New Meaning

New Meaning

So I played this because I’ve been in a weird move lately. I suppose technically it wasn’t a great idea to play considering the mood but I figured that it would help because I would be able to show the character (and initially myself) that there are things worthwhile still.



It seems you can’t save Luke. Even when I say that he’s feeling okay it goes to “are you suuurrreeee?” and then the ‘yes’ option vanishes. This is not the right way to go about this type of game. If we’re supposed to have the ability of choice to drive the story then we need to be able to make that choice instead of the choice being made for us.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychological Horror 2D Games.

I would recommend this game to people with Family or friends who are going though the themes of this game.


The Game it self I liked the story and the message It was trying to say,

! But the way it was Pro-trade wasn’t Great. I know the One Ending is being the Mean negative so far in most of the reviews but I feel the fact Having your choices Matter should have a impact, not having a choice is good way to Show Depression, but I feel that the things that luke would Say too Other Characters should Have Proved His Death. Like he says Something off to his friends or to his Mother and that One of them would show up to stop him. I feel That would be a good way to show Someone in need of help, but also having a good Support System can help you.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

New Meaning on Steam

1917 : The Prologue

1917 : The Prologue

1917: The Prologue

1917: The Prologue is a first-person narrative-driven psychological horror game with strong room escape elements mixed into it. 1917 seems to be an excellent psychological horror set back in fall 1917, right after the Russian Revolution. The developers have gone to great lengths to set the mood appropriately for the era, with its design concept, gameplay, voice acting, puzzles, etc.

*– [Real player with 36.5 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Psychological Horror Story Rich Games.

--- Hi to all! The game has a great storytelling potential and I suppose that developers will improve their style - it will be better to add more visual animations and effects, than many lists of text. If no - I no see any reason to use UE4 for this game. The effects with wall pictures and effect of grammophone in the third room - incredible! Game has deep atmosphere and good sound support! Also I would want to notice developer attention that graphics become so bad when you choose epic parameter for it, but when you choose just higj value - it become better. *– [Real player with 7.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Gloom and Doom]( "") ## Gloom and Doom ### Dude, this is so cutting! I had so much fun playing this game. Well, that's not quite a surprise to me, seeing as I was already predisposed to like it as soon as I read the description: "90s outcast movies" quirky, but oh so human, supernatural characters, "a dark coming-of-age story" against the backdrop of looming apocalypse, comicbook style visuals…But beyond that initial hook of 90s nostalgia, loads of pop culture references and familiar tropes I found much more - a careful look at depression, loneliness and alienation, being stuck in a loop with no exit, themes of free will vs destiny, choices and responsibility, and a central heartwarming relationship between two unlikely protagonists. *– [Real player with 18.0 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best Psychological Horror Fantasy Games.

