

In short - a quick and dirty ripp-off of The Long Dark - about 5% of the fun, it only deserves 5% of the price also.

Its only WASD - no directional key control remaping except for looking around…I don’t like or use WASD controls..also there is no strafing.

Made in Unreal engine with so many bugs I thought it initially must be a Unity game.

Very large single map (maybe too big?) - will take long time to get around. Graphics always popping in right in front of you. Nice looking environment but weather is terrible at best - its like someone turned on the snow or off again - its instant with no warning and too simplistic. My own game is far better than this.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Realistic Games.

Played enough to complete the main story, not really interested in the other game modes (Kill 20 bears in 24 hrs, survive 7 days -25 degrees Celsius) where it just feels empty. Visually, it look great, especially the high-res textures, which almost make the environment seem real enough. Once you go third person, you realize the dev is using a character model from one of their other games. Main character doesn’t look horrible, but definitely does not fit with the game, looks like the guy from The Division with that iconic jacket he wears lol. The survival aspect felt okay for a game this big. By the end was able to stay warm using the best animal pelt I had found. I really did not have much trouble at all with food or water, for it was everywhere, though by the end I started to worry about not being over-encumbered. Seeing the other games the devs have made, this one seems like their best one in my opinion, I suppose it captures the Turkish feel(never been there), and the high-res textures really made all the objects pop-out(the assets placed all over the world, I mean). Overall, for a small-time game, this is good for killing the time and enjoying the environment when there’s boredom in the real world. Edit: hope the devs can make a game better than this in the future.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Erzurum on Steam

Idle Wasteland

Idle Wasteland

This game is FUN! Too fun… No wait. I mean to say addictive. Or… is the real issue that it seems too needy? Let me get more to the point… This game has everything you would want and expect from a wasteland apocalypse game, and it can be played as an idle game for a while, but the issue I am having is that its constantly squawking with birds and notifications to get me to click inside it for a resource. I could turn off those noises, but then I’d miss some important and rare stuff which will help me progress into the game much faster. Which means more likely that I am over stimulated by this game. I drag my mouse back and forth to collect all the trash piles and bugs that spawn, plus the loot bugs and the 10 minute free ad drone (steam does not allow ads, so its free resources). Then the base crafting timer is about a minute long, so I am constantly back into the game to click it twice, then the other craftables. I feel like I can’t leave it alone until I mute it all completely. What it tells me is that this game is very well designed to cause me to want to monitor it while doing other stuff, but has been designed to make me want to click on every junk pile to gain its scraps.

Real player with 766.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Resource Management Games.

Perfect idle game. Something to do for 15 minutes here, 40 minutes there, just enough to knock out some of the daily missions. You feel a sense of making progress, just try not to analyze the fact that only .1% of players beat the game (or only got the hardest achievements)

If you want a game of upgrades, this is it. This game has upgrades on just about everything, and those upgrades come in tiers, and those tiers have higher tiers. I can’t believe I’ve only put in 18 hours in this game. I’ve unlocked sooooo many things and I still feel as if I’ve only just begun my journey through the wasteland.

Real player with 294.8 hrs in game

Idle Wasteland on Steam

Atomic Cards

Atomic Cards

Some of the reviews for this game are allegedly fake. I am here to provide an honest review from a layperson who enjoys card games, roguelites, and roguelikes. This game is decent; however, I will hesitantly give it a thumbs down because of the lack of options. Be aware of the following… Firstly, this game needs a seizure warning; some random events cause the screen to flash in all sorts of colors. There is a lot of needless clicking; you will be clicking boxes or crates several times, providing either food, medicine, or ammo. There are no volume controls or any options, honestly. This is likely due to the engine used to create the game, which the developer mentioned in the community forum. ( )

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Choices Matter Games.

The game in its genre (card RPG game), in my opinion, is very good. There are many different characters, constant events and complex moral choices that will definitely not let you get bored.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Atomic Cards on Steam

Nuke Land

Nuke Land

Nuke Land is a huge open world with dozens of cities and settlements. As you travel you will meet many enemies, both human and mutated insects. Weapons in Nuke Land are the main argument, but there are not many of them left. However, you can find a weapons craftsman. He will help you restore and upgrade weapons. You have a variety of activities: trade, work as a mercenary, racketeering and other monkey business. Choose what you want to be: a mercenary or a merchant; the mayor of a forlorn village or decide to conquer all the towns and proclaim a new state.

