Epic City Builder 4

Epic City Builder 4

I really do like this game. Its very easy to pick up and feels like the kind of game il be playing for a very long time.

Im 28 hours in at time of this review and im am very happy i brought this game. Its like city skyline….. but fun

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Sandbox Games.

Had an issue with not be able to save my capital but the developer was on it and issued a fix. I have spent alot of time well spent.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Epic City Builder 4 on Steam

Exodus H

Exodus H

As it stands this is not a game, maybe you’d call it a foundational engine for one. The videos are misleading, all the demonstrated functionality seems to be missing or at the very least fundamentally broken. I reported a bug that was fixed and patched in a few hours though, so there is hope I might have cause to change my review later. I considered getting a refund really as it seems that no one is actively testing the game before releasing, but that last patch made me choose not to. I might regret that choice later if there is not enough patches and improvements in the next couple of weeks.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Political Sim Exploration Games.

Exodus H on Steam

Urbek City Builder

Urbek City Builder

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In Urbek, you will be able to build a city of your own design! Manage its natural resources, improve the quality of life of the population, and build its neighbourhoods in your own way.


Breathe life into your city by building different neighbourhoods. Do you want a bohemian neighbourhood? Build bars, parks and libraries, but keep a low population density nearby. Do you want a bourgeois neighbourhood? You need parks and luxury shops.


There is no money in Urbek. Instead, you will have to build everything with your own resources, such as food, coal, or skilled work. There are more than 30 different resources to manage! Manage your natural resources well, so that they do not run out before they can be replaced. How will you choose to produce the energy for your inhabitants and industries?


Education is fundamental! By producing enough qualified work and scientific work, you will be able to build more advanced buildings.


Move around at street level in order to get a more intimate sense of the city you are creating. See and feel the differences between neighborhoods the way your city’s residents do!

Organic growth

The growth of your city will be organic. Some constructions will appear according to the surrounding conditions. For example, buildings with more than two floors will appear in densely populated areas and with basic services.

You can place other buildings by yourself, but they need some conditions. For instance, the local market needs to be close to the farms. The university should have some high schools nearby, which, in turn, require nearby schools.

When it comes to designing your city, you have a variety of viable options. There are no buildings that are superior to others. Every decision will have its pros and cons. Bourgeois houses consume more food and need resources that cost more to produce, but will improve the quality of life of the residents there. On the other hand, improving the productivity of industries will produce more resources, but will diminish the quality of life for residents living in the area.

Read More: Best Political Sim Simulation Games.

Urbek City Builder on Steam



Welcome to Taurion. A Fully decentralized MMORTS.

A Fully persistent sandbox MMO that runs unstoppable and autonomous.

Prospect, Mine, Refine, Build, Fight, Craft, Trade and work with other players to build your empire.


Over the years the governments of the Earth became increasingly hostile and fractured. Alliances were formed and broken. Eventually 12 factions emerged in a semi-stable world order (or houses as they are now known). By this time the scale of weaponry available to the 12 factions was too powerful to use without exterminating all life on Earth. Consequently, when WWIII erupted, it wasn’t a kinetic war. It was an information and propaganda war that lasted well over a century. Intelligence agencies had taken over news and entertainment and shut down free speech entirely. Every piece of information, or rather disinformation, was curated. Nobody knew what was true or what was false.

The absence of a meaningfully informed population left the megacorporations free to do as they pleased. With regulatory capture, they simply pushed through laws and regulations that benefited them and their shareholders in the short term. The constant flux of “truth” in the disinformation campaigns made long term planning nearly moot, and also made it easy for the megacorporations to create and push their own narratives.

Environmental standards were dismantled, and all laws regarding genetic engineering were erased. Biotech companies produced ever more genetically modified plants and animals that required ever harsher pesticides, herbicides, and stronger antibiotics.

Slowly the Earth was poisoned. Superbugs became more common, wiping out millions of people, nevermind the costs to domestic animals and wildlife. GMO plants became invasive species, destroying pristine environments and disrupting ecosystems. People became sicker and sicker as agro chemicals poisoned their water supplies while fisheries suffered as the lakes, rivers, and oceans were poisoned. Species were going extinct at alarming rates.

Eventually there was a crack in the social world zeitgeist and people began to reject government and corporate narratives that were clearly the opposite of reality. Mass protests turned into riots that were mostly crushed by government forces and private security forces hired by corporations. But for every casualty, the movements attracted 10x more people.

Behind the scenes the intelligence agencies ramped up misinformation campaigns against each other, blaming other factions for domestic and international problems. Following suit, the megacorps began environmental campaigns to support protesters against their competition.

