Sub Terra Draconis

Sub Terra Draconis

Just an excellent game! Love variety of puzzles and level design!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Level Editor Games.

Sub Terra Draconis on Steam

Weaving Tides

Weaving Tides

A dream comes true… which we owe to the developers of Weaving Tides!

I backed the Kickstarter, already played the prologue and the beta demo for many hours, and now its final release - and I’m delighted!

This game brings a completely new technique and approach to gameplay, that is absolutely fun, but often requires a change in thinking! Whether it’s the style of defeating enemies, solving clever puzzles or discovering secrets or the very well thought out equipment - everything is just so nicely put into the shape of textile and fabrics and the woven world!

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Relaxing Games.

I knew this was a creative idea when I realized how difficult it was to explain to my friends- “It’s like, you’re like a needle and thread- but the needle is a dragon and you stitch bad guys away?” LOL

Weaving Tides is a great game; Fun, creative, visually appealing. Lots of neat moments and a satisfying level of progression. Not too long if you’re looking for a compressed experience, but plenty to chew on if you’re looking for more! The biggest downfall is one of the bosses I couldn’t really figure out (snake) and the rabbit munching puzzle- not sure if I did it right but I figured something to get through it. Both those puzzles left me feeling, like… I didn’t /really/ solve them. That aside, those are small things in a whole pile of great!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Weaving Tides on Steam

Embers of Mirrim

Embers of Mirrim

This is, hands down, the most fun I’ve ever had playing a platformer. The controls are crisp, the mechanics are unique and well thought-out, it’s visually attractive, and the music is great. The single biggest complaint I have about this game is that it’s too short. I finished it in about 5 hours. I would love to have seen the kinds of puzzles they could have put in a longer game.

The difficulty curve isn’t bad. It’s hard enough to be satisfying, but doesn’t get hard so fast that it’s frustrating. There is one puzzle that uses a mechanic that isn’t used anywhere else in the game, and it can be difficult to figure out what the game wants you to do, but other than that, the mechanics have good clarity and the puzzles are fairly intuitive.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Twin Stick Shooter Games.

I’ve been craving a linear platformer and this really scratched the itch. While I enjoy metroidvanias, I feel like I ’ve been inundated with them of late and I wanted something a little simpler and straightforward, like the NES platformers of yesteryear.

Embers of Mirrim is a very polished puzzle platformer with heavy emphasis on platforming and navigating between sections and light emphasis on puzzle elements. The splitting mechanic adds variety, and the game continues to introduce other small elements to keep the game fresh throughout.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Embers of Mirrim on Steam

Dark Sauce

Dark Sauce

Its like a beta game.After some levels you dont know where you need to go. So you need for exaple jump from something down and Hope that there IS a Platform.Its also Impossible to finish a later Level without getting damage.

The positive Reviews are positive,because the peole played this game for only 0.2hrs

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

One of the worst platformers I have ever played. This game tries to be fun but ends up being a painful and unpleasant experience due to poor level design and ridiculous trap/enemy placements. Also not being able to see what’s below you often results in jumping to your death multiple times over. Save yourself the headache. Do not buy this mess of a game.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dark Sauce on Steam

Deepest Sword

Deepest Sword

Deepest Sword is a short side-scrolling 2D platformer game.


! You play a knight wielding a sword and need to slay the dragon. You run through a dungeon 5 times with each iteration your sword getting longer and the dungeon becoming deeper. The game plays heavily on your character’s and its swords' physics. The first playthrough will be challenging, it took me about 28 minutes, but by then you’l have gotten the hang of it. The longer the sword the heavier, slower, and harder to control it gets. Note that your character can’t jump, any altitude needs to be gained with swinging around your sword and using it somewhat as a pole in pole vault. After your first run, the real challenge begins: The 3 minutes and 30 seconds speed run achievement. (I’m stuck at 4:28.622).

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Deepest Sword is a short Physics based Platformer game. It has an 8 Bit Graphics Style, which I found quite charming (admittedly I am a big 8 Bit fan).

The aim of the game is straight forward. You are a brave knight, who has to slay a menacing dragon. The knight however only has a short sword to do so. Each run the sword will get longer and the path towards the dragon more challenging. It takes 5 total runs to ultimately defeat the dragon.

