Happy Game

Happy Game

This games art style is awesome.

This is beautiful.

Thank you Amanita Design!!!

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Cute Games.

a little traumatizing for me and a lot traumatizing for small bald bastard

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Happy Game on Steam

Death in the Family

Death in the Family

I wanted to like this game it had a great atmosphere and the jump-scares were good. I liked this game until I got to when the hallway turns all red and the stuffed animals are on the ceiling. I was forced to walk to the end of the hallway where someone is waiting and when I got there the person killed me I think but the screen just goes black and stabbing sounds can be heard then nothing. No ending, no credits, just blackness with the white dot in the middle of the screen. I am not the only person who had this happen too and I played it two times in the video below just to confirm. Also, some events are time base so I had events stacking on top of each other in my first play-through. I can not recommend this game at $4 when it feels unfinished. I waited one day to see if a patch was going to come out to add an ending but nothing. This game is only about 40 minutes long. If you want to play this just know it is short but has some good jump scares but I think your $4 can be spent on another game. If this game had an ending and was cheaper than I would give it a higher score and a recommend.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Psychological Horror Games.

Unfortunately, I’m having to leave a bad review. The game has so much potential, with lots of jump scares, but once you get to the man at the end of the hall, it glitches and the screen goes black. Being a full time streamer, my community was very disappointed to say the least. For that reason i can’t leave a good review.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Death in the Family on Steam




It’s peculiar, rough around the edges and a lot could be improved, but virtually everything about this feels more… Unique than most other horror games. It feels like the developer had a vision and didn’t mind taking a few risks.

You’ll go back and forth between your conscious and subconscious, completing puzzles, fighting off enemies, but you’ll also be intrigued, wondering what bizarre scenario will be coming up next.

It’s pretty cheap if you want to take the risk and try it out. If it isn’t for you, there’s always the refund option.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Cinematic Games.

Noosphere has been on my Steam wishlist for about a month and it was time to try playing it. I have to say that I was not disappointed with the game even though I found a few minor bugs.

One time I even fell into textures and got stuck there for a while :/

But after restarting the game I never encountered this again.

Nevertheless I consider Noosphere to be a good enough psychological horror especially considering it’s indie.

My rating would be 8/10 screemers.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Noosphere on Steam



after a long time i finaly beat this game and trust me it is harder than it looks, i think this game diserves a lot more attention that it is getting.

its sad because its really just luck if these sort of inde games become popular. There are lots of inde horror games like this that get huge amounts of attention on youtube because one youtuber plays a game, then fans recommend that game to other youtubers who play it, then even more youtubers play that game because they saw someone else play the game and they think it would make for a good video, it crates a domino affect of popularity. Im not saying this is a bad thing but it sort of means that you just have to get a little bit lucky. it means that a lot of games that are really good like this one will not be as popular because they are not picked up and advertised by youtube gamers. Let me give an example, recently a game by the name of baldi’s basics in education and learning was picked up and played by youtubers and became very popular though a big wave of popular gaming youtubers playing it. You my or my not have herd of it but a LOT of youtubers played it. Others may disagree but I don’t think it was a very good game, it was ok, but it didn’t bring anything new to the table, it wasn’t very well scary and the gameplay was very RNG based and not really entertaining. You may disagree but they only reason it gained popularity was because one youtuber played it and others followed suit.

Real player with 105.2 hrs in game

Awesome Vaporwave/Glitch art aesthetics wasted on an ungodly abomination of game design. It is truly baffling how one could screw up such a simple idea. Your goal is to move your cursor around a labyrinth without colliding with (often moving and dynamic) geometry, you know, like in the internet classic Scary Maze (the game actually has a level referencing it, so bonus points for that). The levels themselves are absolutely amazing, each one of them is a separate work of Vaporwave art, accompanied by equally sweet soundtrack (composed out of truly bizarre samples, just like Vaporwave should be). Everything moves, glitches out, the mazes suddenly change in shape, and there are a lot of gimmicks to spice things up.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

PUSS! on Steam

Demon’s Residence

Demon’s Residence

One golden Rule i took für myself over all the Years playing Games is: Expect the Unexpected.

I still remember me, playing the first time RESIDENT EVIL going through the Floor when these damn Dogs crashed out of nowhere through the Windows.

That was my biggest Scarejump. That Game made Scarejumps very popular.

Over the Years there were many Games using Scarejumps and scary environments. Many MANY Games. From High Class Games to little Casual Games.

And this Game here is one little casual Game.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Not a bad little horror game for the cost. I generally hate games that rely on jump-scares but they were spread out enough here that it wasn’t too bad. A few little bugs but nothing crazy.

