Tower Attack

Tower Attack

Pretty good game, I killed a lot of purple people

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation 2.5D Games.

Tower Attack on Steam



Chrysalis is a hybrid tower-defense/survival RPG set in a world of natural mythology, with an emphasis on procedural generation, customizability, and replayability. Play the role of an incorporeal Wisp tasked with defending a magical chrysalis against forces of corruption and darkness. Search for resources and enlist the aid of friendly plants and animals as you explore each randomly generated level. Fend off waves of monsters, with each level offering new challenges, specialized wave types, procedurally generated bosses, and more.

Key Features:

  • Symbiosis: take control of any friendly plant or animal in the game.

  • Metamorphosis: level up your creatures and plants, transform them into more powerful versions, and apply elemental Spirits for further customization.

  • Mutation: a complex mutation system combines different species to create new creatures with unique sets of abilities and metamorphoses.

  • Customization: at the beginning of each playthrough, you choose a Chrysalis that caters to a specific style of play, with unlockable abilities that increase your power as you progress. By defeating waves of monsters, you will earn Boons which grant additional passive or active abilities, offering further ways to enhance your controlled creatures.

  • Modability: add new creature and plant species, abilities, art, and more by simply editing text files and dropping your images into the appropriate folder. Specific instructions and documentation will be forthcoming.

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Indie Games.

Chrysalis on Steam

Atom Zombie Smasher

Atom Zombie Smasher

Atom Zombie Smasher is a super little indie strategy game. The basic premise is that you take on the guise of a commander holding back the zombie hordes from overruning your city.

It works on two levels; first is the strategy where a map of the city districts is where you see the progress of zombie infestations and plan your next mission. You can choose which military assets you take with you from: infantry, snipers, mines, demolitions, barricades, gas attracting teams or artillery. Once you initiate the mission, the game changes to a tactical sub-game where you place your units on the map to best protect the civilians you are trying to extract from the map, while avoiding collateral damage. To many dead civilians and you fail.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Real Time Tactics Games.

There’s alot to be said about Atom Zombie Smasher. the game is an amazing mix of challenging gameplay and challenges.

Atom zombie smasher does not hesitate to put you smack dab into action, your first challenge becomes to rescue some civilians from an impending zombie invasion which sets the tone for the rest of the game.

As you progress in the game you’re provided with varying mercenaries that randomly get picked for missions. Some examples of mercenaries are for example ranger teams, snipers and dynamite teams. Each map will provide a different challenge which requires alot of tactical thinking and planning.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Atom Zombie Smasher on Steam



Great indi game

-great music

-good replayability (it is fun to see how many new powers and builds i can make)

Reminds me of Binding of Isac, if you like that you will enjoy this game.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

I love the music, it really suits the gameplay well. Reminds me of an old pc game i used to play Xenon 2. A rogue-like space shooter!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Eyeb on Steam

Role of Hex

Role of Hex

If you like creeper world and roguelikes you will also like this.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

A really nice mix between base building, Rogue and Strategy with a simplistic style which fits the game. Love that you’ve to mix between being not too bold and expand too quickly or take it too slow and not be prepared for the bosses.

Keep it up developers!

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Role of Hex on Steam

Diplomacy is Not an Option

Diplomacy is Not an Option

In the RTS-game “Diplomacy is Not an Option” you will become a medieval feudal lord in a midlife crisis. Due to your position you must constantly make hundreds of decisions a day related with city management and economic development. You are tired of this monotonous and, so it seems, meaningless existence. But things are about to change: hordes of bloodlusted enemies, swarms of scary monsters and crowds of rebellious peasants at any second can bring some life to your working schedule.

War-time laws

The country is going through difficult times. King’s greed and wastefulness led to the economic crisis and widespread peasant riots. You are a feudal lord. It happened so that, being fed up of routine and everyday problems, you’ve lost a taste for life. When an angry mob besieges your castle you perceive this news with an extraordinary enthusiasm, personally lead the defense and win a glorious victory.

Your role in the riots suppression is noticed at the court. The crown sends you on a responsible mission. Rumors are, there are deposits of gold and other precious materials on a poorly explored continent. The task is to take control under foreign land, obtain its treasures in order to replenish the king’s coffer. Though they forgot to warn that the natives won’t be glad to see you. In addition, there are monsters on the continent, and local mages are actively practicing necromancy.

What sacrifices will you make for the sake of survival and victory? Or maybe you should stop this suicidal campaign and overthrow the king? Don’t you deserve to rule the world?

Physical laws

The laws of physics are thoroughly reproduced in Diplomacy is Not an Option to maximize player immersion in a medieval war action. Tens of thousands of units can fight on the screen at the same time.

Here are several helpful tips:

  • Every gun has its certain range, and medieval shells fly by an arc trajectory.

  • Arrows do not pierce stone walls. On contrary, arrows bounce off the walls.

  • Archers on the towers have blind spots. Closed gates can become an obstacle not only for the enemy, but also for your retreating units.

  • You may discover other interesting facts about the nature of things that may become useful for combat operations.

Social laws

Surviving hostile environments is an important part of the gameplay. Even the most loyal of your citizens tend to die from time to time. From various causes, such as illness, old age, depression, or being seriously hurt on the battlefield. When this happens, it is strongly recommended to bury the dead in order to avoid epidemics and the moral decay of society.

