Risky Wings

Risky Wings

EDIT: 2/26/19 Record name change.

EDIT; 9/11/18 The issues I describe below of needing to acclimate in order to avoid hitting objects has substantially been dealt with admirably in several ways, in more than one update. MUCH more intuitive now. Thank you!


Full Disclosure: I LOVE TO FLY!!! (As a gamer, I mean.)

As such, I have a substantial number of Steam-based games that allow me to indulge this joyous affliction, the most recent being the wonderfully designed and remarkably addictive and entertaining Risky Wings (previously UBERFLIGHT.) Admittedly, flying games basically do one thing, and the measures of such games are:

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Fast-Paced Games.

Relax game for reaction training.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Risky Wings on Steam



I was gifted this game by the dev after we play-tested it as co-workers. Another made the chiptune OST and they both deserve praise for the work.

CD-Run is a side scrolling race against your friends and the obstacles the stage throws at you, with multiple mode changes as it goes on. Fast Forward, Repeat, Pause etc.. all shuffle to mix up what’s happening and make you pay attention all the time. When you add in other players all trying to survive as well, it’s total chaos, and some of the best laughs I’ve had with my friends were because of this game.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Precision Platformer Games.

This is an endless side-scrolling platformer game where you play as a running and jumping square. Think SMB games in multiplayer mode, but you have to run in one direction, and you can’t pick up your friends to toss them off the edges. It’s a fantastic way to burn some time with friends, and simple enough to put down after a couple of runs if needed, though it’s hard to put down when feelings of aggressive competitiveness continually builds. What to expect when playing with friends: so.much.laughter, shenanigans, some comraderie (if you’re playing distance mode), countless expletives, and name-calling.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

CD-RUN on Steam

Soldat 2

Soldat 2

It’s a good, fun game, but still lacks a fair bit of refinement.

Hit registration is absolutely horrendous at the moment. You throw a knife at someone, you can see it hits the mark, because it then stops and drops to the floor, but no damage is done.

Similar thing with sniper rifles. You see the bullet pass through the opponent and it does zero damage.

Grenades. Sometimes you hit a person with all 3 grenades and they still don’t die, but they throw just one back at you and poof, you’re dead.

Player balancing system is just silly. When you join a server with an even number of players, you become the poor soul that is going to be tossed back and forth between teams whenever the team you’re in exceeds the other team’s score by 2 (flag caps or bases occupied). You might get thrown into the opposing team just as they’re about to lose. Lovely.

Real player with 71.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Procedural Generation Shooter Games.

I wouldn’t recommend buying this, even if it’s for nostalgia purposes.

The game is literally dead, whenever I attempt to play there’s noone online on any servers - I’ll join a game and play with bots for a while and occasionally 1 or 2 people may join but then leave after 10-15 minutes.

There’s no Oceanic community, that’s for sure. The only community is a few Russians and Germans that sometimes populate their server, but other than that - it’s essentially dead.

There’s also no effort to boost the player population, such as creating communities for specific regions, simple things such as in the Soldat 2 Discord you can create a rank specifically for their region so people can tag @Oceania or @Australia “let’s populate a server” - there’s none of that or anything close.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game

Soldat 2 on Steam

Spies & Soldiers

Spies & Soldiers

Spies & Soldiers is a low fantasy strategy game with procedural content and simple mechanics, providing a hit of pure strategy gameplay without the overwhelming complexity often associated with the genre.

The game is a two-player, turn-based digital board game, based on simple mechanics from which complex strategies arise. Each match plays out across a uniquely generated world map, so every game is different.

Key features include:

  • Online head-to-head multiplayer.

  • Simple mechanics and complex strategies.

  • Fast-paced gameplay.

  • Simultaneous turns.

  • Procedural maps.

  • Single player skirmish mode.

Game Mechanics and Strategy

There are two primary systems: military strength and subterfuge. To grow an empire and win, players must carefully balance both elements. Because a fresh map is created for each game, players also need to adapt their strategies to each new world.

Military strength is represented by Soldiers. They are straightforward and effective, relying on strength of numbers, and are used to take control of the castles that are needed to win. Soldiers combine to form armies, and battles are won by the largest army in a region.