Nuke Land on Steam



Remember JUST SURVIVE, it was my favourite game till it was dropped by Makers.Hooray to the makers of UNKNOWN REGION, it is awesome in so many ways: Heaps of cool cars, weapons, the wildlife is unbelievable;  playing is so good its hard to stop.  I love the excitement of not knowing what crazy thing will happen next!  Its the most unique survival games I’ve played. Awesome early access release and can’t wait for future updates!

Well done to SYDNEY GAMES thank you top game.==================================================================== UNKNOWN REGION new update no 2  New Map.

Real player with 296.6 hrs in game

This is a great game. Survive against mutated humans, creature, bears, wolves etc. The crafting system is incredible, very elaborate & well thought out, also with the newly added trader system. Work out how to craft scrap metal to make the game easier to survive. Building is enjoyable also but you can live in the RV at the spawn location & place objects inside. Congratulations to the Developer Sydney Games for producing this game.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game


NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger is a turn-based, post-apocalyptic, survival roguelike with perma-death. I also now sometimes fondly call it a Procedural Death Michigan. It’s mean, immersive, annoyingly addictive and seems to strongly dislike players wearing right boots (left boots are fine).

Basically, you scavenge around (and die after the building crumbles on you), fight other people scavenging around (and die valiantly with monkey wrench in hand) or try to talk to them (and die a turn later by drinking a celebratory made-it-through-the-turn sip of poisoned water), try to kill creatures that would like to eat you almost as much as you’d like to eat them (and die hungry), craft items to help you survive (and die warm because your fire alerted every deadly thing around), keep track of your hunger, thirst, diseases and injuries (and die very informed) or try to get to the seemingly last big hub of civilization (and die trying to get there; or trying to get in; or after you get in; or on your way back out).

Real player with 389.2 hrs in game

Picked this up on a lark, as I am heavily into survival games lately. I was hesitant due to the low res, pixel graphics, but man am I glad I took a chance on this!

What stands out immediately is choice and consequence. You can’t have it all. You have to build a character with weaknesses, and weaknesses can just be not having some of the skills you might like to have, or it can be actual weaknesses to give you points to get more benefits.

You might take Fragile for example, making you take more damage than normal if you get hit, and you might do this because you really want the points it gives you to take Trapping so you can make fire right away at the start of the game.

Real player with 168.4 hrs in game

NEO Scavenger on Steam

ZIC: Survival

ZIC: Survival

I like the content of the game with crafting systems, pets, and survival elements, but the control is a bit weird. And I find myself having to spend a lot of time resource gathering. As a survival game, I think comparing to other similar games out there like embark, ZIC still has some improvement room. But it’s always nice to see cross-platform simulation game. I look forward to see how this game develops.

My first impression video:

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Game looks like a minimal effort cash grab with very thin mechanics and no real balancing. The availability of wood rapidly becomes the blocking factor because it’s used both as a crafting ingredient and the fuel to power most of the machines. Want to cook your raw meat? 1 piece of wood = 1 cooked steak. Want to make an iron ingot from iron ore? 1 piece of wood = 1 ingot.

Want to repair your mining tool? 4 ingots and 4 wood… except since you need to mine the iron ore AND the wood AND use some of the wood to convert the iron ore into ingots. And then on top of that, every time you repair your mining tool it’s max durability goes down, so you actually get to spend less and less time doing anything but maintaining your tools.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

ZIC: Survival on Steam

Herd is Coming

Herd is Coming

Hack, Slash, Shoot, Loot, Manage a few survivors, to escape the incoming ' Horde ‘.

Dozen of short maps to explore.

Walking simulator,

as well as all other actions in ' SLOW ' motion,

one of the SLOWest movement game ever experienced since the 80s.

Screen is so large, but the character simply lingers in the lower potion.

Shift inventory is slow from backpack to storage.

