! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

Well, we can throw dynamite in this game. Usually throwing dynamite under your feet would be a stupid idea but hey, this is a video game. And yes, it gets boring after 5 minutes.

Beside that this a logical game with a bit of platforming where you need to gather all of the pot items (whatever that is) and get back to the entrance after that. You have a limited amount of dynamite that you need to use to detonate dark blue blocks in order to gather items or find a way back.

Not much more to write about this one, really.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Mining Games.

This is a fairly austere looking indie puzzle platformer that requires you to collect bags of gold in a two-dimensional upright grid based playfield by jumping around and blasting obstacles with a finite amount of dynamite. This limited resource adds a strategy layer to an otherwise unexciting game.

The visuals are not what I would expect in this kind of game. I think the designer was trying for a puzzle game “feel” in a 2.5D action game aesthetic. The underground cavern background is nice, but the rectangular playfield is suspended in the air like a bunch of stacked blocks in an ant farm. It would look better If it was attached to the ground and background as if it was hewn out of the earth. It would look equally better if it was surrounded by a border like a browser-based puzzle game. Trying to do both (or neither - I honestly can’t tell) fails on many levels. The graphics are downright jarring.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold ! on Steam

The 18th Floor

The 18th Floor

I really enjoyed the game so far. The puzzles are challenging and I really like the style. But I’m a little disappointed with the lack of transparency from the creators. The last news we have been given is that more puzzles will be released in Q4 of last year. We are now on the brink of Q2 this year and still nothing. I just today found out that PSVR was updated but not steam (which bummed me out). So I would love to know what the deal is and if we can expect the DLC for Steam players soon too. Please AOGA Tech give us an update! I see that there are new achievements so I hope that means it won’t be too long. AOGA, I humbly ask that you keep the people who invested in your game updated in regards to progress. When I bought the game I thought I would be seeing more than 2 floors by the end of the year. Please let us know what to expect AOGA! I’m sure I’m not the only one who would appreciate it!

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Underground Games.

personally, I really liked the game but to be honest, I thought that the puzzles were a little overboard. There are things going on in the puzzle that I swear only people who created it would be able to figure out. I was starting to wonder if some of the people trying to help out were people who actually made the puzzle themselves and realized that it would take many days for the common player to figure out. The one thing that I really messed up is the fact that some of the puzzles are hard enough to figure out that it will take some people more then just a few minutes and yet, if you dont finish it, you cant save it and have to start all over. There does need to be a save feature so we dont have to keep playing the same scene over and over again. A save feature may also help out with the common problem of dropping something and having the item disappear into the floor so that you cant use it and then have to start the game over just to get it back. I do recommend the game though. I thought the graphics were great and I was fully into the game. I do look forward to the next installment

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

The 18th Floor on Steam

Alchemist’s Mountain

Alchemist’s Mountain

Updates and Community

Evil Art Bunny Studios Discord: https://discord.gg/evilartbunnystudios


Inspired by video game classics, Alchemist’s Mountain takes level design seriously, with puzzles that span its dungeons and requires players to understand its layout. (Check that map often!) As players strike out to discover the dungeons and overcome them, Alchemist’s Mountain tells a story of transmutation: how we take the icky things of life, and use them to create beauty, strength, and meaning.

Alchemist’s Mountain was born in Metroidvania Jam 2, where it won first place! And since then its concept has been developed and refined by a solo indie dev (while changing nappies and extracting teeth).


Ever since she was young, Sophia has listened to her father tell her the tales of the eccentric Alchemist. From his miraculous creations to his mysterious disappearance. Now the ruins of the Alchemist’s kingdom lie open to those brave or foolish enough to plunder them.

Help Sophia be the first to ascend the mountain for over 200 years. You’ll need all your wits and some quick reflexes, and some good friends, as the journey grows more complex and dangerous into the dark heart of the mountain to reach its desolate frozen peak.

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Metroidvania Games.

Alchemist's Mountain on Steam



Lilulu is an exploration puzzle game, the theme of the game is to explore the mental state of a character Lilulu with an unusual mental state.

Players would proceed through stage by stage while chasing a little girl in a fantasy maze.

Different mazes represent different memories of Lilulu.

In these mazes, there will be a mysterious little girl evading the player’s chase. The use of different furnishings and mechanisms to catch the little girl will cause different mysterious events and players will understand the entire story stage by stage.

Lilulu on Steam

Lyratha: Labyrinth - Survival - Escape

Lyratha: Labyrinth - Survival - Escape

The start tutorial was a bit long, but after that it got funnier. The thing with alchemy is a nice approach, I’m excited to see what else will come.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Nice game. Epic soundtrack and great magical effect. Puzzle fun guaranteed.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Lyratha: Labyrinth - Survival - Escape on Steam

Mask of Mists

Mask of Mists

Where do I start!? Let me start by saying this was insanely well done and is so worth the price! There is this magical atmosphere that is created in this game. There is a huge map that has puzzles every where for you to figure out to advance on to the new places in land. Some puzzles are easy to get started and give you that confidence…then you literally need to check every nook and cranny for some other items just to advance…make sure you are on your toes..but this is an extremely good time waiting to be had! I was impressed from the very start with the graphics, the movement, the idea and the premise. The follow through was pretty remarkable..great work to the devs, love the game, love the feeling, love the puzzles and the instant gratification that comes from finding that ONE item you need to move on and unlock another area!

