

I have reviewed this game as a positive overall because I like what I have played so far.

It is a bit buggy however, currently I have a black screen that will not resolve when I try to continue my game. Luckily, I have manually kept a save so I won’t lose my entire playthrough, but it is frustrating. Occasionally when I open the game, the map is pinned open and won’t minimise. My character has been stuck on a couple of staircases. I also feel like maps have had labels on since maps were a thing, so labelling even just the districts surely cannot destroy the immersion?

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Female Protagonist Games.

This Game is criminally underrated!

It’s a beautiful blend of Strategy, Adventure, and even minor dungeon crawling!

Lets start with the Positives about the game.

Music? Atmospheric, unique to each district and definitely carries the tone of each faction and their respective beliefs.

Music is fantastic.

Graphics? At first one might not be used to the more obtuse (unusual compared to other games) graphics and renditions, but once you look past that, it really sells itself well. Additionally, if you’re familiar with Teslagrad and World to the West, The character design is a return to form and stays true to the world-building that Rain Games has done.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Mesmer on Steam



Welcome to Taurion. A Fully decentralized MMORTS.

A Fully persistent sandbox MMO that runs unstoppable and autonomous.

Prospect, Mine, Refine, Build, Fight, Craft, Trade and work with other players to build your empire.


Over the years the governments of the Earth became increasingly hostile and fractured. Alliances were formed and broken. Eventually 12 factions emerged in a semi-stable world order (or houses as they are now known). By this time the scale of weaponry available to the 12 factions was too powerful to use without exterminating all life on Earth. Consequently, when WWIII erupted, it wasn’t a kinetic war. It was an information and propaganda war that lasted well over a century. Intelligence agencies had taken over news and entertainment and shut down free speech entirely. Every piece of information, or rather disinformation, was curated. Nobody knew what was true or what was false.

The absence of a meaningfully informed population left the megacorporations free to do as they pleased. With regulatory capture, they simply pushed through laws and regulations that benefited them and their shareholders in the short term. The constant flux of “truth” in the disinformation campaigns made long term planning nearly moot, and also made it easy for the megacorporations to create and push their own narratives.

Environmental standards were dismantled, and all laws regarding genetic engineering were erased. Biotech companies produced ever more genetically modified plants and animals that required ever harsher pesticides, herbicides, and stronger antibiotics.

Slowly the Earth was poisoned. Superbugs became more common, wiping out millions of people, nevermind the costs to domestic animals and wildlife. GMO plants became invasive species, destroying pristine environments and disrupting ecosystems. People became sicker and sicker as agro chemicals poisoned their water supplies while fisheries suffered as the lakes, rivers, and oceans were poisoned. Species were going extinct at alarming rates.

Eventually there was a crack in the social world zeitgeist and people began to reject government and corporate narratives that were clearly the opposite of reality. Mass protests turned into riots that were mostly crushed by government forces and private security forces hired by corporations. But for every casualty, the movements attracted 10x more people.

Behind the scenes the intelligence agencies ramped up misinformation campaigns against each other, blaming other factions for domestic and international problems. Following suit, the megacorps began environmental campaigns to support protesters against their competition.

Social cohesion in large urban centres was breaking down. Logistics chains for food, fuel, and consumer goods were crumbling. Protests got bigger and bigger and spilled over into suburban areas as well and degenerated into city-wide riots and looting.

Peak violence happened when the Jodon faction launched a limited nuclear strike against the Tydroid corporation’s main production city, Berlin, in order to satisfy public outcry that was flamed by a disinformation campaign from the Yonic corporation, Tydroid’s largest competitor.

Rather than continue the violence on Earth, the various factions and megacorps launched strikes against each other’s satellites in order to disrupt communications and push their own narratives.

The situation had become desperate, and in 2247 the 12 factions formed a discussion group called “The Houses” to bring an end to the worldwide violence. For several years they debated and discussed, until in 2251 they arrived at the conclusion that they’d all failed humanity, and that the Earth was doomed, poisoned beyond the point of no return. They would need to head for the stars if mankind were to survive.

Building starships to transport colonists would take 20 intense years, but not everyone would get to go.

Selection of people who would go to the stars took place under the authority of the technetronic elite in the 12 Houses. Only the best and brightest would have a seat reserved for them and their families. Billions would be left behind on the poisoned, dying Earth.

As the selections progressed, it became increasingly apparent to those that would be left behind that they weren’t going to be chosen. Human rights protests across the planet turned into full scale riots with many casualties. The world was thrown into chaos and society began to break down (even more).

But for the colonists all that was left behind. They would drift into cryosleep for a seeming eternity only to wake up as if no time had passed. There would be weeping as some cryopods had failed during the long journey, leaving only crusty bones and ashes where a living human should have been.

Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


House Jodon landed on and colonised Lionis. This volcanic planet has 1 side perpetually facing its sun, making only a thin band around the planet habitable. Nevertheless, rich and fertile soil along that thin band would ensure their survival.