The theme is pretty simple, but the gameplay got an interesting twist. Deepest Sword is a Platformer game, but you can’t jump yourself and instead have to use your sword to traverse through the levels. The sword can be used as a sort of jump bar, a lifter or as a bridge like tool. Occasionally the sword can feel a bit clunky and make the player stuck on the ground or a wall. Nonetheless, the sword and the dexterity based platforming are certainly the highlights of Deepest Sword.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Deepest Sword on Steam

Mount Serenity: Guardian of the Spirits

Mount Serenity: Guardian of the Spirits

The Game is nice and chill, I Love the design of mostly everthing. The game has some glitches and bugs but It’s a really relaxing game to play.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Mietin ensin että mikä monsteri se siellä luikahteli taivaalla. Lopulta kuitenkin tajusin, että lohihan onkin kala!

Oli hyvä peli!!! 5/5

P.S. VT haluaa jatko-osan.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Mount Serenity: Guardian of the Spirits on Steam



Toren is not an action adventure game. Don’t let the sword in the picture fool you. Toren is a game of discovery, that happens to have a sword sometimes. This third person adventure game will take you on a journey exploring the existence of a girl and her quest in a tower against her nemesis: a dragon.

Right the wrongs of the past and restore balance as you play a child/girl/woman, exploring the tower and entering dreams to follow in the steps of great men. Can you slay the dragon and restore order to the universe? Only time will tell.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

My overall rating for Toren: 88/100

Clearly amazing game from an inpedendent studio. Swordtales proved us, that even with a low budget, the story can be narrated with lovely elements, tension and epic finale. Another great thing from Brazil! Let’s see in a detail this lovely title, which tells us about pride of humanity, punishment for their crimes and a hope hidden within a girl’s heart.


  • Greatly designed platforms

  • Reasonably challenging puzzles

  • Lovely story

  • Lyrical symbols

  • Mystic, religion,

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Toren on Steam

Draco Dux

Draco Dux

One of the better vr games i recommend. If you’re looking for a challenge, that’s something for you, and after that, one person did a really good job. I recommend though, to check and support indie creators.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Draco Dux on Steam

Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin is a RPG adventure in which the player alternates control a party of characters, guiding each of them one at a time (though control may be swapped from character to character at any point) to the portal to exit the level. Every level is designed such that each party member must contribute unique skills to help the party through to the portal. All three characters must reach the exit portal to complete the level. Each party member has hit points which they can lose by getting hurt by enemies or obstacles in the dungeon. Should any party member run out of hit points, they die; game-play will then continue with any remaining members, if the member can not be resurrected, the level will have to be restarted and try again. However, the game offers unlimited continues.

Each party member offers a unique set of skills:

  • Rose: The tank of the party. By far the most durable. She has more health and takes less damage than the others. When using her shield she becomes nearly invincible. When charging forward she can stun enemies and move heavy objects.

  • Dante: He is melee DPS. He can dispatch most enemies when he can attack from behind. Stealth is his ally. He also specializes in jumping great distances to avoid obstacles and get in the right position for the kill.

  • Nova: He is a ranged caster. He can dispatch many foes with a fireball at range. He also can dispel magical wards as they descend into the depths of the dungeon.

  • Evelina: No party is complete without a healer. If a party member falls to the dangers of the dungeon, no worries, because Evelina can bring them back. She can also changes into a fairy to sneak through all the tiny cracks in the dungeon.


  • You control each character separately.

  • Each character has their own unique skills to get past obstacles.

  • Every Level is like an old school RPG puzzle.

  • Even the enemies are puzzles of how to avoid or destroy them.

  • You must figure out how to gather the party at the exit portal to advance.

  • Powerful bosses that are a challenging puzzle to defeat to gain passage through their realm.

Dark Dragonkin on Steam

Demon heart

Demon heart

Demon heart - бродилка, сделанная в рисованном стиле. Графика простенькая, но стильная, нопоминающая игры, сделанные на RPG Maker. Хорошая фоновая музыка добавляет атмосферы игре. Завязка сюжета довольно проста - победить демонов, которые обитают на пяти разных островах. В общем за первые 2 часа игры - мне нравится. Посмотрим, как будет дальше.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Demon heart on Steam