Race The Sun

Race The Sun

You have probably heard the expression “Less is more”. And it pretty much applies here because this game is quite simple with minimalistic design. But just because it is that way doesn’t mean that you will be able to complete it in few hours or feel that there’s something missing. Let me tell you more about it.

Let’s start with the story. There is not other way to put it but to say that there isn’t one. Yep, it is simple as that. Basically you are piloting a spacecraft fueled by solar energy and the sun is your death timer. And for this game it couldn’t have been better. On the bright side you don’t need to worry about the story being to complex, bad or uninteresting. This game is more about highest scores and tense gameplay.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Perma Death Games.

Do I recommend this game? YES!

Here’s why:

The game starts off slow… and you progressively learn to dodge random obsticles along the way. However the further into the game you get, the more hectic it becomes, the more intense the dodging becomes and the more… freedom. You feel genuine freedom when playing this game when you reach good speed and is able to turn on a dime.

Each day you get a new set of semi-randomly generated levels to play through and the leaderboards exists only map-per-map so they reset the global leaderboards every few days. Whether you have played this game for a few hours or hundreds of hours, you can not only feel the achivement of getting better … but you can also see a tangiable achivement of getting better as you end up on the leaderboards.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Race The Sun on Steam

Code Correction

Code Correction

a puzzle game based on parity and hamming codes.

each puzzle is randomly generated. first a binary code is generated. then a binary key is created based on the original binary code. finally a single digit within the original binary code is inverted. using the key you must find the binary digit that was inverted.


2x2 = 2^(2*2)22 = 64 possible combinations

4x4 = 2^(4*4)44 = 1,048,576 possible combinations

8x8 = 2^(8*8)88 = over 1,180,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible combinations

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Puzzle Games.

Code Correction on Steam

Sigma Impact

Sigma Impact

It is actually a very nice game, once you get into it. Provides very fun gameplay with a beautiful soundtrack, and I like the fact that it has local co-op to make the game more fun and a bit easier with the extra help. The game has a lot of potential to improve and add new things in further updates. I would personally recommend a third player local co-op option, and I think some other people would too. Thou I do understand that it would have to squeeze the players health and weapon stamina bars, making them very small. Hopefully there is an alternative solution to this problem. My second suggestion is just to add some new enemies, and maybe a weapon too. But all in all, so far this has been an extremely fun game for me and my friends to play together, and I hope that there will be updates very soon:)

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Linear Games.

This game is very fun and hard to master but once you get the hang of it. The game somehow becomes even more challenging as you try to beat the it under 10 minutes I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a casual play-through. I’m looking forwards to further development in the future.


Hehe mace go boom boom.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Sigma Impact on Steam

Troubled Passage

Troubled Passage

Troubled Passage is a Roguelike ARPG with a very peculiar combat system based on mouse swipes. This system allows for some interesting combat encounters that feel more engaging and rewarding. The mouse is an extension of your sword.

You are set to travel across five regions and reach an old port. There you will take a ship that will take you far away. That’s all you know for now. But beware, these lands are filled with undead creatures, traps and other nasty travelers. You should always be careful, even if you decide to share the road with a companion.

Character Creation

Choose your character appearance and select a trade. Trades are like character classes that defines with which types of weapons and types of damage your character is proficient with, gaining a buff when using that type of weapon.


Attacks are performed by swiping your mouse in a certain direction (up, down left or right). These swipes will trigger the combat skill that you have assigned to that direction.

There are multiple skills to learn throughout the game for each type of combat:



Twohanded (skills are missing at this point of development)

Bow (skills are missing at this point of development)


Troubled Passage loot system is built on the idea that “if they have it, you can have it”. No longer will you get disappointed if a heavy-armored-cool-looking enemy only dropped a knife and an apple. You want that armor! Well, good news! In Troubled Passage, enemies will drop exactly what they are wearing (stats included). You can strip your enemies of everything and claim it for yourself. This means strong enemies equals strong loot.


From time to time, you will encounter recruitable companions that can help you in your quest. They may be expensive, but they are a great help in dealing with enemies. All companions are randomly generated, and so are their motives.


Companions react to your attitude towards them. If they get mad at you, they can become your rivals and appear later on to seek revenge as a mini-boss battle.


Visit traders to buy and sell items. Blacksmiths will even allow you to forge your own weapon from a list of components and manage the weapon stats.