Economical laws

Economic processes in “Diplomacy is Not an Option” are visible. You will see how walls are being built stone by stone. Or how a fallen tree is cut into boards, from which the city will then be raised. The feudal lord does not need to take part in the affairs of his subjects. However, such visibility will help you to manage human resources with more efficiency. As a ruler, you will lead people, give them specialization and, so to say, the meaning of life. Every member of the society is important, from a lumberjack or a carpenter to an undertaker or a swordsman. Once set up, with a proper support the economic process will become a key to survival and also will let you to focus on mission objectives.

Magical laws

What do we say to the gods of death, whether they are on an uncharted continent or in our own reach? “Bury the bodies immediately!” – we answer to these gods. Otherwise every fallen warrior and every lumberjack died from overstrain has risk to join the enemy forces. Also the dead are a very wayward. If you demolish a cemetery and disturb their sleep, they shall rise and begin to wreak havoc, reducing the population of the living.

Life laws

We sought to create a game without unnatural limitations. From the very first task, you will be given the entire available arsenal, and all the in-game mechanics will be unlocked. It depends on you which strategy to choose for your city to survive and prosper. Knowledge of the all listed laws will help you to complete different missions with various ultimate goals and types of enemies. During your campaign you will face moral dilemmas. You will see human stupidity and shortsightedness, leading to fatal consequences. Just like in real life. The only difference is that conflicts cannot be avoided.

Diplomacy is Not an Option on Steam

Dead Ground

Dead Ground

Okay, very short play time on this one, but I was itching to write a review, because so far, I really, really like this game.

Mind you, it appears to be up-grade light, and things move kind of slowly, with no way to speed things up, but the quirky style really grabs me, and what it does do feels very original.

I love that it is procedurally generated though, it is so cool that the levels vary (though not by much, I admit). So far the paths are primitive, a single path from entrance to exit. ADDENDUM: On further play there was one level with two paths. Maybe more complex after that? Fingers crossed.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Dead Ground is a challenging tower-defense game with a twist that you have to defend somewhere between 30% and 60% (on average) of the total enemy HP pool with your hero. Towers play somewhat of an assistant/secondary role in this game.

  • No major bugs, no performance issues.

  • Cool graphics, decent music&atmosphere and steam achievements.

  • High difficulty. (If you like challenging games)

  • Some replayability is present as you unlock new characters and artifacts, although they don’t change or add that much.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Dead Ground on Steam



I had access to Beta release, it’s a fun unique take on farming, score attack, and tower-defence style games. Easy to pick up and play or sink a few hours into. Great fun!

It’s not a massive sprawling game, but you’ll easily get some hours of playtime in, well worth the $5.

Real player with 46.1 hrs in game

Full play through w/ all achievements here when it uploads:

First Off Pro tip I didn’t find out until 5 hours into the game if you hit the R key the dog will run the sheep into the starting area and consolidate them The Concept of this game is actually really well executed, but first let me talk about the main thing that ruins the game a good amount for me. My little herder dude likes to target rocks walls trees EVERYTHING so I could be facing forward hit the w and go backwards cause he’s targeting some random object it makes your character herk and jerk around and it’s tragic. The sheep are dumb they literally run TOWARDS the danger instead of away. Whoever made this game has a really good understanding of animals the disease from having too many and the problems that can come from not thinning the herd can cause a huge problem and this mechanic is really well done and makes getting some of the achievements very difficult even on casual mode. The shooting works really well when my dudes not focused on a rock or a wall. The upgrades are super cool I was actually very amused when my sheep went face first into one of the land mines I planted. Definitely recommend this game for the price.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Herder on Steam



Solid game for early access. Feels a lot like risk of rain. Bubble + anything a lil too op, but on some chars u can’t upgrade so not an issue. Doesn’t quite have the item selection risk of rain does but then again its early access. Also not sure if items even stack/don’t think they do. Anyways a solid game that with more improvements could be really great. Crisp controls. Played well with an xbox controller. Would def recommend a buy if you played risk of rain.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

DARKKi’s Dark Star Reviews - XO-Planets

If you would like to compare XO-Planets to other games then Risk of Rain would be that. XO-Planets is an side-scrolling rogue-like game combined some rpg elements, platforming and even little tower defence thrown into mix and it works well! Oh. Did i forgot to tell you that this game is hard as hell too (but in a good way).

You can play single play or co-op and first you choose you AI character and you can also buy permanent upgrades to you characters. Levels are procedually generated (with free terrain destruction) and your mission is to reach the bottom where the boss is. In your way there you must fight monsters with your melee and ranged weapons and do some light platforming to avoid traps and you can use your bombs to destroy terrain freely. You get materials from killing enemies which you can use to buy some upgrades (only lasts for that game) and Xolyriums which can be used to permanently upgrade your AI or buy different kind of turrets which can only be placed in pre-arranged fixed positions. Each planet contains one upgrade shop, miniboss and side objective along the way to bottom. You get random drops of different melee and ranged weapons and you also can get enchantments to them. And this is permadeath so if you die then you are dead.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

XO-Planets on Steam

重构 Refactor

重构 Refactor

Refactoring is a strategic, hardcore tower defense game.

The game features

Module layout construction: Plan the position of defense towers and enemy routes by selecting appropriate module shapes for placement.

Random element composition: Five basic element towers, which can be reconstructed based on randomly generated blueprints. Refactor towers also have completely different abilities based on their element combinations, no two towers are exactly the same.

Design your route freely: You can design your route as much as you want on a procedurally generated map, using your imagination and allowing the enemy to take maximum fire coverage as they progress.

BOSS battles: Take on a powerful BOSS every 10 waves, and it’s time to test your strategy.

Unlock new content: Highly customize your strategy by unlocking new elements and refactor blueprint on challenge difficulty.

重构 Refactor on Steam