

A very good and fun game to play with friends ! It remind me of old ps games that you could play co-op on the same room with friends

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Team-Based Games.

WaveTiles on Steam

Toodee and Topdee

Toodee and Topdee

Toodee and Topdee - Steam Version - v

The metagame is a boom of creativity and knowing on algorithmic thinking. In contrast it is an aesthetic promise above gameplay. The “cutscenes” are more the game than the player’s experience.

Is this an indie game for sure? In fact it is a game made by only two brothers from Palestine (Israel indeed, see below). Despite of this the final game was in partnership with Super Rare Games publisher (based in London) mainly for marketing. In the press kit website content we can get: “The jam version received great feedback, and so Gonen and Ori decided to make it their first commercial project”. I suspected that it was a game jam game, it has many compact features typical of a game jam game. You can search for the original Ludum Dare 41 entry - https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/toodee-and-topdee and play the pre-alpha/alpha version - http://www.gpstudios.com/games/view/toodee-and-topdee .

Real player with 45.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Colorful Games.

A wonderful puzzle platforming experience.

Toodee & Topdee was basically described to me as playing Super Mario Maker in editor mode, except editor mode is an actual character that has to deal with their own challenges.

You play as Toodee, the platforming character, and Topdee, the top-down block-pushing character, alternating between platforming and block-pushing to navigate the two to an exit portal. Each chapter comes with its own mechanics and trials to overcome, becoming steadily more difficult as the game progresses. This game has the appearance of being good for co-op, but in practice, both characters are not active at the same time, but instead must be swapped between, like in Donkey Kong Country. This suits the game better to a single player experience, though I do think there is still some fun to be had playing with a friend.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Toodee and Topdee on Steam

A Wonder

A Wonder

(Review below)

Keyboard and mouse controls guide:

  • Walk = WASD (or W + Mouse movement)

  • Run = WASD (or W + Mouse movement) + Shift

  • Climb/Drop = Space bar + W

  • Recharge lamp = R + Mouse movement

  • Activate/deactivate lamp = Left click mouse

  • Crouch = E

  • Camera movement = Mouse movement

  • Run jump = W + Shift

  • Pick up items/Activate ingredients = Space bar

  • Normal light mode = 1

  • Stun = Mouse wheel

  • Blue light mode = 3

  • Yellow light mode = 2

  • Activate (with yellow light on) switches = Space bar

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Puzzle Platformer Third Person Games.

Most of the negative reviews are due to controller problems. As for me, my controller was fine. Every button functions as it should be. Though the movements/actions of the character is not too fluid, I still highly recommend people play this game!


I played for 30 minutes, and so far I enjoy this game! It’s FREE, graphics are good, and has a story. Judging from the number of pearls / constellations to collect, I think this game might take a good 5 hours to finish. I’ll update my review as I progress. But for now, 9/10

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

A Wonder on Steam

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

This review is relevant to all the Trine games(so far) in regard to themselves, and how they fit into the whole Trine series. I’ll try to be as thorough and clear as I can. I’m also one of those players that cares about the story just as much as the game play, so I’ll also be mentioning that. Bear with me, please. (One thing they all have in common: the artwork and music is out of this world)

Trine 1

I liked Trine 1 because of the gravity of the story and because of it’s relatively good game play and good puzzles. Story wise, it was dark and rather heavy, but for a game like Trine it was good since it kept me focused and in anticipation of the happy ending, which was all the more satisfying. The story wasn’t very involved though (meaning you travel to one place, get a clue, then basically go to the next place while fighting monsters), so that was pretty much the only thing I wish they’d done better. Still, to me, it felt a lot more as if I was in there with the characters, on my way to defeat the forces of darkness.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game


achievements are short and sweet: finish this, collect that - nothing terrible or hard

why it is so bad?

check the rating of other Trine games. they usually get universal acclaim or overly positive reception. their Steam ratings are varies in 85-95%% rank, which is insanely good. however Trine 3 lacks this and its rating in 60-70%%. why so? what did contribute towards such negative review? ohh, the right answer, as always, lies in monetary direction…

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power on Steam



Backed the Project on Kickstarter 3 years ago an have been waiting for its release ever since. I got to play it early because of the Kickstarter rewards and I must say, its as amazing as I expected it to be! Since its Kickstarter, I was prepared for everything, but the game is worth every penny. If you are looking for a fun, immersive puzzle adventure, go for it.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

