Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Let’s start this review off by saying that this game has a very mixed reputation, and for a very good reason.

Fallout Tactics isn’t like its forefathers Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Fallout Tactics is a strategy game, and unlike its forefathers, has no speech skill, no major RPG elements, and more straightforward, action based gameplay. It has a very unique story, and is so far the only Fallout game that has its setting in the Midwestern United States.

Fallout Tactics has voiceacted dialog, unlike Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout Tactics also offers four difficulty settings, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane. Easy is about what you would expect, easy, it makes the game very very easy and significantly more easygoing. Normal isn’t much different, but it too offers a more story and action based game than the two harder difficulties. Hard is a minor step up from Normal, forcing you to play more adaptively, and sparringly with your supplies, as vendors either don’t restock, or you have to complete a mission for them to, making supplies very restricted if you waste them. Insane is exactly what you would expect, insane. It’s borderline impossibly hard if you play with Tough Guy Mode turned on, which I will touch on in a second. Insane mode drops your accuracy by a flat 20%, halves your average damage, curbs your chance to get criticals to extremely low, doubles enemy damage, resistence, accuracy, and worst of all, the enemy will get critical hits with frightening frequency. Strategy is everything on Insane. Your supplies become even more limited, and you will die many many many times, which makes Tough Guy even more bitter.

Real player with 723.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Isometric Games.

Short review

A good strategy title that allows us to reconnect with the universe of Fallout while discovering a different type of gameplay. Amateurs and neophytes alike should enjoy it despite the high level of difficulty.

Long review

So here we are, back in the nuclear winter of the world of Fallout. The devastating war that took place plunges us into the ruins of Chicago, in which the survivors of this apocalypse organize themselves to survive the hordes of looters, animals that have become wild or even mutants. A new category of warrior was therefore formed to defend the few remains of a humanity lost in this post-nuclear world: The Brotherhood of Steel. You will play as one of these knights of a new era and try to complete the many missions that await you, which will require you to use cunning as well as force. Exit the outright role-playing game as offered by the other titles in the series, Fallout Tactics is aptly named and invites us to immerse ourselves in turn-based tactical strategy.

Real player with 255.9 hrs in game

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel on Steam



Only 69% positive with only 285 reviews? I really feel sad for this game as it only got a Mixed Score on steam.

It’s really actually pretty good but the restriction of Rogue-Like difficulty, Random Generated map plus some designer choice made and many other factors made this game lost a lot of the scores.

The story itself is very basic that a meteorite strike earth that brings an alien specie of bugs that grow and expanded out of control beneath the earth. They are attracted to sound and noises and have infinite quantities so civilizations of mankind brought to an abrupt end with few survivors scattered about. They have to constantly stay moving to avoid the alien bugs and salvage what’s left of the old world to stay alive in a hopeless earth.

Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Procedural Generation Games.

In short

Overland looks beautiful and has a cool concept, but it’s too focused on tedious tasks. It’s also a game that does not like to reward its players, which makes it hard to enjoy.

BTW, the game’s difficulty has been nerfed quite a bit since launch, so disregard reviews about the game being impossible. If anything, it may currently be too easy.

Long version

For me, the lack of fun in Overland starts with the self-contradictory nature of the game. Indeed, Overland constantly offers cool toys, but says NO whenever the player wants to use them. For example, you’d be forgiven for thinking this game was about tactical combat, with weapons aplenty and critters to use them on. Turns out that the game punishes you for killing a critter, as it results in a snowball effect that makes the map harder. You could actually argue that Overland’s core gameplay is to make dumb AI run around in circles, without hurting them, to give your other characters enough time to find fuel. It’s hard to remain excited about such a tactic after you’ve done it 4-5 times. Another example of this kind of contradiction is the equipment system. The game likes to drop all sorts of useful items, be it weapons, fuel, med packs, repair kits, flash lights, and so on. But characters in Overland only have 1 or 2 equipment slots which means you can’t pick up most of the items you find. The result is that you spend a ridiculous part of your time doing things like dropping your flashlight on the ground to be able to carry the newly found can of fuel, while your other character stores his med pack on the car in order to pick up the flashlight you just dropped … you get the idea. None of that is fun; it’s just tedious and annoying.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Overland on Steam

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut

August 22nd 2017: W2 Review by Tandberg_J (steam account name) (tandbergj@gmail.com )


“The absolute dream for fans of the classic style of Fallout 1, and Fallout 2, and it’s still a good game even if you are just casually familiar with Bethesda’s Fallout reboots.”

