Saturday of Piercing Screams

Saturday of Piercing Screams

Russian fever dream Castlevania. Addicting, annoying, cathartic.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Physics Games.

Game provided by the Dev via my Curator Page.

Saturday of Piercing Screams is the second game to the “Samozbor” series created by the Russian Developer “Derevotyan.” The goal of the game is to sacrifice 914 people over the course of 64 levels to the great shark god thing? Honestly I have no idea what’s going on… Like the whole series in general is super confusing to me, but it’s interesting none the less.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Saturday of Piercing Screams on Steam

Critters for Sale

Critters for Sale

Na ez egy érdekes történet! Szokásos felütés, megnéztem Steam-en a játék előzetesét, majd a közösségi felületére megírtam a szokásos „magyar fordítást a népnek” posztot, ami alá szokás szerint nem érkezett válasz. Majd néhány nap elteltével felvett ugyanitt egy brazil srác, akinek a profilképétől és a profilleírásától legalább 5 percen keresztül sírva röhögtem. Megtaláltam a helyi Ricardót! //Ricardo Milos egy ismert mém volt a 2010-es évek végén// Ezután elkezdtem vele beszélgetni, és azontúl, hogy Pedrónak hívják és iszonyat gyorsan összehaverkodtunk, kiderült ő is szeretné lefordítani a játékot, csak ő nem egyedül, hanem kábé 3 másik spanjával együtt. Merthogy szeretik a szürreális játékokat, amit egyébként én is, ezért is írtam a fent említett posztot. De ő már előttem járt egy lépéssel, és a fejlesztő e-mailcímét is megszerezte, amire levelet is írt, amiben kérdezte a fordítás lehetőségét, amire kapott is egy megerősítő igent. Majd a beszélgetésünk után írt egy másikat, amiben írta lenne egy magyar fordító is. Másnap kaptam egy továbbított levelet a brazil haveromtól: ZÖLD ÚT! Lesz projekt! A fájlokat viszont nem kaptuk meg, ezért az e-mailcímet kiszedve én is írtam neki egy levelet, próbáltam lelkesedés mellett komolyságot is sugallni a projekt iránt, amivel nemcsak azt értem el, hogy megkapjam a fájlokat, hanem egy elég jó kommunikáció is kialakult közöttünk. Ezt követően belevetettem magam a fordításába, azonban hamar kiszúrtam, hogy minden fájl 1-1 pálya szövegét tartalmazza, de így is hiányoztak belőlük bizonyos sorok: Konkrétan a menüpontok megnevezése és egy teljes fejtörő szövegezése. Erről először Pedrót kérdeztem, amire csak annyit írt vissza, hogy tud róla és reméli a fejlesztő ezeket is elküldi majd, mert időközben felállt egy prioritás sorrend, amiben az orosz és kínai nyelv élvezi az elsőbbséget. A választól pöppet sem megnyugodva, írtam egy levelet eme fejlesztőnek, amire kaptam egy hidegrázós választ: a hiányzó sorokat (mondatokat és szavakat) gépifordítással szeretné megoldani. Ezután még annyira sem lenyugodva beleástam magam a játékba, amiből kimásoltam a fejtörő összes mondatát, és lefordítva mellékelve elküldtem, levélnek pedig marketingest megirigylő érvekkel alátámasztottam miért jobb a kézi, mint a gépi. Amire rövid időn belül kaptam egy választ, ebben mellékletként elküldte a maradék gépifordítás veszélyének kitett szöveget, amik immáron már csak egyszerű kifejezések, megjegyezve nagyon lelkes vagyok, és akkor már nyugodtan nézzek rá ezekre is. Ránéztem, kicsi átírás után visszaküldtem, és közösen szummáztuk, hogy jó ez, de nem fogja kiváltani a fordítót. Ezután Pedrónak elmesélve a sztorit lesütött fejjel (vagy legalábbis úgy megfogalmazott üzenetek formájában) elkérte ezeket a hiányzó szövegeket, átküldtem, lefordította, elküldte, siker. Majd a fejlesztő írt nekem egy levelet, amiben leírta igazam volt és nem fog több gépifordítást használni. Hadd ne mondjam nagyon örültem neki. Telt-múlt az idő, lefordításra került a teljes szövegmennyiség, ezt bátran elújságolva kedves fejlesztőnknek, aki meglepődve mondta, hogy a versenyt én nyertem, mert a többiek még közel sincsenek ott, ahol most én vagyok, had ne mondjam mennyire meglepődtem ezen, mert a többiek csoportban dolgoznak, tehát nem egyedül. Nos, mit lehet tenni, a munkát elvégeztem, így elérkezett az idő a búcsúzásnak. Én megköszöntem a lehetőséget, ő pedig a kitartó lelkesedésemet, és ha a közeljövőben is szeretne magyar nyelvet a projektjeibe, akkor engem fog ezzel kapcsolatban megkeresni, aminek nagyon örültem. Végszóként elmondta a tervét: meg szeretné várni a többi fordító munkáját, majd egy nagy szeretetcsomagban beilleszti az összeset. És itt véget is érne a történet… három hónappal később …de a frissítés nem történt meg. Elkezdtem aggódni, ezért újra felkerestem Pedrót, hátha tud valamit erről, és mit ad ismet ők MÉG MINDIG a fordításnál tartanak. Ennyi idő alatt befejeztem az Amnesia: Rebirth és a Hidden Folks fordítását (aminek mondjuk a fele kész volt már ezelőtt), szóval úgy voltam vele, hogy írok ismét a fejlesztőnek és kiderítem mi a helyzet. Levélírás pipa, és válasznak megkaptam, hogy már ő is szeretné letudni a dolgot, de még két csapat szöszöl a végső simításokkal, de október 28, írjam be ezt a dátumot, az a végső határidő. Pedrót ezután békénhagytam és egészen 25-ig hozzá se szóltam, utána ráírtam pöppet feszkós „Kész vagy má’, bruh?” megszólítással, amire kaptam egy „Igen, elküldtük”-et. A megmaradt uccsó csapatból se én se Pedró nem ismertünk senkit, szóval együtt vártuk ki a maradék 3 napot. két nappal és 22 órával később Levelt kaptam lájf, a fejlesztő megírta, hogy minden készen áll a frissítésre holifákk. Utána Pedró is írt, hogy minden készen áll a frissítésre holifákk. Majd elértük az este hét órát, és mint kiderült, tényleg minden készen állt a frissítésre, holifákk! Három és egy kicsivel több hónappal később megtörtént végre, aminek meg kellett történnie: bekerült a fordítás. Ójebébi! Ráadásul szóltak, hogy ha a Steamet átállítom magyar nyelvre, akkor a promóciós pillanatképek is arra a nyelvre fognak átállni, és mit ad isten, tényleg a saját munkám nézett vissza rám. Hidegrázós pillanat volt ez, mert SOHA nem találkoztam még ilyennel, de ez egy olyan pillanat, amit szeretnék ha minél több fordítós kollegám átélne. Azt is tudnám mondani, hogy már ezért a pillanatért érdemes volt belekezdenem a projektbe és megismerkednem Pedróval.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Violent Games.