Social cohesion in large urban centres was breaking down. Logistics chains for food, fuel, and consumer goods were crumbling. Protests got bigger and bigger and spilled over into suburban areas as well and degenerated into city-wide riots and looting.

Peak violence happened when the Jodon faction launched a limited nuclear strike against the Tydroid corporation’s main production city, Berlin, in order to satisfy public outcry that was flamed by a disinformation campaign from the Yonic corporation, Tydroid’s largest competitor.

Rather than continue the violence on Earth, the various factions and megacorps launched strikes against each other’s satellites in order to disrupt communications and push their own narratives.

The situation had become desperate, and in 2247 the 12 factions formed a discussion group called “The Houses” to bring an end to the worldwide violence. For several years they debated and discussed, until in 2251 they arrived at the conclusion that they’d all failed humanity, and that the Earth was doomed, poisoned beyond the point of no return. They would need to head for the stars if mankind were to survive.

Building starships to transport colonists would take 20 intense years, but not everyone would get to go.

Selection of people who would go to the stars took place under the authority of the technetronic elite in the 12 Houses. Only the best and brightest would have a seat reserved for them and their families. Billions would be left behind on the poisoned, dying Earth.

As the selections progressed, it became increasingly apparent to those that would be left behind that they weren’t going to be chosen. Human rights protests across the planet turned into full scale riots with many casualties. The world was thrown into chaos and society began to break down (even more).

But for the colonists all that was left behind. They would drift into cryosleep for a seeming eternity only to wake up as if no time had passed. There would be weeping as some cryopods had failed during the long journey, leaving only crusty bones and ashes where a living human should have been.

Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


Three of the 12 Houses, House Jodon, Reubo and Ephrati, would colonise planets in 3 nearby solar systems in a distant sector of the galaxy. The fates of the other 9 Houses are unknown.


House Jodon landed on and colonised Lionis. This volcanic planet has 1 side perpetually facing its sun, making only a thin band around the planet habitable. Nevertheless, rich and fertile soil along that thin band would ensure their survival.

House Reubo landed on and colonised Aquarion. This planet is over 97% covered by water. Adapting to their new environment would require innovative solutions for land use and infrastructure. Unsurprisingly, science and innovation are highly valued by the Reubos who pride themselves on being rational and practical.

House Ephrati landed on and colonised Verdis. This lush and green planet is inhabited by many predatory animals and dangerous foliage.


Several years ago a strange and indecipherable signal was received. It was clearly created by intelligent life and was traced back to a planet orbiting a nearby brown dwarf star. Speculation was rampant. What or who created it? What did it mean? What did it say?

Each House prepared small scouting missions to investigate. This was no mean feat as resources for interstellar travel were highly scarce. Expectations were similarly high.


Initial reports from the missions were impressive. The planet was rich in natural resources beyond their most hopeful expectations. Mining operations would be wildly profitable and would alleviate strict resource rationing back home on Lionis, Aquarion and Verdis.

It was the Ephrati who first discovered an ancient tower, presumably built by the same intelligent life that sent the signal. The tower stood high, disappearing into the clouds above.

Venturing into the tower on foot, the Ephrati expedition team marveled at the architecture and strange symbols and pictures carved into the walls, floors and ceilings. But it was one in particular that caught their attention. It was written in an old Earth language. “Taurion.” Who could the beings that built this be? And why would an old Earth tongue be written in here? Speculation, conjecture, and wild conspiracy theories were rampant on the net.

Other ancient buildings would also be found scattered around the planet.


Back home each House prepared to send people to Taurion. Excitement was high and people eagerly began training for the challenges that would await them on Taurion.

Taurion on Steam

Castle Manager

Castle Manager



  • deploy the chambers, armoury, dungeons, throne room, and other rooms

  • take care of the castle expansion

  • repair damage on an ongoing basis

  • extinguish fires

  • build a moat

  • ensure that the blacksmith forges swords and the armourer makes the armour

  • see to the butcher slaughter the pig

  • make sure that the farmer sows the field, harvests the crop and the baker bakes the bread

  • ensure that the winemaker delivered the wine…

  • …and that the tables are laden with food

  • resolve conflicts

  • punish criminals

  • take care of the spiritual development of your people

  • suss out intrigues

  • plan sieges

  • negotiate with other kingdoms

  • take control of plagues

  • fight against epidemics

  • deal with natural disasters

Remember that your king must be satisfied with your work! Do your best to keep the castle alive, the people happy and the army ready for battle!

Castle Manager on Steam

Honey, I Joined a Cult

Honey, I Joined a Cult

This is the best ‘early access’ game I’ve ever come across - perfectly playable and enjoyable in its current state, I’ve already had an incredible time and the game isn’t even released yet!

