

trippy as fuck

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Story Rich Games.

The best visual novel and game about drugs I’ve ever played. If you want to get sucked into a vortex of twisted plots, this game is definitely for you. Different storylines and endings make this game playable for long hours. Depiction of drug effects are also very imaginative and sometimes trippy as hell.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

ReTox on Steam

Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

(How do you feel?)

  • I definitely feel. Sometimes that’s more than enough.

(Still, you’re anxious, aren’t you?)

  • Of course. Moreover, I’m completely terrified. Was it that obvious?

(You’re looking in every direction, but not up.)

  • Ah, this…

  • I’ve already told you, haven’t I?

(About what?)

  • Ah, you know, small stuff.

(Can small stuff make you terrified?)

  • It’s… hard to explain.

I climb up the metal railing and let my legs hang down. I sneak short glances at the abyss from time to time. It replies with angry, cold breath. That’s how we interact. Like old friends.

  • Sometimes I feel like the whole world pretends to be crazy.

  • As if it’s trying to make me believe in something that doesn’t exist.

(That’s weird, isn’t it?)

The game is a sequel to Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk.

The game’s events begin the same moment the first game ends.


  • Psychedelic narrative full of pyramidal verbal constructions.

  • Stylized pixel graphics which reflect the girl’s distorted perception of the world.

  • High variability: each playthrough is unique. However, some dialogue lines, images and scenes have only a small chance of appearing; you’ll have to really get close to the girl in order to find out everything she hides.

  • Oppressive and viscous soundtrack.

Read More: Best Psychedelic Pixel Graphics Games.

Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk on Steam

Cartomante – Fortune Teller

Cartomante – Fortune Teller

A short but fun game set in a fantasy/modern setting where you play a witch who earns her living telling peoples fortunes.

The game has a beautiful art style and does a great job at world building. It has interactive dialog that succeeds at being mysterious, intriguing and often times funny. The game is short but very replayable with various different readings you can get for each person that results in different and often unique outcomes, you can play the same day over and over with different results each time.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Multiple Endings Games.

This is a really good game. Short, but incredibly charming, an absolute steal for the price.

The dialogue is extremely well written, and it manages to be funny and thought provoking. If you’re like me, you’ll keep replaying it (and reliving the same day a la “Groundhog Day”) until you get the best (or worst) possible ending for all your clients.

Definitely do not sleep on this one!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Cartomante – Fortune Teller on Steam



Fears are not always just rustles in the dark. And death is not always a bad ending. Sometimes the acuteness of social phenomena and the bitter taste of life opens up a glance at the other side of being. It is to this topic that the ECHO short story is devoted. The theme of what remains of a person after his death. Sometimes, these are great deeds and high-profile deeds. And sometimes, it’s just the memory of other people. And one more thing. The visual novel “ECHO” is a game in which you decide for yourself what to do with the oppressive silence of difficult memories. Emotional swamps of burnt rural lives. Forgotten houses, abandoned villages. And a fluttering light of hope that everything will be fine. Enter an abandoned house with echoes of other people’s lives. And get out of it if you can.

Echoes on Steam



Cataplexy is a short visual novel that combines incompatible genres of comedy and horror. It all depends on the chosen interpretation of events and the mood of the reader. To believe in the mystical nature of what is happening or to make out logical explanations. To be horrified by the state of hopelessness or to laugh at the comicality of the situation. This is for you to decide. Although the hero of our story in any case will have a hard time.


  • Possibility to choose the mood of the story: ironic or serious.

  • Visits by various otherworldly entities.

  • Backgrounds that combine hallucinations with reality.

  • A non-standard view of a truly existing phenomenon called Cataplexy.

  • A lot of story fragments were based on personal experience.

Cataplexy on Steam

Lighthouse Keeper

Lighthouse Keeper

This is not a game but rather a narrated story from the life of a lonely lighthouse keeper. You get to follow his actions, thoughts and obsessions. The narrator’s voice expresses how it feels to be stuck in constant solitude quite well. You can also feel the nervous tension and a slight bit of insanity caused by the endless loop of mundane tasks. The music and the sounds complete the unsettling atmosphere, the writing is good, and the visuals are unique. It’s short, takes about 10 minutes to finish, but still offers an interesting experience. I really like it. :)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A short, narrative-driven title with a pretty cool art style.

This is more of a visual novel than a game, as there are only two simple interactive moments mixed in with the narration. What you do or don’t do in those moments is what lands you one of two different endings.

The voice acting is really good, in my opinion. The actor successfully conveys a feeling of obsession, mental exhaustion, and a touch of madness. Music and sound effects are also good, and add to the bleak, lonely atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Lighthouse Keeper on Steam

The Sin

The Sin

This game has an incredible sense of mood. The translation to English was pretty wonky but this did not stop me from enjoying the game at all. Loved it.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Oh man, this needs a proper translation badly, it deserves one.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

The Sin on Steam

Sinking Inn

Sinking Inn

A short yet fun little eerie adventure! The world flipping mechanic played well with the puzzles and added to the atmosphere. The puzzles weren’t too hard and were easy to follow throughout the game. I loved the atmosphere, the story, and the universe this game was set in that I spent most of my time not finishing puzzles wondering if there was more about the world –It was simple yet intriguing!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

So you’ve read the description and now you’re down here in the comments trying to figure out what’s it all about. Click the video above to see some of the gameplay, mechanic and hear my thoughts on the game.

Sinking Inn is a short yet charming dark puzzler that will have you questioning every movement you make. The graphics are gritty yet beautiful, the music is eerie yet inviting, and the mechanics are simple yet effective. I got stuck way too long on one puzzle only because I was failing to comprehend what the game was telling me and tried to brute force it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Sinking Inn on Steam

Timothy Leary’s Mind Mirror

Timothy Leary’s Mind Mirror

I absolutely recommend anyone with even a slight interest in psychotherapy to try this game out, not because it’ll blow your mind or because Leary was some kind of genius, but because it’s a solid example of what I believe to be a therapy-oriented game.

Somewhere between interactive fiction and gestalt therapy (not mention the weird words and “archetypes”), this program is for all I have read basically a reproduction of Leary’s PhD thesis. It might well have been a facebook quiz if it was written two decades later! It’s not particularly avant-garde or exceptionally brilliant as far as I’m concerned, but it’s neat to play through.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror on Steam

Adventures in the Light & Dark

Adventures in the Light & Dark

‘Adventures In the Light & Dark’ is like no other reading experience. It was like I was right alongside with Theo, travelling into places unknown, meeting new characters and discovering new secrets. Being surrounded with extra audio and visual elements truly brought the story to life! I felt myself walking through the woods, listening the sounds of nature and the crackling fire. While I definitely recommend this book to other readers, I would recommend it to older teenagers, mainly because it will resonate better with them. The writing is tame enough that younger teens could also read it, but most of the characters are growing up to be adults or on the verge of adulthood. Older readers would take the most from it since they can not only relate, but they may also better pick up on and appreciate Theo’s sometimes subtle humor.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Reading this book in VR was very immersive, with the subtle sound effects in the background and the visual animations to keep you engaged. I found that the main character Theo was very captivating and I kept wanting to see what is next in our journey through the wilderness.

This is an Indie written expierence that deserves attention for the quality put into the writing and characters in this story and I recommend this to anybody that wants to get into VR reading experiences, or anybody is just looking for a new casual read.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Adventures in the Light & Dark on Steam