Zenith Frontier

Zenith Frontier

Zenith Frontier is an interstellar strategy simulation game. Explore and colonise hostile exoplanets and help humanity survive the struggles of 2040 and beyond.

Zenith Frontier features several novel mechanics in the context of traditional 4X and grand strategy gameplay elements. Experience visionary strategic gameplay set in an evolving procedural galaxy populated by billions ot autonomous citizens and private companies. Build a faction with a rich background and strong identity, then oversee their interstellar efforts to advance their position within the precarious New Space Age.

New Gameplay Features:

  • A Shared Origin: Factions start in the same overpopulated, suffering home system and compete to expand outwards in the year 2040. This is made possible by the recent discovery of –REDACTED– which allows high-tech spacecraft to slip into subspace.

  • Volatile Subspace: Exploration of this newly accessible subspace is incredibly dangerous. This chaotic region is thick with dark matter and swirling dark energy fields, but the ability to travel interstellar distances in considerably shorter timeframes may be worth the risk. Known safe routes will become critical to sustaining your remote holdings, but beware - subspace is neither static or stable and these routes may change!

  • Information is Essential: Unshielded signals will be destroyed in subspace and must be carried through by comm drones. News that arrives at your capital from a distant colony will be out-of-date - the situation will have evolved and you will have to consider this when planning your response. Additionally, perhaps the illegal hijacking of another’s comm drones will glean some strategic information - and prevent it from arriving at its intended destination!

  • Special Relativity: Spacecraft travelling at incredible speeds and colonies established within deep gravity wells will experience first-hand the effects of special relativity and time dilation. Time will progress more quickly for the crew of your –REDACTED– spacecraft making a long journey at high speeds than the colony they are destined for.

  • Geospatial Resource Pricing: A supply and demand model for price determination within a dynamic economic system that includes taxes, import/export fees and transportation costs mean that resource prices will vary throughout the galaxy. Plan your economic developments accordingly - or invest in this interstellar network infrastructure to take a slice of your rival’s operations.

  • Top Level Direction: Shape your faction from the top down by issuing orders, directives, and edicts to your military staff, governors, and private sector. These are executed autonomously, which can lead to surprising outcomes. This indirect control poses interesting strategic challenges.

Traditional Gameplay Features:

  • Diplomacy and Politics

  • Research and Technology

  • Military Conflict

  • Management and Governance

Zenith Frontier’s Design Pillars:

Zenith Frontier is being designed and developed in line with these pillars.

  • Emergence - A rich, living world that generates unique emergent scenarios.

  • Strategic Depth - A semantic network of interconnect systems.

  • Gameplay Over Graphics - A high quality interactive system that priotises gameplay.

  • Self-Directed - The player is primarily working towards self-selected goals in open gameplay.

  • Top Level Decisions - The player provides direction from the top-down to autonomous agents.

Read More: Best Political Sim Management Games.

Zenith Frontier on Steam

Fit For a King

Fit For a King

Fit For a King is a relatively short game but is definitely an enjoyable experience. The whole game is centred around the summit that you will be throwing and your main goal is to outspend your rival.

Like the trailer says, you can pretty much do anything, from executing a foreign ambassador to marrying a literal piece of sh- ahem refuse.

At times it can seem a bit aimless and it can be hard to find the clues to get things you need but otherwise is quite fun and definitely worth a play.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim CRPG Games.

The game has a weak and slow start, don’t let this dissuade you. The controls are dated and supposed to feel like a mid to late 80’s crpg, but are way more straight forward and easy to understand then those ever were back then without 200 page manuals. Once you can get a good grasp of the controls the game opens up and the gameplay starts. For the most part it’s a puzzle game with some loot hunting in it. The humor is pretty good and the mix of both serious and silly just strikes that perfect balance. It’s only really down fall and biggest selling point is that it’s short and sweet and complete. It left me wanting more, which is rare for most game these days. It made me want to give ultima another shot or some other Crpgs. I guess some minor things that made me sad was that while there was a ton of lines for the NPCs I wish there was more , and by extension more tasks or quests. (Spoiler) Another minor thing was that it’s never explained in game that some walls can be walked through as a sort of secret entrance.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Fit For a King on Steam

Base One

Base One

I would like to recommend the game with caveats.