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Fun game, but maybe a bit to unpolished.

It is not an RPG game, there is no leveling up. Only thing you can do is find some better weapons. It is quite open world, but if you look at it and memorize the world a bit it’s not that big at all. Puzzles are pretty fun and some require some thinking, nothing over the top though.

Combat … You’ll face the three same enemies for the whole game(not counting the boss). Combat can get boring pretty fast.

It’s fun for some exploration and some minor puzzle solving , but there is not much more to the game. Also it’s rather short, should take maximum 6 hours to beat. And I’m a slow player.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Mask of Mists on Steam



Thumbs-up love for indie game artists, but could have improved on a lot of things. As has been observed, two people was never really necessary beyond prolonging repetitive actions. There was no button-holding or anything to necessitate the second guy, so all it did was frustrate the timing-based bits near the end.

Also the story felt a little shoe-horned in at the beginning and the ending. I was hoping the elevator would go down, you’d get a cutesy game-end splash with a shot of some cthonic city, and there-ya-have-it. Instead the wee bit of narrative felt a little pushy if anything. Sometimes less is more.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

A great first entry in what looks to be a series of these light puzzle games. Half way through I was like “Why do some challenges make you save one guy and you always start with two?” But, there’s kind of a Spooky Narrative Reason by the end!

If you like this game, certainly pick up the second one, it really expands on the concepts and introduces new elements!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Underland on Steam

Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb introduces moving enemy sprites as a resource on the map which you have to avoid or manipulate around the maps to press buttons, etc. In addition to that, a pickaxe takes the place of the saw wheel from the first game and overall the layering of the puzzle elements both as a factor of timing and sequencing is kicked up a notch!

A fun and short game, with a few maps that really take a few tries. It seems like the dev was really expanding the concepts shown in the first game and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next! This game’s puzzles really feel cohesive and like the game teaches you how to think and play.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The BAD:

  • No separate music volume slider.

  • You can’t create any save points or quick saves during a level. If you make mistake, you must restart the level. This inflated the playtime and made some levels tedious rather than a joy.

  • The main character, EVERY time you click them, will either say; (most of the time) “What’s up” (though it sounds more like “What the”) or “Hey” or “Hi” in an upbeat manner as if oblivious to nearby danger. I don’t need the character to greet me hello yet again seconds or minutes apart just because I needed to click them again. Became annoying after a while.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Underland: The Climb on Steam

Born Race

Born Race

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Good things:

This game has some good Sokoban puzzles and other puzzles that require you to think and remember where is what on the level to complete them. I also liked that there is a checkpoint after you open each door as that let’s you make mistakes and learn to do better without having to restart whole level.

The bosses were challenging the first time you meet them as you don’t know the exact mechanic to beat each one of them. After you understand the mechanic behind each boss they become easy to beat. But at least gameplay is fun and you want to finish the game with each hero just to see the ending for each one of them. It is also good that each of 4 heroes have their own goals in mind and personalities and the win sliders show what have they become in the future and how they look while you play them shows what they were good in during early years of their life.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The game is a lot of fun, bringing different levels and the puzzles are made with a lot of creativity and guarantees fun and the desire to play. The whole story of the game is creative, especially the bosses who are all connected with the theme of reproduction. An excellent game I recommend to everyone who buys and generates the fun

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Born Race on Steam

Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin is a RPG adventure in which the player alternates control a party of characters, guiding each of them one at a time (though control may be swapped from character to character at any point) to the portal to exit the level. Every level is designed such that each party member must contribute unique skills to help the party through to the portal. All three characters must reach the exit portal to complete the level. Each party member has hit points which they can lose by getting hurt by enemies or obstacles in the dungeon. Should any party member run out of hit points, they die; game-play will then continue with any remaining members, if the member can not be resurrected, the level will have to be restarted and try again. However, the game offers unlimited continues.

Each party member offers a unique set of skills:

  • Rose: The tank of the party. By far the most durable. She has more health and takes less damage than the others. When using her shield she becomes nearly invincible. When charging forward she can stun enemies and move heavy objects.

  • Dante: He is melee DPS. He can dispatch most enemies when he can attack from behind. Stealth is his ally. He also specializes in jumping great distances to avoid obstacles and get in the right position for the kill.

  • Nova: He is a ranged caster. He can dispatch many foes with a fireball at range. He also can dispel magical wards as they descend into the depths of the dungeon.

  • Evelina: No party is complete without a healer. If a party member falls to the dangers of the dungeon, no worries, because Evelina can bring them back. She can also changes into a fairy to sneak through all the tiny cracks in the dungeon.


  • You control each character separately.

  • Each character has their own unique skills to get past obstacles.

  • Every Level is like an old school RPG puzzle.

  • Even the enemies are puzzles of how to avoid or destroy them.

  • You must figure out how to gather the party at the exit portal to advance.

  • Powerful bosses that are a challenging puzzle to defeat to gain passage through their realm.

Dark Dragonkin on Steam