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Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Cinematic Games.

I love this stuff. This is a strange cosmic trippy VR experience that makes you feel weird and I like it. A masterpiece of the art form. Thanks for the free experience.

! The big purple baby head knows all. https://youtu.be/4RZ0ZxR5GrI

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


Cosmic Flow: A Relaxing VR Experience

Cosmic Flow: A Relaxing VR Experience

Cosmic Flow is genuinely a must-have for a VR library. Anyone who loves variety in their VR experiences, is looking for a meditation/spiritual application, is an artist looking for inspiration, or is someone who is looking for something to trip out to, will love this application.

This program was one of the main games that convinced my mother, who is in her 50’s and has never really played any game or bought any console or gaming setup for herself, to buy a Quest and learn VR. It’s a slow process, but she is learning! It’s a damn shame that this didn’t get accepted on the Quest store but I’ve got Sidequest set up for her at least so she can get this on her Quest.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Relaxing Games.

A great use of VR!

Really useful for relaxation! The visuals are beautiful, and it is a great way to focus on breathing and let your mind drift. The ability to be able to re-center the visuals is such a key feature because it lets you change positions. I’d highly recommend trying both sitting and lying down looking up as each approach has a different feel to it.

The music is nice sort of droning ambient which I like. I’ll have to try playing some other music I have at some point. All in all, I think anyone who is interested in using VR as a relaxation tool, then this should be checked out. It’s simple and straight forward to use, but very effective. It really helps me to calm the distractions going on in my mind and feel more centered.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Cosmic Flow: A Relaxing VR Experience on Steam

SoundSelf: A Technodelic

SoundSelf: A Technodelic

tl;DR: I am genuinely amazed at how effective this “game” is at its stated goal of inducing transcendental states of consciousness. Was skeptical, but then profoundly amazed. Literally helped transform my consciousness. (More on what that even f***ing means down below.) It can have the same sort of power (and therefore danger) as psychedelics, be careful. Lay down or get a neck pillow with a HMD.

I have a lot of experience with meditation, hypnosis, LSD, mindfulness, and healing complex PTSD, so I did have some background in mental restructuring before going in. However, I didn’t take the claims or warnings seriously, I figured it was marketing fluff. “Ask my doctor? Don’t operate heavy machinery? What the hell, I mean, it’s just some computer program, how much could it really do to me? I’ve done heroic doses of acid, I’ve even done DMT man. I bet it’ll barely do anything outside of a placebo effect.”

Real player with 108.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Relaxing Games.

Tibetan Monk Simulator 2020

Seriously though, SoundSelf isn’t like any other “game” I’ve ever played. It’s not so much a game as a piece of software that’s designed to induce an altered state of consciousness. I don’t think it’s fair to liken it to a drug trip because it’s not like being high; it’s more like doing an extended meditation session but you don’t necessarily have to meditate for half an hour.

The visuals combined with the audio feedback and modulation of your own toning helps to lull your analytical mind into passivity so that you can enter a purer state of being. You can literally feel the shift in your consciousness as you slip into that meditative state. My opinion is that this is a fantastic tool for those that have been looking for a way to start a meditation practice or enhance one they already have. In my case it got me meditating again regularly after years of neglect.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

SoundSelf: A Technodelic on Steam



This game was on my wishlist for a long time and I honestly hesitated to get it, because I knew it would probably be quite demanding. When I eventually got it, I still didn’t get started on it for almost a week. Once I did, though, I played it for seven hours straight and took over 200 screenshots during that time. It was just as demanding as I expected it to be, but also quite rewarding because of it, and, in the end, it was one of the most fascinating games I’ve played in a long while.

AENTITY is rewarding, daring, fascinating, even confusing at times, but most of all a creative outlet for those who decide to go all in. It’s a game with rules to learn and secrets to discover, but also a tool for the aspiring artist – or the artist in need of inspiration – as well as a piece of art to meditate over. As a tool it takes some practice to understand what it can do – and what you can do with it – so be prepared to take a lot of screenshots while you learn and then cut them down to a handsome few – or keep them all if that’s your thing. ;) I was really picky when I went through mine and kept only like 10%.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

I get abstraction….I get having no ambition or specific goal and just go with intuition in the invisible. I do get painting, arts, emptiness and minimalism… I am friend with every space called silence, void, nowhere and nothing.

But this…Hell no! I don’t know if people that do like this game are smoking weed and enjoy the psychedelic blurs of their screen!!? Maybe my pixel needs HD or a better Screen resolution?! I really don’t get it, didn’t enjoy it, getting to finish the game was a nightmare (getting all the achievements). I never want to play that game again ever. This is sad. So my only true opinion about this game is…Watch videos about a typical 15 minutes of game play and make a mind of your own about this because it is for sure a very peculiar game and maybe you will enjoy it, I didn’t. Bought the game 2 years ago for 4.48$. Can’t say I’m outraged. It’s ok even if I didn’t like the game it’s worth the try and it was intriguing enough but now I have enough… Uninstalling the game from my pc is a happy moment right now!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

AENTITY on Steam

Crystal Vibes feat. Ott.

