Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend

Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend

I’ve been playing Sigma Team’s games for years, and I really like Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend. As someone who has played through AS2 - Reloaded and ZS2 a bunch of times, there is a LOT that I like in this game that expands on the previous titles in interesting but not too overly complicated ways. But there ARE issues with this game that will hopefully be patched in future updates.

I may make a longer post about pros and cons somewhere in the discussions. But for now, I’m going to share only the most enjoyable pros and annoying cons I’ve experienced in my current play through (not as much of a review for new players as more of a feedback report for the developers and any other players familiar with their games).

Real player with 362.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Shooter Games.

With update 1.3 the developers finally addressed a major point of criticism: They made the repetitive filler missions optional (destroy X teleporters, kill X aliens, hold position for X minutes, collect X ammo, food, metal, bones, artifacts). Now you can skip them and only do the real campaign missions. This has reduced the amount of mandatory missions to about 70 from a 150 total. This change was very welcome.

At this point I considered a thumbs up, but there’s one thing holding me back: they added an artificial weapon recoil, which makes your crosshair move upwards every single shot. And it only moves up, up, up, and never back. This constantly forces you to reposition your mouse, even when targeting static spots, makes you miss monsters, and shoot walls instead of the actual target. It’s absolutely annoying. This feature has to be removed.

Real player with 108.8 hrs in game

Alien Shooter 2 - The Legend on Steam

Dead Era

Dead Era

Dead Era is a post-apocalyptic multiplayer zombie action RPG. Kill zombies, loot unique items with powerful upgrades, and explore the dead world with your friends.

Join the Discord!

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Massively Multiplayer Games.

Dead Era on Steam

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening

jesus christ, were to begin. this games premise i like….. what you expected me to heap praise on this broken thing? it take LITERALLY 5-10 mins TO LOAD A SAVE IF YOU DIE. on top of this the enemies are aim bots, some enemies are brain dead. and its just so FUCKING BROKEN. i literally stuck in a railway where i have to trigger to soldier to exit. seems fine ya? well they instantly start shooting at you, pin point accuracy. and your in the open. hardly any armor, little health, and it kills you in 2-3 shots. EVEN HEADSHOTS WHICH SHOULD BE INSTA KILL ISNT, THEIR BULLET SPONGES!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Character Customization Games.

Hard to review this game.

Usually I post the positives then the negatives but here ill start with the negatives.

*The game is way too short (only 6 hours and I’m done)

*There are many game breaking bugs, who you will need to somehow go around by asking help in the forum.

*There’s not really any meaning to raising skills or any of the characters traits whatever you chose you will have the same or mostly the same paths making this also very short and pointless journey.(tbh it doesn’t feel like a journey, more like a short window to one)

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening on Steam



I’ve got thousands upon thousands of hours invested in ARPG’s of all types, and I absolutely love Sci-Fi. Was looking for something that hit the spot in that department. I am about 8 or 9 hours in so far and this has not disappointed at all. I’d still be playing but I gotta sleep. So I can get up and play again tomorrow!

I did receive a copy to review, but am not being compensated for my thoughts. This is my personal honest opinion.

TLDR: Would I recommend? Yeah! I enjoyed my time very much. Love the aesthetic, the unique mechanics/features but the real gem is the story!

Real player with 55.6 hrs in game

A decent game that can still have some polish

First about what is good

Game has a great visual style, has a lot fun smaller details in environment and character designs and overall decent though very repeatable combat, interesting initial plot and character design. Also looks like devs very inspired by Hyper Light drifter =)

Then what could be improved

I really wanted to finish this game but in the second half it gets like reeeeeeally boring

