Else Heart.Break()

Else Heart.Break()

So many bugs, so little help. You have to coax the game into continuing the storyline. God forbid you didn’t spend five to ten minutes walking back to the hotel to sleep at night, otherwise you might fall asleep before you finish a key plot point action that has roughly a minute-long window to do. The premise seemed fun, but I am having the hardest time even getting the first few things done.

The backpack system is a mess, especially given the fact that you’re going to want to collect every floppy disk you find. There are tons, so you’ll be constantly flipping through them, dropping them places you’ll hopefully remember you dropped them, and potentially rediscovering them later.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Adventure Games.

This game drove me crazy. I finally finished it, but I wouldn’t have been able to without consulting the online forum repeatedly. There is a lot of great potential here, but most of it is wasted. The first thing to realize is that this is not a “programming game”, in the sense that none of the difficult aspects of the game have anything to do with tricky programming puzzles (unlike, say, Zachtronics games). This game is a role-playing point-and-click adventure that happens to feature programming (hacking) as a key component. The game features an in-game programming language called Sprak, which is a pretty simple imperative language that nobody with any programming experience will have any trouble with. However, very little real programming is necessary to progress in the game; usually you just modify tiny snippets of code and then you’re done. (Basically, the game makes you into a script kiddie.) The one difficult aspect of programming in the game is figuring out just which built-in commands are available. The game helps you a bit with this, but every programmable device has a different set of built-in commands, and some critical ones are only found in a few places. But the biggest problem with this game is the plot. The plot progression is wildly uneven, with long stretches where nothing is happening punctuated by short bursts where critical stuff is happening all at once. Plot triggers are very easy to miss, and if you do, you will wander around forever trying to figure out what you should be doing, while none of the in-game characters will talk to you. Worse, many triggers require you to behave in exactly the opposite way that the game suggests you ought to behave, or thwart your expectations in other ways. Contrarily, many things the game suggests you should be doing turn out to be completely unnecessary and a waste of time. The worst part of it, for me, was that the programming part of the game can’t start until you get a hold of something called a “modifier”, and it is by no means easy to do so. I probably played for 20 hours or so before giving up and consulting the forums to find out how to get this absolutely critical piece of equipment, without which the game cannot progress. The best (non-spoiler) advice I can give you is to talk to every person you meet, and keep talking until all possible conversation paths are exhausted. Also, the game world is large enough that it’s very easy to get lost, and although you have a map, it’s pathetically bad, with many important landmarks left off. And when you finally get a modifier, you still aren’t out of the woods. You have to figure out how to join a kind of “resistance” against an evil system, and again, it’s very easy to completely miss the trigger that will get you into this group. Once you do, the game (finally!) starts to take off. This is fun for a while, but nothing you do matters much until the final confrontation happens, which will be glaringly obvious. However (once again!) what you need to do to fix things will not be obvious, so you are left wandering around again while nobody will talk to you, wondering what you should be doing (this seems like a theme here). When you finally realize what you need to do, doing it is quite easy as long as you can get into a particular room. There are floppy disks scattered all around the world that contain hints and clues, as well as code examples that you can learn from. You will need to spend a lot of time looking at these unless you (like me) run out of patience and just consult the online forum, and then you can literally finish the game in five minutes. There are multiple endings: several “you lose” kind of endings and one “you win” ending which is so unsatisfying it feels like you just lost a bit less. To sum up, I think this game had huge potential, but it was ruined by poor execution. I almost can’t fault the developers for this; to do a game like this right requires more resources than a small team can provide. I think in the hands of someone like Valve, with expert writers and large numbers of playtesters, this game could have been something amazing. As it is, it’s more of a proof of concept. (OK, great, concept proved! Now go make a real game!) If you’re going to play this game, save yourself endless frustration and consult the online forums when you get stuck.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Else Heart.Break() on Steam

Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG

Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG

I received this product for free in order to help the developer work out issues for Windows 7 users, however I am in no way affiliated with the game or recieve any monetary benefits.

I have much more than just the hours you see on my profile, possibly thousands. It’s been in development for a few years now and myself as well as a small group of others have been playing throughout that time helping the developer bug fix, add content, give feedback, etc.

This is totally a one of a kind game, the closest I can think to it might be Screeps, but this is still vastly different.

Real player with 5831.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Early Access Games.

Don’t play this game, even if it becomes free.

