

I think this is still kind of pre-release, so the final product may be much different… and I really hope it does end up so. It’s very unpolished and the movement/physics are wonky as hell. Does not stack up to Helldivers or other games like that. The knock-down mechanic seems like utter BS and is basically an automatic death sentence.

The game is 50% off right now and, I suppose, I spent more time playing it (~2 hours) than I would have gotten for $5 for most other sources of entertainment, but if you’re looking for anything beyond a “$5 game” then I would look elsewhere unless this really gets polished up before official release.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Co-op Games.

I don’t know what, but something wrong with this shooter.

You have weapons, you have enemies, but no action, no interesting situations, interesting enemies.

I did run it few times, but maximum - 2 fights and game boring me(

After developer response I tried it once more.

All in all - the same. And found some bugs, like broken mission, character spawned in object after death.

After the mission 10 - not enought ammo on missions. For all classes.

Purple and blue loot dissappered very fast. In a battle no a time for looting, and some major loot dissappeared and it’s sad.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

ZCREW(Z字特遣队) on Steam

Calmed by the Dark Leviathan

Calmed by the Dark Leviathan

The world is way bigger than it needs to be.

Content is locked behind arbitrary electricity walls that you generate over time.

The writing is janky and weird.

While driving around, the sprites stutter and jitter.

Someone spent a lot of time on this but it needs to go back into the ideas pile.


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Female Protagonist Games.

Calmed by the Dark Leviathan on Steam

Last Message

Last Message

First off, I loved the story, although it was pretty basic zombie stuff (with some added in details but nothing that’s new to the genre). I did enjoy the small interactions you could do on the computer (reading email, looking through files, etc), most of the gameplay is through game chat, which is okay with me (although, again, nothing new). I did like that the game does branch out from the text based play and allows you to move around. I was a bit disappointed that nothing REALLY happens while walking around, I was half hoping to come across a stray zombie or two but nothing happens beyond one part but its forewarned. I did see one typo in an email (unconcious instead of unconscious), but I didn’t really spot anything else. One of the only issues I had with the game is that the email font is really really hard to see (not the font FOR the messages but the font for the emails themselves) even using the brightest settings, I had a hard time seeing what was there (at first, I thought I only had the one email since you get a notification or whatever alerting you to an email). The game is extremely short too, even with reading all there is in-game as well as being overly cautious, it’s still about an hour.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Post-apocalyptic Text-Based Games.

Last Message is a worthwhile play for the free price tag and short time investment. It focuses on its storytelling through fairly realistic text chats, although I found it jarring how the scripted chats pop up one by one rather than interleaving like real chats do. It’s a narrative that parallels real life well, and I think it’s no coincidence that this game is set in the year 2020.

Technically, the game has basic and fairly crude visuals, though the 3D environment isn’t the driving force behind the story. I had a few graphical glitches with lights outside, but this was most likely due to integrated graphics and the rest of the game was fine including the frame rate. I did notice that the graphics settings seemed to be inverted, so the fanciest graphics ran the smoothest on my integrated graphics. I hope the dev can fix this.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Last Message on Steam

Red Brick Hotel

Red Brick Hotel

Absolute trash, as you’d expect from your typical lazy 12 year old kid who got the almighty GameGuru software for his birthday! And if this trash was actually made by an adult, then that adult needs to be locked up for trying to SCAM Steam users for $17 USD. Unreal.


Another GameGuru trash game clogging up Steam, and another M.I.S.S. video on you channel. ..Some things never change.

NOT RECOMMENDED. This game isn’t even worth a quarter, much less $16.99 USD. Absurd.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Game Guru continues to be the worst development program.

This game is notable in that it has NPCs.

The enemies shoot through walls and the ever present heartbeat of game guru continues to be annoying as hell.

