

It’s peculiar, rough around the edges and a lot could be improved, but virtually everything about this feels more… Unique than most other horror games. It feels like the developer had a vision and didn’t mind taking a few risks.

You’ll go back and forth between your conscious and subconscious, completing puzzles, fighting off enemies, but you’ll also be intrigued, wondering what bizarre scenario will be coming up next.

It’s pretty cheap if you want to take the risk and try it out. If it isn’t for you, there’s always the refund option.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Horror Games.

Noosphere has been on my Steam wishlist for about a month and it was time to try playing it. I have to say that I was not disappointed with the game even though I found a few minor bugs.

One time I even fell into textures and got stuck there for a while :/

But after restarting the game I never encountered this again.

Nevertheless I consider Noosphere to be a good enough psychological horror especially considering it’s indie.

My rating would be 8/10 screemers.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Noosphere on Steam



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⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Experience Games.

I love this stuff. This is a strange cosmic trippy VR experience that makes you feel weird and I like it. A masterpiece of the art form. Thanks for the free experience.

! The big purple baby head knows all.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game





  • The game is set in alternative Russia of the 19th century. Gloomy and sinister, at the same time enchanting world.

  • Gameplay focuses on the story unusual for the genre. The tedious and confusing “Russian-style” tale, presented in an unexpected arthouse style.

  • Controlling two characters, you go on a difficult journey, solving either puzzles or psychological problems of the heroes.


A young nun, full of doubts and seditious thoughts, is expelled from the monastery, accused of obsession. She goes to the city, watching as a terrible shaggy creature walks on her heels. On the way, she meets a surprisingly devout fugitive convict, who convinces her to go with him to the holy elder, who is hiding a miraculous artifact, which should solve all her problems.

Read More: Best Psychedelic Third Person Games.

INDIKA on Steam




A rare planetary alignment has transpired in the universe. The deep sea needs your help pulling Mother Ocean from her depression spiral for the water ritual to be complete. You must collect and deliver life energy pearls to the Nucleoid Portal to awaken her. You’ll receive mysterious messages, learn how to astral project and meditate with consciousness warriors as you navigate a fantastic deep sea world full of weird, alien underwater creatures. Will you be around long enough to experience universal oneness?

Oceanarium on Steam

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Definitely more than 15mn contrary to some reviews!

(More content was added after initial release)

Some users don’t pay attention and miss most of the experience.

This is not fast food, this is not a game or a thing you have to try to speed run.

Why not taking some slow time in there, relax and enjoy the show?

Many interactions are hidden, delicate and add replay value, there is even a secret ending.

This is not for everyone:

If you are a gamer in a hurry: don’t buy it.

If you are looking to be fully immersed surrounded by music and FXs, enjoy every polygons, music notes and pay attention to the cues and the cryptic story… then go for it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

A truly beautiful experience. The detail and the complexity of everything around you is so amazing, and the music makes it all come alive. Lots of genuine “wow” moments.

I can’t wait for what’s next in this universe.


One tip for players is to look up in the “menu” area. I think you need to view the main story part first to unlock them, but there are three pentagonal flower shapes above you to the left and right that open up and take you to other scenes/modes. I had no idea until I read the store page that mentioned the added scenes. Anyway, I was very happy to discover this.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00- on Steam



Here’s the long and short of it:

The Good:

Fantastic visuals, not too taxing on resources so you can really pump up the resolution. Pure VR eye candy.

The Middle:

Guided experiences (vocal) are… adequate. The guy is tolerable, the woman is just nails on a chalkboard.

The fun comes in the solo/choose your own experience mode.

If you don’t like the ingame music, mute the volume on that app and play whatever you want on VLC. There SHOULD be an ingame option for this.

The Bad:

The entire thing uses a gaze based centering system in order to keep you looking head on.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

5 minutes of this feels like waking from a restful nights sleep.

Excellent blend of relaxing binaural sound and pulsed light visuals.

The visuals aren’t going to blow your socks off but they aren’t meant to being more abstract and calming.

If you have VR and just need to chill out a bit for 10 minutes you really cant go wrong.

The guided meditation intro shouldn’t be skipped

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Visitations on Steam



A new horror game from the creator of GOHOME, Itimatu Suzuka!

A first-person mystery-solving adventure game set in a Western-style house in the Meiji era.

It is a walking simulator game in which you explore a mysterious Western-style house,

and a serious game in which the main character confronts his sins, past and present.


The protagonist, Kirima Shoka, finds herself in an unfamiliar Western-style building.

She doesn’t know what she was doing, why she is here, or even where she is.

夜詛-YASO- on Steam



BECKONED is a single-player adventure, driven by progressive role-playing combat mechanics.

