Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Websites like Insecam allow you to view feeds of cameras from around the world, which are on unsecured networks. A couple of days ago I was watching some Japanese guy ins his yard throwing away his trash, and couple of kitchen cooks making a meal. You get some weird cameras placed in odd angles that make you feel as if you’ll witness a crime at any second. The idea of gathering info and keeping watch over multiple lives is what prompted Spanish development house Fictiorama Studios to develop this game.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Management Games.

The theme of surveillance and voyeurism is a popular one in Hollywood movies. Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window is a popular one that depicted the allure of, and obsessions with these acts. Now we have Fictiorama Studio tapping into these ideas in their video game, Do Not Feed the Monkeys.

Aside from surveillance and voyeurism, DNFTM also weaves in moral dilemmas and light resource management along the lines of Papers, Please, and presents opportunities for intervention like in Orwell. Yet, this game is by no means derivative. The developers deftly combined these elements to create an addictive, appealing, and unique gaming experience. While DNFTM is neither overly stressful, tense and dour like in Papers, Please, nor serious and political in Orwell, it is actually clever and intentionally self-referential.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Do Not Feed the Monkeys on Steam



The World Health Organization is trying to thwart the spread of a deadly virus of unknown origin. A virus for which there are no treatment protocols or vaccines. Due to the fact that the leaders of the countries decided to ignore the problem, the situation got out of control.

The situation is heating up every day. Formerly developed countries are struggling to cope. It is no longer possible to hide, the leadership decides to tighten control over the border, using all the administrative resources.

Everescape is a simulator of an employee of the immigration department, the main task of which is to prevent the entry and spread of the virus. At the disposal of only a video camera, documents provided by the visitor, as well as recommendations from the government. Whether you choose to follow all the recommendations or show mercy, the choice is yours.

Read More: Best Political Sim Outbreak Sim Games.

Everescape on Steam

Headliner: NoviNews

Headliner: NoviNews

Ironically, the people review-bombing this game over pronouns did it a huge favour. It seems I’m not alone among those who’d never have found it otherwise. On the whole, I’m glad I did.


It’s well-produced and easy to play, and it’s a very cool idea. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the streets of Novistan as you trudge home each day and see your decisions reflected in the conversations and events around you. The sound and visual design really sells moments of shock and crisis. I also quite like the vague (or not so vague) sense of meta awareness all the NPCs have of being in a new timeline when you start a new game. It’s a nice touch.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim 2D Games.


The great fun that was Headliner has returned and is better than ever. First the player controlled the news in the nation of Galixia, but now in Headliner: NoviNews, the player controls the news in the nation of Novistan which receives a similar number of immigrants from Learis as Galixia, and where the issue of healthcare makes for as much of a debate as in Galixia. What’s different is that Novistan has issues with a new synthetic alcoholic beverage called BetterBuzz, and has a xenophobic Prime Minister who dislikes Learis and is easily alienated by dissent. Unlike in Galixia, the purists (people who haven’t been genetically modified) aren’t persecuted by Novistanian society.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Headliner: NoviNews on Steam

Castle Manager

Castle Manager

  • deploy the chambers, armoury, dungeons, throne room, and other rooms

  • take care of the castle expansion

  • repair damage on an ongoing basis

  • extinguish fires

  • build a moat

  • ensure that the blacksmith forges swords and the armourer makes the armour

  • see to the butcher slaughter the pig

  • make sure that the farmer sows the field, harvests the crop and the baker bakes the bread

  • ensure that the winemaker delivered the wine…

  • …and that the tables are laden with food

  • resolve conflicts

  • punish criminals

  • take care of the spiritual development of your people

  • suss out intrigues

  • plan sieges

  • negotiate with other kingdoms

  • take control of plagues

  • fight against epidemics

  • deal with natural disasters

Remember that your king must be satisfied with your work! Do your best to keep the castle alive, the people happy and the army ready for battle!

Castle Manager on Steam

Endless Furry Clicker

Endless Furry Clicker

Points generator can’t be upgraded past 1820/s due to a bug, but you need 1 TRILLION for an achievement. Do the math…

PS: it takes several years for you to get to a trillion. And no, there’s no offline progress…


Real player with 165.7 hrs in game

After spending way too much time on this game of the trilogy, I have come to the conclusion that this is the best one out of them. When I first started, I set out on a journey to 100% the game’s achievements, and after coming to a conclusion; I could not do it.