Random Levels

To ensure that each playthrough feels different, levels are randomly generated. So there are new areas to explore each time you play, and loot is distributed at random. There are still some “static” levels in terms of layout due to workload, but later they will all be fully random.

Troubled Passage on Steam



This game has incredible movement with a super fun momentum based physics system and I absolutely love it. It has been incredibly satisfying to improve at this game and experiment with all the various items and techniques as well as game modes. The base game is not overly difficult so it’s fairly easy to get in to and there are quite a few compelling alternate game modes.

I give this game a huge recommend and I believe it deserves way more attention than what it has gotten. If you are into movement games, roguelites or platformers of any kind creatorcrate highly worth checking out.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Tons of fun! Its a creative platforming game with a fairly open world to play in with a fun storyline so far!

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

CreatorCrate on Steam

Load Roll Die

Load Roll Die

Exciting and strategic dice combat!!! Its lots of fun discovering all the different ways you can combine different dice faces to create a unique battle plan. The dice and plentiful cardboard landscapes feel really physical and its satisfying rolling a bunch of dice at once and watching them pile up! Dice go brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

I was given this game for free a few days before the official launch, so my 2-ish hours are solely based on that build. No, I was not given compensation for playing the game and my review is unbiased.

Load Roll Die is a Roguelite Dicebuilder game, in which you move your little blob character through various randomized maps, fighting enemies and bosses, collecting different types of dice and powers for each die. It’s a very challenging game, but in a way I don’t think it really should be. Being a game revolving around dice, it’s reliance on RNG is almost absolute, with an almost healthy amount of strategy involved, given that you can create some interesting and powerful builds if you have the right powers and the correct dice, but it’s always a gamble to see what you loot from enemies, find in chests and buy from shops, which items are sometimes overly expensive for the small amount of currency you get overall. Enemies get from easy to hard really quickly as well, each one having their own specific builds that sometimes are perfected to do something specific, such as replicating dice, dealing a lot of poison damage, destroying a bunch of your own dice, etc, most of which are extremely reliable and non-RNG dependant, contrary to your shabby builds at those levels. Some other issues lie in QoL stuff, such as some powers being confusing to understand from their descriptions being vague or poorly explained, and how at the start of the game you can start off without any dice on accident, making you unable to advance.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Load Roll Die on Steam




🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it

🔲 Easy

🔲 Normal

✅ Hard

🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

✅ Graphics don’t matter in this game

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad

✅ Not special

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful



✅ This game has no story

🔲 Like playing Temple Runners for the story

🔲 It’s there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story

🔲 Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game


It is quite good and nice for the price.

There are quite a few modes to try out and mix up the typing.

There are a few fonts to choose from.


No way to customise the font other than the few fonts available.

The settings do not save after closing the app.


I would recommend it for trying to type faster, while having the experience be a bit more interesting than the online racers, that make you type out a block of text. Please add the ability to customise font and add comic sans as one of the presets for fonts.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

TEXT on Steam

RUN: The world in-between

RUN: The world in-between

RUN: The World In-Between is a highly dynamic platform game with procedurally-generated levels.

Inspired by Celeste, Dead Cells, Scourge Bringer, and even Super Meat Boy, your movements will have to be as quick as they are precise.

In a place where everything is constantly moving, you will have to face the dangers of the World In-Between to reach for the light.

Dodge the most devious traps while relying on your reflexes, hoping for a better future.

  • Addictive gameplay

  • Gems to collect in order to unlock memories

  • Replay value – you can always beat your own score

  • Accessibility options to customize your experience

  • An optimized mode for speedrunners

  • Artistic direction by Encre Mecanique

  • Soundtrack by Thomas Barrandon

  • By the creator of HepHep Fever

RUN: The world in-between on Steam

REM Cycles

REM Cycles

Fun game with awesome sound track

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

This game has so much character! The action feels quick and intuitive and the music is soo cool. I’m excited to try all the characters I haven’t gotten to yet, so far exploding cats is a personal favorite

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

REM Cycles on Steam

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition

Extremely shallow RTS. Not worth the price at all.

All the factions are identical, just different skin / theme.

Only 2 units, builder and soldier.

Only 4 buildings. HQ, Barracks, Resource and Tower.

Because of this, gameplay is always just “make more dudes than the other guy faster”. No unit synergies or strategies.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition on Steam