I have a predisposition for first-person puzzle games like this and have played many. I can honestly say it has some fun, well thought out puzzles. It’s not very long and the story isn’t all too interesting in my opinion, but there are a good amount of puzzles to break your head over. The time mechanic is used in different ways to keep you changing up your thought process on how to solve them. I do wish there were more of them as only one or two puzzles use the same mechanic, but I suppose less is more in this case. Sometimes the simplest puzzle is hardest to figure out, but leads to a new perspective necessary to beat bigger puzzles later on. If you like these type of puzzle games, I definitely recommend it.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Hourglass on Steam



Ever thought of driving a car at high speed with no brakes at all while trying to solve a map puzzle with road blocks? Well, this game is precisely that… and sometimes “blindfolded”…

For game control, this is a platforming game with a “sliding” movement and we can’t change direction unless we hit a wall, the only single button we could use to control the whole gameplay is spacebar/mouse button for jumping. The rest of the movements are out of our control…

And, the game require precise timing, only giving a few seconds of rooms between each action point… there’s no HP bar in this game, it’s instant death on a single mistake. And death means you have to restart the whole stage again.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Music and sound design

I’m not sure how I feel about the electronic parts of the soundtrack but they’re not common and don’t feel too out of place. Otherwise it fits the game’s atmosphere perfectly. The sounds are good.


I like the art style and the way the game looks in general but I’m not a fan of the character animations in cutscenes. It feels kind of clunky.


You only have one button so it’s as simple as it gets.


Starts off very abruptly and then you get almost no story until you reach the final boss. And even then there isn’t much that’s happening. This is definitely not a selling point of the game.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Koloro on Steam



I’m sure it has an amazing story as you progress through the game but seing as I can’t put the millions of hours required to beat the first level simply because I don’t have enough patience, I wouldn’t know

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

When I bought this game I was hoping for a nice platforming experience that I would be able to complete in a reasonable amount of time.

Now that we have pretenses out of the way, this game is quite difficult, and not always in the best ways. The levels quite quickly get to the point where they are pretty large. Normally this is a good thing in platformers, but I was sometimes left wandering about in this maze of platforms that vanished behind me, wondering if this lower path I kept trying to get past would eventually get me to the door, or if all of my attempts at getting past these obstacles were meaningless. All the while, platform vanishing kept me at a pace I didn’t feel comfortable with leaving little to no room for error, and forcing me to preform tasks with the controls I was not yet comfortable with. Not to mention that so little of the story is gone through between levels that you forget what is even going on.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

prog.1 on Steam

Shuffle World

Shuffle World

I believe that this little puzzle-platformer is well worth your attention, especially at the low price of $1. You might consider giving it a try if you:

  • like short games: with its 42 levels, Shuffle World will take around one hour of your time to be fully completed.

  • enjoy easy platformers: this is not a game meant for people who strive doing hardcore challenges; as a person with low to average platforming skill, Shuffle World proved to be a very enjoyable experience for me, the only level that I struggled with being the last one (ok, maybe the last 3-4) which requires a more finicky control over the character’s movement.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

TL;DR - the game doesn’t develop the core mechanic much at all. You will be doing the same few things in level 42 that you were doing in the first, but now with tighter timing. It’s kind of hard to justify buying this game for that reason.

The goal of the game is to collect all of the fruit in a level, at which point you’ll move on to the next. This forces you to use the swap mechanic to reach every otherwise inaccessible area with fruit in it, but the game’s level design never requires any amount of deep thought, and difficulty only really ever comes about from being required to manage swapping landmasses and platforming over enemies at the same time. There’s little exploration of the mechanics, since the deepest it gets is toggle blocks, moving platforms and moving threats. Your character’s abilities are just as simple - jump, or swap landmasses.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Shuffle World on Steam



A really interesting puzzle-platformer game. Strange mechanics. Divide yourself and sacrifice your bodies. Throw your body into spike pits and climb on your own head. I always felt bad for those lost.


Real player with 3.6 hrs in game


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Duped on Steam

His Journey

His Journey

Help your little red rectangle protagonist find his way out of this place! Hop through portals as you go across many different worlds and places! Along the way you meet other friends, say hello to Stephanie and kai, and go on a journey to find out how to get out of this dark abyss that you have been put in. When you are running through portals you will face mysterious challenges and have to jump over pools of water, jump from wall to wall, and maybe even use a bounce pad to launch yourself up so you can get to the next portal! Have fun journeying with Alex and his new friends!


• Singleplayer/Story mode

• Level Editor

• English & Spanish

His Journey on Steam