Keyboard ' X ' is a death trap for losing item on accidental pressings.

Game will bug out when carrying excess of 31K coins.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed everything about this game and it was a lot of fun. There was no overkill as in too many weapons or armors to chose from. The bosses were challenging so I recommend saving your game before the fights. The quests were fun and each survivor gives new quests as you level up so you can fight close to your own level if you choose. The only thing I found to be annoying was when enhancing my armor or weapons the various enhancement chemicals would often fail and many of these chems are expensive and/or rare. That could be a bug or by design. This game was well thought out and organized. The ending leaves open the possibility of a DLC or sequel I consider to be a plus.

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Herd is Coming on Steam

Next Day: Survival

Next Day: Survival

When you consider this game is only $10 and is usually on sale for $7 (what I got it for), then I recommend it. Next Day feels a bit unforgiving at first since there’s no real tutorial and the on-screen symbols for hunger and cold are confusing at first (Tip; you can hold your cursor over the symbol and it will give you information). I think the dev’s also made an update that gives you a handgun for the first mission with the wolf so it’s much easier then with the knife. Once you get a little gear built up from looting the neutral camp buildings you can start to venture out. The missions you start with are basic but fun especially with other friends or random players. The faction system is also fun and interesting. I started out with a Civilian helping me out by giving me weapons and gear and helping me with my missions. I eventually killed a Looter and became a Civilian. Then later, I was attacked by a Civilian at the Civ base so him and I went to blows and I accidentally killed him. I was immediately shot by the Civ NPC’s and then respawned at the Looter base and have been a Looter ever since (best faction by the way). I’ve had a lot of fun raiding bunkers and Civ bases either solo or with huge groups. You can max out your inventory quietly by just going to the bunker over and over once you know where all the soldiers are.

Real player with 143.8 hrs in game

Next Day: Survival is a 3rd person survival shooter with a Stalker-esque setting minus the mutants, anomalies and radiation. Next Days environmental hazards are toxic gas clouds that can cover certain parts of the map. The game has some light rpg elements such as the inventory system,skill levels with their passive stat bonuses and the few fetch-this-kill-that quests.

I bought the game bc it was 6 euros and it seemed to have a nice atmosphere, somewhat bringing Stalker to my mind. In that way it did mostly live up to my expectations. It has what youre looking for if you need a quick fix of some slavic postapocalyptic survival faction vs faction action. The gunplay is very arcadey tho and thats one of the biggest problems for me gameplaywise. Theres no bullet drop or anything. Players and NPCs are rendered to only about 150-200m so its impossible to kill anyone beyond that distance, unless youre a hacker. With the Dragunov or PSG-1 you would kinda wanna be able to actually shoot people to the distances they are capable of..not to even talk about the AKMs effective firing range of approx. 50m. From here we get to a different problem: the map is really small, so realistic sniping distances would create pretty big kill zones around the faction HQs. Still I would prefer the distances to be realistic and a bigger map over what we have now.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Next Day: Survival on Steam

The Glade

The Glade

Some would say, another game of survival in a sea of ​​others. And that is true, with just one small addition: this game is made by one man with a lot of ideas. And he listens to every suggestion and advice regarding the game. The game itself is beautiful, it works stably even though it is in early access. New things are added almost every day and in accordance with the players’ suggestions. The island you are exploring is huge and beautiful, and construction is allowed wherever you can think of. There are a lot of animals that you will use as food or as a source of skin, which will be used in crafting. There are also metals that you will dig up and use when you need them. Also, the island is full of surprises that you must discover. As far as I’m concerned, this is more than enough to start an exciting and interesting game, which is still in development. It’s definitely worth giving her a chance. Recommendation!

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

So far i like it. The graphics are pretty good. In some ways better then the Val_game. I like the color palette. The sound is good too. The A.I needs work. Animals are pretty dumb. But it’s a work in progress. Combat and work tool operation is pretty good. Animation might need a little work. But i played 1000’s of hours on the Sky_game, so i do not think it’s that bad. But i do like how it starts off more easy going. You do not get body slammed at the start. Overall i really like it.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

The Glade on Steam