Rock’n’Roll: Card Wargame

Rock’n’Roll: Card Wargame

US Marines and Vietnam partisans, welcome to Rock’n’roll: Card Wargame - a card wargame with interesting game mechanics and a unique visual style that will send you on a crazy alternative-historical trip through the chemical-drenched jungles of the Vietnam war. Take on the role of a commander of Vietnamese guerrillas or US armed forces and show your opponents what you’re made of!


  • 28 different cards: 12 units and 16 orders will make each game session in Rock’n’roll: Card Wargame unique and catchy.

  • Exciting mechanics of capturing strategic points on the battlefield, which is rarely seen in card games.

  • Each win will bring you points, which can be used to purchase customized items that allow you to collect a unique game set from the deck, dice, and playing field.

  • Author’s graphics in the modern comics style, transmitting the unique setting of the game.

  • Rock and roll soundtrack that complements the game atmosphere.

  • 25 achievements to achieve which you will need to show perseverance and ingenuity.

  • After each battle, your units will get experience, and over time you will be able to improve them into real hardened veterans.

  • In between online battles, you can try 2 story campaigns, both of which will tell a fascinating story of the conflict from different sides.

  • For already experienced players there also will be multiplayer modes: 1 vs 2, 2 vs 2.

See you in the damn jungle, commander!

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Alternate History Games.

Rock'n'Roll: Card Wargame on Steam

Only Evil Remains

Only Evil Remains

Only Evil Remains™ is a psychological horror, (PvPvE) multiplayer shooter which takes place in an early post apocalyptic world where dreams become nightmares and only evil remain. 2 teams of 4 face off in a fight to survive against each other and unknown threats within a twisted reality where those fortunate enough to survive live in constant peril and paranoia.

More information coming soon!

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Psychological Horror Games.

Only Evil Remains on Steam

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter

Its a great game,funny i played about 5 hours, i recommend it, if someone wants to play, just tell me!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Split Screen Games.

So i bought this game after seeing it on youtube i am quite impressed that one man made this game that’s insane. It’s got some fun mechanics i quite enjoyed the explosions and death animations, the reloading and difference between weapons is really cool as well. bolt action was my favourite by far. There’s definitley a few annoying bugs in the single player mode when you die you sometimes spawn back to a heap of enemies on top of your body and they just instantly kill you however that doesnt happen too often.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter on Steam



WARZONE-X is a multiplayer first-person game developed in 2755 where large corporations fight for the few resources left on earth combining the experience of science fiction and cyberpunk worlds in a death match with futuristic technology. 5 classic game modes based on team fighting and can play up to a total of 12 players per map or solo mode against bots.

Classic game modes:

- Deathmatch: Also known as DM or Deadly Combat, it is the typical all-against-all duel, each by his side. The objective is to have the largest number of frags (deaths made by the player) at the end of the time, or be the one that reaches the limit of frags established in the game. One of the best known modalities that are derived in this way is the one-on-one, also known as 1on1 or Duel.

- Teamdeathmatch:

Also known as TDM or Deadly Team Fight. Here, the rules of the game are the same as in Deathmatch, that is, the winner (this time, “team” instead of “player”) is the one who reaches the limit of frags established in the game, or one who, At the end of time, be the one with the most frags. There are 2 teams competing with each other to be the winner.

- Capture The Flag: Also known as CTF or Capture The Flag. Players compete in teams to take the flag of the rival team and take it to their own base, while defending theirs. Competitive teams must have a large share of teamwork. Teams must defend their base from rival attacks, while infiltrating the enemy base, taking their flag, and returning to their base. This requires the team to protect its bearer well from enemies in order to fulfill its objective.

- Domination: DOM, Teams compete to control several control points (these appear on the map as a giant X that changes shape and color according to the team that controls it) with the aim of adding points and winning the game. Standard maps contain three points. The points can be controlled either with the total occupation of the territory (physically occupying the space) or from a distance. Here, again, there are 2 teams competing for the same goal.

- Rush or Assault: A team, called an attacker must place explosive charges on two predetermined targets. When these are destroyed, the next phase is advanced where the same is done. The defending team must defend the objectives until the enemy points or “regeneration tickets” reach zero.