Firstly, this game is NOT for anyone who doesn’t want/like games that are purposefully abstruse or extremely weird. That being said, I really love strange and weird games/stories and I don’t mind being led down a confusing plot so long as it’s enjoyable. This game is a combination of point and click and visual novel type gameplay (both genres that I love). The story is a bit confusing even to the end (although you can get the gist of it by the end) and there is a big theme of

! satanism/demonism in the game. I honestly didn’t find any of the puzzles unsolvable or extremely difficult, though a few can be annoying to solve (such as the piano puzzle requires recognizing tones) but the bulk of the “difficult” puzzles are in the Dragon story and everything necessary can be found simple enough with looking at everything possible. I will note that I played the stories left to right and see a lot of complaints about the people who started with Dragon as the first or second story, so I definitely would wait to do Dragon last (the others don’t matter in order) and it’ll make the most sense sticking to Dragon as last, promise!

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Critters for Sale on Steam



trippy as fuck

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Story Rich Games.

The best visual novel and game about drugs I’ve ever played. If you want to get sucked into a vortex of twisted plots, this game is definitely for you. Different storylines and endings make this game playable for long hours. Depiction of drug effects are also very imaginative and sometimes trippy as hell.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

ReTox on Steam

Sanatorium Purgatorium

Sanatorium Purgatorium

Awesome game! Completed it in one go, couldn’t even take a toilet break. The plot twist is amazing and the ending that I got is something else… Looking for all the endings now 10/10

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Does having more reviews boost a game’s appearance in the steam store? Because that is exactly what I want to do for this game. It needs MORE recognition. This is a short little gem of a horror game. I swear I spent more of the VN laughing than I did scared. It takes a lot of twists and turns and the characters are ridiculously nuanced for the game’s length. The art style is beautiful and the english is adorably broken. The broken english honestly makes the game cuter and more charming. It gives me vibes of DDLC but not to the extent that it seems like it borrowed a lot. It is definitely its own story in its own universe and I had so much fun with this little treasure!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Sanatorium Purgatorium on Steam



TL:DR: If you want a dark twin-stick shooter with a unique 2.5D art style, atmosphere like Splatter, and The Hong Kong Massacre/Hotline Miami-esque challenge put up by each individual enemy being almost on par with you if not for the tricks up your sleeve such as visibility, as well as slow-mo and sliding through to gun down tight rooms and corridors, it’s hard to go wrong here.

