

Oh my god, this is one of the best games I have ever played. Actually, scratch that, this is one of the best games available on steam. This game was perfect from prologue to epilogue, and it was fair yet absolutely brutal. The story was so goddamn immersive and sometimes comedic; this game was an emotional roller-coaster. It also has an assist mode that encourages usage if the default game is inaccessible, instead of making fun of you like so many other games do. I had tons of fun, however, I haven’t beaten chapter 8, b sides, c sides, or chapter 9 yet. I will write more reviews of those chapters/sub-chapters once I beat them.

Real player with 170.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Precision Platformer Difficult Games.

Simply a delightful platformer. A masterclass at level design. The core mechanics are so well made that i found myself craving for content even after 90+ hours. You keep learning new ways to overcome obsticles which makes this game infinitely replayable. Incredibly beutiful presentation and a simple, yet very touching and relatable story. If you don’t buy and play this game right this instant i am going to come to your house and steal tour shoes.

Real player with 93.5 hrs in game

Celeste on Steam

Dustforce DX

Dustforce DX

I should have written a review long ago. After all, I’ve played this game for 1,000+ hours and idle’d in its level editor for a few hundred more.

Dustforce DX is the deepest and most technically demanding 2D platformer ever made. It has a momentum based engine where all actions have real weight and consequence, attacks have start-up frames, things are jump and dash-cancellable, and there are tricks measured in how many frames they save. Every level has leaderboards both for score and for raw time, and the community is fiercly competitive and still very active. More importantly, every run on the leaderboards also has a replay embedded. Being able to watch your run (or anyone else’s) is not just fun, it’s a fantastic learning tool. If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, then keep reading.

Real player with 1670.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Precision Platformer Indie Games.

TL:DR, My absolute favorite platformer ever, please buy this game, its fantastic.

Below is my history with the game and how I came to know it as my personal favorite platformer of all time and a contender for being my favorite game ever.

At first, I didn’t really like Dustforce. I found a lot of the gameplay to be a little too difficult, even in the early levels of the game. It felt like the game didn’t want me to play, like it wanted to keep me out. But me being who I am, was stubborn, and wanted at least the 100% completion on Steam. So I grinded and grinded and grinded. Through all of the levels that technically meant almost nothing to the only achievement in the game. The S+ Achievement, which is given to you on completion of a SS run of Giga Difficult, one of the levels in the game that is so far in, that it keeps anyone who doesn’t have the true mentality to push, to improve, to keep playing, from ever reaching it.

Real player with 153.3 hrs in game

Dustforce DX on Steam

Circa Infinity

Circa Infinity


In nearly every aspect, Circa Infinity has vastly exceeded my expectations, and sits well near the top of my list of most intelligently designed games I have ever played. A minimalist, puzzle platformer is the last game I would expect to enjoy this immensely amongst a sea of indie titles. I consider the genre to be the equivalent of the FPS of the indie scene: a sort of formulaic attempt to tread ground into the industry, but CI is perhaps the most exhilarating take on a tired template in every aspect of its design. It will consistently challenge your thinking while simultaneously presenting you every tool necessary to complete and appreciate the pieces which meld this wonderful game.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Precision Platformer 2D Platformer Games.

Circa Infinity (& Affinity). What a game.

Circa Infinity is a puzzle mode featuring 5 worlds. As you progress, you will encounter worlds that introduce new game concepts, especially in worlds 4 & 5. If you aim for completion, I advise you to take your time and carefully analyze the movement patterns. However, if you’re an achievement hunter (like me), perfect your hand-eye coordination, your visual memory layout of the levels, and your commitment into seeing this through to the end. I didn’t receive a proper warning, so I’ll warn you now: if you lack any of the three points I’ve listed above, DON’T go for Circa Infinity achievements.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Circa Infinity on Steam

The End Is Nigh

The End Is Nigh

A lot of people have called The End is Nigh “Super Meat Boy 2”. I somewhat agree. It definitely has a similar aesthetic and certain elements are reminiscient of SMB. It’s closer to Super Meat Boy than Edmund’s other games, with its precision jumps and retro stages, certain obstacles and collectibles. It will certainly keep you busy for a few days, and far longer if you aim for some of the more ridiculous challenges or achievement hunting.