House Reubo landed on and colonised Aquarion. This planet is over 97% covered by water. Adapting to their new environment would require innovative solutions for land use and infrastructure. Unsurprisingly, science and innovation are highly valued by the Reubos who pride themselves on being rational and practical.

House Ephrati landed on and colonised Verdis. This lush and green planet is inhabited by many predatory animals and dangerous foliage.


Several years ago a strange and indecipherable signal was received. It was clearly created by intelligent life and was traced back to a planet orbiting a nearby brown dwarf star. Speculation was rampant. What or who created it? What did it mean? What did it say?

Each House prepared small scouting missions to investigate. This was no mean feat as resources for interstellar travel were highly scarce. Expectations were similarly high.


Initial reports from the missions were impressive. The planet was rich in natural resources beyond their most hopeful expectations. Mining operations would be wildly profitable and would alleviate strict resource rationing back home on Lionis, Aquarion and Verdis.

It was the Ephrati who first discovered an ancient tower, presumably built by the same intelligent life that sent the signal. The tower stood high, disappearing into the clouds above.

Venturing into the tower on foot, the Ephrati expedition team marveled at the architecture and strange symbols and pictures carved into the walls, floors and ceilings. But it was one in particular that caught their attention. It was written in an old Earth language. “Taurion.” Who could the beings that built this be? And why would an old Earth tongue be written in here? Speculation, conjecture, and wild conspiracy theories were rampant on the net.

Other ancient buildings would also be found scattered around the planet.


Back home each House prepared to send people to Taurion. Excitement was high and people eagerly began training for the challenges that would await them on Taurion.

Read More: Best Political Sim Tactical RPG Games.

Taurion on Steam

Fit For a King

Fit For a King

Fit For a King is a relatively short game but is definitely an enjoyable experience. The whole game is centred around the summit that you will be throwing and your main goal is to outspend your rival.

Like the trailer says, you can pretty much do anything, from executing a foreign ambassador to marrying a literal piece of sh- ahem refuse.

At times it can seem a bit aimless and it can be hard to find the clues to get things you need but otherwise is quite fun and definitely worth a play.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim CRPG Games.

The game has a weak and slow start, don’t let this dissuade you. The controls are dated and supposed to feel like a mid to late 80’s crpg, but are way more straight forward and easy to understand then those ever were back then without 200 page manuals. Once you can get a good grasp of the controls the game opens up and the gameplay starts. For the most part it’s a puzzle game with some loot hunting in it. The humor is pretty good and the mix of both serious and silly just strikes that perfect balance. It’s only really down fall and biggest selling point is that it’s short and sweet and complete. It left me wanting more, which is rare for most game these days. It made me want to give ultima another shot or some other Crpgs. I guess some minor things that made me sad was that while there was a ton of lines for the NPCs I wish there was more , and by extension more tasks or quests. (Spoiler) Another minor thing was that it’s never explained in game that some walls can be walked through as a sort of secret entrance.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Fit For a King on Steam

Political Arena

Political Arena

POLITICAL ARENA is a one-of-a-kind strategy/sim about American power. Seek fame or infamy in a fully simulated political world, complete with high stakes campaign strategizing, backroom deals, scandals, special interests, and the press. Be the politician of your dreams (or nightmares).

Run a top-notch campaign by leveraging Political Arena’s real world data. Learn what issues drive your constituents to the ballot box, scrutinize the latest polls, and analyze the unique demographics of every congressional district.

Political Arena on Steam

Megacity Builder

Megacity Builder

like the older city building games but with a national twist. incorporates multiple little cities to run a country. can really get lost in the constructing and managing

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Fantastic game! If you like lite sims, then this is your game.

It’s got a very detail orientated design for a game as lite as it is, its mechanics are nuanced and unique.

I strongly advise this game to anybody who is a fan of unique sims.

It has a bit of a learning curve, but never fear, its worth it!

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Megacity Builder on Steam

MiniMap Kingdom

MiniMap Kingdom

It’s a simple mini explore game + buildings. It has potential to be big if player constantly feedback what system /mechanisms to be added. The game will be improved. It’s pretty fun game if you are willing to spend some time to understand the mechanism.

It will feel a little complicated in the early stage. but once you get hooked and understand how the game works, you can lead your armies to occupy enemy’s base. It will earn you satisfactions.

The developer is very passionate and friendly approach, willing to listen to feedback. Give him a support if you are free to check out this game.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Great game.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

MiniMap Kingdom on Steam



A very fun and interesting game, excited to see what it evolves into…

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Spiritual successor to habbo hotel.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Polity on Steam



The first First-Person Football Manager gives you the chance to make your dream, of becoming a top striker in one of the major European leagues, come true.