! Finishing Q-Dimention I thought that the game will be over and was surprised when saw absolutely same world but now green withsame stuff to do again And one of the reasons is that there is no character development in means of items or combat abilities and the story is same as in the first half but in different decorations. I mean items should be really redesigned and rebalanced. When Void gets the weapon type that is called torpid something or somehow like that you just have to stick with it because otherwise you don’t get enough resources unless you do the extra action trying to finish the enemy with the knife every time. So the game forces you to ether play with weapon you like and experiment with other weapons or get the precious resources so you can craft the organs that brake all damn time. Same with the flaming core and some organs that helps you farm essence and give health buff when you have particular nodes equipped. Without this synergy you just won’t be able to play normally and will die so player is forced to use items from mid game because the items you get later in the game are just not worth it. The game is ether not working properly or has not that good item description because when I equipped ancient core and had max essence I didn’t see any buff to damage so I don’t know guys, please think of more informative item descriptions. The fact that there are no sound effects for character speech doesn’t add to the atmosphere of the game. It would be great if you would add some speech imitation rumble like they used to do in older 8 and 16 bit games

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Undungeon on Steam

Brave Ball

Brave Ball

Brave Ball is an action game where you kill monsters. With a soccer ball.


Avoid attacks in real time and then carefully plan out your next move as you stop time to aim your shots!


Fight against the big baddies while dodging a rain of bullets.


Get caught up in the Spider Crab Monarchy, where who knows who is going to betray who. Hey, maybe you are the traitor.

Brave Ball on Steam



Krater: Shadows over Solside is a Top-down, Action-RPG developed and published by fatshark – pushed out of the gate in late-Spring 2012. Its reception was largely mixed – due to bugs, unfinished content and a lack of any sort of co-op mode. But how does it hold up five years down the line?


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Sweden after the ‘Untergang.’ You take control over a bunch of mercenaries looking to make their mark on this new world. Their misadventures take to us to Solside – which perilously hangs over the Krater – a seemingly endless abyss that draws those from all over to seek its riches and possibly their demise in the process.

Real player with 130.8 hrs in game

An unpolished turd. Numerous crashes to desktop while trying to navigate inventory or upgrade characters. Horrid pathing AI. So bad, that during some fights team members will suddenly run off up stairs and cause a wipe. Sometimes getting halfway across a map before realizing ONE member just decided to stand in place, even while still being highlighted as part of the moving group. Quests that cannot be finished because you happened to enter a dungeon prior to receiving the quest and kill the boss (everything else respawns, why can’t this?!), leaving numerous inventory slots full of quest items that cannot be dropped. Frequent battles where one or two of your group just stand there. Even after repeatedly retargeting. Had an entire group wipe (4800Kr to heal the group which can take hours to recoup) because the bruiser couldn’t seem to get to the target I selected for his grenade, and didn’t want to attack any other target when selected. Hours of time required to grind in order to upgrade characters in order to progress to a new area without wiping the team. Very little variety in dungeons. Unable for some reason most of the time to get the cursor to view other parts of dungeons and centering with space bar not actually showing ongoing battle made for frequent blind fights. Craft your own weapons? Cool, except that once you’re able to get far enough to purchase a new blueprint, it is already so underpowered as to be useless and a waste of crafting materials. Sellers have no indication whether or not the blueprints they have are already known, and to even check you either have to alt+tab out and check your own notes, or exit the seller and run over to the crafting table to check, then run back and forth repeatedly as most people do not have photographic memories. Selling back those expensive blueprints gives a 90% loss of value. Blueprint listing isn’t even entirely alphabetical. It’s like they did half of them, then added the other half also alphabatized but didn’t bother to collate them together. Oh, and for some reason the actionable area of the mouse pointer is well below the tip of the arrow (like halfway down the arrow), causing significant frustration early on trying to figure out why I couldn’t select anything. Then in Alces Hollow my ranged crowd control Regulator decided he’s going to start fighting point blank or not at all, thereby becoming two-hit toast in EVERY FIGHT.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Krater on Steam



In Gripper, androids celebrate “Burning Man” by burning humans. That’s why all inhabitants bear a physical injury of one sort or another. You and your deaf sister are no exceptions. The two of you live peacefully on a farm until someone comes and burns it down. Now, your sister is missing. All you have left is your car with a hook. The time to learn how to kill with it is running out.

  • Take on the journey of a hero named None and follow the voice of his sister — a deaf singer.

  • Tear your enemies apart with a hook and finish them with their own weapons.

  • Discover and rip away the hearts of 11 colossal bosses to gain new abilities.

