Afraid of the Night
Nothing… Soon
Read More: Best Psychological Horror Realistic Games.
At Eve’s Wake
High-quality visual novel with multiple endings, fantastic graphic and sound component, and intriguing premise.
The Good Parts:
Fascinating set-up of family ties based on cult-like faith, bloody competition, and something outright paranormal with overall dysfunction taken to the next level.
Great writing throughout. It manages to introduce a complex fictional idea in a manner that captures attention and makes you ponder.
Atmospheric world-building. There’s sinister feeling intertwined with some outright shocking moments. “At Eve’s Wake” isn’t horror in the pure sense of the word, but more in a psychological one, so it has a very well-done horror element burning its way through the game, sometimes on slow simmer, sometimes as a wildfire.
– Real player with 11.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Psychological Horror Story Rich Games.
Ahhhhh I was so excited for this to come out and it’s finally here! I’ve just finished my first playthrough and it lived up to my hype, if you’re having any doubts about picking up the full game then please try out the demo and you’ll see what I mean.
-Gorgeous art and music, just a delightful atmosphere throughout
-A well developed and intriguing story of mystery, murder and mishaps
-An incredible amount of dialogue choices with a variety of endings seemingly possible depending on them.
I love visual novels and narrative-driven games, so I feel that I know what I’m talking about to some degree, and I say this- At Eve’s Wake is a beautiful and eerie story that deserves your attention if you’re at all interested in Lovecraft, mysteries, visual novels, or graverobbing. Trust me on that last one.
– Real player with 7.2 hrs in game
The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening
Secret Word: Arson
I know this isn’t really a game…. but like it’s a really fun thing to play with your friends. To get your money worth go ahead and stream this on discord with a group of friends. Serious lovely discussion came from this. I would say its a fun time for emotional development within a group of close friends. We learned about each other and the way I did it was through democratic vote but rolled a d20 to break ties. asked a random person to pick high or low.
– Real player with 4.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Psychological Horror Multiple Endings Games.
My Secret Word was Dirt (TW : Non Consensual)
I’ve had a lot of fun doing all these previous games but my death including r*** wasintense and extremely uncomfortable for me. As much as I like this series and would love to be considered in the future development of this game. This one was not it for me.
Although there are warnings on this page there are no warnings during the game about the r*** scene and felt completely unnecessary and felt like a cop out for making a horror game more “scary”.
– Real player with 1.5 hrs in game
1917 : The Prologue
1917: The Prologue
1917: The Prologue is a first-person narrative-driven psychological horror game with strong room escape elements mixed into it. 1917 seems to be an excellent psychological horror set back in fall 1917, right after the Russian Revolution. The developers have gone to great lengths to set the mood appropriately for the era, with its design concept, gameplay, voice acting, puzzles, etc.
*– [Real player with 36.5 hrs in game](*
Hi to all!
The game has a great storytelling potential and I suppose that developers will improve their style - it will be better to add more visual animations and effects, than many lists of text. If no - I no see any reason to use UE4 for this game.
The effects with wall pictures and effect of grammophone in the third room - incredible!
Game has deep atmosphere and good sound support!
Also I would want to notice developer attention that graphics become so bad when you choose epic parameter for it, but when you choose just higj value - it become better.
*– [Real player with 7.5 hrs in game](*

## Burn Me Alive
⚖️ Grade = C? Worth a buy, if you enjoy discover what is the next step. However, if you're looking for a clear goal to proceed, it doesn't have
✔️ Proceed without any hint or map
✔️ Slow moving pace
✔️ Simple jump scares
✔️ Guess the right code
✔️ Gun shooting to repel the threat
❌ Horror sound & music
❌ New pickups location item for replay value
❌ Time Attack for replay value
*– [Real player with 17.5 hrs in game](*
Burn Me Alive is a pseudo-psychological horror game in the walking simulator game space. Your wife and kid got burnt to toast and were buried in the cemetery, your therapist should have clued you in on, probably wasn’t the best choice for a grieving husband/dad. Throw in a whole bunch of cigs and booze and Satan just starts coming out of ya! Burn Me Alive is almost too stereotypical for a game like this. It sounds like a metal song name or a movie or a book, sadly generic with little impacts.
*– [Real player with 6.9 hrs in game](*

## Saint Kotar
It's an interesting game, and has many excellent points. But all in all I can only give it a weak recommendation.
–Excellent, dark art style.
--Very atmospheric.
--Subtle but fitting music, with a couple of tracks that are so good that I find myself excited for the soundtrack.
--Extremely dark, in a way that few games are willing to go.
--I played through it twice and generally enjoyed the experience both times.
--Extremely thin story that often doesn't make sense. A huge chunk of the game is spent wondering why your sister would have ever had you all come here. Having played through the game twice, I find myself still unable to answer that. Possibly the answer is, "Actually, she didn't." But if that's the correct answer, a HUGE amount of story that fleshes out how the character who did knew to do that and why they'd want to just isn't in the game (but absolutely should be).
*– [Real player with 41.6 hrs in game](*
Full disclosure: I backed this game's Kickstarter and have reviewed it for the Croatian gaming portal FFA. You can find the Croatian review [here]( This is an abbreviated version of that review.
Saint Kotar is a traditional p'n'c adventure game trying its best to fit in with the rest of the adventure greats. It plays like most standard examples in the genre - you explore a variety of locations, examine and interact with objects, talk with people quite a bit and try to piece together what exactly is going on.
*– [Real player with 28.2 hrs in game](*