The story follows a boy (Taujh) searching for a crystal pendant which could contain his lost memories. Accompanied by two others (Enelh and Leign), they scurry across the landscape of Devanis while being swept up in a whirlwind of trouble. Mastering their surroundings and choosing to help a land riddled with fear, they must reclaim the pendant before its lost for good and maybe then, Taujh will finally know who he is. Release date and price is TBA.




_“They’ve promised that dreams can come true - but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too”. - Oscar Wilde

Your eyelids are heavy, your muscles relax, the sound of the television fades away to fatigue after a hard day at work. You embrace the arms of Morpheus and dive deep into the infinity of your imagination.

You wake up on an idyllic white sandy beach. A light breeze makes you shiver as the sun sets on the horizon. After a peaceful walk along the beach, you discover a huge dark bunker gate, which opens as you approach, inviting you to come in.

Your curiosity takes over and you decide to explore the place, revealing a wide underground complex. But what started as a perfect dream quickly turns into a bad one when you realized you’re not alone in here.

Find your way out, explore, solve puzzles and fight for your survival. Or your sanity.

Bad Dreams is not a game that should be played by everybody. It’s a unique experience filled with horrors and secrets. So be ready to face your darkest dream. But never. Ever. FALL INTO MADNESS._

Bad Dreams is a VR Horror game developed by French indie studio with outstanding and immersive gameplay based on real gesture. A unique experience, where nightmares become reality.

Immersives controls :

Bad Dreams will put all your senses to the test. Look, listen, smell, touch, run around… Don’t forget to do all this quietly because the evil is lurking, a strange evil that can’t be silenced without taking your head with both hands… Use your VR controllers like never before. Pinch your nose to avoid mortal gaz, cover your ears to save your spirit from madness…

Limbos :

In Bad Dreams, you must watch your sanity gauge very carefully and keep it as low as possible. If you don’t, insanity will take hold of you, and you will fall into limbo. A place where only the worst nightmares manifest. Run for your life to escape this hell and pick up right where you lost your mind.

Explore :

Use flashlight or matches to explore a dark underground network. Crouch and be quiet to avoid unnecessary fight. Pray to take the good path or die and try again. Do not forget your flashlight battery or embrace the darkness and its subjects.

Fight :

A horde of zombies, mutants and atrocities will come to haunt you throughout the game. Fortunately for you, there is a large choice of weapons and how to use them: kill, maim, and burn the monsters to save your life.

Puzzles :

Your path will be filled with puzzles to solve. Some of which would seem simple at first… But not when you’re under attack and creatures are roaring behind you. Thrilling moments guaranteed.

Hard choices :

In this game, you will have to choose which tool or weapon you’ll carry. You can carry one thing per hand and your inventory will offer you two slot so use it wisely.

More infos on our website :

Our team :

We’re a french studio called CREATIVE VR 3D and our team is composed of 3 members. As a young and indie company, we could use any support, help or exposure that you can offer.

Now working on Bad Dreams for a year, we are launching a Kickstarter campaign to finish this game. Help us by joining our community on Kicsktarter :


  • The flashlight attached to the wristband may be flying above it.

  • Grab an object when you already have one in the other hand may shift (move) it a little bit. This is only visual.


Death Come True

Death Come True

Coming from the same creator of Danganronpa, Death Come True is a marvelous FMV with a very interesting and genius gameplay. You play as a person who woke up in a hotel room with no memories of what brought him to this place. He’ll meet people who’ll tell him what is his identity, or what they thought he is. I’m not going to give away much about the story because it’ll be more fun for you to discover it yourself.

It has multiple endings, and the most interesting part that if you die, the game will restart but the main character will still have a memory of whatever event happened and the people he met. This will give you a chance to take different choices and decisions.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I recommend this game, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t leave me disappointed. Death Come True comes to us from the developer of the Danganronpa series and is a FMV mystery title. As the story plays out, the game will occasionally prompt you to make a choice where you then witness the outcome of your decision; like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. However, that’s where my primary criticism of the game comes in. Despite the illusion of choice, DCT is actually very linear. Usually you are left with deciding between one of two paths, but making the “incorrect” decision often leads to a quick Game Over and the option to continue the game at the last branch in the story line, so you can make the other choice and advance. It doesn’t always play out like this, but in the interest of avoiding spoilers, I’ll ease up on getting more specific. Also, this game is a lot shorter than I was expecting. In 3.4 hours, I earned all the achievements and witnessed all the branching outcomes. Granted, there is a fast-forward option that I used to bypass scenes that had already played out in a previous playthrough, but I still wanted a little more meat on this bone. So, why do I recommend it? Because it’s not a bad game. The story is interesting, albeit not as mind-blowing as I was hoping. Just know that you’re getting a bite-sized, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch-esque experience and not much else. With experience in the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series' prior to playing this game, it’s conceivable my expectations were too high. Nevertheless, I look forward to the seeing what Too Kyo Games comes up with next. But as it concerns DCT, I recommend waiting for a sale.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Death Come True on Steam