Firstly, it looks beautiful, and I love the concept. The modules, devices, and ships look great, and the backgrounds are very appealing (although the characters' portraits aren’t up to the same visual standard). The basic idea is not new, but this generally has a scale that I’m enjoying; it’s more Civ 5/Civ 6 than Cities Skyline or Surviving Mars. By that I mean that in the latter, you reach a stage where your city/base is almost too big to micro-manage enjoyably. (The micro-management is something I enjoy, but it’s not for everyone.)

Real player with 187.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Simulation Games.

ok i have played over 80 hours of this game so far. so i will write an advised review and as honest as possible.

1st the good point: the game concept is good, there is mission / tutorial to show u some basics.

there is also a custom game mode (sandbox) wich is a must have since after doing the mission there would be nothing else left.

The graphics are nice and the call and crew are voiced on various area.

There is in game contract during custom to keep u entertained and helping u to survive wich is a nice addition.

Real player with 88.3 hrs in game

Base One on Steam

Exodus H

Exodus H

As it stands this is not a game, maybe you’d call it a foundational engine for one. The videos are misleading, all the demonstrated functionality seems to be missing or at the very least fundamentally broken. I reported a bug that was fixed and patched in a few hours though, so there is hope I might have cause to change my review later. I considered getting a refund really as it seems that no one is actively testing the game before releasing, but that last patch made me choose not to. I might regret that choice later if there is not enough patches and improvements in the next couple of weeks.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Exodus H on Steam

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

First to the creator(s) of the ICS, you should be aware that there appears to be a bug with the cassette recordings. Every time you find one and play it, it also plays all the ones that you have found and played before, simultaneously, making understanding anything pass the third one nearly impossible. Onto the review.

This is an interesting experience. The idea being that an AI is the one conducting the Case Study on you is both intriguing and perhaps a bit alarming and I mean both of those ideas in as to whether you accept that at face value or if you accept that as part of a fictional narrative. I was actually most interested in finding and reading the log notes about the “childhood” and growth of said AI, and I got a good snicker at the mention of bonono monkies (i dont have to google, i actually saw a N.G show on them so totally got it ;) As for the Subject of the case study, this idea of sympathy types, while the particular labels used to describe said types might be newish, the idea behind it is not. I was reading about where people fall into self, tribe, and human kind in self help and spiritual enlightenment books back in the 80’s and 90’s. And those authors were NOT representing the knowledge as something new; but, rather as something very old and mostly forgotten or purposely suppressed (Those in power naturally tend to keep those below them divided and weakened through the use of Us vs them, whether thats Individualism vs Communism or Tribalism in one form or another.) The one thing none of those authors ever did was threaten to use the knowledge being shared to bring about an apocalypse and try to divide up the world based on results of some case study. Really not sure what to make of that.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Opening video has a couple good lines.

The rest is random questions that don’t make any sense as a test of morality. Not to mention that just by walking around you get 80+ ‘Humanity’ rating.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study on Steam

Gold Diggers

Gold Diggers

The term “Gold Diggers” has many meanings. It’s up to you how you want to interpret it. In the game, you can earn your prestige, or you can get involved with a rich person to wallow in luxury. Remember that not all gold that shines and you can search for your ‘gold’ inside yourself to find the most valuable paths of life.

The main aim of the game is to show the life in the 21st century – fast, oriented on consumption and with low awareness. The idea of the creators of the game is to encourage player reflection and awaken everyone who still dreams their programmed dream.\


You can choose between a *woman or a man. You start your adventure as a handy man who owns a decaying car made in 1994 and has only paid the last rent at the Motel.

You decide your fate and your development. You can become a personal trainer or a lecturer at the university, or you can practice yoga and grow your business.

The way you behave, how you look and what you do affect your Mucho Points and your Level of Enlightenment, which in turn determine your relationships and friendships.

