ASPEN: Uncanny Home
love the game the atmosphere was awsome little hard to tell most times what you need to do but it was a fun experence and i loved it so much hope yall will make more games like this in the future :)
– Real player with 3.1 hrs in game
Aspen: Uncanny Home has a beautifully rendered environment for the player to walk around in. There environment feels oppressive and claustrophobic as you wander between locations in the house wondering where a sound came from or how a doll got into a certain position.
For a psychological horror game, this is a great environment, but what this game has in environment, it lacks in player accessibility. The game doesn’t give the player direction and leads to aimless wandering in circles around the environment tying to figure out what changed each time and using the left mouse button to zoom in on specific items that change the environment to access the next area.
– Real player with 2.4 hrs in game
The Evil Farming Game: Replanted
All screenshots are of alpha builds, and are subject to change.
What have you gotten yourself into now?
When Richard, the town farmer, finds himself at the center of his wife’s murder, it’s up to him (or you) to figure out what the hell to do.
You live on a small island village, with friendly people, law enforcement, and your wife.
Everyday starts the same, harvest yesterday’s crops, give them to your wife, and plant some more. Forever and ever, maybe sometimes you head to the market to pick up some tools.
But one day, that all changed, late at night, you lash out at your wife, and kill her. As you feel her pulse stop, you have no idea what to do. Will you turn yourself in? Or will you hide, stealthily avoiding punishment.
Make your choice in the First Part of this 2 game duology.
Meet friendly faces! Make friends, make enemies! Make your own story. With endless possibility to how your scheme will end up, there is no way you’ll make it out of this scot-free, as you’ll have more than just your wife, taken away from you.
Replanted is primarily based on the “Evil Farming Game” myth.
Read More: Best Psychological Horror Multiple Endings Games.
i had recently seen a youtuber play this i had to check it out ! i thought all his jumping and shrieking was all for show but after playing this wow shit made me jump outa my skin when i got caught the only thing so far i have to say is maybe put some kind of map in there to reference not one that stays on the screen as i know thats part of the thrill of the game . but also i could be wrong but the colors to fix the electricity was a little odd for me but over all cant wait for more !!!! would be cool to interact with more objects maybe start a fire in the power house as a diversion or something but great game so far cant wait to see whats next
– Real player with 5.6 hrs in game
Read More: Best Psychological Horror Dark Games.
Loving the game so far! It really has me wondering what´s real and what isn´t and i´m really looking forward to seeing how to story progresses. The gameplay is mostly very smooth, but i do have a couple problems with it.
Mainly the fact that there´s no map or no way to know where you are and have to rely on pure memory, which kinda sucks for me since i tend to forget new things such as the geography of a place rather quickly, so it was a bit hard to navigate through the park since i didn´t know where i had to go, so i think it would be a good idea to implement a map of sorts as an item, but without telling you exactly where you are, just the general geography of the place. The second problem was a bug that threw me off a bit a while after i began spoilers ahead for those who haven´t played it. After i grabbed Sam´s phone on the ground, after walking around for a minute or two, the phone appeared again on the ground and i picked it up again, which made the dialogues mix up and be interrupted by one another, basically giving me a hard time to understand what was going on. I´d appreaciate it if you could fix it so future players don´t have the same problem i did when trying to understand what´s going on.
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
I Make Saints (Steam Edition)
This is one of the scariest games I’ve ever played. I am a horror junkie, I read horror stories, I watch horror movies, I play horror games, and 99% of the time, I’m still searching for that horror rush to be quenched.
This is that 1% where I was actually really on edge. The game does have some bugs, the card for the red lit area did not pop for me, but good lord. This game is unsettling as hell. If you REALLY like horror, you really need to play this.
– Real player with 1.0 hrs in game
Yea, I’m not sure what to say about this one. I did like the 80’s Graphics and the story seemed to be getting very interesting and disgustingly creepy. However, it seems to just go in circles then it just end with a little statement at the end. i thought this game would have more to offer but it was waaay too short and was a looped story line… I guess you can say that this game was “Somewhat” good.
– Real player with 0.7 hrs in game
Looking, a key, and a very good game.
Very deep lore, my favorite psychopatic is captain clownsn.
Top graphics pushing game engine limit
You think buying this game ? You think alone ? think again !
Psychopatic : the terrifiy horror game !
I’m go insane
– Real player with 2.0 hrs in game
I started off making a video review and then i realised I was film all along. Psychopathics is a tv show for the dark internet! Persons give money to see killers and kills and now I have kill and they see me. I go insane. I am now one psychopathics hahahahaha
– Real player with 1.4 hrs in game
Condemned: Criminal Origins
“You belong to us, Ethan. You have always belonged to us…”
Playing this game as a teenager on a PC that could barely run it made me think that it was the scariest game I’d ever played. Ten-plus years later, I’d pick it up again and play through it from start to finish, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how well it’s held up. While some aspects of it have dated pretty hard, the overall package has aged quite well, a fact owed heavily to its core gameplay, which still shines, even in today’s market. Or, perhaps, because of it.
– Real player with 22.6 hrs in game
An absolute gem of a horror game.
I remember first hearing about Condemned in the Xbox magazine when I just started High School. Practically every student I talked to was stoked for the new Xbox 360 and were hyping up the new launch titles and I couldn’t help but join their enthusiasm as me and a few buddies overlooked a magazine in the school library. One game in particular caught my eye, a game simply called “Condemned”. Accompanying the blurb was a series of grungy pre-release screens of gnarly enemies and at the time STUNNING lighting effects. The next month was a full-on rundown of the games mechanics, graphics and horror elements that ended with the writer admitting at the end of his demo that he fired his last shotgun shell into an enemy that wasn’t even there.
– Real player with 11.1 hrs in game
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived, is an amazing Visual Noir Novel with a compelling cast of characters that complement the rich story-driven detective-noir experience really well.
Playing as a lead detective trying to solve small-time crimes, gathering evidence, interrogating suspects and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, it seems like just another day at the job.
*– [Real player with 50.0 hrs in game](*
Okay so first, let me be clear. I ABSOLUTELY love nearly every aspect of this game! However, due to strenuous replays and a little bit of lack of guidance, the tediousness has far outweighed my enjoyment which is saying a lot as I've really enjoyed everything else. This review is spoiler free aside from game mechanic discussions (fail conditions)
Story - The story is truly engaging. Nothing's worse than a visual novel with a bad story. Interrogation gives you the sense of every character whether you've met them briefly or if they're your go to partner on the task force.
*– [Real player with 15.4 hrs in game](*