Full gameplay and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tku-B-Da3ts

### MonkeyoChaos Curator Page

Note to Dev: At the 2:55 point in my video you can see where I got stuck in a room cause I closed a door and then couldn’t re-open it. Even loading from save the door stayed closed and I had to start over. Also at 7:55 you can see where I fell through the floor and died.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Demon's Residence on Steam

World of One

World of One

I reviewed this for Two Credits. You can find the full review, the score I gave it, and some cool screenshots from my time playing here: http://twocredits.co/review/world-of-one/


When World of One sticks to puzzles and dealing with enemies by avoiding them, a bright light begins to shine in its dark world. Puzzles are varied and many have multiple solutions. They are also surprisingly nuanced; simply solving some of them incorrectly will solve them, but it will also lead to your death. The experience falls apart a bit when it begins to focus on combat, but it should be noted that, despite that fact, I played through practically the entire game in one sitting, which took around seven hours, a testament to the fact that the game was still enjoyable long after the focus had shifted slightly. It’s a game that I wish had focused more on its puzzles, bringing back some of its mechanics in new and interesting ways more often, but one that still manages to remain interesting and present challenging puzzles throughout despite the fact that it does not.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World of One is a dark fantasy puzzle-platformer that reminds me Tim Burton’s work. Obviously, any black/white platformer gets compared to Limbo which really isn’t a good comparison beyond surface level features. It is not a bad game but I feel like toward the second half there is more frustration than fun (mostly do to poor hit boxes, combat, and time-consuming respawns) While I feel that game could be sufficient with few updates I was forcing myself to enjoy it.

The first Act focused primarily on puzzles, story, and platforming which was very enjoyable. I only died few times and felt like I was playing a casual, sinister looking puzzle game. Then it starts snowballing downhill almost to where I considered refunding it. In next few Acts, generic combat becomes a big part of the experience. Game has a lot of insta-death so you constantly replaying 2-4 minutes sections between checkpoints. I died at least 100 times to just poor visual hit boxes. The combat system gets really boring and just feels like a massive waste of time when you die in an unfair way.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

World of One on Steam

Memory Eater

Memory Eater

Memory Eater is a unique puzzle-platformer with a lot of problems, especially when it comes to navigation. This would be a negative review if the game was a bit more expensive, but for only $2 you get a platformer with beautiful art style and a decent amount of content, so I think I can overlook the technical problems to some extent. I really love the mysterious settings, monster design, and backgrounds; it has a very unusual look, slightly reminds me of Mirage of Dragon. As the title would suggest, you play as a memory eater that has to collect memories in order to complete the level. Unfortunately, navigating the map is a pain in the butt, there are many fake walls that should not be on it. It has a decent amount of stages, and the game constantly adds new puzzle elements. I wouldn’t recommend it for platforming gameplay, but if you looking for something artistic (in a creepy way), I think it has some intriguing qualities.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

  • Started the tutorial

  • Struggeld with the odd key-binding, especially the fact that SPACE isn’t jump.

  • Got the hint to switch characters with the teddy bear from the inventory, but it did not work.

  • Went to the menu to check the controls any my progress got reset.

  • Restarted the tutorial and got other hints actually.

  • Got stuck by an obtuse barrier.

  • Gave up the tutorial and went over to the first level.

  • Got the feeling that this game is just about “find all trinkets in a labyrinth with enemies”.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Memory Eater on Steam

Ode to a Moon

Ode to a Moon

≫∦𝕲∭∄∂⋥ ⊶≋⧉ ⨇⩈𝕸 𝛙ℵ⪌⟁ ⟆⦆⌘𝛴⦻⎈

𝛅≉∱ ⨳∏⋄√𓃴⩥ ⨌⦿ ⊎∴⩏𝛃𓃼 ⧝⨭

⨈ 𝚵⋃∡ ≋𓊎⊋∯ ⧢⧉ ⨌⩑≫⩩𓉓𓍆

⨋≦⩉∳⨝⧡ 𝛙 ⦲⊗𓃽⦖∷∇⊢⊡𝛀⧛⦽

Ode to a Moon on Steam



So first and foremost before I even say anything developer. You need to immediately remove all the recorded voicework in the game. American English speakers appreciate your effort, but the bottom line is the inexperience of the voice actors makes it impossible for you to portray the characters you’re trying to portray. Instead of doing it this way, I suggest you record the voicelines in your native language and then have English subtitles translated by a professional. The way the voicework is now is totally immersion breaking and hilarious, but that’s totally okay because it’s something that can be fixed.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

A hellish mess which is as fun as buying a fake turd on ebay. Horrendous voice acting.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Sleep on Steam



Cataplexy is a short visual novel that combines incompatible genres of comedy and horror. It all depends on the chosen interpretation of events and the mood of the reader. To believe in the mystical nature of what is happening or to make out logical explanations. To be horrified by the state of hopelessness or to laugh at the comicality of the situation. This is for you to decide. Although the hero of our story in any case will have a hard time.


  • Possibility to choose the mood of the story: ironic or serious.

  • Visits by various otherworldly entities.

  • Backgrounds that combine hallucinations with reality.

  • A non-standard view of a truly existing phenomenon called Cataplexy.

  • A lot of story fragments were based on personal experience.

Cataplexy on Steam