Gold Diggers on Steam

Anno 1404 - History Edition

Anno 1404 - History Edition

Pros: This is a fascinating game of city-building, managing multiple medieval cities and colonies on various islands connected by ships. The economics are elaborate. The music is beautiful. The graphics are good without being beyond the abilities of a mid-range video card several years old.

Cons: What you get here from Steam is “Anno 1404 Venice”, which is enhanced from the original but with the original tutorial campaign suppressed. You can get access to it only by starting the game up in a special way. Be prepared for a LOT of micro-management, especially the need to start and stop farms and factories when an island’s storage is empty or full. It’s a pity that the designers provided no way to automate this adjustment. I recently received an “achievement” for having halted my production units five hundred times in a single game! Trade routes are a crucial part of tying your economy together but are not sophisticated enough. (I’m told that this shortcoming was rectified somewhat in Anno 1800). All in all, optimal play requires slowing the game down to the slowest possible speed, which in my experience cannot be done with the ‘-’ key that is supposed to control it. Instead you must press F11 and click on the left arrow on the bar at the bottom of the screen. With this done, the game is much less nerve-wracking, but a conscientious play-through of any scenario will require many hours.

Real player with 885.7 hrs in game

I love this game. I own the DRM-free version (Dawn of Discovery, Venice). I stopped playing that one for good in 2015 because of the well documented crashing to desktop memory related problem blah blah.

That problem is now gone. I have loaded my old profile, I have loaded my old game, I have played for 8 hours straight without so much as an FPS drop on ultra settings. Nothing in terms of gameplay has changed; this is still a well balanced economic city builder that I can lose hours in. If you’re new to Anno 1404, I highly recommend this game for its resource management, quest system, endless game mode, and city building. If you’re returning to Anno 1404, it’s as glorious as ever.

Real player with 334.8 hrs in game

Anno 1404 - History Edition on Steam

Killer in the cabin

Killer in the cabin

I truly thought it would just be another deceit game, but it’s more than that! We were calling it Among Us meets Rust, and it really is. The survival mechanic of the game, and the fact that individual players can die for not resting, or being too cold, or not eating…it adds a WHOLE NEW level to the game. Not only are you trying to figure out who the killer is, you’re trying to survive the elements. We intended to just try it out for a little while and ended up playing the whole night. I am VERY impressed, and even more excited to see where the game goes from here!

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

its good and all it needs more work but its a good game

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Killer in the cabin on Steam

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation is an awesome game which is mixing strategy and role play at a perfect level.

It offers many distinct gameplay based on factions and its agents mechanics - however, remind it’s strongly depends on team play!

Indead, this game is part of those who are perfectly designed to work in cooperation with your mates, but definitely not alone.

Use Siderians and rule your teamates, just because you’ll get the economy power - or perhaps you’ll prefer bite everyone using large fleets lead by Navarques.

Real player with 933.3 hrs in game

Rising Constellation is 4x RST game still in developpment.

Created from a small team of Swiss developper, I was a player of thier first MMO RTS 4x game: Asylamba.

I see RC (Rising Constellation) like an MMO RTS 4x game based on Agents (Navarques – Ereased – Sidérians).

I really enjoy the game for is background story (lore can be added by players participation) , B&W graphic style and is MMO possibility !

There is now 1 mod to play : fast flash 2H gamemode , this is quite small with 1 or to 2 games per week with a small cummunity.

Real player with 837.1 hrs in game

Rising Constellation on Steam

Toilet Paper Unleashed

Toilet Paper Unleashed

It quite possibly changed my life. I feel as though all 23 years I’ve been alive have been leading up to the moment where I could claim my throne of porcelain, all so that these golden rolls of ivory butt-wipery could fuel my legacy. This game isn’t just a game. It’s a lifestyle that EVERYONE should aspire to achieve. The toilet paper may have been what was unleashed, but I think after holding back for all my life, I take my seat again, ready to unleash the brown legacy beneath my bowels.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

i went and collected yoilet paper it was hard because the last 1 was so hard but i still did it and i won i am the best buy game cheap

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Toilet Paper Unleashed on Steam