Definitely avoid this.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Red Brick Hotel on Steam

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

Read my full review at https://www.vgr.com/eternal-castle-remastered-pc-game-review

In the indie game scene, a lot of games take inspiration from the games of the past. Typically this comes in the form of tributes to oldschool consoles like the NES, SNES and Mega Drive. But it’s not often you see games that pay homage to the graphics of old IBM PC’s. The Eternal Castle, a supposed remake of a lost 1987 PC game, is such a game. And much in the vein of the game MURI, it acts as a tribute to old school PC games from the late 80’s and early 90’s. In this review we’ll be taking a look at this game and also discuss its legitimacy as a remaster. So strap in, it’s time to explore the CGA glory of The Eternal Castle.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

The Eternal Castle is a tribute to the cinematic platformers from the past, such as Prince of Persia or Another World . This genre does not get a lot of representation these days, so I want to support developers that make games for a limited audience. Let’s be honest, this game is made for people with nostalgia for those clunky platformers. I really enjoy the gameplay because it’s very faithful, and any subjective criticism that I have does not take away anything from its artistry (which is something really special). As far as I know, the original game that is being remastered was “lost”, but I do know that this remaster imitates animation cycle from Prince of Persia . I wish the developers would give the credit for the sources of inspiration, instead of just claiming that it’s a remaster of a classic masterpiece that nobody played. But let’s make something very clear, this game combines the features from several titles, and could not exists in its current form if it wasn’t for them.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED] on Steam

Attack of the Gigant Zombie vs Unity chan

Attack of the Gigant Zombie vs Unity chan

The best game on the steam.

10/10 IGN.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Unity chan best waifu

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Attack of the Gigant Zombie vs Unity chan on Steam

Fist of the Forgotten

Fist of the Forgotten

Fist of the Forgotten is a platformer set in a harsh, dark world, but that doesn’t mean you’re helpless. Relics passed down from your family allow you to interact with forgotten technology and fight your way forward.

Make your way through a forgotten civilization, facing ancient automatons, and acquire some of their technology.

3D assets and high framerate physics allow for perfectly smooth, fluid animation, even on monitors that display at 100hz. Mechanics in the game, such as sliding down slopes and grappling allow you to build up and maintain momentum.

Fist of the Forgotten’s narrative contains no dialogue, so you are free to pay attention to the details to understand the depth of the story, try to uncover alternate endings, or simply focus on flowing through the levels as quickly as possible and enjoy the gameplay.

The fist provides combat capabilities as well as movement. Use it to reach further platforms and combine it with other momentum gaining abilities, such as sliding down hills, to cover extreme gaps.

Fist of the Forgotten on Steam

Tunguska: The Visitation

Tunguska: The Visitation

This game is very hard, but in a strategic way. It requires no aiming skill or reflex, and you have plenty of time thinking about what to do to solve each combat scenario. Sometimes it’s more straight forward, and other times you have to die a few times to figure out the right way. It’s all about attention to details - some enemies wear armors, for example, and you can tell it from their appearance. But if you ignore that intel and just start shooting without the right kind of ammo, you’ll just be waiting ammo. There is a lot of details in the dialogues and journals, and you must pay pretty close attention to not miss important information.

Real player with 74.4 hrs in game

6 hours in, and I really like this game. I first heard about it a couple of years ago on a Stalker forum, and my first impression from the previews was good. Now that I’ve had a chance to play the game, that first impression has been reinforced. Tunguska’s setting is moody and atmospheric. The gunplay and stealth are straightforward but challenging, and the overall result is a fun top-down twin-stick “shooter.” Quotes because there’s more to this than running and gunning – there are some light RPG elements, and a heavy element of exploration.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

Tunguska: The Visitation on Steam

Broken Robot

Broken Robot

[Pay-to-Play] I won this game from a giveaway and looollll, this game is hilarious af because the robot wobbles around

It is a short 2D platformer, there are 20 levels, to get all the achievements you must clear the 20 levels in 1 setting

It is not hard, just have to becareful not bump the robot’s head on any obstacle / wall etc, can be completed in about 20 mins or so, I used both WASD and the arrow keys and hoped for the best, moonwalking sometimes helped in clearing the level

I enjoyed this gameplay and seeing the robot wobbling around, luul

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

A short and simplistic 2D platfomer. Get the wonky robot from one side of the screen to the other. A robot whose head/neck has the strength of the most fragile egg, as hitting a wall even at 1 MPH will break it and restart the level. The main obstacle is not the missiles hurting your HP, as there are excessive amounts of oil, but messing up your flow and moving the robot in a manner to faceplant against a wall. Can be finished in only 15 minutes or so. Easy 100% though.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Broken Robot on Steam



I fell out of the map like a merda di gabbiano during the first 20 seconds of the game.

This demo lasts less than half an hour and is simply DEEZGHASTINGHE!

This projects stinks of juràk!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Dayscream on Steam