Gunslugs 3:Rogue Tactics

Gunslugs 3:Rogue Tactics

Disclaimer: won this game in a competition, so I didn’t pay for it, but did not receive it in exchange for this review.

Excellent randomly generated shoot ‘em up. Has stealth elements which, while not a major part of the game, do make it much more interesting than just a simple shooter. Difficult, but definitely has the “just one more go” factor. Very simple to pick up with loads to discover as you continue to play through.

Has the 8-bit feel that we expect from this dev.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Tactical Games.

Great pixel combat rogue-like game with loads of various missions together with a good varied enemy lineup, weapons and gadgets/items to keep you addicted.

Procedurally generated maps for unlimited replayability

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Gunslugs 3:Rogue Tactics on Steam



This game is tight, the gameplay concept is so cool but it doesn’t match up with the setting of this game, it’s almost a waste. The atmosphere is awesome, the sound design is really good and again- it’s a shame. The game runs like a charm too, you would only find trouble running this if you played it on one of those touch screen calculators.

Buy this game if you want a cheap scare for a little bit, but unless you’re really into it I doubt you will finish the game because it follows a cheap gimmick, that’s the biggest problem I have with SEDOMAIRI. You have to sneak behind the ghosts, the level design doesn’t help you because it’s a maze, you could use the radio but it only shows you a general direction and in some cases with the convoluted map design it will work against you. The AI doesn’t follow an obvious pattern, their view distance is larger than yours so if you’re in front of them but can’t see them, they will still spot you and trigger a hunting sequence. Here’s the gimmick, you NEED to trigger the hunting sequence to reliably eliminate the “child”/ghost, you will trigger it and then run into a hiding space- that’s if you can remember where they are, then hide until they lose you, leave the hiding space and then sneak behind them and drive a nail into them (you need to find these nails which isn’t so bad but a really cheap way at motivating you to explore).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Dark Games.

Starting to think it is impossible to find the dolls. in 35 minutes i played i was not able to find single one of them and you have to find 5 of them if i remember. take in consideration i was playing in the easiest difficulty. also the ghosts seem to go back to place where they spawned always that restricts you from exploring and trying to find dolls there.

Might give this a another try, when the frustration has worn off, but if you are looking challenge that seems nearly impossible go for it.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

SEDOMAIRI / せどまいり on Steam

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

It was a chilly, spring evening in O’Lution Manor when this first came to my attention and I must say, that my interest in gaming had been waning a bit, snatching short plays of casual titles rather than putting in any significant time playing anything of depth. Indeed, with my eldest son having largely commandeered the console, leaving me with the laptop and mobile devices, it seemed I was wandering into the realms of the casual gamer.

And then I came across Sir, You Are Being Hunted. The visual style and sense of humour lulled me in in and when I saw, yes, my word, it will run on my laptop, I decided to take the plunge.

Real player with 44.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Indie Games.

The game is now out of Alpha, which means the developers are considering it more or less finished. In the past I made it clear how disappointed I was with how the game was turning out, and now I’d like to step back and review the game, the developers, and the history of both in their entirety.

The game taken completely by itself, with no consideration of the developers or the Alpha development phase, I feel is a decent but flawed stealth shooter. There’s some fun to be had in sneaking around in the tall grass, but nearly every other aspect of the game has something wrong with it.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Sir, You Are Being Hunted on Steam

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

A game of camouflage where you can’t see yourself. Change colors to hide, dodge predators, and survive intense bosses in the abstract wilderness of stealth non-bullet hell. Lose the ability to see where you are, and learn to feel and know where you’re going.


Being out in the open is unsafe. Avoid detection to survive. Switch between light and dark forms to camouflage, but careful: you won’t be able to see yourself either.

Entrancing World

Begin defenseless, but evolve into something greater. Progress through different branching paths across 11 procedurally generated areas. Disappear into the psychedelic minimalist design and atmospheric soundscapes.

Intense Bosses

Each area introduces new predators and parasites. Everything is much more powerful than you, but everything has a weakness.


Collect all the Fieldnotes. Beat the Daily Challenge. Discover the fastest routes. Shoot ‘em up without shooting. Bullet hell without bullets. See without looking. Die and evolve.

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage on Steam

Invisible, Inc.

Invisible, Inc.

“Invisible, Inc.” is a one-of-a-kind and an instant classic. As a turn-based strategy game, it requires a high level of planning and strategy to succeed. This is compounded by the “rouguelike” aspect of the game, meaning that you are not allowed to reload a previous save if you screw up. Depending on the difficulty level you choose, you may either have the ability to retry the level, use a limited number of “rewinds” which bring you back to the beginning of the previous turn, or, on “ironman mode,” have no safety net at all, meaning if you lose your team it is time to start a new game.

Real player with 255.6 hrs in game

This game has given me more than 80 hours of joy (with many more to come), and it’s time for me to give back.

I would like to preface by saying I got this game on sale during the last Winter sale. Was it worth $7 including DLC? Absolutely. Is it worth $24 with said DLC? Debateable, depending on how much you’re sold on this game before buyinig it. Invisible Inc. is an amalgamation of many different things that I love in video games. It’s a procedurally-generated, turn-based stealth game with a cyberpunk aesthetic.

