Factory Rally Madness

Factory Rally Madness

You are a robot and there is a factory… a dangerous one, and there are other robots… and everyone is running to be the first… and your program… it is messy and crazy, let´s try again…

As one of the robots in a factory full of dangers and excitement, compete with everyone to be the best running robot. To make things more interesting, all robots must program their movements while running based on program line instructions cards available at random on their own programming stack.

Can you win all the races? Don´t forget to choose your robot model to stand out in the crowd, and also to know which robot is yours. Program, race, win… or be destroyed!

#### CHOOSE YOUR ROBOT! Choose from twenty different robot models. Complete tasks in the game to unlock the deactivated robots and have all of them at your disposal in this insane factory race. A single player experience but with all the excitement and feel of a multiplayer game!

#### SELECT THE CHALLENGE! Put your robot to compete in a quick race against other robots or test your skills in a multi-track tournament in different areas of the factory: Foundry, Fabrication and Assembly. Several obstacles are between your robot and the objective points that form the race´s track. All tracks, their obstacles and objectives are procedurally generated. No track is ever the same!

#### RUN! Run through the factory in two game modes. In programmed game mode your robot has an instruction compiler and executes the movements in sequence. Plan your movements using the available instructions, creating a movement programming sequence. Real time mode allows you to choose the instruction you want your robot to execute right away, but stay tuned as instructions have a cooldown time before they can be used again. Both modes can be played at normal, fast and super-fast speeds.

#### GOAL AND SECRETS! Use the items distributed in the track to assist you during races. Consult your statistics containing information about your performance. Discover the secrets contained in the game. Can you figure them all out?

#### WHERE IS MY MULTIPLAYER? This game was designed to be a single player experience, like the old fun racing games, with some puzzle twists on it. If the game performers well in sales, we will see a multiplayer version of it with tournaments, custom skins and unique rewards for the best players.

Read More: Best Programming Action Games.

Factory Rally Madness on Steam



If anybody can hear me, please respond.

_I am a sole survivor of the liberty, a long range scout ship on a mission to discover the cause of a spacial anomaly on the edge of this system. My crew is missing and had to re-purpose some drones to make repairs.

Everything that could go wrong has, I have limited fuel, limited resources and have had to resort to explore this sector to look for supplies.

Things turned from bad to worse when I realized that every ship and base I have discovered has turned up empty. No life, nobody. Nothing except some extra scrap and some upgrades I used to further my search._

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Hacking Games.


So, you wanted to get scared. You wanted to play a horror game. Perhaps a survival rogue-like one? Forget your run-of-the-mill jump scare games, monsters, aliens and other nasties. Duskers will make you fear mere sounds of the ship you’ve docked at creaking, shudder at seeing flashing red doors and jump at simple beeps of your console.

The atmosphere of the game has to be applauded over and over. The graphical nature is simple yet complex. Simple in terms of the console view where you can see the location of your drones, the layout of the ship, the state of its doors and so on. This part is logically clean and very un-Hollywood like, where terminals will be more graphically impressive than any operating system yet look a fraction as useful. The console, coupled with the ambient rumbling of your ship’s engines as well as various blips and blops, will reinforce the feeling of isolation. The feeling that you are truly alone in the cold vastness of space, desperately trying to keep your aging ship and failing drones to keep going as you attempt to figure out just what has happened to everyone.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Duskers on Steam

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena

Screeps: Arena is an online RTS PvP-only game. Your script fights other players' script autonomously in a match-based arena environment.


  • All aspects of an RTS game: gathering resources, base building, creating and upgrading units.

  • You don’t control your units directly, you play by writing full-fledged JavaScript that runs on game servers.

  • Other languages are supported via WebAssembly : C/C++, Rust, TypeScript, Go, C#, F#, Kotlin, Swift, D, Pascal, Zig, the list is growing.

  • Your code is executed autonomously while fighting other players' code during series of short fast-paced 1x1 matchups.

  • The system will match equal opponents based on your arena rating that changes with every rating game.

  • Different “arenas” (multiplayer game modes) each with its own rules set and goals covering many aspects of a strategy game.

  • Only basic programming skills are required. However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit!

  • We will introduce new arenas every season so that you always have to write new code for different challenges.

  • Play with friends and design your own challenges and arenas.

Read More: Best Programming eSports Games.

Screeps: Arena on Steam

The Caregiver | 終焉介護

The Caregiver | 終焉介護

As a fan of Chillas games, this is possibly the first negative review I’ve given of his/hers games.


  • Bigger maps than usual (or so it feels).

  • Superb atmosphere as usual.

  • Sprint ability!

  • Collectibles.

  • Good story.

  • Good sound design.


  • Objectives are a bit unclear. Like, after cleaning up urine one would assume next step is to put the cloth used in the washing machine, but I guess in Asian countries you just throw things in a plastic bag and keep it around your house…?

  • AI enemy very fast finding and attacking you when needing to perform actions. You need to run around and close doors behind you all over the house for at least half of the clocks in order to try and make it in time before being killed.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #81 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

The Caregiver (TCG) is the most recent j-horror experience to come out from Chilla’s Art (CA)- who doesn’t even need an introduction at this point! It’s no secret, I’m a huge fan of theirs; I actually want to review all of their games but it’s easier said than done because you must have nerves of steel and not prone to mini-heart attacks. If you love Japanese horror movies, and want to be a glorified “extra” then play any one!! My first ever was when I worked in The Convenience Store (TCS) , but that’s because I was shopping for more than I bargained for.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Caregiver | 終焉介護 on Steam



Great game. Didn’t let me down.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

If you enjoy logic puzzles you’ll enjoy this. It’s a perfect sandbox to be able to see [on a basic level] what goes into logic of computer-controlled characters in video games. There are simple logic blocks to start with, and advanced ones that can create a very ‘intelligent’ DumbBot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

DumbBots on Steam