The Caregiver | 終焉介護

The Caregiver | 終焉介護

As a fan of Chillas games, this is possibly the first negative review I’ve given of his/hers games.


  • Bigger maps than usual (or so it feels).

  • Superb atmosphere as usual.

  • Sprint ability!

  • Collectibles.

  • Good story.

  • Good sound design.


  • Objectives are a bit unclear. Like, after cleaning up urine one would assume next step is to put the cloth used in the washing machine, but I guess in Asian countries you just throw things in a plastic bag and keep it around your house…?

  • AI enemy very fast finding and attacking you when needing to perform actions. You need to run around and close doors behind you all over the house for at least half of the clocks in order to try and make it in time before being killed.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Investigation Games.

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The Caregiver (TCG) is the most recent j-horror experience to come out from Chilla’s Art (CA)- who doesn’t even need an introduction at this point! It’s no secret, I’m a huge fan of theirs; I actually want to review all of their games but it’s easier said than done because you must have nerves of steel and not prone to mini-heart attacks. If you love Japanese horror movies, and want to be a glorified “extra” then play any one!! My first ever was when I worked in The Convenience Store (TCS) , but that’s because I was shopping for more than I bargained for.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Caregiver | 終焉介護 on Steam

Code World

Code World

Greatly recommended if you are learning Python and already know the basic stuff. You inspect code and look for dependencies to figure out the puzzle - just like in real life. Music is relaxing and I like the concept a lot.

If you don’t know any programming language it is pretty hard, though.

Unfortunately, the game doesn’t support the German keyboard layout, so entering special characters like [] () = or : is a bit cumbersome.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Hacking Games.

This game does not touch upon object-oriented programming, nor does it implement try/except blocks. And that’s perfectly acceptable, since I can only imagine the hassle of trying to add those. But once I found out that things like:

  • string slicing

  • concatenation via multiplication (str * int)

  • the ‘break’ keyword

  • elif

are not supported, my eyebrow finally raised. Then there are the things that are partially implemented (ie. maimed) - tuples and dynamic typing. The Python in here is extremely barebones and so is the interpreter. It provides zero feedback on what went wrong, only that it did. And if you’re not careful and don’t use the Ctrl+C clipboard to store the latest version of your script, a syntax error will wipe all of your progress (by automatically restarting the level).

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Code World on Steam



If anybody can hear me, please respond.

_I am a sole survivor of the liberty, a long range scout ship on a mission to discover the cause of a spacial anomaly on the edge of this system. My crew is missing and had to re-purpose some drones to make repairs.

Everything that could go wrong has, I have limited fuel, limited resources and have had to resort to explore this sector to look for supplies.

Things turned from bad to worse when I realized that every ship and base I have discovered has turned up empty. No life, nobody. Nothing except some extra scrap and some upgrades I used to further my search._

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Programming Real Time Tactics Games.

So, you wanted to get scared. You wanted to play a horror game. Perhaps a survival rogue-like one? Forget your run-of-the-mill jump scare games, monsters, aliens and other nasties. Duskers will make you fear mere sounds of the ship you’ve docked at creaking, shudder at seeing flashing red doors and jump at simple beeps of your console.

The atmosphere of the game has to be applauded over and over. The graphical nature is simple yet complex. Simple in terms of the console view where you can see the location of your drones, the layout of the ship, the state of its doors and so on. This part is logically clean and very un-Hollywood like, where terminals will be more graphically impressive than any operating system yet look a fraction as useful. The console, coupled with the ambient rumbling of your ship’s engines as well as various blips and blops, will reinforce the feeling of isolation. The feeling that you are truly alone in the cold vastness of space, desperately trying to keep your aging ship and failing drones to keep going as you attempt to figure out just what has happened to everyone.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Duskers on Steam



Hack Me is the beginning of a hack simulator gaming trilogy which no longer appears on the Steam Store. It was originally created by 2 Belarus Indie Developers Egor Magurin and Eugene RadaeV. I find it ironic that these developers themselves were VAC banned and caught for cheating/hacking CSGO within 76 hrs of gameplay. Who better to sell us a hacking simulator than 2 has-been wannabe noob CSGO hackers? That’s poetry right there.