It also works well if you’re just looking for any fast-paced twin-stick shooter like I was.

Pretty good twin-stick shooter. A lovely, detailed 2.5D art style and a great electronic soundtrack I’m yet to upload to YouTube (with the developer’s blessing, of course) set a dark atmosphere for some mindless, on-your-toes killing sprees interspersed with philosophical musings and societal jabs that can be uncomfortably (in a good, thinking way) prodding. You just might learn a thing or two about schizophrenic thinking along the way, or pick up on deeper things using such knowledge to read between the lines, or even see a secret coming. After a slight and needed AI nerf, the fast-paced gameplay does a good job of making your potential and consistency the main “RNG” factors deciding whether you’ll complete a level or not, much like other twin-sticks such as Hotline Miami, Redie, and The Hong Kong Massacre, in that at the end of a level you actually have to ask yourself “Wait, I did it this time?”. The later levels' layouts can get slightly frustrating, but it’s nothing you can’t literally bait and slide your way out of. The game will test you on mastery and consistent execution of its gameplay mechanics, and you will be shocked at how much faster you can run through the game a second time as a result of learning how to play; you wouldn’t suspect you’d be learning and thinking meanwhile, but you are.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game


So I caught this game in my suggested log by total chance. Seeing the blistering play and cool header image made me want to check out a sample, and ShotX was cool enough to chat about his one-man hate game and give me a play. Kontrakt is NOT for bad mad provincials. That means, if you suck DO NOT PLAY THIS. It’s extremely challenging and will RUIN you in a few moments. The graphics have a cool late-1990s feel, the glitched soundtrack was made by the developer and also rules, but the play will keep you coming. It’s rather simple. You take out contracts on hits and kill all the bodyguards in each level before you get to your target and move on. Play is FAST and a single shot can kill you at times. He just added an arcade-type form of play called the “Devil’s Game” so let’s see if you can beat me on the leaderboard. If you want to read more of what I have to say and check out some screenshots I took, as well as a video of play from the developer himself, go to the link below and SUPPORT THIS GAME:

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Kontrakt on Steam

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt

‘We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there too.’ - Kirstin Martz

In this surreal psychological horror made in RPGmaker MV, Mole enters a tunnel complex under the premise he is being guided by God to complete a purpose during the ‘Endtimes’. Throughout Mole’s time spent down there we see him seeking out the Voice to direct him and, it is here, we see the mental journey being taken until Mole is finally ‘told’ what he must do by the Voice which is to bring a baby to Him. It is this task that enables Mole to confront struggles & overcome challenges in order to complete this Purpose.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

I feel physically sick after playing this because of how involved I got and how badly the jumpscares got me, and I think this is worth a shot, however I do have some notes:

  • The speed: I get giving a run option would mean rethinking a lot of the chase parts, but it was kind of frustrating in some points.

  • The music: I’d never recommend lyrics AND writing you have to read and understand (it’s not accessible for many people), and some of the music felt particularly out of place - in particular, the jukebox was playing something too cheery. It was not bad, just weird.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt on Steam



Edit: I briefly chatted with developer 98DEMAKE, and he clarified the following:


Glad you enjoyed [OK/NORMAL, September 1999] them!

I read your reviews, and they’re fine reviews! Though, with OK/NORMAL, I didn’t really intend to say anything about modern psychology, or the medication that goes with it. It’s more about substance abuse, as hinted by the syringes later on, rather than medication.

As a result, I have deleted the portion of the review that faulted the game of falling trap for the “pill stigma.” As the above quote points to, 98DEMAKE never wanted to shame modern psychiatry or medication. It was more directed towards drug abuse and the lasting effect drug abuse/addiction may have on your psyche.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

OK/Normal was quite an experience. These games are the kind that not only interest me, but I really enjoy, especially when they add a layer of horror to them. This game wasn’t perfect in any respect, and it had a few issues with it, but despite that, I really liked the game.

The controls of the game were quite annoying, at least at first. I was unsure if I should use a controller or keyboard, so I just started off with my controller, and that was quite the mistake. The controls aren’t nice with a controller, they are annoying, and confusing, especially with turning. It got so annoying that at some point I switched to keyboard. Using a keyboard almost completely fixed the issues I had with the controls. Being in first person makes the controls a lot easier as well, the only draw back of first person view is that it makes it harder to see all the cool stuff about the map. But sometimes first person view is necessary, especially when you are trying to not fall off of something.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

OK/NORMAL on Steam

Feast Your Eyes

Feast Your Eyes

A great and intense 3D horror tale - A murderous little marshmallow is getting haunted by his past as he’s exploring a dark twisted world on the hopes of finding the meaning of his life. Very Spooky!