Crystal Vibes feat. Ott.

One of VR"s most early kaleidoscopic music video dealies. Should be worth a dollar. It might have also been bundled with another set of experiences, I don’t remember. I’m probably thinking of something else. The music a funky dubstep dealie with strange sounds, so, up my alley for sure.

! I tried real hard to spell kaleidoscopic the first time correctly, and failed. I tried again just now looking at the correct spelling and failed. https://youtu.be/bUvpdrg90XM

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This is a few minute psychedelic gem. It left me literally floored.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Crystal Vibes feat. Ott. on Steam



I’m a huge fan of Aentity but so far I havn’t found the drive to “zen me” in RŌA. I think it’s my personal taste when it comes to the fact that this feels more “pixely” combined with the colour choises here wich just makes me feel ill.

However it’s still a low price game so the “risk” is worth it to see wether you like it more then I do. I still see the beauty behind this so it’s hard to put the dislike-stamp on i.

Maybe this was better off added to Aentity then a seperate buy (even with the option to recieve it for free in the bundle).

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Edit 6/21/2018: Sometimes when I write a review, the developer contacts me to request I play a bit more. Perhaps I missed something. I always try to honor this request because I certainly don’t want to write ignorant reviews (note that this does not include when more content is added during EA campaigns).


The developer of ROA asked me to give it another shot. So I did. It only made my blood boil because while I found a few little things I hadn’t before - it was just more of the same. You guys know I’m a huge advocate for the whole Itch.io scene and experimental games. This title is fine in that regard, but I just don’t think it’s worth three bucks. What else do you want me to say?

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

RŌA on Steam

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Definitely more than 15mn contrary to some reviews!

(More content was added after initial release)

Some users don’t pay attention and miss most of the experience.

This is not fast food, this is not a game or a thing you have to try to speed run.

Why not taking some slow time in there, relax and enjoy the show?

Many interactions are hidden, delicate and add replay value, there is even a secret ending.

This is not for everyone:

If you are a gamer in a hurry: don’t buy it.

If you are looking to be fully immersed surrounded by music and FXs, enjoy every polygons, music notes and pay attention to the cues and the cryptic story… then go for it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

A truly beautiful experience. The detail and the complexity of everything around you is so amazing, and the music makes it all come alive. Lots of genuine “wow” moments.

I can’t wait for what’s next in this universe.


One tip for players is to look up in the “menu” area. I think you need to view the main story part first to unlock them, but there are three pentagonal flower shapes above you to the left and right that open up and take you to other scenes/modes. I had no idea until I read the store page that mentioned the added scenes. Anyway, I was very happy to discover this.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00- on Steam



trippy as fuck

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

The best visual novel and game about drugs I’ve ever played. If you want to get sucked into a vortex of twisted plots, this game is definitely for you. Different storylines and endings make this game playable for long hours. Depiction of drug effects are also very imaginative and sometimes trippy as hell.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

ReTox on Steam

The Flow Experience

The Flow Experience

The Focused Experience

The Flow Experience is a game of focus and determination. Move, dash, and guard through enemy attacks to survive. You don’t shoot. You don’t attack. Just go with your instincts and stay alive.

The Growth Experience

Making mistakes is being human. Don’t worry if you’re getting beaten. Just trust your feelings, listen to the music. Follow the symbols of ancient civilizations and learn to improve. You will grow with every try.

The Flow Experience on Steam



SUMMARY: A graphical toy to make weird, surreal spacescapes and the oddities that inhabit them, from playing with sliders to just randomziing items. On top of that, you get odd soundscapes that play along. A way to just mess around, or a way to create relaxing - or disturbing - backgrounds on your computer or tv display.

Anomalies is a graphical toy that some may call a glorified screen saver - fortunately it’s both!

Basically you can randomize or set a bunch of parameters, that then make surreal spacescapes that you can watch while strange music plays. Depending on your choices, you might watch stars circle by as you observe a nebula, be caught among strange particles, or hover in front of a bizarre tentacular space creature. Or a combination.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

This is a really interesting piece of software. It is good to have around to either dip into casually or have a longer session. There can be some nice surprises. I just came up with a not very spectacular creation from the visual point of view, but it has a very nice ethereal sound. Tweaking parameters and hunting and rummaging are great fun. I have got some more choices of wallpaper too.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Anomalies on Steam