Subterfuge is the domain of Spies. They are more complex than Soldiers, dealing with hidden information, surprise and paranoia. Spies are used to take control of cities, which provide the action points needed to power all activities. They can also turn the tide of battle, assassinate other spies, sabotage castle defenses and more. A spy’s effectiveness is determined by its rank, with the most highly ranked spy in a region having the upper hand. Working from the shadows, spies are hidden and can only be seen by an enemy spy of superior rank.

Spies & Soldiers on Steam



This is a very fun game with an active developer. I like the low poly artstyle, the UI is fully fleshed out, gamemodes are intuitive and the map geometry and loadout combinations create a lot of depth. It’s entirely possible to play as the tank class and use teleportation to get high up on top of buildings, looking over the whole map and taking potshots at people.

The biggest problems right now is the small playerbase…playing with AI isn’t very fun. But that’s easy to change, we just need more players.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

i first saw this game on the steam store and downloaded the game and i did not know what to expect until i played the game and i fell in love with it i thought it was gonna have a story bc it said hero shooter but i was wrong i was amazed how good the game run there was no lag and the controls were smooth and its not hard to unlock stuff and i was i excited bc this game wasn’t finished yet it was just in earlyaccess and a love this game and recommend it but theres one issue and thats with the drone for some odd reason you can fly up with the drone but you cant fly down and thats my only complaint just go play this game its free and thats my review

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Combots on Steam

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish has that addictive game play that people also find in games like Factorio for the same reason. I’ve already put in over 50 hours and i’m still learning new things i can do…………then fix them to make them better……then fix them.

This game lets you be strategic not just on the field but in the DNA engineering department as well. Other RTS games have a fixed set of assets to use that use attributes others have decided for you are useful but not in Adapt or Perish.

This game lets you really get into the true strategy of war and tactics by letting you create units, buildings and more real time in game match so you can design dynamically if you lack something you need. You can push your designs to their limits and see if they have what it takes to keep you alive and searching for Overseers. The farther you push out the harder it gets so using tactics come into play constantly and pushes your abilities to hone a better faction.

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

AoP is an rts that feels distinctive, which in 2019 is saying something. I play-tested the crap out of this and still have a lot to learn. The unit customization system provides many viable strategies and possible play styles. You can mimic builds and strategies from other rtses and tower defensey games if you wish. Some of your intuition about how rtses work will require adjustment in AoP’s reality.

There is no campaign. The only goal is to kill beefy Overseer units as cheaply and quickly as possible to receive a higher score on the leaderboard. If you know what you’re doing you can defeat the first Overseer in 15 minutes, but getting that first kill is only the lowest tier of real victory. The AI never runs out of resources and cannot be defeated. Enemy units and buildings spawn around your units just outside of your line of sight, and killing them makes the enemy angrier which makes the AI spawn more enemies, leading to a meat grinder of attrition. You can keep pulling up weeds in your yard until your yard is perfect, but you can’t prevent weeds from growing outside your yard. How long can you keep your base alive while hunting Overseers deep in the wilderness?

Real player with 98.3 hrs in game

Adapt or Perish on Steam

AMazing TD

AMazing TD

Honestly the game has some work that needs to be done to it but if your looking for a classic starcraft td outside of starcraft this isn’t a bad start. It’s still in early access so there are obviously problems/unfinished parts of it but I think its a great start and already currently gets me on a almost once a day to get my dailies and try the new maps. With a little balance and a little more depth this would be a solid td

Things I would add/change:

  • The upgrades curve doesn’t seem balanced to me, I always get to a certain point and feel like its just a waste unless there is no room left to build new towers.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

I’d like to preface this review by saying it was written while the game was in Early Access and that fact was taken into consideration while writing this. AMazing TD is an interesting take on the Tower Defense genre. It reminds me of the Tower Defense (TD) games I used to play as custom games in Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. It probably reminds me of that because it is a standalone spiritual successor of a Starcraft 2 map I had played previously called Entropy TD.