This is an idle coding game. I played it for just less than a year. In that time, I never really had a realistic chance of obtaining the highest tier items in the game. The developer of the game has publicly stated that he doesn’t want players to be able to obtain the best items anymore. So only the veteran players get the best stuff, and if you are new, then bad luck. Whatever, i guess? Except the problem is, people who discover/implement strong farming methods/obtain rare items tend to be punished. I spent 6 months optimising a very specific character build so I could contribute to the “entirely p2p economy”. In that time, my farming routine was hit by three (!!!) nerfs/game updates which strongly lowered the profitability of my method. Even though this was a particularly notable example, I was by no means the only player to have this kind of experience. I CANT EMPHASISE THIS LAST POINT ENOUGH

Real player with 4583.1 hrs in game

Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG on Steam

Stone Story RPG

Stone Story RPG

Update (October 3, 2021): The Quest system is finally live, and it’s fantastic. Recent updates have added lovingly crafted story content (including new music and new characters), expanding the game world and lore. It’s all very charming, and from a mechanical point of view, it’s also a great way for new players to get the gear they need without having to grind as much. I really recommend checking out the quests if you are a returning player.

Update (November 25th, 2020): Three huge improvements have been added to the game:

Real player with 8590.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Adventure Games.

My ONLY gripe with this game is that it labels itself as an RPG.

This game focuses WAY more on the aspects of an IDLE game than an RPG, which leads to many people confused as they were expecting something else from this game.

If you come in expecting an Idle game, you’ll get a damn good one.

If you come in expecting an RPG, you’ll get a somewhat grindy, automatic one.

Also, spoiler warning.

Honestly, this game is pretty grind-based in the endgame. Early game starts incredibly fresh and you’ll have to experiment with different item combinations to get through levels, and my god, the stones that you gradually unlock which add new features, are incredibly fun and rewarding. But once you’ve beaten “The Temple” (which appears to be the last real stage, from what I’ve found), you’ll get the Mind Stone, and with that you’ll have all of the stones, except for Moondial Stone, which you get from an endgame boss.

Real player with 873.0 hrs in game

Stone Story RPG on Steam

System Zero

System Zero


In this game you will be a cyber security who wants to take revenge first but after who will make a revolution. Your company will betray you and your journey to the being a black hat hacker will start.

Game Content











Nowadays lots of people know what dark web is. You must get into dark web and find new codes to get deeper. You will find important tools and lots of information. You must use hacking tools wisely and hack the computers you want. There is no person in the world who reached to the final layer of dark web. YET. Maybe you will be the one who reached to final layer of dark web or maybe you will get caught by FCI or get murdered by hitmans.


If you need some money and if you want to give some break for main story line, you can check your mailbox. There will be clients who want their dirty business done by a hacker. There are more than 200 side missions and doing every one of them will take more than 8 hours. There is no so much difference between side missions but we will make them unique after few updates.


This feature will be added to multiplayer as well. You can make peace and ally treaties or decleare war to other clans. Every clan will have their own areas and you can attack to other clan’s area to capture them. You will start as newbie but eventually you will be the leader after you 1v1 with the current leader. There are 6 game mode in clan wars:








You will have plenty of hacking tools which are included in owl os operating system:










There are also night owl operating system for advanced hacking.







Also you must delete the logs to prevent tracking.


You will be a cyber security who wants to take revenge first but after who will make a revolution. Your company will betray you and your journey to the being a black hat hacker will start but after your journey to becoming a black hat starts you will realize it is much more complicated than everyone can imagine. FCI’s breath will be on your back everytime. After your main target company, you will realize there is much more to do. You will bring justice and equality. You will be the judge so let the judging begin. We don’t want to spoil anything so it would be better if you play and see.


In game you must upgrade your computer to use your computer faster. There is also level system and fan base. After you complete your missions you will gain some fans which will increase your reputation BUT there are some positive and negative effects of gaining reputation. YOU WILL BECOME THE TARGET OF FCI.


There is features you must discover yourself like data mining or buying new estates.

System Zero on Steam



I use this regularly to stream tabletop stuff on Twitch and it works GREAT. If you want something more immersive than the prevalent 2D platforms, YAG really has a lot to offer. Your players can go First Person, Third Person, or even top down if they want. Flexibility and the already multiple updates are just two of the perks offered by using YAG.

It does take some additional prep on the front end from your GM building out your maps, but once they are built you can save them. The good news is you can make massive changes with the very easy to use terrain tools. I personally think it’s a fair trade off for the level of immersion.

Real player with 681.9 hrs in game

Bloody amazing. Its a dream so far, needs work but yeah, this is the best map building starting point for dnd or any board game so far!

Keep it up with updates and i expect we will all have this soon!

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

Yag on Steam



Well I had high hopes for this game considering its $25 but I was disappointed with the outcome. The game has some major game breaking bugs that make it impossible to continue forward. I have had to completely restart the story about 6 times due to these bugs and not being able to continue forward.