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Wonderfully suspenseful and full of many interesting additions to the CYE series. The storytelling, atmosphere, artwork, and voice acting is excellently done. Would definitely recommend it.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Feast Your Eyes on Steam



This game is so revolutionary for its time. It had brought me so much joy in playing it, my humanity and sense of thought is only barely gone. Man do i love ball split. I highly recommend people to play this if you have epilepsy, don’t sue me when you die tho. In this game it often references the fact that weebs are literal human garbage, and I agree….. 5 stars, 10/10 game, would recommend. Farmor is a good touch. join the discord if you would like to talk and discuss the glory and amazement of this game. If the dev reads this, please reply and I would love to talk about this game with you… Join my discord aswell . There is so much content packed in this amazing arcade style shooter. In the tutorial there are so many opportunities to have funnn!!!!!!!! I still haven’t found the hidden acheiments, or unlocked the 100k door, but i am so gosh darn close. If you know anything that i don’t please feel free to let me know. Again if this is the dev reading this, please contact me. please………………… plz :3… The sense of humour in this game humours me quite impeccably. Only 5 hours in and still goin strong. not to brag or anything but my juggling record is 152. Dev please hit me up fam, i need to know everything about this game, and what you were on when making it. BTW Best played at the late am’s. One more time, Contact me so I can tell you what I have found, because I would love to know how much is left, because I am determined to find it all :)………. Have a nice day, -sincerely Me

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Half of the game is actually the tutorial. There are many secrets in there and it’s really fun to figure them out. The levels alone are pretty hard, so you can’t really play through it in 20 min. Really fun would recommend.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

LOEK on Steam

PsyHotel Simulator

PsyHotel Simulator

Become a hotel owner and experience what it’s like to run such an establishment. Just remember that all your customers are criminals and psychopaths, so you need to take care of them properly.

You are also a professional killer, so you know how to handle things.

Take the challenge and eliminate the chosen customers. You are the law here and only your game rules apply.

Create elaborate traps, fake accidents, provoke fights and develop your empire. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and don’t blow your cover! Your shady customers are just waiting for a mistake.

Undercover killer

You’re a professional assassin working both as a freelancer and on your own initiative. The hotel you run is your cover, and no one has any idea what awaits them there. Every customer is a dangerous individual, unfit to live in a society. As the head of the hotel, you can play cat and mouse by hunting criminals and psychos and arranging inventive accidents. Be efficient. It’s your job.

Gather information

A good hotel boss always knows how to take care of his guests. Receive them at the reception, learn about them using the System and assign them to appropriate rooms. Observe their daily routines, find out when they leave their room and what routines they follow. Choose from many possible approaches to make the most accurate action plan possible. As the owner of your establishment, you have access to its every corner. Use it to your advantage.

Be swift

The sooner the better. Create your action plan and get to work. Customers don’t stay at the hotel forever, so you need to terminate them before they leave. When time is of the essence, you need to keep a cool head. You’ll find various useful items in the area, but you will also encounter less functional ones, which will needlessly grab your attention. Want to set a trap for a gangster inside his room? You need to know when you can get in without raising suspicion. Often every moment counts.


As the boss, you have an office and hidden spots no one else can access. Once in your workshop, you can feel at ease. You’ll be able to plan your every step, build the needed traps and order items online, all without suspicion. What’s more, you have free access to the System, which allows you to learn every customer’s secrets.

The System

A real professional knows where to find useful information and identify the weaknesses in his goals. When using your computer, you’ll have access to police files, psychological profiles and other information on criminals staying under your roof.

Stay cautious

Not every guest is predictable. Some may act instinctively and break out of their routines. If you’re caught red-handed during a murder, others will know. Then they may escape or attack you in a group.

Plan and build

You are free to decide how to get rid of your targets. Your workshop guarantees many options for building useful items and traps - silent, loud and explosive contraptions. Once you learn your customer’s routines, you need to decide how to act. Will, you set a snare trap in their own room? Push them off the stairs and pretend it was an accident? Silently eliminate them in their sleep, or blow them to bits using a grenade hidden in the bedside table? Or maybe you’ll decide to incite a gang war and watch your masterpiece of destruction from a safe distance?

Main features:

  • Absurd humour. Observe the daily quirks of your customers and initiate your own crazy scenarios.

  • Unconventional gameplay combining elements from several genres. Carefully plan your every step or improvise. It’s all about efficiency and fun.

  • Many available paths and styles of play. Get rich thanks to items collected from your customers. Expand your establishment with new recreation rooms and instruments of murder.

  • Various traps to build. Dynamite planted in the bedside table or a bomb in the alarm clock? Maybe a fan combined with power saws or a pizza with pineapple? Build whatever you want!

PsyHotel Simulator on Steam