You are a young and very gifted football player. Now you are getting the chance to play in the first league. Fight to achieve an essential position for yourself in your team, either by intensive training or by winning the sympathies of the fans and the trainer by other ways. Give interviews, make yourself seen in TV broadcasts and read your performance reviews in the papers.

Your private life is also an important factor. Do you want to get married, have kids, and buy a house? Do you want to buy fancy cars and try your luck in gambling, or do you rather want to fill up your bank account? Buy shares and monitor the stock market developments. Sign advertising deals and grow your popularity on social media.

Be careful not to make the wrong friends and keep concentrated on football.

Achieve the sympathy of the national team coach and be part of the World and European Cup. Participate in international and local cup matches as well as matches within your league. The game includes all major competitions. Transfer to other teams and employ your personal fitness coach.

Do you want to play fair, or do you prefer to cheat during the match? It is all up to you!

In addition to your career, you can also replay historical World Cup and European Championship tournaments.

Much content:

  • Simulate the entire career of your player from the first professional contract at the age of 17 to the end of the career

  • Replay historical World Cup and European Championship tournaments

  • More than 50 leagues around the world can be actively played

  • All national teams in the world can be played from you

  • Includes all major leagues and cup competitions such as World Cup, European Championship, U20 World Cup, U17 World Cup, Club World Cup, Olympic Games, U19 European Championship, U21 European Championship, Nations League, Champions League, European League, Conference League, and much more.

  • More than 1000 teams

  • More than 10,000 players

  • Play with up to 4 players on one PC or via Steam Remote Play

  • Full control over the game world. Edit players, leagues, countries, referees, and teams according to your needs!

  • Exchange your self-created editor- and community-content with other players via the Steam Workshop

Great presentation

  • Beautiful 3D graphics in realistic locations such as stadium, training ground, office, casino, living room, doctor’s office, etc.

  • Detailed statistics

  • Intensive 3D conversations with fellow players, friends, consultants, trainers, etc.

  • Action-packed football matches in first person perspective

  • Many realistic and sometimes funny events

Infinite possibilities

  • Make the right decisions in the live game and use the right shooting technique

  • The possibilities in the live game cover all facets of modern football

  • Improve your 15 skills in training - do you want to follow the instructions of the trainer or prefer to set your own priorities

  • Demand favors from your teammates or help them to win their place in the team

  • Give interviews in the newspaper and on TV

  • Organize fan festivals and parties for your teammates

  • Improve your popularity with teammates, fans, coaches, national coaches, the press with various conversations and actions

  • Get tips from legendary strikers and thus increase your scoring skill

  • Become a member of the team council and team captain and lead the national team onto the field as its team captain

  • Do you want to negotiate contracts yourself or do you hire a consultant?

  • Hire a private fitness coach or mental coach

  • Enjoy your private life, go on vacation, organize parties, have children, and make friends, but always make sure that your fitness does not suffer as a result

  • Keep your girlfriend happy, negotiate advertising contracts and donate money to charity

  • Become a social media star and increase the number of your followers with posts

  • Buy cars, houses, and other luxury goods

  • Visit the casino and play roulette or blackjack

  • Take care of your health to avoid injuries and conclude an appropriate insurance

  • Buy stocks and follow their development or do you want to invest your money differently?

Subsidized by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

Goalgetter on Steam



For a game that is only £13.49, you can’t argue with the amount of packed content for price. After paying this fee, I expected the game to be sluggish, boring, and lacking of content (bought as I was bored looking for a new game) but boy was I wrong… 933 hours play time, 56,388km (35,037 miles) of track laid, 102 lines created, 358 trains purchased later, I was able to create approximately 85-90% of the entire UK rail network, and I’m still building it 6 months later!! It has simply been an IMMENSE project that has completely submerged me with my free time.

Real player with 1075.0 hrs in game

This is a game for a very specific audience. In the real world, I’m a transportation planner, and I’m that audience.

It’s simple and so complex. Lines on a map. These are train lines. But it uses a real world map and if you know anything about building infrastructure, then you know you can’t just point a train line from point A to point B and call it a day. (Actually you can, in tunnels, but that gets very expensive! If you don’t start with sandbox mode, you’re not building any subways from the start.) Surface lines have to be bridged over streets (game does that automatically) and viaducted over large bodies of water.

Real player with 549.9 hrs in game

NIMBY Rails on Steam

Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

its good now, actually. i hope that someday they look back on this title and add some more content.

Real player with 610.3 hrs in game

I spend few hours in this game and I’m glad that I bought it (but on bargin for ~20€). There is a lot more microeconmic mechanic than other games, like EU4 or Stellaris have, so it is even harder to maintain big empires (witch is good thing becouse big empires don’t last forever). Of course Imperator has some issues, but even EU4 after 8 years still has and it’s not like this bugs makes this game unplayable. I hope Paradox will realase new updates or DLCs soon (maybe after They realase Victoria 3) becouse this game have a lot of potencial.

Real player with 449.0 hrs in game

Imperator: Rome on Steam