The Bugs I’ve found:

-Shop takes the currency but doesn’t give the items

-Many ways to glitch out of the map

-Chests don’t give items

-Player doesn’t heal

I tried a lot to like this game but I’m sad to say that it just isn’t worth. If it was $5 then I would give it some slack but since they are selling for $25 its just not worth. The card game is fun but you have to play through the story in order to experience it which with the bugs makes it impossible to play. No word from the development team in over a year and I can’t really expect much from them. Spend your money on something better, Zach I hope that you refine some of these things and lower the buy price to $5 until the game is complete.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Game have a lotttt of potential … in about 1hour of Hexus ive been able to calculate binary value in my head

cant wait to see the finish product, story line and such… I can only hope it will be close to Hack N Slash ( another game that introduce variable .. ) but for real this time..

would pay again … in a blink just to get my hand on the complete finished product !

on windows I have a lot of issue but its clearly in link with my driver ( the game use opengl ) and my card is limited to opengl 4.4 somehow … and the new driver are 4.5 had to downgrade and do a lot of debug

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Squally on Steam

Open Sorcery

Open Sorcery

This is a really interesting and addicting game. The concept of the game itself - an elemental firewall protecting her network, with the possibility to destroy or save the world - is utterly thrilling, and as my first step into this genre, I have to admit, it’s got me hooked. Scouring the game for every option, every possiblity, makes it wonderfully replayable, and I have no shame in admitting that I’ve played this game almost all day doing just that. The puzzles within the game are simple when you understand them, but have a note of complexity to them that makes them brilliant and charming in their own way, and despite being such a short game, each character is personalised and developed in such a way that they’ve stuck with me and are quickly becoming some of my favourite characters going.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

It’s amazing how much personality a colored font and some clever placement can provide to plain text…

Basically, you play as a fire elemental spirit quasi-AI tasked with protecting four locations. The game is broken into game days that involve visiting each of the four locations, solving whatever problems might be in that location on that day.

At first, the game lays on the computer metaphor very heavily, however, it starts to crumble rather quickly, as you, as a supposed program supposedly being kept from showing any signs of emergent AI are given surprisingly free reign to respond to various problems straight out of the gate. The very first (non-tutorial) spirit you meet, you have the option to destroy it on sight, call for backup, or bargain with it to answer riddles to get it to leave peacefully… and the guy overseeing your actions is more concerned about you learning about the concept of “chaos” than the fact that you just did something so clearly outside the parameters of your instruction to start with…

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Open Sorcery on Steam



There is a certain charm to Hackmud where, despite some of the flaws that I have been very much accustomed to over my 12,000 logged Steam hours in this game, I still continue to play this game, or at the very least have an interaction with it, daily. If I were to make a shortlist of my favourite video games of all time, would Hackmud be in this list? Compared to actual video gaming masterpieces? After a lot of deliberation, my answer is: “No at its core, but considering everything I’ve been through with it, yes”. Hackmud stands as a testament to the sheer entertainment potential of even the smallest and roughest of games with the right kind of mechanics to allow for infinite user-generated content.

Real player with 21032.0 hrs in game

This is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. It’s hard to explain exactly what the draw is in a concise way, so be prepared for a little reading.

It’s easy to say that I love it for the scripting, which is my primary focus, but the reason I love it is so much more than that. The atmosphere really clicks for me, where the lore is presented “Dark Souls style”, which takes some digging to reveal - and what it shows you makes you want to know more. The npcs in this game talk from time to time, and as you see what they have to say you may start to realize they are not just making jokes, spamming weather reports, and adding to the lore, but they also hint at secrets that players can find.

Real player with 3061.8 hrs in game

hackmud on Steam

The Alpha 001

The Alpha 001

By far, this is the most confusing mess of cobbled together Unity assets I’ve ever seen.


Avoid at all costs, at least for a year after this games launch date of January 18, 2021 because it will definitely take this developer at least that long to fix this completely broken pile of garbage.

NOT RECOMMENDED. ..My Score: Another Google Zero Asset, but hey it’s floating in the air like all the text and your U.I in this game so that’s an lot better right?

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Alpha 001 on Steam

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

A 2D type adventure RPG. [/]

I created a program of about 460,000 lines by myself from a blank sheet with VC ++. [/]

Original graphics and music. [/]

The purpose of the adventure is to defeat the Demon King and regain peace with your friends. [/]

Travel around the world on ships, rafts, balloons, and even big dragons for adventure. [/]

One of the highlights is the variety of battle scenes. [/]

It’s a royal RPG, but there are many unusual events, so I think you can enjoy it without getting bored. [/]

Several types of mini games are also available. [/]

I think you can clear it in about 12 hours. [/]

Compatible with Windows7 and windows10 [/]

English version is also available. [/]

Well then, thank you. [/]

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル- on Steam