Later Alligator

Later Alligator

(WARNING: Massive amount of spoilers in this review)

About 3 to 4 years ago when I bought Night In The Woods it followed a particular progression. I saw the game advertised on Steam, looked at the page and it slowly caught my attention. I then chucked it into my wishlist and there it stayed for a long time. Finally months later, I caved in and bought it on sale. The game proceeded to become one of my all time favorite modern video games and won my heart minutes into the game.

Later Alligator very much followed that same flow. The art style, the characters, it all looked so obscenely adorable that I knew I needed to try this game. Sure enough, in this fateful autumn sale I fell for it. Starting at 1 AM in the morning (Since what better way to enjoy a goofy vibrant day in Alligator New York City than in the dead of the night) I dived into the game and it wasn’t until 5 AM that I finally made myself put it down. Just minutes into it I immediately fell in love with the art direction and the fluent animation. And Pat. Once you meet Pat, never let go. You’ll learn very quickly in Later Alligator what kind of a world it is. It’s a dark, gritty, grey world full of loving parents, overachieving bodybuilders, people relaxing on the streets, and old folks playing card games. And ghosts. If nothing else to be said about the game let it be known that Alligator New York City needs Alligator Ghostbusters because the entire city is crawling with ghosts. It takes some time getting used to the grey filter on everything. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it but there’s an odd aesthetic to it. It draws your attention to the already colorful and scaley denizens of the world. However from an gameplay aspect it can get cumbersome, more on that later.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Point & Click Cute Games.

Early review right now after a quick hour of play.

Later Alligator (and I swear I’m not biased towards this game at all) is a gorgeously 2d-animated, primarily point-and-click, cartoony romp through Alligator New York City. Everyone’s alligators. The gameplay itself is simplistic; unlike normal point-and-click games of this style that you might have come to expect, there’s no picking up items, there’s no real big decision making. It crosses over more with Professor Layton-style gameplay, wandering around the city and picking up little collectibles by clicking on various pieces of the environment.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Later Alligator on Steam



אני שמח לראות שהקסם של המשחק נשמר. יש שאולי היו רוצים להיות יותר דמויות מהמשחקים הקודמים, אולי עוד ימים, אך לדעתי המשחק הזה פשוט משאיר טעם לעוד! וזה חיובי לדעתי. לא יודע אם מתוכנן משחק נוסף בעתיד אך בינתיים אפשר להסתפק בזה. לפחות ככה אני חושב, בתור אחד ששיחק ברוב המשחקים וסיים אותם (חוץ מהתלת מימד שלא סיימית) אני מוצא את המשחק הזה כמבדר וההומור לא שונה כלל. נפלא! כי יש דברים שלא צריכים להשתנות. וכן- וידוי- אני מאלה שהיו שמחים ליותר משלוש ימים ליהנות מהקסם הזה. אך כמו שאמרתי מצד שני הוא מספיק טוב בשביל שלא אבכה על זה. בסופו של יום מדובר במשחק שעשו מאמצים להוציא עם בעיות תקציב בדרך ומה שיצא, התוצאה הסופית, מספקת מאוד. לא מובן מאליו! תודה אבה שהחזרתם את פיפוש אלינו. התגעגענו.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Point & Click Satire Games.

אחד ממשחקי פוינט אנד קליק הכי טובים שיש.

עשרים שנה אחרי המשחק הקודם - פיפוש חוזר! מעודכן וטוב יותר מבעבר!

רואים את ההשקעה של היוצרים, המשחק עצמו מהנה מאוד, אפשרויות הבחירה וההחלטות שמשפיעות על המשחק אדירות,

קאסט אדיר (אילן גנני!) ואיך לא, החוצפה הישראלית הרגילה!

משחק מעולה.. מעריצים לא יתאכזבו ושחקנים חדשים יהנו ממשחק מעולה בעברית

One of the best point and click games there is.

20 years since the last game - Piposh is back! updated and better than ever!

You can see all the time and efforts the creators did on this title.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Piposh on Steam

Wait! Life is Beautiful! Prologue

Wait! Life is Beautiful! Prologue

So I played the demo.