--- I'm not really one for visual novels, but this game has really changed my mind. It was recommended by a friend, and found it amazing with the ton of pop culture references in the dialogue and backgrounds. Simply amazed that this was all done by one guy. It does have some deep themes, but is well paced with its sense of humour. Also loving the art style, its unique and refreshing from the typical anime style. The intro/tutorial has also got to be the most interesting/different (in a good way) that I've seen in a long time in any game. *– [Real player with 12.6 hrs in game](* --- ![4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls]( "") ## 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls is a visual novel that accomplishes what it sets out to do: tell an interesting, fantastical and magical story while allowing the player to see and understand the world through the eyes of a teenage girl with autism. By doing this game manages to create awareness of autism educating the player through the gameplay experience while still entertaining. The main character portrayal breaks the mold of the typical video game protagonist by giving us a representation of a functionally diverse individual. *– [Real player with 3.6 hrs in game](* I found this to be a very short but entertaining and memorable game. If you like Sailor Moon, Madoka Magica, slice-of-life, horror and the supernatural, then this is the game for you. What sold me on this game was the fact that it's about autistic girls and was written by an autistic woman. As a fellow autie, it was really nice to see some good autistic representation since it's not something that I get to see very often because autistic people are so underrepresented in media overall. Please support autistic creators and our works, whether it be through financial assistance, word-of-mouth or both! *– [Real player with 1.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Cooking Companions]( "") ## Cooking Companions Great game!! Easily one of the ! scariest games out there , in my opinion! I like how ! horrifying it manages to be without jumpscares , not a lot of games can do that. The sprites are amazingly well done, especially the ! nightmare sprites. . Though if I were to have one complaint, the ending, at least in the route I played, was pretty confusing to me. I wasn't 100% sure what was happening. But still amazing game, i feel like a monster after playing this, i'm sorry Anatoly 😔 *– [Real player with 10.4 hrs in game](* THIS IS NOT A GAME FOR KIDS. It looks cute and like a regular visual novel and it's not at all. Story: You play a mysterious 5th person who lives in an isolated cabin in the woods. 4 strangers come to stay with you, and you must build relationships with them and provide meals every day. A terrible storm floods the surrounding area and you can't leave the cabin for supplies. Also there are some talking fruits and vegetables that "help" out sometimes. And what's in the locked basement? Gameplay: Like most visual novels you choose options that change your destiny. This game is meant for multiple play throughs. The achievements will guide you to unlock secrets, new paths, and dreams. You can fast forward the dialogue and change the speed in options. Space bar or left clicking progresses the dialogue. *– [Real player with 9.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Hollow Bliss]( "") ## Hollow Bliss Your experience in **Hollow Bliss** depends on your choices, deaths, and consequences. Take control of five high school friends who end up trapped within a dark home, its twisted residents out to get them. As you explore the house, the space changes around you, and how you interact with it and respond to its dangers will make an impact on your chances to make it out alive. Everyone can die, but more than that, the imprint they leave can either benefit or hurt the chances of the others also trying to survive. You're in a horror scenario, it's up to you to make your choices of how to get out of the situations you find yourself in. After the death of his childhood best friend, _Chris Lansan_ struggles to feel normal with his friends, old and new. There was a comic he and his deceased friend were working on before her unfortunate passing, but it was in her possession when she died. He goes with his group of friends; _Dustin, Julia, Hailey_, and _Sarah_, to ask his mother if he could take the comic as a memento. After strange hostility from the mother towards Chris, seeing how important this is to Chris, Dustin proposes they sneak in when the mother goes out to find and fetch the comic. When they do so however, they find themselves trapped within the home, and unfortunately not alone. Hollow Bliss is a gut wrenching 2.5D horror narrative game experience that plays out differently depending on you. **FEATURES** * You're in control of a horror scenario, who lives and dies depends entirely on you. * 32 endings, with various alternate ways every scene in the game can play out. * Every character has a unique ability, which if they die, is lost to you. * The game remembers previous runs, the past may come back to haunt you. * Twisted and strange horrors that'll leave you guessing and what could possibly come next. * An original soundtrack and positional 3D audio adds to a thick atmosphere, best experienced with headphones.. * A cast of characters who have more to them than you may initially assume. They may win you over. _Pulling down the moon would be easier._ --- ![Saint Maker - Horror Visual Novel]( "") ## Saint Maker - Horror Visual Novel #### ABOUT THE GAME Saint Maker is a short horror visual novel starring Holly Beltran, a girl who is sent to a religious recollection. Though Holly would rather spend her summer lost in the pages of her fantasy books, Adira, the head nun of the convent, has other plans… At night, broken faced statues and whispered prayers haunt Holly’s dreams — before the recollection is over, Holly may have to face more than her own demons to come out alive. #### FEATURES **✟ Religious/Psychological Horror:** Experience a horror story rich with eerie religious iconography and psychological scares. **✟ Fully Voiced:** A full cast of professional English voice actors will be bringing the characters to life. **✟ Interactive Dialogue Choices:** As the horror unfolds, your choices will help Holly discover more about herself during this ordeal. **✟ Bone-chilling Visuals:** Witness the haunting setting of the Convent of the Sisters of Saint Idelora, with detailed backgrounds, CGs, and animated illustrations adding to an immersive and terrifying experience. **✟ Original Soundtrack:** Originally composed soundtracks which add both horror and heart to the story. --- ![The Schizophrenic Dynasty of Müller]( "") ## The Schizophrenic Dynasty of Müller Rock solid game! The atmosphere, music and the aura of the game just caught my eye, do play it and you'll come to think alike! *– [Real player with 2.5 hrs in game](* UPDATE: The game hasn't had an update in 4 months and there have been no communications about it from the developer. The English translation of the game has had no changes from the initial release – it is still incomprehensible, written or translated by someone who does not have a good grasp of English. Furthermore, when I confronted the developer through the games' group chat about a refund, I was promptly banned, without even receiving any sort of answer. TL;DR - The written English of this game is incomprehensible. Development of this game seems to have stopped after the initial release. I strongly advise against buying this game. *– [Real player with 0.5 hrs in game](* --- ![The Test: Final Revelation]( "") ## The Test: Final Revelation 1st - Fairness 2nd - Reveal 3rd - Loved My problem: I don't see the point you make 3 tests delivering 3 secret words separately. I said "not recommended" but I don't really feel that way. If you just want a test but don't feel interested of the team's future project, get whichever, getting all 3 is not necessary. I had a great time in the first test, but felt less immersed in the second, even less in the third. While this 3rd test featured some pictures, there's really not much differences between these three tests, questions or outcomes. I think the reason the first test feels more enjoyable is that it was a new experience for me. And when I play the second and the third, I was prepared.(mentally, somehow, in some way, that I didn't even aware of) I guess that's why I'm not impressed by the second and the third test: you didn't caught me off guard. I still answered my questions honestly and spent time thinking, of course. *– [Real player with 4.2 hrs in game](* Pros and cons are down below) Secret Word: Outsider, Twin Words. Secret word from "the Test" - Order; Secret Word from "the Test: Hypothesis Rising" - Stranger; Secret word from the "Horrorscope" - Bloodthirst. Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated)): Advantages: 1\. The revelation is very cool! I am so glad I participated in this and I can't wait till that RPG!! I think the bigger picture behind these games are just amazing! Great job, developers! *– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Cooking Companions: Appetizer Edition]( "") ## Cooking Companions: Appetizer Edition Well, for me it was a somewhat neutral experience overall. It wasn't a really fresh or particularly amazing game. However, it's a good game to spend some idle time on and make a few theories about what's going on in the story (there's definitely clues!), even when the story itself, to me, wasn't all that engaging. Why? Because the human characters themselves just kind of seem to be there as an audience rather than participants, which is far from their roles in this, as the game implies. They're not super fleshed out–heh--but that's to be expected for this demo. *– [Real player with 5.8 hrs in game](* This game is so close to being good. I wanted to like it, I really did. I was really excited as I love DDLC, but this is…way less scary. The Chompettes are way too weird and unexplained for me to truly take them seriously with the berry scene being the only exception. The "foreshadowing" is extremely obvious and not even in a creepy way. There were some moments that were really good and genuinely creepy, but sadly I just got bored with it as those moments were few and far between. All it really had to offer in my opinion is jumpscares and poorly timed puns. In short right now this is baby mode DDLC and I want it to improve and it has the potential to do so. *– [Real player with 3.9 hrs in game](* ---