## The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
### Better than most modern movies!
At first, the story seems cliche but will intrigue you the more you learn.
Choices shape your journey and allow for multiple play-throughs in return.
Exciting, scary and silly, all in one.
It'll take you at least 5 hours before you're done.
Off to find more secrets, I go.
There is much more of the plot, I need to know.
But there is one final note, for me to leave.
A grade of **7/10**, this piece of art will receive.
And a word of advice, as you choose who will live or die.
*– [Real player with 49.0 hrs in game](*
### Good:
Very fun with friends. Your choices can affect each other's characters and you can mess around a lot.
Voice acting was well done.
The graphics look pretty.
There is a lot of action.
#### Bad:
The game isn't scary.
Quick time events don't do anything most of the time, and failing them doesn't affect the outcome of the scene. When this is noticed you are unimmersed.
Some dialogue choices aren't well enough presented so you pick what initially sounds good, but then the character says something completely different than you intended.
*– [Real player with 25.6 hrs in game](*

## This Strange Realm Of Mine
This Strange Realm of Mine:
Ever wonder what would happen after your last intake of oxygen? Well, it is obvious - you’ll die! Your body will either rot six feet under or will be badly overcooked. But what about your spirit? Will it float in the atmosphere, in space, or be sucked somewhere hot and fiery? Wherever you end up, it’ll be a place where you can reflect on your life. This is the Strange Realm of Mine.
This Strange Realm of Mine is a combination of First Person Shooter, Puzzles and Horror, with a touch of poetry.
– Real player with 6.1 hrs in game
This Strange Realm Of Mine is a strange game indeed. Fundamentally, it is a game about philosophy and the nature of existence, and a sizable portion of the game is spent explaining its philosophical perspective to the player. The game touches upon some other themes, however, such as mental health, freedom of choice, and friendship. The game presents some interesting perspectives and questions that are worth considering, although its matter-of-fact philosophical statements about life and the universe can sometimes come across as preachy and a little pretentious, especially when the dialogue options give you no choice but to agree with them. Not all the text suffers from this problem, however. There are some likable characters and interesting poetry throughout the game, and the aspects of the game that are not (over) explained give the experience a nice dreamlike feel.
– Real player with 4.3 hrs in game
Corpse Party (2021)
Corpse Party (2021) has one of the best stories I’ve ever heard, full stop. For a 2D 16-bit horror pseudo-visual-novel, it doesn’t get any better than this. Not only that, it is superlatively intense and immerses consumes any player daring enough to take on the challenge. Corpse Party is the kind of game that one doesn’t play through so much as live through; this game weighs heavy on the soul. The halls of Heavenly Host seem to exact as much toll on the player as on the characters themselves! The game has an uncanny knack for getting into the player’s head, too - this game is eerily good at cultivating within the player the sense of fear and dread that pervades the school, and it’s easy to get the impression that perhaps the game is toying with the player more than the other way around…
– Real player with 69.7 hrs in game
This was the game that started it all for me. Over a decade ago, long before I cared for story telling, I found this game. I watched YouTubers play it as a kid, because back than, that’s what I did. Watch games, play games, go to school, that was it. However, soon I’d find out this wasn’t just a game to have fun and enjoy like the rest I experienced at the time.
Looking back on it now, I can say the story of Corpse Party quite literally changed my entire life. For the first time, a story made me feel pain, an extreme sadness. It was powerful, and as a child, it confused me. No game, no show, nothing, ever made me feel the level of despair this relentlessly dished out to me. It was so long ago, so it’s hard to remember, but I think as a child, after I finished this, I avoided it at all costs. That way, I didn’t have to think about it. However, it already planted something in my mind. Although it made me feel terrible, the feeling was very real. It fascinated me that something made up could hurt me so badly. So, from there, I left this series and searched for countless ones like it. Searching for even more stories that could leave an impact on their viewers all the same.
– Real player with 31.5 hrs in game
Crimson Gray
This visual novel is amazing. I’ve played through a number of endings so far, but haven’t gotten the best ending yet. I will get all of the endings one way or another. If I have to, I’ll download some sort of guide.
Yes, the game has a yandere, but this yandere is more likeable than most. This game is very much a character-driven game, and the two main characters felt more real than visual novel characters usually do.
I did see a couple reviewers complaining about a lack of choices. That isn’t entirely true. I think there were a sufficient number of choices for the length of the game, but most of the choices individually have only a small effect on the story.
– Real player with 15.6 hrs in game
(I had to save and take a break at the first choice in the chemistry class segment…)
So yeah
Worth to mention is that I played this on Newgrounds and that I bought literally after the demo ended.
! Sweet yandere-jesus… This
Now I’ve got a pros and cons here (comment going meta yaaay)
the Story
the Telling of said story (many games have good stories, let’s face it. Not everyone chooses their medium appropriately. Crimson Gray nailed this, this story is in it’s optimal medium.)
– Real player with 11.4 hrs in game