This review is for the Director’s Cut Edition, which in 2017, has been mostly debugged, and is very stable. I play on a PC for the record, and can’t comment on the console ports. But, I’ve played and beat the original PC version as well, before the director’s cut was released, so I’ve seen the game’s development and refinement. (I recommend learning how to edit your save game files, [they are plain text .xml files,] as this allows you to avoid some glitches that might affect your game in purely mundane minor ways, and you can avoid little annoying bugs like not getting credit for a small side quest) Also, you can edit your characters and give them some clothing and aesthetics that are not available in the vanilla game. But this is optional of course. Also there is a huge mod scene for this game, which I can’t really say I’ve tried.

Real player with 393.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Isometric Games.

Did they pull it off?

I don’t quite know what I was expecting when I first backed the Kickstarter. Wasteland was a beloved classic, my first proper PC game, and it showed me just what games were really capable of. Problems with more than one solution, missions that could be failed without forcing a game over, the player’s responsibility to build a balanced team, the combination of descriptive paragraphs with the limited graphics to paint a more vivid picture; the experience blew my fragile little mind at the time. A contemporary title can do many or even all of those things, but whether they can match that feeling - the impression that I’m playing something truly groundbreaking - is a much more loaded question.

Real player with 165.0 hrs in game

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on Steam



So… Underrail. Like many others Sseth convinced me to buy the game, but I don’t think he mentioned enough all the save scumming and reloading.

I both like and greatly dislike the game, but I do not think it is essentially a fun game. I’m going to list pros and cons.


-Lots of available builds and a lot of build freedom… except it’s less free than it appears. Also like the addition of psychic powers.

-Like the cyberpunk post-apocalyptic ambience but underground. Music is on point. Graphics are only alright, but that’s not the point of th game.

Real player with 164.3 hrs in game

I wanted to rip my cock off: 9/10

Real player with 137.2 hrs in game

UnderRail on Steam

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic

NOTE: The nolstagia factor doesn’t apply to me since I wasn’t around during the 80’s, nor did I own any kind of PC until the mid 2000’s.

tl;dr it’s fucking awesome, what are you waiting for!?

If you’re like me and haven’t been around for these types of RPGs (I was born 1998), then there’s going to be a difficult learning curve ahead, but it’s a game well worth learning.

This game caters to my every need when it comes to that post-apocalyptic itch. Wasteland surprisingly has a good atmosphere and sometimes I can actually imagine the rangers fighting off hoardes of robots or leather jerks; I can really immerse myself in this game despite how “dated” it may be. You have a wide variety of skills and attributes to use at your disposal for any situation you may find yourself in, and this being an Interplay game, there are some weird spots you’ll find yourself in. The variety / diversity helps make the world and your characters feel more immersive and more in-control. An example is at the bar in Quartz. You can hop onto a stage and get into a battle sequence, only to be forced to preform for the audience afterwards. So you have your charisma attribute and some skills like knife throw to entertain the audience before they let you back down, but if your skills are too low or if you’re just unlucky, you’re going to find yourself being pelted with tomatos and beer bottles.

Real player with 77.4 hrs in game

::UPDATE: I have found out that you must use your keyboard when assembling Max the android, in the Vegas sewers. Hopefully this saves one person from grief…

This is a fantastic game and should be played by everyone that has dedicated gaming to their PC, it is an experiance and made me buy an actual boxed copy of Wasteland. Bugs and all, it is so awesome. My tip for those who are new is to play with a guide, just to make sure you dont run into any game breaking bugs! Thanks for reading!::


Real player with 44.9 hrs in game

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic on Steam

NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger is a turn-based, post-apocalyptic, survival roguelike with perma-death. I also now sometimes fondly call it a Procedural Death Michigan. It’s mean, immersive, annoyingly addictive and seems to strongly dislike players wearing right boots (left boots are fine).

Basically, you scavenge around (and die after the building crumbles on you), fight other people scavenging around (and die valiantly with monkey wrench in hand) or try to talk to them (and die a turn later by drinking a celebratory made-it-through-the-turn sip of poisoned water), try to kill creatures that would like to eat you almost as much as you’d like to eat them (and die hungry), craft items to help you survive (and die warm because your fire alerted every deadly thing around), keep track of your hunger, thirst, diseases and injuries (and die very informed) or try to get to the seemingly last big hub of civilization (and die trying to get there; or trying to get in; or after you get in; or on your way back out).

