Choose for ME

Choose for ME

Choose for ME belongs to the “Puzzle Drama” genre, in which the player will find himself at the center of an exciting story told as in a movie.

  • Help Mads to shed light on his memory and reconstruct the moments that marked his life… and the development of his video game

  • Live this emotional journey and discover the truth solving puzzles and riddles

  • Get carried away by the psychological flow and explore Mads' mind

Read More: Best Programming Adventure Games.

Choose for ME on Steam

The Penguin IQ Test

The Penguin IQ Test

A roundabout 5-6 hour indie puzzle game at the moment. You need to figure out where to place your arrows to change the path of the penguin.

There are ~ 65 levels right now with some being explanatory when a new mechanic is introduced.

Maybe there should be in a few levels a limit of arrows to make it more difficult. I personally would prefer some kind of incentive to optimize your solutions - right now it doesn’t matter how fast/good your solution is as long as it solves the puzzle.

Now with added workshop items there is more content and you could create your own levels or play for example my created levels ;)

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming 2D Games.

This is a brilliant and fun game. I have not quite finished it yet as of the time of this review but I’m pretty close so I’d say this game should take about 3 hours to complete in its current state. That gives £3.10/hour, which is reasonably good value. The best part is, however, that the game is not finished. I can definitively see the story stretching on much further than it does right now, which will be good. The art style is very simple and pixelated but I personally like this. The puzzles are mostly fun using some interesting game mechanics. However, a few of the forest levels seem a little odd and after a while the mechanics get a little boring. Therefore, I feel that introducing some new arrow types, perhaps playing with the speed or having a temporary arrow that can be used twice, would be nice. I’d also like to see some further use of the bridge.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

The Penguin IQ Test on Steam



Hack Me is the beginning of a hack simulator gaming trilogy which no longer appears on the Steam Store. It was originally created by 2 Belarus Indie Developers Egor Magurin and Eugene RadaeV. I find it ironic that these developers themselves were VAC banned and caught for cheating/hacking CSGO within 76 hrs of gameplay. Who better to sell us a hacking simulator than 2 has-been wannabe noob CSGO hackers? That’s poetry right there.

If you’re expecting this to be a realistic hacking simulator you will be quickly disappointed. It’s more a press spacebar or left mouse button simulator, with all the hacking jive being filled in for you. When you do come across area’s where you do get to type, you better put in the exact info needed or the game sort of locks up by not responding properly when you put in the correct answer soon thereafter. When this happens, you will need to escape back to main menu and reload chapter. There are 10 mission all up with 14 chapters, all of them involving you to toy around with at least one of the 3 hacking programmes on your desktop and either check your mail or chat for job information. There is also a hint button on the right-hand side to help you if you get stuck.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Hacking Games.

Basic Information

Title: hack_me

Developers: Egor Magurin & Eugene Radaev

Publisher: MegawattsCo

Genre: Simulator

General Impression

Hacking simulations available for purchase on the Steam Store are neither a novelty nor even limited in numbers. Indeed this seems to be an ever expanding subgenre that attacts and nurtures a dedicated fanbase. That being said, hack_me might not revolutionize hacking sims but it doesn’t fail to deliver a compelling experience either. For a game that can be finished in about two hours or less (depending on how thorough and patient you are) it manages to offer exactly what it promises through the screenshots and gameplay video. In all honesty, it’s not the type of game that might get by with doctored images which would falsely advertise something else. What you see is what you get. Perhaps it still has some potential for gameplay expansion once it leaves Early Access stage.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

hack_me on Steam

A Night Before the Deadline

A Night Before the Deadline

This game was more than I was expecting. The atmosphere from the audio in game puts you on edge, the “story” (though I called it early) was something new (although very short). Took roughly 25 minutes to 100%. While the walking is rough and awkward at times, the sprint is bae.

Overall, it was very short, but definitely made me feel uncomfortable with the atmosphere. The mini games were different, and it felt like a good start to something!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

A Night Before the Deadline

Enjoyable for the short time on offer, with just enough variety to keep it interesting. The controls are terrible and the searching is a little tedious. I’d maybe recommend it in a sale.

A Night Before the Deadline is an adventure game set in the IT department of an office block. The deadline for an important piece of software is due for completion tomorrow, and Joe must stay late to complete the work.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

A Night Before the Deadline on Steam