

My dog is black

Real player with 1585.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Casual Games.

much lonely such wow

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

TimeTraveler on Steam



Solid puzzle platforming in a unique world with an odd fitness theme giving way to a positive message about wellness and self improvement. Good graphics, puzzles, and scripting. Core mechanics are competent and fun but overall structure is much looser. This has elements of a free roaming RPG or metroidvania and that part of it takes some patience. Recommended for players who like to find secrets and be thorough.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Action-Adventure Games.

Post yfw /fit/ couldn’t outlift it’s autism, so it made a fridge mode dyel that could. Space Pedro mogs every other protagonist ever, and a planet of onions all while wall clipping on a landscape with programming more broken than OP’s will to live. Dangerously based/10. Would play again.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Converter on Steam

Back To Hell

Back To Hell

This plays just like one of those free flash games from ten or more years ago where they throw together some clip art images and monotonous music for ten minutes of “gameplay” with no real challenge. If it weren’t for the death scene, I would think this was a toddler game. The team made a couple of bug fixes last year but what this really needs is a ton more puzzles and content and a better selection of public domain music tracks–and a faster walking animation so you don’t have to bounce and spin everywhere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer 2D Platformer Games.

I actually super enjoyed this game it was an absolute banger it took me forever how to figure out how to use the items because I’m dumb but had a ton of fun playing through it controls pretty well and cursive’s a bit hard to read for me I’m a bit out of practice it was an insanely short game but for 49 cents I feel like I got a good return on my money. my play through here: https://youtu.be/d9g57Q8p4fw

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Back To Hell on Steam



Don’t bother buying this game, its a mediocre platformer with a mediocre story, mediocre controls and gimmicks that will have you angry as hell

the only plus side is while the game is cheating thousands of bullshit deaths to pad game time, you dont lose anything expect what items you use in between deaths.

The game has basically nothing to it, and unless the dreadful controls and the insta death gimmicks are removed it just isnt worth playing, the story is also way too short, the side quests are dull and feel forced on you rather than being “side” quests. There is no leveling system, damage and defence is modified by permenant use consumables or equipment, not that it matters much, the enemies are scaled so high that you will garenteed need to use a potion every two or three enemies assuming you dont touch the outermost pixel of the side of a set of spikes and die, wasting any consumables you used in the fight, i eventually stopped bothering to use them, and just sold them, by the halfway point of the game i was bored, had 5000 gold and nothing to buy with it, this game need alot more of pretty much everything.

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Edit: I beat it in 17 hours. That was doing every single quest I found. Everything I said below is still true, but be aware that some sections of this game are extremely tough (especially

! tower 3 & 4). I think those parts are a little too unforgiving with the slightly clunky keyboard controls. Those sections took many tries and many near-ragequits as I learned the exact pixel to jump from or the precise moment to start running past a swinging blade.

Something that may help is to

! use xpadder and a controller for the towers, since magic is disabled anyway. It’s all running, jumping and the occasional melee swing.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Cendric on Steam

Hero Staff

Hero Staff

It’s pretty good. Some mandatory secrets I’ve only managed to find with trial and error, and stuck trying to figure out how to progress atm. But I like it!

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Great game!

It plays like Fairune (another fantastic game, check it out).

Combat in this and Fairune is like in Ys I&II where you just walk over the enemies and your level decides if you get hurt, how much do you get hurt and whether the enemy dies or not. So some places have enemies impossible to kill but who hurt you a lot, some places have enemies that you can kill but who hurt you for 1 or 2 HP and some places have enemies that you kill with them giving you no damage.

The combat is not the main attraction of the game. It’s mostly about solving puzzles and figuring out secret paths. There are vague hints to things but the game doesn’t hold your hand almost at all, ever, and that’s what’s so great about it. You will feel you are stuck, but when you end up finding a new hidden path or solving a puzzle it feels really good.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Hero Staff on Steam



Full review with images and formatting: https://thelastreturn.medium.com/siimi-c021821ce268


Siimi is a cute minimalistic puzzle game about Siimi who goes out on an adventure to discover her true ‘me’.

What I really liked about the game is that under the cute graphics, there is quite a deep and relatable story. I would recommend the game, but only if you like the art style or the story. The gameplay itself is a bit too shallow for most people I think.

All things considered I think the developers did a really good job, and they should be really proud of themselves for creating a unique game which clearly shows their passion and wish to improve the world.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

SIIMI is a very short point and click puzzle game, you definitely can finish it in less than an hour, even though the story is quite short and the puzzle is truly simple, I still enjoyed this game because it has a beautiful art, nice soundtrack and the most important is the story is really meaningful even the title itself has a lot of meaning. I like SIIMI and I learned something from this game, Good Job GOINDOL! Thank you for developing such great game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

SIIMI on Steam

The falling tower

The falling tower

This is RPG Maker games where “Autobattler” tag applies to no typical RPG Maker fights.

Instead you walk on tile with enemy and battle is decided - how much HP you lose, how much gold you gain and XP.

However English translation has a lot of typos and I only seen little of this game, because apparently I have no way of progressing.

Either paths are blocked by lack of keys or instantly killing you monsters…

Starting the game is very annoying, because it requires you to insert name every time (and you have to select letters on-screen rather just typing on keyboard… ugh…) and there are plenty of silly ways to get gameover since the start of gameplay.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The falling tower on Steam

Westmark Legacy

Westmark Legacy

Herbert is the only living relative of the Westmark line. He set out to find what happened to the family and investigate the peculiar disappearances around the town of Burrmouth.

This gothic horror RPG adventure game inspired by The formidable H.P. Lovecraft, returns with a twist! Take the exploration out on the dark and twisted roads along the world map accompanied by deck building card game mechanics for encounters surrounded by mystery and the occult.

Collect clues and solve mysteries along the way that will challenge even the sharpest minds. Where will your unhinged journey take you in the cosmic horror exploration!

Prepare your mind and wits for the insanity that’s about to unfold!

Westmark Legacy on Steam

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen

I liked this game a lot more than I was expecting to. Honestly from the pictures, it just seemed like a bizarre fantasy game with a very imaginative child protagonist, but the story is much deeper and darker than what I had imagined. The story has you experiencing the formative memories of a convicted murderer, but you learn that the story presented is not what it seems to be. And the main character’s life had been a series of unfortunate tragedies. There is a constant theme of abuse within the relationship of the protagonist and his father who is both emotionally distant and abusive. Each section of the game deals with a different period of the child’s life and your method of progressing and the game play itself changes. It’s a very neat concept and eliminates a feeling of repetitiveness you may get from similar types of games. You grow attached and you want to see the hero become successful and overcome all the difficulties you faced. It’s an unfortunately grim game but well told and worth playing.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

One of the few great little indie game you’ll play. One of those who’ll mark you and make you think about your own life.

Even if it have 3 to 5 hours of gameplay, you will think about it for the next 10 hours.

I definitely recommand it. Play that game.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen on Steam

Devils Gold

Devils Gold

I like the game, I will continue to play

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Are you ready to sell your soul to the devil? No?!

Then prove it in Devils Gold!!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Devils Gold on Steam