

Updated for Steam Nominations 2021

As mostly first person shooters player, i sometimes enjoy switching to less intense indie games. Ashwalkers would be one of those.

For me this game became liked a moment i saw it on store. Mostly because of character design and story setting, which is surprisingly similar to one i’ve wrote a couple of years ago. So far this is the closest thing to what could be called “dream game”.

As the gameplay is not challenging, it requires player to calculate their movements since “survival” part is taking an action. Game itself is user friendly, player just need to get used to visual narrative and simple controls.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Resource Management Games.

For those looking for a game akin to the choose your own adventure books of old, Ashwalkers is phenomenal. Decisions require careful thought be put into them, and the game rewards reading into the choices and texts. Some of the choices endgame that determine the endings felt a bit arbitrary, but after having at least gone down the three main endings (that each have at least 12 permutations) twice I can say I had a fun time for the price of the game.

That game while short does its best to make the time spent feel much longer than it is between the unique art style of both the world and its inhabitants, and the survival mechanics of the game which help add a needed sense of weight to the smaller choices. I had fun carefully deliberating on if I wanted to risk losing one resources for another I was in desperate need of. On repeat runs however this meter watching quickly begin to feel monotonous.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Ashwalkers on Steam



20 years ago the Great Fire Disaster set most of the world on fire causing mass extinction and destruction of life and earth. Only 30% of mankind has survived, only a few spots on earth are possible to live. As the governments failed, corporations took control. The world is plunging into chaos and anarchy. Welcome to New York in 1998.

You are an Exekiller, a futuristic bounty hunter. Your main goal is collecting S.O.U.L.S - biochip component which gathers information about its owner and also controls him. Chips are produced by one of the biggest corporations that rule the New Earth. Without S.O.U.L you simply don’t exist.


How you approach The Exekiller is up to you. Your choices affect not only the way the story develops - it also lets you face every situation any way you like. Your decisions affect the storyline that offers massive replayability.


The world of ExeKiller is both beautiful and lethal. Travel across diverse regions from deserts and canyons, through deadly highways and radioactive fields.


You can either kill them, bring them to justice or set them free - the choice is yours. Make full use of the environment and various types of weapons and gadgets. Use your abilities to gain advantage. Sneak past your enemies or talk your way out of trouble situations.


Experience a fascinating journey through post-apocalyptic landscapes dramatically affected by a stunning day/night cycle, dynamic weather and radioactive sun storms.

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Vehicular Combat Games.

ExeKiller on Steam



Absolutely amazing game! I loved every second of it. The game play is smooth and fun, and the characters as well as the story are very beautifully written. I highly recommend giving this game a try!

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Psychological Horror Games.

Finishing Fleshport took me about 9 hours, but I’m very slow and check every detail twice. This game had me hooked from beginning to end. Even with the small RPG Maker window size, I had the feeling that I was traversing through some supernatural landscape with its own people and customs. The characters are both unsettling and charming.

The design in some parts of the game are confusing, with doors that are hard to notice and details that are easy to miss. There was one puzzle in particular I could only figure out after interacting with every object and smooshing my face against every wall. There are also some bugs, especially with the chase mechanics, but nothing game-breaking. I fully recommend this weird, weird game.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Fleshport on Steam

Space Wreck

Space Wreck

Inspired by classic western isometric RPGs (Fallout, Fallout 2, Arcanum), this is hardcore role playing game set in space 20 years post major conflict over asteroid mining.

  • Built on classic RPG fundaments

  • Post-apocalyptic space exploration.

  • Focus on role-playing (…sometimes to the extreme!).

  • It’s ok to fail - because there are many ways to solve every problem.

  • Completely optional combat.

Role playing

This is the most important part of the game - you can play whatever character you wish, play however you want to. You can be smooth talker, sneaky hacker or brawling bully; or something else - it’s your choice: distribute the points in character creation and make decisions when playing.

But once the character has been created, be ready for not only abilities but also limitations.

For example, characters with low CHARM value will find that often NPCs won’t even talk to them because of how repulsive they are; or speech - if low, that means you are a shy introvert, unable to initiate the dialog yourself. Lacking computer skills (scitec)? You accidentally crash terminals when trying to use them. Low tinker? Tools might break in your inept hands. Sometimes even too much is not good - too strong (PHYSICAL) and you cannot squeeze into vents thus unable to make use of some shortcuts. And so on - your character stats will signifcantly affect your gameplay style.

Multiple solutions

There are always multiple ways to solve problems (quests), usually tied to your character skills and abilities - play to your character’s strengths, work around its weaknesses. For example, if you cannot convince someone to help you, hack his computer and blackmail him. Or just straight-up pickpocket the guy - all items are always realistically placed in NPC inventories.

Note: there are usually 3-8 ways to complete a quest in the game. They can trigger related events in near future or lead to a different ending in the end slides.

Choice & Consequence

Your actions, your decisions matter to the game world. Make an enemy, you may need him/her later on. Opt for an easier solution to the current problem and you might have to deal with a bigger problem later. And in the end, you will get a unique game ending showing you the future fate of your character and those who he/she impacted through gameplay.

Non-linear world

You have an objective but how you approach it - it’s up to you; the game map is as open to you as reasonably possible (it’s a stranded spaceship after all) and there is no single true path to the end. If you know where to go, what to do - you can try to sequence break the game. Combine that with multiple solutions to every quest and you’ve got freedom to spare.