## Up All Night
I haven't heard of Fiendish Fiction before but they sure have their fingers on the pulse of horror. This game is a horror lover's dream. Amazing storytelling, beguiling visuals, and a haunting soundtrack give this game all it needs for a truly scary treat and all just in time for Halloween. Pick this one up if you're looking for something that's sure to keep you up all night.
*– [Real player with 6.8 hrs in game](*
An excellent horror story with well-written characters! Chilling atmosphere. Although there are many endings, none of them feel rushed - each path gives you more insight into the mystery and the characters' motivations. Also, unlocking the secret bonus scene is so worth it.
*– [Real player with 5.1 hrs in game](*

## BLOCK WARRIORS: "Open World" Game
Dear EA, Valve, Nintendo, Blizzard, Bethesda, Microsoft, Sony, etc,
You guys better take notes, because this game is the best piece of entertainment I have had in years. The game is almost unplayable because of how stunning the graphics are. Also I was able to speedrun it in like 3 and a half minutes, which means I could spend another hour messing around. This game does not have a single DLC so I only had to spend the base price of 2 dollars to recieve hours of fun.
*– [Real player with 2.5 hrs in game](*
Priced like a mobile game, and very much plays out like one.
Not to say that's a bad thing, it's not a bad game for $2 if you don't mind sub 30 fps (on a GTX 1080 Ti), the game very much gives you the illusion of freedom when it comes to the heists but you stand a second to none chance of winning if you play them out of order. The only major problem I've noticed is the AI doesn't have vischecks and sometimes spawns in walls so you'll end up dying from enemies you can't see. It's also possible to entirely break the story narrative and require a save deletion to play it properly again if you don't play the story as the game wants you to.
*– [Real player with 2.2 hrs in game](*

## County Hospital
Edit 2: Was asked to replay this game and maybe make a new review.
They decided to change the key locations so you can experience it again. I am sorry to say, but i do not know many people who want to run circles for nearly an hour looking for keys that exact thing happened again. Especially with motion sickness, you developers out there need to wake up and realize that motion sickness is a real issue. Atleast make the config. file easy to find, so people can toggle it out on their own.
Problem with changing the key locations is that people are lazy and doing so pretty much makes all the walkthroughs useless. I do not see many content creators playing this outside of day 1, because it's pretty much pointless unless you have huge following that watches anything that is shown to them. Also because of that the new walkthroughs will be really really hard to find on youtube, because of the way it's search algorithm works.
*– [Real player with 1.9 hrs in game](*
This game is not, in my opinion, finished yet. The cues for starting some events is reset when loading a save. I couldn't even finish the game completely because I saved right after escaping and it basically just started the game from the beginning next load. I was lost A LOT! Had to cut almost 15 mins from the video below because it was just me running around looking for keys in the most ridiculous places. The voice acting does not fit the game.
Sorry, cannot recommend the game in the state it is and it is definitely is not worth the price the dev is asking for.
*– [Real player with 1.7 hrs in game](*