Sitting at 99% completion on my main save file, I think it goes without saying I’ve enjoyed the game quite a bit. I like the level design and hunting down secrets. I’ve both adored and loathed the retro stages and I don’t think I can leave this game unfinished, even if some of the iron man challenges are sure to give me a hard time.

Real player with 61.0 hrs in game

Updating this review now that I’ve played through a lot more of the game, now that I’m at 75% completion, now that I got most of the collectibles (including secrets), and now that I made a “friend” (which is the objective given to you at beginning of the game, so no real spoilers there). Unless you’re some sort of platforming deity, two hours is not enough to get a good feel for the game.

Okay, first off, this is a hard game, especially if you’re going to be going for collectibles. The levels get quite unforgiving quite quickly, even in the first area, and the difference in timing between success and failure can sometimes be measured in tenths of seconds. Additionally, the controls are really precise, so when you screw up, you don’t have anyone to blame except yourself. Therefore, it’s not for everyone.

Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

The End Is Nigh on Steam

Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☑ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 341.6 hrs in game

this game made my childhood and its PERFECT, aswell this game has no graphics but u can make your own in the level creator. pretty hard, very easy to rage but this game is good as heck.

Real player with 223.8 hrs in game

Geometry Dash on Steam

Octahedron: Transfixed Edition

Octahedron: Transfixed Edition

OCTAHEDRON is simply pure bliss from start to finish for anyone who’s a fan of challenging platformers. With its punchy neon aesthetics and fantastic soundtrack, once you’re past the short, intuitive tutorial you’re straight into the meat of the game with no hand-holding necessary. There are some unobtrusive story cutscenes at the start and end of the game, however everything in between can be played through with no barriers, or any text to read.

Practically every level has a unique mechanic that never gets exhausted, with new enemies, obstacles and platforms that are introduced and swiftly subverted, not to mention the surfing platforms you create yourself which give a great sense of freedom. Collectibles of varying difficulty are strewn across the level but rarely feel like a slog, particularly due to careful level design that allows you to backtrack and collect everything in one sitting regardless of later upgrades. They rarely gate progress, and the harder items simply unlock bonus levels that aren’t required to beat the game, thus allow for some extra challenge. Not to mention the medals for completing levels in as few platforms as possible, or with no deaths.

Real player with 498.9 hrs in game

This game’s unreal.

It’s stylish from the moment you start it up, and really easy to pick up and play. I was (pun intended) transfixed from the moment I started playing it, and have gotten amazing value out of the game so far (all achievements in just under 40 hours). The game encourages multiple playthroughs of each level, and each time you will be approaching the level differently to earn different medals for fast completion, collecting 100% of the items in the level, and efficient platforming.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Octahedron: Transfixed Edition on Steam



Time for a controversial review. I’ve played this game on and off for the past 5 years, and I’ve gradually come to realize it’s not that great. I’ll try to explain why.

To get one thing out of the way, the music is fantastic. The chiptune album “PPPPPP” is a true modern classic, catchy and energetic and well-produced. The game sells for $5, but I’d be willing to pay $20 for the soundtrack alone. It’s that good. Even after hearing these tunes for 5 years, most of them still haven’t gotten old to me. But chances are you’ve already heard the music and know this for yourself.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

VVVVVV - timeless indie classic

One of my all time favourites (if not my absolute favourite, comming from someone having played Half Life, Castlevania SotN, Mario Galaxy, Journey, Portal 2).


