Neon Souls

Neon Souls

That’s where you’re wrong. These same effects are the main part of the game mechanics, which at first didn’t seem to me, but the more I progressed through the levels, the more I saw the importance of using these effects to my advantage, whether to anticipate some moves or to help me stay alive. Gameplay quite different and very attractive 100/100.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Abstract Games.

As good as the colors of the soul. It is necessary to play with caution and explore slowly so as not to die. Very good.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Neon Souls on Steam

Subway Midnight

Subway Midnight


Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Psychological Horror Games.

This game made me scream so badly my roommate had to come make sure I wasn’t being murdered.

I really love the different designs and areas. I only played through it once so far and got the bad ending but I definitely want to play it again to see if I can get the other endings. The level and sound design is brilliant, in my opinion. The game really knows how to invoke anxiety and fear into the player. There’s the anticipation for a scare lurking around for the majority of the game. I enjoyed all the puzzles as many of them felt very unique and there was certainly a feeling of relief upon completing specific ones and entering essentially a safe zone.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Subway Midnight on Steam

The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited

The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited

really nicely made trippy little toy.

But without an objective or context, $12 is pretty steep for what is essentially a fancy visualizer. It only has a couple of features that the free version doesn’t, and imo they don’t exactly warrant such a high price tag.

My advice: search for and download the original free version, and if after playing that you think “oh hell yeah I’d pay $11.99 for more of THIS”, then by all means go ahead. (I did for what that’s worth.) But without further updates, a point to it all, or a lower price, I can’t recommend everyone or anyone buy it.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Psychedelic Abstract Games.

I do think that the price is a bit high for a game where you just walk around and look at weird stuff, but the way this game is made is very cool, and very trippy, and jhbakjbAIjhy8qwuyowqghbwqbgukqwyhbqgwkuyhgbqhqbhqwbA AN HA AHN AH aH hah a ha baH ja jna

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited on Steam

Beat Biome

Beat Biome

Play music through your headset and Beat Biome will automatically pick it up, reacting to the beats and wavelengths!

This is a pretty small trip, but fun none the less. Enjoy several psychedelic environments, even create your own! Just play some music and chill out, maybe lie down or bust a move. It’s up to you how to enjoy this, just keep an open mind and two open ears.

If this blows up I’ll make some more content, but in the meantime leave your comments in a review or email me directly with any bugs/feedback/etc you have. I’m a single developer and just made this for fun, so please be understanding if I can’t get to everything. Thanks, and enjoy!

Beat Biome on Steam

DeepStates [VR]

DeepStates [VR]

(Received this for free thanks to the thoughtful developer, after I provided a bunch of feedback during the ‘beta’. I had been planning to buy this on release and I think the asking price is just right!).

Absolutely stunning (highly realistic) environmental beauty, not just in visual fidelity but in sound, space, and spirit.

I’ve played and enjoyed a variety of ‘environment’ apps in VR, and none of them have impacted me like this. I’m on the Reverb G2, and these spaces feel so incredibly real I almost cried just looking out at the stars and moon from the desert landscape.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

This is a great vr experience, my favorite worlds were the planet and the time lapse area. The guided meditation worked surprisingly well, especially with the humming interaction, that was awesome. The mixing of the voice kind of knocked me out of it though the more I heard it. I feel like it’s too present, too much low end EQ and not enough verb. It sounds like someone speaking right next to your ear when it might be more comfortable for it to sound like it’s coming from the heavens. And maybe some gentle effect that quickly ramps up into the voice to let you know you’re about to hear it so it’s less alarming when it starts. Comfort adjustments worked great, the strobing effect was super intense (which is a good thing, I’d rather have effects like that come in strong and be able to dial them back with settings). Great work, this is awesome and I look forward to what worlds you build next.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

DeepStates [VR] on Steam

Klang 2

Klang 2

Playing this game for 59 hours, I definitely can say I adore this game. Being the first person to review this game (probably), along with getting the first two PFC’s on 60hz on two of the hardest songs in the game on fast mode (in beta release), the gameplay is insanely addicting and the music is a real banger.

The gameplay is incredibly simple with only swipes, taps, and holds, but has a fairly deep and challenging execution, especially on keyboard and mouse. Fast mode accentuates this even more, with tight timings and fast-approaching notes.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

[Won a beta key in a wishlist milestone giveaway, did some pre-launch testing.]