Unless I set my house on fire from the impending doom of leaving my Endless Furry Trilogy-Infested computer on every-night, sitting there clicking away at the furry icon on the middle of the screen, there was little to no chance. I had a good run, and I almost made it. The only achievement I have left is to achieve 1 Trillion Furr, but while I might return at a later date, for now I will be stuck on 99% achievement completion.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Endless Furry Clicker on Steam

Need to Know

Need to Know

So I was one of the people who tracked this game from pretty much the start. I backed it because I loved the idea of the setting and the Papers, Please-style gameplay. Now that I’ve finished the final product I can say I got both a little more and a little less then I anticipated.

So let’s start with what was good.

From what I saw this game looked like a 1984-style distopian future game. It seemed like you would play as an evil institution with no goal but to moniter what people think. As it turned out, the game made it much more complicated, in a good way, that is.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

What is this game?

It is the foremost NSA-watch-the-world-from-an-office simulator you will find as of the time of writing this review, and possibly for a long time.

You play a young man, joining a government agency. The rabbithole goes deep, and you are thrusted into a position of Orwellian surveillance, intrigue and thrill.

Starting at the bottom, you analyze simple things. Metadata, browser history and try to piece together a puzzle that is very clearly Need To Know. Given only slight glimpses of what is truly going on in this world. As you progress, you will advance in rank, getting a higher and higher level of clearance, and quickly find yourself face to face with the choice of whether or not to use your access for the good of the agency, the government, the country. the people or even yourself.

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Need to Know on Steam

Song of Farca

Song of Farca

Playing status: 100% achievement

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~20 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Song of Farca sets in the state of Farca, an imaginary island that is still connected to the rest of the world. The story focuses on the life of a private investigator whose job is to find information about people, both online and offline.


  • Unique puzzles

  • 2 endings with minor story branchings

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

First, props for using a person-of-color female main character that doesn’t fit the standard mold. She’s a lesbian, black, tattooed, blue hair, under arrest, etc. It’s refreshing to have someone who differentiates from what other main characters are, but also has great background leading up to the events in the game.

I very much enjoyed this game. Since it is focused heavily on dialogue, the developers did an amazing job fleshing out the characters and making you feel for them. Everyone has their own personality and it certainly shines throughout their interactions with the female MC. I felt for everyone in the game, with whatever happened to them.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Song of Farca on Steam



16.4.2018. Game #33

If this game was a woman, my wife would have left me

I didn’t just enjoy Beholder, I was obsessed with this game, in fact, obsessed is putting it mildly. As soon as I learned how to play the game I was infected. I couldn’t stop playing it. I played it till 4 am (I know that’s probably not so hardcore, but for me it’s quite late) for 3 days and whenever I wasn’t playing it I thought of playing it. I even dreamt of this game. I beat the game about 10 times, played it for 30 hours and got all the achievements and EVEN THAT WASN’T ENOUGH FOR ME, so I bought the DLC played it for another 10 hours (all achievements too) and only now am I finally satisfied.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Beholder is all about trying to be a decent person when the rules require foul play. You are Carl, a new government employee charged with running an apartment building. Of course this job is handed to you with strings attached. While you may occupy the landlord’s office, your primary occupation is collecting intelligence on your tenants.  Hide cameras in all the apartments, search people’s belongings and eavesdrop on their conversations; just don’t get caught. When I was given this warning I assumed the consequences would be severe. I could only imagine the outrage I would feel if I came home to find my landlord rifling through my personal possessions. However, the residents didn’t seem all that upset by it. Sure they would tell you to leave immediately but there were no fisticuffs, fines, or complaints lodged with the ministry.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Beholder on Steam

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science


A rather simple game with a huge potential. Overall, it is great now, but if the devs are able to improve on the concept by introducing more scientists, fields of science, and perhaps more locations/academies, it can become truly amazing.

What works

1. You can pick one of about a dozen scientists from the era of enlightenment, and guide him throughout his career. You choose what to concentrate on, you can study, attend lectures, conduct experiments, compose scientific papers and much more.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

You can’t tell this is a outstanding game, but it is amazing. BGM, graphic, system especially this theme is rather KOEI than Paradox. It reminds me about my PSP and the mighty Daikoukai Jidai IV.

I really want to see dlc for this game like more scientists, more theory, more universities. I think there still be a lot of system improvement and details can be developed. Such as more countries can have different budgets to invite scientist or build better universities and labs; a interdisciplinary research systems; relationship between professors and students etc.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

PRINCIPIA: Master of Science on Steam

Jey’s Empire

Jey’s Empire

Great game! Very complex, tons of weird ways to get from A to B, and very funny under the very serious veneer. I saved America from the Red Menace by making a child cry. The only Steam achievement I’ve ever been proud of!

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

The dev is a really cool dude, I’ve helped him out with a few projects. The Discord server is also good and I’d recommend his other games like Cold War 2, Cauldrons of War - Barbarossa, and Cat Fu MI.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Jey's Empire on Steam