WARZONE-X on Steam



Ahahah, this is a pubg for the poor. This game is a good prank for a gift to a friend. Hahahaha

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

poopy game no good

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Battleground on Steam

War of the Wasteland

War of the Wasteland

Such a cool and fun game. Absolutely one of the best graphics for a Survival game out there. The 3rd person shooter controls are very responsive. The UI are awesome and don’t forget a great character customization. I would definitely recommend this game. NOW….Go find a backpack!!!!!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game


I bought this game on sale for less then $2 and it was the biggest waste of money I have ever spent.

The only thing you can do in this game is run around, loot, kill robots that give you nothing and build pointless structures.

The best part of this game is the ability to uninstall it, as this game feels like it was made by a 2yo that watched a couple of Youtube tutorials, bought the cheapest asset pack they could find, and threw it together in 20 minutes.


Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

War of the Wasteland on Steam

Dash Blitz

Dash Blitz

Dash Blitz is a fast game with a surprising amount of depth. Each character plays differently and I personally enjoy Manny with his ability to hang from cellings and throw explosives or Valerie who can fly around the stage. This is a game that keeps being refined with each update, and it is really enjoyable to watch the improvements over time. The music is also very catchy and it doesn’t become annoying over long play sessions. I have had a lot of fun playing this with friends, and I look forward to the completed version with more characters and stages.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

It’s a good game. Fun to play. But the UI and AI are a major letdown. But, if you’ve got friends to play along with, this can turn out to be fun. Read the full review at indie game reporter.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dash Blitz on Steam

Dead Alliance™

Dead Alliance™

I’d just like to coment on the general response to this game as people are crapping all over it, the hit reg is bad, there are some glitches and there’s not much depth in content. These are all valid issues and fair enough, but to the people saying, enraged zombies are overpowered, stop. The zombies need to be powerful or you might as well just go play cod. To the people saying you cant sprint and strafe at the same time, of course you cant, that would be op and is in no good games. To people saying you cant run fast, I see plenty of people in light classes bomb past me so fast I cant even ADS on them. Please moan about valid issues, there are plenty to choose from including spawns to name but one, but please stop bitching about stupid stuff because you are bad at the game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Maximum Games once again brings us an awful, broken, and downright boring game that they threw out onto Steam and then abandoned immediately. Zero support post-release, as is tradition from those fine folks.

This PC port is pretty abysmal, and as usual with Maximum Games' releases you can’t rebind your keys. This time they at least let you change a few graphic settings, though. As far as audio options go, you can only change a few volume sliders.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Dead Alliance™ on Steam

Zombie Strike

Zombie Strike

honestly i have only played 3hrs and that was from first login. i will be continuing as i have no reasons yet not to. consequently, this review is subject to change

the incredibly naive will quote this as a pay-to-win game, which is utter nonsense. only game i ever played (in 40 years of gaming) that falls into THAT category is zynga’s poker game which you could win actual money playing…….. as long as you were an american living in america. you can pay but you don’t win anything.

this game does NOT target your wallet……..that’s just cheap. no, this game is SO overly priced it targets your savings account :D

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

good game😊 . but it can be better than that 😐😑

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Zombie Strike on Steam

Auto Age: Standoff

Auto Age: Standoff

A ton more fun than I was expecting.

Full disclosure, I am an indie dev living near where Phantom Compass is located, so I knew about the game and was given a free copy. Very surprised at how fluid and smooth and most of all FUN the cars are to drive. I absolutely love the way the little cars handle. It has that perfect “arcady, videogamey” vibe, where teh cars aren’t striving to feel realistic, they are striving for teh best player experiance possible, which I personally think is teh best way to go about this type of locomotion based game. They really did a great job tweaking the cars, and probably my favrit part about teh game is drifting around and boosting into teh air, feels so slick.

Real player with 119.0 hrs in game

This is not a combat-racing game. vehicular brawling, varied classes/styles and weaponry, arenas, aesthetic; this is a car combat game - Auto Age is this in essence, and it’s not too shabby.

In my opinion, the last proper car-combat game was Twisted Metal for the PS3 released back in 2012, and when there are far too few games released apart from the Twisted Metal franchise that fit the bill for being considered part of the car-combat (sub)genre, and to date, as an indie title, Auto Age: Standoff covers the bases to officially be a part of the lineup and not be cringeworthy in 2018.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Auto Age: Standoff on Steam