Real player with 254.2 hrs in game

Invisible, Inc. on Steam

Panther VR

Panther VR


You see the trailers? Well what you see isn’t quite what you get (besides maybe a few things like the stutter before the guard gets hit by the wrench in the second trailer). Alright that might be a little too harsh, but I feel like I ended up unintentionally being lead to believe many things by the trailers, like the AI wouldn’t be as rough and somewhat brainless as it is right now.

I’m not even sure if some of the things shown in the trailer are in the game yet, like the explosive detonator and what looks to be bullet time, but judging by the lack of their presence in the tutorial, I don’t think they are. A screenshot also shows the character holding his hand over a guard’s mouth who looks to still be alive but I don’t think that’s in the game, duel wielding pistols show in a screenshot but I don’t think that’s in the game (unless maybe you can grab weapons off of bodies and if not, that should be a thing), and the GIF in the “about this game” section on the Steam page has a part where they look to be holding a weapon with 2 hands, which I don’t think is possible either (really needs to be added because it makes aiming feel uncomfortable or at least for me personally Edit: It is a thing for the AR, just the area where you grab the ammo extends way past where it should be).

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Honestly this game is very fun. Their road map justifies most of the issues being stated in the reviews. I love a stealth game just as much as anyone else but I want to see this game in it’s final form! This is an early access title and I’m sure the devs are working hard to please as many people with their product.

Pros :

Very easy controls

Fun stealth gameplay

Old Splinter Cell / Metal Gear Vibes


Cons :

Constant music in heist

Buggy and forced options command (have to point and touch your watch in game)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Panther VR on Steam

Plaguepunk Justice

Plaguepunk Justice

Great mix of roguelike and squad based strategy. Unique setting and mechanics for a zombie game. Love the art style and the music is very enjoyable and gives a nice tone. Very polished with no crashes or issues so far. Has that addictive “one more turn/mission”. Glad I found this hidden gem.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

recently got this game on sale, got completely hooked within the first three missions

the style, dialogue, combat, and crafting system are all top notch, 10/10

some of the things that hold the game back in my eyes is the movement, often times passing through another person (or vice versa) can mess up my placement, but to be fair thats just a learning curve

the combat enforces high mobility because of the healing combat, and i think thats really interesting. It makes positioning, resource management, exploration, and map awareness very important. Also requires a little bit of tracking which “patients” you have already treated, etc

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Plaguepunk Justice on Steam

Relentless: Ranger

Relentless: Ranger

Relentless: Ranger is a fantasy side scrolling rogue-lite RPG. Slash, shoot, sneak, die, and repeat as the next strider to brave the impossible mission. Each ranger lives once. Once he dies, you must select another to attempt the quest.

Join our Discord and give us your suggestions:


Bows, swords, and spells. Use a variety of weapons and magic to overcome your opposition in tough but fair combat. Beware that brainless button mashing will get you nowhere fast. You must also utilize dodges, jumps, and impeccable timing if you hope to survive.


In a land where evil reigns, not only are the odds stacked heavily against you, you must complete the quest in a limited time. With each passing day a ranger spends, the Dark becomes more powerful until the challenge becomes inevitably insurmountable. Will you spend extra time to heal in town? Or will you trudge on to save time and hope you get lucky?


Nine disciplines to train from Archery to Beastmastery to Acrobatics. Combined with inherent talents and flaws, each ranger will play differently. Perhaps you will pick a Legolas-like archer of death who can plow through levels through sheer arrow power? Or select one who relies more on stealth and magic? Or another who relies on the aid of forest animals?


Rescue villagers, find artifacts, or just invest money in the town. You will be rewarded with better weapons, more potions, and beds with less fleas. Help make the town a better place and the mission less unreasonable, if not for you, at least for your successors.


Choices matter in addition to the procedural generation of fate. Each ranger will encounter different people and situations during his quest. Depending on your choices, his subsequent path will be altered, taking him to new locations, dangers, and treasures. Although all seek the Seed, no ranger will travel the same path.

Relentless: Ranger on Steam

The Light Keeps Us Safe

The Light Keeps Us Safe

As amazing as the atmosphere and idea is, I can’t recommend buying this yet.

It did just launch into early access, but functionality and gameplay really is very very bare bones. The core mechanics are too simple (it’s way too easy to figure out where you need to go because every objective has near identical light setups), and the enemies are very simple and very dumb. Once you get over the “I have no idea what that is so I am scared of it” and figure out what each thing is, you realize most things aren’t much of a threat at all. There doesn’t seem to be any reason to even sneak around other than just avoiding line of sight. I’m not sure why I even need to crouch other than to break line of sight or avoid collision.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

First off, I’m going to predicate this review by saying that, if you haven’t already gathered (which there’s no way you couldn’t have!) this game is in early access. Therefore, there are bound to be bugs, glitches and other things which Big Robot (the devs) will probably tweak in due course.

But with that aside, I’ve been doing a Let’s Play of this over on my Youtube channel and barring a few points of contention, so far I’m liking what I’m seeing. The game looks promising. If you want to see a sample of gameplay to help you decide whether or not to buy, then check this link here:

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

The Light Keeps Us Safe on Steam

44 Minutes in Nightmare

44 Minutes in Nightmare

Very nice game, similar to Monstrum, Granny, etc.

You have to find various items to escape the level and there are three exits.

Finished in hard too, I really enjoyed it :D

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Really a good game. Keep working on it.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

44 Minutes in Nightmare on Steam