I thought I saved one person and the rest died.

The results at the end said I saved 0 people and killed/let die 0 people, which is obviously false (it didn’t record my data obviously).

I must say through most of the play-through I thought it was a joke on the player that you /couldn’t/ actually save anyone. Until I did somehow manage to save one person.

I felt there wasn’t really any logical method to deduct what would save a person or make them decide to jump. Maybe the demo wasn’t long enough to show data patterns that would alert the player to what choices would lead to ‘success’ or ‘failure’. Or Maybe I’m just really bad at talking to suicidal people in real life. Who knows.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Point & Click Pixel Graphics Games.

Played it a couple of times, experienced a bug with the “End Conversation” pop-up that wouldn’t go away one of those times, other than that the controls are bare-bones lean here: just point and click to select dialogue choices.

So why not recommend?

1. Because it’s not fun; maybe that’s to be suspected given the subject matter, I suppose, but even in the sense that the progression and gameplay should feel rewarding it falls short. One moment in particular comes in the form of an unskippable, cringy ricitation of a famous soliloquy that our protagonist, seemingly, is unfamiliar with - it goes on too long, you can’t make it go any faster, and it seemingly bears no effect on the demo at least.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Wait! Life is Beautiful! Prologue on Steam

Axel & Pixel

Axel & Pixel

This is perhaps the best and the most relaxing 7 hours I ever spent. Just dim your lights, and start the game and land straight onto the tropical paradise or something. But throughout the time, I felt as if I am laying on an oceanfront beach while getting my back massaged, with this entire package of tranquility in less than 0.01 % of what it will actually cost you when you travel.

As for the game, its mostly controlled by the mouse, and just hover your glittering cursor across the screen and even a one-day old baby will figure out the clue of how and where to proceed. But , still developers decided to give a hint bulb if there is someone who get stuck. Seriously ??? Once you finish the game, you will immediately feel to hug your pet dog. It strongly emphasizes on the relation between the guy, axel and his puppy, pixel, being tormented by a hedghehog like figure. The game is split in 3 seasons of duo journey, summer , autumn and winter, and they both worked together to paint their entire journey on a canvas. Also, soundtrack. Does anyone have a loincloth so that I can wipe my tears off ? You feel like you want to collect the items to have the perfect score and ending, which was totally worth it.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

A nice little point-and-click adventure game combined with some “hiddne object” gameplay, and i like the art style - kind of reminiscent of the Samorost games, and yet different enough that it is recognisable as by a different artist.

The main downside is that it’s rather short - check my overall time played. And that’s including a bit extra that I took trying to get the last 3 achievements, each of which is to get a minimum of 10000 in one of the 3 unlockable mini games. Unfortunately I’m not good enough at the boat one or the car one, and I don’t feel compelled to spend long tryin gto get them.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Axel & Pixel on Steam

Barney’s Dream Cruise

Barney’s Dream Cruise

A fun cute little game. I love the humor and the characters. Puzzles are fairly logical. The game is short; you can finish it in about one hour or two, depending on how often you get stuck. There are no actual choices to make nor multiple endings. It could really use some music, though. (It does have music, sometimes, like in map) ** UPDATE: They’ve added the music. I appreciate the effort. Yeah, it’s just music, but the game feels A LOT better now.

If you’re not sure about buying this game, you can play it for free on mobile devices.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Currently playing this on my gaming channel. I like the zany (and sometimes adult) humor, but I feel like the sudden disappearance and reappearance of music is a little distracting.

Also, I feel like some of the puzzles are a little too nonsensical. I spent a lot of time trying everything on everyone, only to be shocked to find out it actually worked. For example:

! The old bird at the bank kept talking about collecting stamps, so I thought that was a hint to find a cool stamp or something to give to her to make her leave. However, it turns out it’s some random flyer for a shoe sale. ???

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Barney's Dream Cruise on Steam



I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t “get” this game, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on or what my actions actually accomplished. The gameplay was a bit annoying because the text in the text boxes loads very slowly, and you can’t skip previously read text. The mouse movement to move the camera view is also extremely slow, and for some reason during dialogue the camera kind of bobs around.

