Risky Wings

Risky Wings

EDIT: 2/26/19 Record name change.

EDIT; 9/11/18 The issues I describe below of needing to acclimate in order to avoid hitting objects has substantially been dealt with admirably in several ways, in more than one update. MUCH more intuitive now. Thank you!


Full Disclosure: I LOVE TO FLY!!! (As a gamer, I mean.)

As such, I have a substantial number of Steam-based games that allow me to indulge this joyous affliction, the most recent being the wonderfully designed and remarkably addictive and entertaining Risky Wings (previously UBERFLIGHT.) Admittedly, flying games basically do one thing, and the measures of such games are:

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Competitive Games.

Relax game for reaction training.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Risky Wings on Steam

BlastZone 2

BlastZone 2

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, ‘If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.’. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- ‘Don’t ever smoke. Please don’t put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.

Real player with 208.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Singleplayer Games.

Apparently the blast zone is actually quite large. BlastZone 2 is a short indie side scrolling shooter (ala R-type but I wouldn’t say this game is that similar to R-type) made by solo developer Mat Edzenga. It features a number of different ships with different load outs, 8 stages filled with enemy ships, interesting 3D graphics and a few extra modes to try your hand at once you have beaten the main game. It also has local 2 players, controller support and costs only a few bucks.


Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

BlastZone 2 on Steam

Serious Scramblers

Serious Scramblers

After almost 20 hours of playing this game, I find it in 3 words to describe it.

Marvellous, Exciting, Enjoyable.

Oh, you read that right. Those 3 words summed it up.


Okay, thing is, this game is really enjoyable. But how it is enjoyable? First the retro vibe and simple graphics are already mesmerizing. I mean, in this age now, how many of us can still enjoy some good old-school style game. This one does, so it’s great!



Music wise, absolutely catchy and melodic. Sure, it’s a bit repetitive but old-school games are like that. Plus, it’s not some dull and boring musics but rather, it fits the gameplay very well. Personally, I like it. And importantly, it brings me back to my younger days when I was playing those NES games. So yeah, it’s cool, good and memorable.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Difficult Games.

first impressions (updated with new info):

  • great pixel art and music.

  • gets you on the edge of your seat in the way a good arcade-type game would.

  • fast-paced, no waiting around to restart your next fall.

  • a very important element (that you can go from one edge of the play area to the other a la Pacman) isn’t taught to you except as a loading screen type tip (which I didn’t see until after I’d learned it by myself), so I figured you couldn’t go to the sides at first. this made some jumps that would otherwise have been easy hat frustratingly appear impossible to avoid. I kinda wish that info were relegated to an info tab or something in the menu, rather than as an obscure tip.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Serious Scramblers on Steam



The absolute worst Walter Machado game by far

Game’s on a tight timer, meaning if you underperform even in the first level, the whole run is doomed

There’s no exit button, so if you realize the run is doomed, killing yourself is the only way to restart

Things don’t even reliably kill you and I still haven’t figured out exactly what the logic is, so restarting is a pain

Things don’t reliably kill you, so you can actually ruin a good run by doing things you might have survived before

The levels are completely random, including the presence of a bonus that essentially cuts the time a level takes in half

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I fucking hated it.

Not because of the hard-to-handle drifting mechanics, which would otherwise be fun to get better at. It’s everything surrounding the core gameplay that makes the experience miserable.

For one, dying to the tentacles felt extremely random - you can never quite tell what interaction might kill you. Sometimes I could be crashing through three tentacles back and forth and still be okay; others, I would die from a single touch in passing with a random, usually non-lethal part of a single tentacle, thus ending promising runs.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game




Break through and outlast shifting, twisting, chaos. Fly through surreal landscapes desperately trying to get hoops. Dodging is impossible, smash instead. Start with 10 shields, each hoop adds 1 more - it’s not enough. Releasing early 2021… perhaps later.

3 Years of Free DLC. Endlight ships with 100 levels that cannot be replayed. Every 2 months for 3 years, another 25 will be released for free (600+ levels total). Even though you’re terrible, we’ve ensured that you will defeat them all. Everything is merely preparation for the yearly challenges, which you will fail. The FINAL challenge is Saturday March 2, 2024. Ominous.

  • Hand crafted procedural generation

  • 1 Player 30,000 particles 120,000 cubes

  • Everything moves, everything rotates, everything intimidates

  • Spectacular first person “Outside” levels

  • “Surprise Chats” with an unhinged narrator

  • Ultra streamlined user interface - you can’t even choose levels

  • Everything has been sacrificed to fill your screen - there are no empty spaces

  • Endlight never gets faster, only denser

  • Not a game, an assault

  • You’ll Learn Nothing

Endlight on Steam

Void 21

Void 21

Void 21 and me went through lows and highs but I think we managed to get along quite well!

Can it be rage inducing ? Hell yes

Is it unfair ? Nope!

And that’s the best thing about it. I love games that punish you for not paying attention without rubbing a “haha we designed this to make you ragequit!” Shield in your face.

It’s incredibly rewarding to beat a hard level and the speed feeling is amazing, there are tons of unlocks to make life easier and/or completely change the way you experience the game.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game


Void 21 is a fun game that is very easy to pick up and play, the game is very fast-paced which can be challenging for newcomers, and as you continue to play you begin to ‘unlock’ new enemies and obstacles which keeps the difficulty up as you get better at the game. Luckily you also unlock new weapons, engines, shields and other useful modules to counter the new threats.