Optional but unlimited violence

You can complete the game without killing anyone. In fact, combat is completely optional. But if you want to fight - there are no immortal or “essential” NPCs - everyone everywhere has finite amount of HP and is fair game.

Turn-based combat

Game features old-school tactical turn-based combat with grid based movement, action points and dice rolls.

Space Wreck on Steam

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere

The game is disappointingly short, even without reading a walkthrough, i finished the game under 1 hour, it was a big let down.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

末日竟在我身边 - Zombies Everywhere on Steam



Nukepath is a post-apocaliptic action roguelike, where a survivor must get out of town before a nuclear bomb explodes everything. Dive across tons of enemies trying to kill you and shoot your way to the exit. Collect bolts and spend them on the shop to buy upgrades and get even stronger. Fight against ruthless bosses and discover multiple endings during your adventure.

Nukepath on Steam

Terminator: Resistance

Terminator: Resistance

Games set in Terminator universe are very few and far between. So franchise fans don’t have much choice, if any, and must adjust their standards accordingly. Thankfully, Terminator: Resistance shouldn’t require too much of an adjustment, as it is a competent title in its own right. Now, don’t get your hopes too high yet. This game isn’t a brilliant triple A gem of a title but rather a solid middle of the road tribute.

Terminator: Resistance is mostly carriied by its visuals, atmosphere, story and of course setting. I wouldn’t say that it is easy to recommend based on merit of its gameplay mechanics. It is a Terminator game first and foremost, and a decent one at that. But does it hold its own as just a game, its franchise notwithstanding? In my opinion not.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

This game is a nice example for the lack of options between a “thumb up” and a “thumb down”. But since I had over twenty hours of fun while playing it I decided to rate it up.

I like the presentation of the dystopian city of L.A. Even if that means it’s almost complete colored grey. I really were able to dive into the story and I think the game is a nice addition to the movies. Even though you don’t meet characters from the movies with one (very short) exception.

But the game has problems. Not gamebreaking problems or any other noteworthy bugs. No the game itself is just kind of underchallenging. On the lowest difficulty your character is way to overpowered to let you feel like an inferior home defening soldier from the future. You are just the same old badass with sh*tloads of weapons and ammunition like in every other shooter out there. If you play on the highest difficulty you are a little worm getting trampled under the feet of some tin cans. This fits well in this kind of scenario but it also lowers the fun and turns the game into a stealth party with partially just unfair and annoying situations. But I think this is just a matter of taste. For the level design theres no other word than “bad”. Very often its just a bunch of (wide) tubes were you run (or crawl) from A to B and shoot stupid enemies.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Terminator: Resistance on Steam

Caravaneer 2

Caravaneer 2

There are some good bits in this game, but for me, the tactical aspect totally kills it. It is so inbalanced, or rather in favor for AI that it is beyound laughable. Fights will accur as it is part of the game. Now, to keep it simple, you have a Katana, hit enemy who gets 12-20 hit points. He hits you and you suffer 24-42 damage. Even with light armor, makes no difference. Later in the game I had an awesome Armor of Honor (25 damage res), I get hit with a Mosin gun for 40-46 points. I use same gun, or even better M-16 on enemy who has no or light armor (6 damage res) and score 10-12 points. Time after time. BS! Also, remember that it will be almost impossible for you, even later in the game, to hit anything beyond 20-24 tiles, while AI will frequently score hits from 70-80 tiles away. Loads of BS in a bucket of sh-ite. NOT RECOMMENDED!

Real player with 355.0 hrs in game

I originally played this and the original as Flash games, I even went so far as to download BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint almost specifically for this one, due to how good it was. The economic simulation, layered with a competent, if monotonous, combat system, as well as a fairly engaging story lent itself to a game that tied me up for absolute ages. I plan on playing this for an inordinately long time, and I already have!

I won’t bother with beginner tips, but keep in mind the game has a strong learning curve; I recommend playing “Story” mode if you’re just starting out for all the free goodies and volunteers. Sandbox puts you in a significantly more difficult starting area, and a generally poorer starting position, i.e. Much fewer free goods and starting facilities. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’ll come to recognise it’s trade patterns and idiosyncracies, and really start to get a feel for the game.

Real player with 254.4 hrs in game

Caravaneer 2 on Steam

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

فول اوت 1 مهما اثنيت عليها لن اعطيها حقها . لعبة نزلت عام 1997 قدمت قصة جدا جميلة وذكاء اصطناعي جدا مذهل. عمل جبار صراحتا استمتعت بكل دقيقة قضيتها في اللعبة

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

This can be a bit overwhelming to get started with so I recommend looking up a guide at first, and then when you get a feel for the game, you’ll probably end up liking it a lot more than you expect to. Extra points for a stellar atmosphere and a pretty solid storyline.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam



One of the best pixel style, story driven, horror series I’ve played!

I’m Loving the Em-A-Li series!

Very creative, Good story, and keeps you interested.

Double the length of the previous. About 60 min.

Perfect for a YouTube video/series, a stream, or just a good experience.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Zurvival was a game that was promised to creep me out and it had kept it’s promise. It’s scares got me good my first play through.

Positive feedback:

*Crafting was introduced into the game, which help add a layer of difficulty toward completing the game.

*The game had me question my decisions and caused me to hesitate about what I should do and what to make or use, thinking I’ll hit a dead end. But was able to progress without issues.

*Character sprites are great for both the talking heads and the over world, a big improvement from the previous game.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Em-A-Zurvival on Steam