  • Explore 11 bizarre biomes which will form a vast and majestic world right in front of your eyes.

  • Fly through 11 nightmarish tunnels to the beat of incredible tracks by KillTheBarber!, VEiiLA, Under This, Yamila, Mezzanine, pqQp.

  • Solve puzzles and decipher the codes of Garbage Collector to reconstruct the world history.

  • Immerse yourself into the retro-waves and tunes of mini rhythm games.

  • Collect all hidden statues to reveal the skeletons and tragedies of each character.

Gripper is our personal story of loss. We turned it into the game to let it go. We hope it will help you too.

Gripper on Steam

Ark of Loif

Ark of Loif

I wanted to like this game, but it is way too difficult for me. And not in a Dark Souls good kind of way.

You pick up an AK at the start with 10 rounds, go to the first level and a spider tries to attack you. First two shots are missing, I think. It is hard to tell, because I couldn’t tell if it actually hit the spider since there was no reaction, like blood or anything like that. I shot 5 times and the Spider died. Suddenly I hear another Spider coming at me, shot 5 times again and killed it. So with my 0 out of 10 bullets another one approached me. “Oh shit what do I do?” is what I screamed before I got killed.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ark of Loif on Steam



As the sun sets on the empires of mankind and civilization crumbles under great storms ravaging the world’s surface, the people of Ariath retreat to the underground.

Amidst the chaos of this dying world your father, King Ferodin the Third sent an expedition to the fallen fortress city of Lysandria.

It is said, that within the ruins of the fortress lies the primeval seed - a divine gift that may calm the gods' anger and put an end to the roaring thunder in the sky.

Spearheaded by your own brother, the expedition hoped to retrieve the sacred object but was never heard of again.

Against your father’s wish, you decide to travel to Lysandria yourself.

Find your brother and retrieve the divine gift, but beware: The ancient fortress is not as deserted as it seems…


An action-packed first person RPG

Swing your sword, cast spells, dodge, parry, and block. In MONOMYTH you move freely over the battlefield, using a rich arsenal of deadly weapons and powerful magic.

A living, breathing world

Within the ruins of Lysandria you will find a highly interactive environment, filled with items, puzzles, monsters and a variety of peaceful inhabitants. Talk to characters using a detailed keyword-based dialogue system and combine items to interact with your surroundings in interesting and explorative ways. Trade, pick locks, break doors, disarm traps or throw objects! You can even bake bread!

Free character development

In MONOMYTH you are free to develop your character in any way you want. Invest into eight different character attributes unlocking dozens of different playstyles. Will you be a nimble assassin, a dreadful battlemage, or maybe something completely different? The choice is all yours!

Open-ended level design

Lysandria is a vast, interconnected environment. Wander from the highest towers to the lowest caverns, find secret chambers, uncover hidden passageways and explore a multitude of differently themed areas.

Unique setting

Set in an apocalyptic fantasy world, MONOMYTH combines magic and technology into a new, unique setting. Open the gates to a dark, mysterious realm, beset by horrifying monstrosities and discover the secrets of the fortress city of Lysandria.

Monomyth on Steam

Sands of Aura

Sands of Aura

Review written as of patch 0.01.02, 48 hours after EA release.

This is a relatively lengthy review, with significant details on many game mechanics and aspects, but I’ll stay as spoiler-free as possible.

First Impressions:

Having played 20 hours in this game, I’ve played through most, but not all of the content. In its current state, the game’s story Isn’t terribly long, maybe 5-6 hours, but there’s easily twice that much again in side content and extra areas to explore. Overall the game is very soulslike in gameplay, but with more than enough to set itself apart. Fun to play, fun to explore.

Real player with 130.9 hrs in game

(This Review is based on 12 hours of gameplay during Early Access release patch + Patch 0.01.02, played on a custom controller, no experience on keyboard/mouse)

Sands of Aura is an isometric action RPG and does a great job at utilizing classic souls-like elements for its level and enemy design, combined with a sense of world- and island exploration akin to The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Let’s get more into some individual aspects, their current status in this Early Access, and how I personally would like to see them being improved upon.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Sands of Aura on Steam