The visuals are beautiful, the humour is great and not overdone - it really does feel like you’re crafting your own cult, and I love how customisable everything is. Choosing what your followers are called is a really great idea - simple, but does a lot to make the player feel immersed.

Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Really fun game in its current early access state. But like all early access titles, it suffers from balancing & technology progression issues (in terms of unlocking reasearch) as well as the lack of endgame content. For a few examples of lacking content: I can’t see a use for the prison/cell doors than cosmetics, no upgrades for the canteen, people constantly getting sick from eating with “dirty hands”, the cult being unable to grow their own food on the compound (become fully independent of society lol) or expand the compound to have more access to land to build on, etc…I hope it will mean something more in the future. Fortunately, the clean aesthetically-pleasing UI and the core gameplay is so relaxing to play through and easy to get immersed in, it’s given me all sorts of ideas and hopes for future updates.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Honey, I Joined a Cult on Steam

Organs Please

Organs Please

Earth’s population is on the verge of a global resource crisis. Can you build the spaceship on time and earn one more chance for humankind? Hurry, you only have only 30 days left!

  • Screen the visitors dying to get off the planet and more than willing to risk being turned into canned food, incinerated or hired as one of the factory’s employees. The pros and cons of each fate are debatable.

  • Manage the factory floor, construct new facilities and upgrade the research center. Resources are finite, so try to make sure things don’t fall apart before the ship takes off.

  • Hire staff with unique quirks, fears and prejudices. Promote hard workers and keep them pampered with improved amenities. As for the lazy ones…they get sent to a special room in the darkest corner of the factory.

  • Juggle orders from competing organizations and be sure to meet your weekly quota to keep the higher-ups happy. Remember – you are alive as long as you are useful.

Organs Please on Steam

MiniMap Kingdom

MiniMap Kingdom

It’s a simple mini explore game + buildings. It has potential to be big if player constantly feedback what system /mechanisms to be added. The game will be improved. It’s pretty fun game if you are willing to spend some time to understand the mechanism.

It will feel a little complicated in the early stage. but once you get hooked and understand how the game works, you can lead your armies to occupy enemy’s base. It will earn you satisfactions.

The developer is very passionate and friendly approach, willing to listen to feedback. Give him a support if you are free to check out this game.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Great game.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

MiniMap Kingdom on Steam

The Political Machine 2020

The Political Machine 2020

I played a few rounds of this game, some multiplayer, some singleplayer. Overall, I really enjoyed this game for what it was worth. The game is charming, in a humorous way. I really enjoyed the ideology system, and how it influences and reshapes the race depending on candidates are in on the race. My friend and I made some custom candidates, did stupid matchups, and we had a lot of fun just pushing the ideologies to their limit. Some of the ideologies, like fascism or giant meteorism, just end up shooting you in the foot, and its amusing to see races devolve into stupid fights between two godawful candidates.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

This game needs a LOT of work, and with it now being over six months from launch I doubt that’s happening. It seems more time and resources were put into releasing the “Founding Fathers DLC” then going back and finishing their original broken product.

Perhaps the most glaring issue is that this product seems to have been made purely off some designers intuitive bias rather than any actual polling data. Universal healthcare and universal basic income are unpopular with “independents” but “Build the Wall” is. It also lists Trump’s intelligence as “smart” while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s intelligence as dim, despite placing second in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair while in High School, being bilingual, and graduating cum laude from Boston University with a bachelors in both international relations and economics. Meanwhile the geniuses that built the game have the same issue “farm subsidies” listed twice in the policy management tab, as well as a few spelling errors.

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

The Political Machine 2020 on Steam

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation is an awesome game which is mixing strategy and role play at a perfect level.

It offers many distinct gameplay based on factions and its agents mechanics - however, remind it’s strongly depends on team play!

Indead, this game is part of those who are perfectly designed to work in cooperation with your mates, but definitely not alone.

Use Siderians and rule your teamates, just because you’ll get the economy power - or perhaps you’ll prefer bite everyone using large fleets lead by Navarques.

Real player with 933.3 hrs in game

Rising Constellation is 4x RST game still in developpment.

Created from a small team of Swiss developper, I was a player of thier first MMO RTS 4x game: Asylamba.

I see RC (Rising Constellation) like an MMO RTS 4x game based on Agents (Navarques – Ereased – Sidérians).

I really enjoy the game for is background story (lore can be added by players participation) , B&W graphic style and is MMO possibility !

There is now 1 mod to play : fast flash 2H gamemode , this is quite small with 1 or to 2 games per week with a small cummunity.

Real player with 837.1 hrs in game

Rising Constellation on Steam