Real player with 389.2 hrs in game

Picked this up on a lark, as I am heavily into survival games lately. I was hesitant due to the low res, pixel graphics, but man am I glad I took a chance on this!

What stands out immediately is choice and consequence. You can’t have it all. You have to build a character with weaknesses, and weaknesses can just be not having some of the skills you might like to have, or it can be actual weaknesses to give you points to get more benefits.

You might take Fragile for example, making you take more damage than normal if you get hit, and you might do this because you really want the points it gives you to take Trapping so you can make fire right away at the start of the game.

Real player with 168.4 hrs in game

NEO Scavenger on Steam

Fallen: A2P Protocol

Fallen: A2P Protocol

I watched the trailers, and the thought that went through my mind was “Awwww Yeaahhhh, post-Apocalyptic X-Com!!”. I waited for a while until it was on sale, because I’m a miser like that, and I got at at 75% off. Whoooo boy, that was probably the best decision I made. Quickie run down, Do I reccomend it? No. Also Yes, but then more No.

Here is the thing. The mechanics work simlar to X-Com, maybe even slightly better because instead of 2 actions each round you may be able to run, shoot, and then run, or stab someone three times, or other options. Its actually a superior action point system in my mind. The graphics while not stunning are surpisingly good too.

Real player with 86.3 hrs in game


Short, unfinished, unbalanced, not well optimized, bugged and last but not least - abandoned (there are no more signs of life from devs at all since 2016-01-27) turn based tactic with very weak AI and a lot of weird stuff. Get it on sale for 5 bucks if you are really interested in such kind of games and don’t mind to support a developer/publisher, who basically has thrown a “half baked” product out on market and disappeared after that.


Discovered this title while in early access and went for it in October 2015 after it was officially released and got a couple of patches/updates. Now after 70 hours spent I am pretty sure that I have seen and done everything possible within this game, so for all those of you who ask yourself “should I get it or not?” I got an answer. The answer is - no, unless there is a discount like -80% or better. Now some of you may ask “hmm, but what’s wrong with it? Trailer looks promising, screens are looking good… okay-okay there were some bugs, but devs are fixing it, right?” and this question is legitimate for sure.

Real player with 70.3 hrs in game

Fallen: A2P Protocol on Steam

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

فول اوت 1 مهما اثنيت عليها لن اعطيها حقها . لعبة نزلت عام 1997 قدمت قصة جدا جميلة وذكاء اصطناعي جدا مذهل. عمل جبار صراحتا استمتعت بكل دقيقة قضيتها في اللعبة

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

This can be a bit overwhelming to get started with so I recommend looking up a guide at first, and then when you get a feel for the game, you’ll probably end up liking it a lot more than you expect to. Extra points for a stellar atmosphere and a pretty solid storyline.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Literal boomer trash balanced like dogshit, incomprehensibly RNG, AND THIS FUCKING GAME KEEPS CRASHING AT THE FINAL BOSS. Cozy to cheese through tho.

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

great game. feels like getting punched in the family jewels until you’re used to it then its not so bad, but then later it punches harder. also don’t do what i did and fight everyone in navarro that’s part of the punching harder i spent 8 hours for that alone

Real player with 73.1 hrs in game

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam

Gorky 17

Gorky 17

EDIT: I updated review with EDITs after completing the game.

I really enjoyed this game back in the day (it was called Odium then). It had the same feel as a turn-based Resident Evil 1 (horror themed, mutants, scarce ammo and health). I hadn’t been able to finish it back then so I decided to give it another try. I wasn’t expecting it to work on Win10 without a hitch but, to my surprise, it did fairly well (choose the SW renderer).

EDIT: HW renderer support can be added by installing the dgVoodoo plugin. I used the software renderer throughout the game but I hear it looks much better with HW rendering. The detailed steps can be found in https://steamcommunity.com/app/253920/discussions/0/490124466474674022 .

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Gorky 17 has it all: isometric perspective, the plot of a B-movie, repetitive yet weirdly addictive combat, and more than enough challenge.

So you’ve been dumped in the middle of a god-forsaken and monster-infested ghost of a city and have to fight your way through hordes of mutants to get to the truth of the matter. As said before, the plot certainly is not the game’s major selling point. The bulk of the dialogue consists of your burly man-soldiers either grunting action-movie clichés or stating the obvious, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a soft spot for this ragged band of gun-toting alpha males by the end.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Gorky 17 on Steam