

qrth-phyl falls in the class of games like Lumines or Space Invaders Extreme that offer simple, familiar mechanics, carefully tuned and immaculately presented. It’s a love letter to snake-like arcade games, with easter-egg tributes to the genre’s innovators. You alternate between snaking around the outside of rectangles or rectangular prisms and free-movement 3D snaking inside those prisms. The idea of 3D snake worried me initially, seeming like a potential camera disaster, but the implementation is rock solid and I haven’t had a death that didn’t feel like my fault. Playing well increases “corruption,” which increases the difficulty of the proc-gen levels but offers more dots and a higher chance of encountering the treasured blue dots, which turn your tail into dots for you to consume like Pac-Man CE:DX’s satisfying ghost trains. The dynamic difficulty system persists between runs, and it feels like one of the best such systems I’ve encountered, quickly dialing in a consistently engaging level of challenge.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Procedural Generation Games.

I absolutely love this game. The aesthetics are working great for the retro-arcade style. The controls are responsive and the game is challenging. Also the hidden sequence adds yet another dimension to the game (pun not intended).

I got this game years ago on IndieGameStand. That store doesn’t operate anymore and I had the only .exe file I managed to download before they went out of business. And here we are, qrth-phyl finally safely in my steam library.

I’m looking forward for future updates. Maybe VR support could be nice?

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

qrth-phyl on Steam



Solve puzzles by reprogramming your environment!

DreamScript provides completely new and immersive way to learn programming concepts.

You will be able to take control of the game logic and change the rules of the game.

Increase your speed and scale, modify object properties, create bugs, spawn stuff - use your creativity!

DreamScript is an easy and fun way to start your journey to become a programmer.

Game is designed for puzzle game fans and anyone interested about programming.

Read More: Best Programming First-Person Games.

DreamScript on Steam

Choose for ME

Choose for ME

Choose for ME belongs to the “Puzzle Drama” genre, in which the player will find himself at the center of an exciting story told as in a movie.

  • Help Mads to shed light on his memory and reconstruct the moments that marked his life… and the development of his video game

  • Live this emotional journey and discover the truth solving puzzles and riddles

  • Get carried away by the psychological flow and explore Mads' mind

Read More: Best Programming Narration Games.

Choose for ME on Steam

Seven: Reboot

Seven: Reboot

Seven: Reboot is a cryptic experimental puzzle game. It consists of a wide variety of puzzles, some of which are pretty easy to solve, but others are almost impossible to solve by just one person. This is a game about numbers, and their meaning, information and ways to hide it in everything!

  • Explore the insides of a complex abandoned machine

  • Learn a bit (a lot) about cryptography

  • Uncover a crazy story behind Seven

  • Solve puzzles in a way puzzles have never been solved before

  • Search for clues and hidden content

  • Fill your desk with notes and witness the game cross the line between fiction and reality

  • Construct theories

  • Communicate with other players

  • And solve the mysteries of Seven!

Seven: Reboot on Steam

Langton’s Ant

Langton’s Ant

good game

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

So really good game,just one bad thing; When I up the step size by a LOT,it crashes the game. Idk if it’s my computer.Overall though,good game.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Langton's Ant on Steam



thEiAoLoGy is an Early Access free to play game with VR support. Worked on Win 10, look ok, played bad, sounded ok. It did work somewhat playing it from desktop. Minecraft like graphics.


  • Alt + F4 does not work to close this program.

  • It didn’t work at all on my HTC Vive HMD, even though it says HTC Vive support.

  • Has No instructions or clear instructions.

  • Has No Exit button, i had to use Task Manager to End Task it while in VR.

  • Could not Rotate while in desktop.

  • Could not Alt + Tab out of the program window.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game



Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

thEiAoLoGy on Steam



Got this game the first week it was out, and I’m really enjoying it so far!

If I had to describe it succinctly, I would say “challenging and relaxing at the same time”, which is difficult to pull off!