I have been waiting for this game to come out for five years, and did it meet my expectations?

holy fuck yes it did

Klang 1 held a very special place in my heart for mostly sentimental reasons, along with it feeling like a one of a kind experience. I have no idea how to properly express how that game makes me feel, but it was incredible. However, it lacks polish; a playthrough without encountering any bugs whatsoever is probably impossible.

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Klang 2 on Steam



It’s peculiar, rough around the edges and a lot could be improved, but virtually everything about this feels more… Unique than most other horror games. It feels like the developer had a vision and didn’t mind taking a few risks.

You’ll go back and forth between your conscious and subconscious, completing puzzles, fighting off enemies, but you’ll also be intrigued, wondering what bizarre scenario will be coming up next.

It’s pretty cheap if you want to take the risk and try it out. If it isn’t for you, there’s always the refund option.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Noosphere has been on my Steam wishlist for about a month and it was time to try playing it. I have to say that I was not disappointed with the game even though I found a few minor bugs.

One time I even fell into textures and got stuck there for a while :/

But after restarting the game I never encountered this again.

Nevertheless I consider Noosphere to be a good enough psychological horror especially considering it’s indie.

My rating would be 8/10 screemers.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Noosphere on Steam



SUMMARY: A musical/visual game where you manipulate various settings to create your own visual/musical combinations. Worth purchasing if you enjoy experiential games, and like unusual musical and video experiences.

Panoramical is best summed up as an audio/visual toy. It’s a kind of spiritual lovechild of screensavers, Proteus, and the Atari C-240.

As you play (with minimal instruction) you enter various settings. In those you have nine factors you can maniuplate - there’s no directions, you have to find what they do. Each factor alters both the musical and the visual landscape - what could be a mysterious black and white swamp, with a few tweaks, becomes a strange mirrored plain with shooting stars flying about. Music could be dissonant, orchestral, whimsical, or something else.

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

A Stendhal Syndrome inducing piece of art, that becomes David Kanaga’s most ambitious work to date

I should start this review by saying that after the first 20 minutes I spent with Fernando Ramallo and David Kanaga’s new creation, I feel forced to stop in a state of anxiety while tears of emotion blurred my eyes.

Panoramical puts me in the same state of euphoria that Stendhal felt visiting the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence for the first time, as he became overwhelmed by the dazzling beauty found in Giotto’s frescoes.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game


Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00-

Definitely more than 15mn contrary to some reviews!

(More content was added after initial release)

Some users don’t pay attention and miss most of the experience.

This is not fast food, this is not a game or a thing you have to try to speed run.

Why not taking some slow time in there, relax and enjoy the show?

Many interactions are hidden, delicate and add replay value, there is even a secret ending.

This is not for everyone:

If you are a gamer in a hurry: don’t buy it.

If you are looking to be fully immersed surrounded by music and FXs, enjoy every polygons, music notes and pay attention to the cues and the cryptic story… then go for it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

A truly beautiful experience. The detail and the complexity of everything around you is so amazing, and the music makes it all come alive. Lots of genuine “wow” moments.

I can’t wait for what’s next in this universe.


One tip for players is to look up in the “menu” area. I think you need to view the main story part first to unlock them, but there are three pentagonal flower shapes above you to the left and right that open up and take you to other scenes/modes. I had no idea until I read the store page that mentioned the added scenes. Anyway, I was very happy to discover this.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Synthesis Universe -Episode 00- on Steam



By design, one of the most cryptic games I ever played, but it does have a compelling psychological narrative if you are willing to overcome the moon logic. In the defense of the game, there are many creative and well-designed puzzles, but sometimes you are stuck for 2 hours, doing some excessive backtracking with limited visibility (assuming you can see at all). There is a section where I walked for like 20 minutes in complete darkness which should give you an idea of what kind of game it is. I completed the ‘normal’ difficulty around 15 hours (with no hints), and as far as I can tell the madness difficulty adds some new content. I was very close to rage quitting the game many times, but the curiosity got the better of me. It has a lot to offer in terms of psychological mechanics and how you interact with the puzzles, arguably more complex and thought-provoking than many games in the genre. Don’t expect puzzle logic, the hints will guide you maybe 25% of the time, there are many ‘leap of faith’ moments where you find things by accident.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Underponder is a great puzzle and platformer game, the puzzles can be quite hard at times but when you try all the mechanics this game gives you they are definatly doable, altough it is nothing for the unpatient as you have to try out alot and really need to think outside the box. When finally finishing a level though it is quite rewarding with the sense of accomplishement.

The Atmosphere of the game is also amazing, from the sound to graphical choices up to the cutscenes it is a very thought through game and quite the accomplishement for being made by only one developer.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Underponder on Steam