It’s a deceptively simple appearing Tower Defense game. You build living statues as your towers and they deal with the various waves of enemies. The longer you can keep enemies from exiting the map, the more likely you are to eliminate them. Building a maze and well placed, properly upgraded towers is the key to victory in these sorts of games. AMazing TD goes beyond the basics by also having power fields on the play field that modify the game in some way. Fields that slow, speed up and teleport the enemies, increase the range or damage of your towers or even offering you extra gold are some of the field effects to watch out for when planning your maze.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

AMazing TD on Steam



Well now… this is certainly a strange one. Now, I’ve been a fan of Phr00t’s games for a long time now, and have played most of them. Going into any of them, I know to expect some surreal procedural weirdness, which is something that I really like but that most developers dont seem fond of doing (which is a shame). I can think of only a few that are willing to make this sort of thing. Phr00t though is one of them, and this game doesnt break the trend of creative bizarrity.

How do I even describe this one? Okay. So, think of Smash Bros, right? Nintendo’s wild fighting game, where instead of smacking your opponent until they pass out, you try to knock them off the stage to score a KO. Well, it’s like that, except in first person, and you punch eyeballs, except instead of punching you sorta throw rocks kinda? And it’s all procedural and you have an inventory. Sometimes there’s a boss or you solve a riddle, because why not.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

game where you throw stuff at eyeball dudes. i had some issues with the vr mode but its a funny game for 4 dollars.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

StratoBash on Steam

Me Vs You

Me Vs You

Me Vs You is a competitive 3D Action game that features unique Arenas. Each Arena requires a different skillset to excel. Compete online against others or play the game in single-player mode to improve and beat your own high score. Choose either between a prebuilt challenge or face a new one via Procedural Level Generation or Random configurations.


Get to the Goal as fast as possible.⠀

Warning: The path won’t be a straight line.

Avoid damage as best as possible while keeping an eye on the actual goal.

No worries: This time, you won’t wipe your MMO Raid.

Use your bow to move the ball to the designated area while collecting some bonus zones. It’s easy, right?!

No worries: Balls are provided.

Typical simple 1vs1 gunfight. Your opponent isn’t immediately visible and the round starts after a small random delay.

Warning: You can’t blame the lag if you lose.

Long-distance hits while predicting the arrow trajectory are the key to get a good score.

Do you think you are actually good at hitting targets?

Spoiler: You probably aren’t.

Soon in Early Access

Either if you’ve found a bug or you want to see a specific game mode or challenge in the game. Get involved – it has just begun – join the Discord!

Me Vs You on Steam

Security Hole

Security Hole

This fucking game. This MOTHERFUCKING GAME. Now this was a remarkable puzzle game. It was easily the most frustrating puzzle game I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing, and I absolutely loved it.


You have a collection of base shapes, such as cubes or dodecahedrons, which form various larger 3D structures. The object is to rotate this 3D structure such that it can fit into a hole which it is steadily, almost imperceptibly moving towards. Think of it like shining a light at the ground so that your shape makes a certain shadow, and rotating it so that the shadow matches the pattern given. Except there’s a time limit. Or you only have a certain amount of rotation you can perform before it locks up. Or sometimes both of these things. And also each level has multiple phases and they keep adding more and more of the base shape to your object, changing the shadow it can make. Also everything is randomized so you’ll never get the same setup twice. Oh and the boss-mode fights have a second timer you have to beat across all phases, and everything is wireframe and terrible. And also there is a

! secret world, and a secret level to the secret world, and secret mandatory bonus rounds on several of the final puzzles, because fuck you apparently.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Think of this as a kid’s set of fitting blocks, on steroids. Don’t get me wrong, this game is HARD and will test your geometrical/tridimensional perception to the limit.

Don’t be fooled by the game’s first trailer, as it is very misleading. The second trailer is more accurate to what you get.

I won’t lie to you, the game concept is all about testing your geometrical/spatial ability by passing 3D objects through a hole (no, there’s nothing dirty in that sentence). There is some variation to that theme, though. Sometimes you have to do it within a time limit. Sometimes you have to move the object as little as possible but can take as much time as you want. There’s also a mode that shows a blank object with no shadows or other indications of perspective and you’ll have to find the matching object from a set of 4 options. On top of that, each object is composed of smaller units, and these units vary through the game–you start with cubes, then you see dodecahedrons and other units, for a total of 6 different units which will fry your brain while you get used to each of them.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Security Hole on Steam