The music combined with the surreal visuals give it a serene and engrossing quality, yet the puzzles are very challenging so it feels really satisfying to solve them! This game is good for being able to just block out the outside world and get lost in this colony of living cells and solving the puzzles to set everything right!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

disclosure: i did some pre-release playtesting on this game, and i know the developers personally

i should note that i haven’t finished this game at time of review (there’s lots more here than what i’ve played), but i want to call some attention to this game as it could really use more eyes

as the description states, the game is inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, something i wasn’t familiar with before being introduced to this game, and introducing a player piece to that system produces a lot of curious results. solving puzzles inside of these rules creates a kind of science, where the player learns to use specific techniques for movement, destruction, and creation to solve the problem. it feels like trying to control chaos, and even the smallest mistake can often result in your attempt literally blowing up in front of you

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Changes on Steam

Open Hexagon

Open Hexagon

this game SUCKSin fact its so bad, i ended up playing it for hours0/69 bad game, too addicting :c edit: actual review though, this game is great, the simple fact vee decided to pick himself/herself/themselves back up is kinda motivating in a way, not so much for me, but it really does show that death iisnt always perm!chapter 1: gameplayfeels good! certainly plays well, however the gameplay on this game in terms of levels is… impossible, because levels are user created and more are always coming, but in terms of vee’s own creations, they are pretty bad… in terms of showing complex ideas, HOWEVER vee’s level’s are amazing in another way, showing… how the game works no shit, its great though, the first 5 levels are simply just getting harder, more patterns more rotation speed, all that, but then the game’s first pack will start showing what the fuck is possible, from octagons.. TO CIRCLES, to spirals! the second pack is a little rough, lucky thanks to the discord im aware its getting balance changes, but for now its kinda rough, its mostly just going through differgent ideas, nothing muchchapter 2: stylei love the style of this game, im always a huge fan of ridiculously simple styles, and this pretty much hits that exactly, the hexagon in the centre, the arrow, the walls, and the background, thats all you need for the open hexagon style, not to mention the ability to spawn custom walls or use accel walls to create covers that further enhance the already exist style of the game, of course thats not for everyone, its a preference for me to love simple shapes on the screen, its fun either way, not to mention the 3D layers in each style, and the ability to pretty much use those 3d layers to their LIMITS, like making the 3d effect visible, but the actual layer invisible, and making that layer move up and down, the posibilities are ENDLESSchapter 3: user created levelsoh did i mention that this game allows you to make YOUR OWN LEVLE? yeah i kinda do that, at the time of writing this my next pack is pretty big, all by myself, it takes a bit of coding knowledge though, but once you have the basics its super fun to just change shit, and replay your own level, however this isnt about my levels, the community of this game has made plenty of packs, back in version 2.0… no one used 2.0 and stuck with 1.92, and there were.. well a lot of packs by people, so many amazing ideas by such amazing people, most of the really well known ideas originated from the packs of exschwasion, who created levels like distraction, the fisrt level- or atleast first really well known level to contain walls covering your view, the existence of FRACTALS was made in 1.92, and brought to 2.0 thanks to.. well my own garbage can coming soon, sadly this was also the time vee dropped the game, but they came back, and glad they did!chapter 4: problemsthis game may be good, but it aint without its flaws, the obvious lack of a menu is one of those, but thats bound to be fixed later on, theres also the whole problem of having lost 1.92, which as i said was used most often for a while, and thus we lost so many good packs, like somename by alpha, or sensationality by metrono ivernan, and 2.0 packs from the non steam version also have some problems, tho are easier to port, the big problem here is that we had like 200 packs… and now we have 20, quite a difference, at a sudden point in time, however packs are still being made, who knows what the fuck could happen! the fact that custom walls are so changable can give way too… honestly too many ideas! chapter 5: welcome back vee!no seriously, welcome back! how’s it been? hope ya’v been doin well :DDDthanks if you read this, i doubt you will, just wanted to give a more realistic take o n the game, hope yall have a great day

Real player with 549.0 hrs in game

A deceptively small price for a game so great.

There are only but a few games that I wish I knew how many hours I actually spent playing them.

This is one of those games XD

A gem that has been just out of the public’s eye has miraculously found it’s way to steam!

And this is no mere port mind you.

Vittorio Romeo has pleasantly surprised fans of the game like myself with not just the inclusion of long-been Beta content to the base game but optimized it beyond even the original’s performance.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Open Hexagon on Steam