If you’re expecting this to be a realistic hacking simulator you will be quickly disappointed. It’s more a press spacebar or left mouse button simulator, with all the hacking jive being filled in for you. When you do come across area’s where you do get to type, you better put in the exact info needed or the game sort of locks up by not responding properly when you put in the correct answer soon thereafter. When this happens, you will need to escape back to main menu and reload chapter. There are 10 mission all up with 14 chapters, all of them involving you to toy around with at least one of the 3 hacking programmes on your desktop and either check your mail or chat for job information. There is also a hint button on the right-hand side to help you if you get stuck.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Basic Information

Title: hack_me

Developers: Egor Magurin & Eugene Radaev

Publisher: MegawattsCo

Genre: Simulator

General Impression

Hacking simulations available for purchase on the Steam Store are neither a novelty nor even limited in numbers. Indeed this seems to be an ever expanding subgenre that attacts and nurtures a dedicated fanbase. That being said, hack_me might not revolutionize hacking sims but it doesn’t fail to deliver a compelling experience either. For a game that can be finished in about two hours or less (depending on how thorough and patient you are) it manages to offer exactly what it promises through the screenshots and gameplay video. In all honesty, it’s not the type of game that might get by with doctored images which would falsely advertise something else. What you see is what you get. Perhaps it still has some potential for gameplay expansion once it leaves Early Access stage.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

hack_me on Steam

Human Factory

Human Factory

Human Factory has so much potential that it was able to keep me hooked despite bugs that would normally cause me to instantly abandon E.A. I play a ton of simulation games, and I sincerely hope this one doesn’t get abandoned (the dev’s fast response on the discussion board suggests otherwise).


Easy to understand process with fairly optimized factory production. I wasn’t able to find anything that was too over or underpowered: the numbers felt just right.

Solid music, a must have if a simulation game is to keep you hooked

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I’m not a hardcore gamer and this game made me play for almost 8 hours straight. Yes, it’s very good.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Human Factory on Steam

The Ghost Train | 幽霊列車

The Ghost Train | 幽霊列車

Visually, this game is appealing. I feel like that’s the only pro I can mention. If you’re wanting a plot in this game then you will get a plot, just expect it to be a plot hole. Basically, all you do is go to the restroom in the train station, go to the smoking area, then ride the train until you reach the very end of the game. The puzzles were okay, but the last puzzle with the items you pick up was very confusing to figure out. If anyone is stuck on that… when you pick up the items (the cane, shoes, bug cage, windmill toy, and beer can) you set them on the train seat opposite of the reflection in the window in which character they belong to. It took me forever to figure it out. The endings weren’t as immersive as with the endings in The Convenience Store & Missing Children. Overall, decent game, but it gets a bit tedious for the time you spend playing it. I highly recommend playing Missing Children and The Convenience Store instead. Those are phenomenal, plot based, and wonderful atmospheric games!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

This was my first game experience from Chilla’s Art and I got to say I wish it’d happened sooner, appearantly I’m an avid J-Horror fan and I didn’t even know it before crossing this game. I ended up reading Japanese urban legends at 4 AM in the morning- besides Kisaragi I guess

! the chase part is a reference to Teke Teke. Can’t wait to play the other ones.

My cons for the game is the walking/running speed and the fact that

! getting killed or not killed by the girl not affecting the ending type you get. And I can get the reason for low speed, building up tension etc. etc. but instead of that it just straight up frustrated me, drove me to boredom at first portion of the game. It felt repetetive and laggy, but after progressing enough and getting both endings the repetetive parts felt justified.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

The Ghost Train | 幽霊列車 on Steam