The gameplay is simple and effective, it’s exactly what it needs to be, nothing more, nothing less. Two buttons for horizontal movement and one button to flip gravity (and another for using machines). The game’s pretty twitchy though, but there’s an option to slow down the game’s speed if that’s a problem for you. You can save at big teleporters or at any time in the pause menue. It’s a puzzle platformer, you dodge enemies, avoid spikes and solve the challenges presented to you, sometimes requiring you to actively think about how you approach a situation.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

VVVVVV on Steam

Knytt Underground

Knytt Underground

I’ve never written a review on steam before, but I simply had to for this game. I bought it 4 years or so ago, and completed it once back then, and once more now after finding all the secrets. This is an absolutely incredible game.

What makes it incredible? It utilises the full potential inherent in the platforming genre, with lots of cool movement sections, some interesting movement-altering abilities you pick up, and just overall tight controls and a well-designed world. The soundtrack is so good you’ll be listening to it long after finishing the game (I certainly still do). As a nice bonus, if you enjoy speedrunning you’ll find this game is perfect for it, which a built-in maze-like shortcut system called The Disorder which makes the any% category really wild.

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

tl;dr: Knytt Underground is a 10/10, it’s amazingly detailed and has so much charm that it’s practically oozing out. Brilliant Sound design, fitting music, intelligent dialogue, addictive gameplay, and a massive world to explore that’s handled expertedly.

I’m in love with this game, when I first got it I knew that I was going to love it. The sounds, the music, the backgrounds, the art, the gameplay, the characters, everything! It just feels so thought out like a giant complete puzzle. As such, I’ll be going into detail about things that make this game great, and also replying to the most Popular Negative Reviews here on Steam.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Knytt Underground on Steam




Yeah guys, I’m addicted on Necrosphere. But It’s fuc**** awesome, you have to try it! Well I’ll tell you the reason: “Easy to learn, hard to master”. SOOOOO hard to master. I finished the game for the first time in 1h42m. Well, not bad huh? WRONG! Still too bad time, let’s play it again and WHOOOOOOA 54 minutes! “YOU ARE PRETTY GOOD NOW LITTLE GUY” I thought… WRONG AGAIN. Let’s try one more time… and again… and again and BAAAAAM 25 minutes! I’ve got an achievement for this run, do you believe? This game is awesome to play again, when you discover the tricks, right timing to move around the stages, to avoid the FUC**** FIREBALL, OOOOOH I HATE THE FIREBALL, but the point is that the game encourage you to finish it more faster, to discover the shortcuts and more. I guess that the best game I’ve played for months. The sound is pretty amazing and immersive too and the DLC TERRY’S DREAM seems a NIGHTMARE lol

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

This is an amazing little monster of a platformer! It will destroy your hands if you are playing on a controller! Doesn’t matter if you are a hardcore platformer gamer. This game will crush you and tear you apart.

Level desing is incredible! The developers took only 2 buttons and pushed it to the extreme adding certain game mechanics after certain game progress to keep it fresh and challenging!

I find it difficult nowadays to play a fair difficult and well desinged game like this one!

The base game alone is hard enough to die literally more than a thousand time! It took me a little more than 4 hours to finish it with all the collectables!

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Necrosphere on Steam

You Have 10 Seconds

You Have 10 Seconds

2¢ Review

| Game Name: | You Have 10 Seconds |

| Original Release: | 14 July 2016 |

| My Overall Grade (#/10): | 6 |

| Demo: | No |

| Workshop: | No |

| Level Editor: | No |

| Captions: | No |

| Controller Support: | Partial |

| Multiplayer: | No |

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Short, difficult-enough and cute platformer. Can be fully completed under 5 minutes - but you’ve gotta be really fast and precise with your inputs. You’ve got only 10 seconds to pass for every screen, and some of them might take quite many reloads to pass by.

Achievements included - yet, alas, they are not shown at steam game page, so if you were looking anything to enhance your “fully completed steam rating” - that’s not the right game.

Still, quite a fair and satisfying challenge for anyone who have an interest in platformer games. And it’s free. So, if you’re just looking for something short and nice to play on your coffee-brake - try this one!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

You Have 10 Seconds on Steam