Aside from that the game looks beautiful, and I’m glad to have bought it to support indie developers, but it’s hard to recommend.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

strange little thing. more of a short play than a game, truth be told. an interesting little setting. good to support small time artists

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game


Sol 705

Sol 705

Hey guys,

overall I can only recommend playing this lovely point and click adventure game. Let’s have a look on the top features and on the features with some space for improvement.


  • graphic style of scenery

  • lot of retro feeling comes along when playing Sol 705

  • funny and somehow exaggerated chars

  • puzzles not too hard and solveable by think, not much trial & error needed

  • official hint system

  • several hints included in gameplay (very funny)

  • ingenious story

  • overall humor in the game (dialogues, story)

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

So I got to the final… and I’d say I’m quite dissappointed.

This game claims that it could be more than it is.

Graphics are okay but I didn’t like not so smooth animation and slow lazy walking of character.

It is 2020, you know.

I like art insertions of characters. As for me, it would be more nice to see ingame graphics closer to those arts.

Or even 3d. As what we can see in community.

The puzzles are quite fun.

Dialogs are okay and fun sometimes.

(Bug report on 2020.12.29: In some moments thre looks like there are lost audio and quite long pause before dialog starts.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Sol 705 on Steam

The Castle

The Castle

Wonderful little oldschool point and click adventure game! I very much enjoyed the graphics, environments and the atmosphere! Absolutely LOVE the comfy castle interiors! It’s a real pleasure exloring it. The artstyle is absolutely on point and gave me huge nostalgia vibes throughout the game. Multiple endings and achievements keep you coming back for more.

No so good:

  • this game feels unfinished with the writing. Apart from some dialogue, there really isn’t that much text in the game. I was especially disappointed with the lack of (humorous) comments when interacting with the environments. I tend to “look at” every object I can identify. In this game, the characters usually repeat the same few words. For example: “nice door” - “interesting” - “I don’t want to insert action” etc. This is a missed opportunity in my opinion.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Feels like Maniac Mension!

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

The Castle on Steam

Wait! Life is beautiful!

Wait! Life is beautiful!

I recently bought and completed this 4 times for all achievements and honestly I really can’t recommend this game. Choices don’t matter, even if you save everyone possible you still get hate mail from the people who jumped, and even if you let all 36 people jump you still receive money from the people you saved and their families. There are a few typos I saw, and they call everyone him, even the ones that are obviously women. There are also a few glitches, people will just change into someone entirely different sometimes, when they climb on or off the bridge. At one point I was sitting down then my character just slides all across to the other side without getting up. There are 4 endings total, and the two standard endings you get for playing completely through the game are so bland.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Wait! Life is beautiful!

Wait! Life is beautiful! takes on the subject of suicide. A daring subject matter to express, explain, and handle, and I must say I admire this game for trying to cover this surreal subject.

You play as Will, a hard-working young man with a mundane life. Every day is the same in grueling 9 to 5 job with constant repetitive phone calls from clients. The day ends with a call from the boss about how much money you’ve made for the company.

*– [Real player with 12.9 hrs in game](*


![A Game About]( "")

## A Game About

### A game about what now?

Life? Dating? Frankly, it's too short to spoil it, but it's quite an interesting experience. It could be described as artistic and/or experimental for its sheer crudeness. If (and only if, as it's a spoiler) you want a word to describe the theme in more detail, it would be 

 ! depression.

But I'll tell you how the game plays anyway:

- You take "turns" and choose what to do from an expanding set of options.

- Each option gives a screen, animated or not, with a bit of story

*– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](*

What is this game really about? Is it about coffee? Is it about dating? Is it about giraffes? A short point and click game that tells you a story about someone. Even though the game is short, it still conveys what the developer intended to tell players, and it might hit home to some (including me). I do like how simple the illustrations are; they aren't distracting and it adds charm to the game. If you want a thought-provoking short story (and a couple of achievements that's easy to get), you may want to play this.

*– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](*
