Long Live The Queen

Long Live The Queen

Dear Gwenelle,

Ha! I mean Duchess of Sudbury! I am actually trying to work on my royal demeanor, I swear, okay? Life is just so crazy! My moods are so erratic lately.

Sorry I can’t make it to your party! My reflexes and archery skills are way below 50, Lore is just sooo much more interesting.. and bandits are everywhere. I even had this bad dream about traveling, and even though I’m not 100% sure it was related to your party, I’m going to stay on the safe side. I’m sure you understand, though, right? I’m sure you would prefer receiving presents from your ALIVE friend rather than, well, not.

Real player with 104.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Simulation Games.

Long Live The Queen is a story of a pink-haired fourteen-year-old princess who has just returned home to prepare herself for taking over the throne as Queen. Don’t let the adorable protagonist misguide you though, as behind the sweet visuals lays a terribly dark story about murder, death, political plots and war (to name a few).


Plot: You will be able to tell right from the start of the game (and because it’s written in the store description) that this is not a happy little fairytale about a princess finding true love or whatever. No, this is far darker! With the sudden death of Princess Ingenue’s mother, she is quickly brought back from the boarding school to her home at the castle. She isn’t even offered time to mourn properly during her rigorous studies. Due to Ingenue’s inexperience and power-hungry foes, one false move could mean that she quickly follows in her mother’s footsteps to an early grave! It’s exciting, adorable at times and overall, just a great little story.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Long Live The Queen on Steam



I have reviewed this game as a positive overall because I like what I have played so far.

It is a bit buggy however, currently I have a black screen that will not resolve when I try to continue my game. Luckily, I have manually kept a save so I won’t lose my entire playthrough, but it is frustrating. Occasionally when I open the game, the map is pinned open and won’t minimise. My character has been stuck on a couple of staircases. I also feel like maps have had labels on since maps were a thing, so labelling even just the districts surely cannot destroy the immersion?

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Open World Games.

This Game is criminally underrated!

It’s a beautiful blend of Strategy, Adventure, and even minor dungeon crawling!

Lets start with the Positives about the game.

Music? Atmospheric, unique to each district and definitely carries the tone of each faction and their respective beliefs.

Music is fantastic.

Graphics? At first one might not be used to the more obtuse (unusual compared to other games) graphics and renditions, but once you look past that, it really sells itself well. Additionally, if you’re familiar with Teslagrad and World to the West, The character design is a return to form and stays true to the world-building that Rain Games has done.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Mesmer on Steam

Song of Farca

Song of Farca

Playing status: 100% achievement

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~20 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Song of Farca sets in the state of Farca, an imaginary island that is still connected to the rest of the world. The story focuses on the life of a private investigator whose job is to find information about people, both online and offline.


  • Unique puzzles

  • 2 endings with minor story branchings

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Simulation Games.

First, props for using a person-of-color female main character that doesn’t fit the standard mold. She’s a lesbian, black, tattooed, blue hair, under arrest, etc. It’s refreshing to have someone who differentiates from what other main characters are, but also has great background leading up to the events in the game.

I very much enjoyed this game. Since it is focused heavily on dialogue, the developers did an amazing job fleshing out the characters and making you feel for them. Everyone has their own personality and it certainly shines throughout their interactions with the female MC. I felt for everyone in the game, with whatever happened to them.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Song of Farca on Steam

Magical Girl Creator

Magical Girl Creator

Want to create your own magical girl? Now you can with the ultimate magical girl creator! Choose from tons of cute outfits and hairstyles to create the magical girl or female superheroine of your dreams!

What is a Magical Girl?

Magical girls (mahou shoujo) are young girls endowed with magical powers. They are young female superheroines who fight crime and the forces of evil!


  • 48 Gorgeous Dresses

  • 48 Stunning Hairstyles

  • 14 Beautiful Accessories (Wands and jewelry)

  • 10+ Different facial expressions

  • Saving your character as a transparent .PNG image

Magical Girl Creator on Steam

Headliner: NoviNews

Headliner: NoviNews

Ironically, the people review-bombing this game over pronouns did it a huge favour. It seems I’m not alone among those who’d never have found it otherwise. On the whole, I’m glad I did.


It’s well-produced and easy to play, and it’s a very cool idea. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the streets of Novistan as you trudge home each day and see your decisions reflected in the conversations and events around you. The sound and visual design really sells moments of shock and crisis. I also quite like the vague (or not so vague) sense of meta awareness all the NPCs have of being in a new timeline when you start a new game. It’s a nice touch.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game


The great fun that was Headliner has returned and is better than ever. First the player controlled the news in the nation of Galixia, but now in Headliner: NoviNews, the player controls the news in the nation of Novistan which receives a similar number of immigrants from Learis as Galixia, and where the issue of healthcare makes for as much of a debate as in Galixia. What’s different is that Novistan has issues with a new synthetic alcoholic beverage called BetterBuzz, and has a xenophobic Prime Minister who dislikes Learis and is easily alienated by dissent. Unlike in Galixia, the purists (people who haven’t been genetically modified) aren’t persecuted by Novistanian society.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Headliner: NoviNews on Steam



Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:


Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


Laid-Back Camp - Virtual - Fumoto Campsite

Laid-Back Camp - Virtual - Fumoto Campsite

Fumoto Comf!!! This version is really full of cuteness and healing especially because of Nade’s energy and the giant fluffy dog. The price might not be worth it for those who aren’t into the anime or into CGDCT, but it’s a great game for fans of Yuru Camp and those who want to see Nadeshiko’s radiant cuteness and to pet a dog. The graphics are the same technically the same as the Motosu version, only a bit duller because there’s no animated lake, but still a nice treat especially since we get to see the sunrise in retrospect to the 3rd episode of Season 1. Same criticisms from the Motosu version too, needs a bit more interactivity, music, and exploration, but definitely gives you tons of comfort and healing. The new OST during the sunrise is also a huge plus (sasuga Akiyuki Tateyama again).

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Now that the comfiest game ever has been made, it’s all downhill from here…

This follows the standard Gemdrops formula of being a 20-30 minute anime episode in VR with barely any interaction, only 2 or 3 characters and only 1 environment while selling for $25 (or $20 in the case of this game). It’s honestly not a great formula. There’s a lot of missed opportunity for camp-based interactivity like setting up a tent, making a fire, cooking some food, etc. They like releasing on all platforms including mobile, Switch, etc, though, so it’s unlikely they’ll start improving upon the formula any time soon.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Laid-Back Camp - Virtual - Fumoto Campsite on Steam

Tribes of Tis’te

Tribes of Tis’te

You are the Blacksmith, newly risen Chief of the Stonewall Tribe. In a land of myth, magic, and monsters, it is your sacred duty to protect your people and see them not only survive, but thrive. How will you choose to serve your people? Will you push them towards power, risking the good will of the people for the chance to become the strongest of the Twelve? Or will you take the path of peace and bask in your popularity, while running the risk of attracting those who might not have your Tribe’s well-being as a priority in their plans?

The path you take is up to you, but be warned, each will come with its own price…

There are many dangers in the land of Tis’te…

Will your Tribe be ready when the Storm breaks?

Tribes of Tis’te is a kingdom building rogue-like, a blend of styles that will let you live the life of a Chief, one of the Twelve Rulers of the Tis’te Territories. As you protect, populate, and grow your territory in order to survive the harsh landscape your Tribe calls home, you will face many different dangers. Tis’te is a land full of many threats to your Tribe, both monstrous and human alike.

As Chief, your time has been allotted into a solidified routine. Each week, in the morning you will greet your agents and petitioners, gathering the news of the world and catering to the needs of your people. After handling the day’s requests, you will have the opportunity to explore the Tower where you live, and can interact with your friends and family as you choose. Send out your agents, check on your councilors, and check off any tasks you may have pressing. At day’s end, you must collect the daily offering of Fyre-Stones and bring them to be cast into the Tower’s Forge, to feed the Fyre used to power the magic protection of the Tribal Towers.

When dusk falls, the game fully shifts into rogue-like mode, and becomes a 2D Platforming Adventure. Night is spent in the King’s Study, a secret section of the tower only available to those who hold a Crown. The Study holds the key (or Keys?) to ascending from Chief of a single tribe to becoming the King of the entire Tis’te. However, the Study will not give up its secrets easily. You will be forced to explore fascinating areas filled with interesting items and dangerous weapons, both protected and wielded by ancient Guardians, not to mention the fearsome Wyld creatures that have made these forbidden tunnels their home. While you search for the fabled Way of Kings, you will learn how to master the Talents and Techniques favored by the Tis’te, and harness the awesome power of the Crown at your disposal.

Tribes of Tis'te on Steam

Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~

Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~

It’s a really cute parody of American elections. But this game will be intersting even for those who are absolutely not into politics. I was so excited to play it being a great cat lover. We can hear those cats purring in the game which is so relaxing and enjoyable! Unfortunately I can’t say the same about barking sounds but even they helped to create a general nice atmosphere of the world ruled by cute animals because people became too corrupted. I find it so adorable that the photos of real cats are used. DJ Nibbles looks especially cute for me! Plus in every route there’re amazing cat pictures on the walls. It was a real pleasure for my eyes to play through this novel!

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Tries to be Catoful Boyfriend, but doesn’t quite get there. A big part of why Hatoful Boyfriend works so well is that it starts with a one-note joke, but gradually reveals a complex story structure and lore, ending with a (probably well-spoiled by now) plot twist and genre shift. Cat President starts with a one-note joke and never strays far from it, so if you don’t find the idea of talking cat politicians inherently funny, it’ll get old really fast.

It’s a visual novel with no gameplay, and the choice structure is very simple (pick a cat, make some choices along a linear plot and have a sound effect tell you if you chose correctly, then reach one of three endings based on how many correct choices you made). Your choices basically don’t affect anything but the ending, so replaying involves skipping a lot of text, and the correct choice indicator should have been optional, because although it takes some of the frustration out of finding the good endings, it takes some of the fun out of it, too.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~ on Steam