Gameplay: 8 / 10

The core gameplay is a lot of fun and is very addictive, you get a real sense of speed as you fly down the track and it’s a nice rush as you narrowly thread the needle through groups of pillars and other obstacles. There is a lot of variety as you unlock new enemies and obstacles, and the various properties that determine how a level generates cater to different playstyles. The seed picker lets you input a custom level seed to generate a level that is as challenging or easy as you’d like. I haven’t encountered any real bugs, there’s a few fun moments with the physics where you’ll shoot an object and it’ll go bouncing along the track ahead of you, which could be considered a ‘bug’ but it’s not exactly a problem and is hilarious to watch.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Void 21 on Steam




🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it

🔲 Easy

🔲 Normal

✅ Hard

🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

✅ Graphics don’t matter in this game

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad

✅ Not special

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful



✅ This game has no story

🔲 Like playing Temple Runners for the story

🔲 It’s there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story

🔲 Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game


It is quite good and nice for the price.

There are quite a few modes to try out and mix up the typing.

There are a few fonts to choose from.


No way to customise the font other than the few fonts available.

The settings do not save after closing the app.


I would recommend it for trying to type faster, while having the experience be a bit more interesting than the online racers, that make you type out a block of text. Please add the ability to customise font and add comic sans as one of the presets for fonts.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

TEXT on Steam




+Easy to control, hard to master

+Nice and clean graphics

+Good price


-It might become repetitive due to few contents


DriftForce is an endless run game with drones. I recommend it for its gameplay, which is challenging and fast-paced, the good looking graphics and the low price.


The main objective is to earn as many points as possible during the run.

Points are awarded by traveled distance, boost usage (which will make avoiding obstacles harder due to the faster speed), drifting at “drift walls” and by collecting orbs that grant extra points, boost, and extra lives.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

This game’s pretty neat. It’s not a full-fledged racer with AI opponents and weapons or anything, but $5 really isn’t asking a lot for what you get here. It’s a pretty solid endless runner that, while not having much to offer, has some great core mechanics. The controls in particular are really good, they’re responsive and fluid and it feels great to dance around obstacles and grind along walls at breakneck speeds. It’s also a really pretty game to look at; like RadPanda said, this game looks like straight up sex on a 144hz monitor. While I can’t see myself playing this for hours and hours at a time, it’s a ton of fun in short bursts and ends up being a great way to kill a bit of time. No game-breaking bugs or crummy presentation here; DriftForce is a polished, well-made, and fairly priced indie game. I’d love to see a few new game modes or mechanics in future updates, maybe along with just a tad more track variation, but the game is already definitely in a state where it’s easy to recommend. If you’re a fan of anti-grav racers and endless runners, this game’s for you.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

DriftForce on Steam



A pretty good amount of entertainment for the price. The gameplay is simple in concept but pretty addicting, like most endless reaction games. However, this simplicity makes the game’s shortcomings all the more apparent.

For those starting out, there’s no introduction, but from the discussions it seems the developer tried to incorporate as many possible control schemes for “left” and “right” as possible, so the game should be easy to get into. The mouse can also be used in the menu.

The biggest problem with the game is that the amount of time you have to react to obstacles (if you can see them coming at all) is highly dependent on the path and curvature of the running surface, which seems to be randomized on every play (primarily apparently in the daily levels, as the regular levels have the obstacles randomized as well). This is counter to the game’s claim that dying will always be your fault, because even when you know the course pretty well, you can still die because you couldn’t tell when and where the next obstacle was.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

A pretty fun and nice-looking reflex game. It has 3 modes of difficulty: Simplicity, Futile, and Ultra, and every time you play, the stage is more or less random with obstacles placed in a different pattern. You do get some types of obstacles more common in one difficulty than another, but their placement and pattern often varies. Your goal is to last as long as you can.

For each difficulty level you also get a special daily stage. This stage only changes after every 24 hours, so if you’re not a fan of the randomness aspect, you can always play the daily stage and try to memorize your way through it.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Unpossible on Steam



Volted, I enjoyed it immensely in the first hours of the game. But it becomes more and more repetitive and faints. Various shooting styles and weapons are put in, but only 2 or 3 types of weapons are useful and this makes it boring after a while as it always pushes to use the same weapons. It takes 10 15 hours to play the game to unlock all achievements and vehicles. The maps of the game are not too many, which makes you feel like you are doing the same things on the same maps after a while. The game is fun for 2 or 3 hours but if you want to unlock everything in the game you will be bored. Unfortunately, the game is not finished or has not been given much thought.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

15h update:

TL;DR is an entertaining game but has big flaws on gameplay and features: movement is meh, bullets collision isn’t consistent and the minions can walk/shoot through the geometry and there is no reward for killing/wining a match :/

Is entertaining game however falls very short on the gameplay and progression. Higher level weapons make less damage (wtf).

Also the current state is unplayable because the mechanics aren’t helpful. The spawn point is next to a base instead of the HQ - making harder to save your base :( … and the bullets go where they want. The minion NPCs are way too overpower and 90% of the time spawn on top of me and kill with 1 hit (maybe is due the lag?).

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

VOLTED on Steam