

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Stuck on level 1 unable to finish, not sure how to get the code to get past the first laser wall.

Says the game is 2.88 gb when you go to download it and 3gbs on the store page

The game downloads as 39.9 mbs

Doesn’t tell you the keys

WASD to move

F to fire

E to turn pipe wheels/use doors, don’t know what that does if it does anything?

Spacebar to jetpack

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Buyhads on Steam



This is a pretty good puzzler

If you’re into challenging puzzles this is definitely the game for you.

The characters look awesome!

You can dress them up with the accessories in the shop which you purchase using currency that you win when you solve puzzles and you get a fair ammount so that you can unlock something new every couple games or so.

The gameplay is simple. You just point and click. Move objects around to navigate a ball of energy to hit Chip and wake him up.

I’ve only played a few levels so far and the puzzles are pretty easy in the beggining which allows you to get the hang of how the game works.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Chip is a variation of puzzle games that you have to properly set up mirrors to aim laser at a certain point.

This time, instead of lasers there is a power cannon which shots balls of energy and player’s objective is to hit with them a robot character to recharge. Not only standard objects like mirrors and walls are available, there are also magnets, magic balls and others which make the game interesting.

Levels are designed the way that difficulty increase smoothly and all new elements are explained.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Chip on Steam