Stories of Blossom

Stories of Blossom

Stories of Blossom is a series of wholesome adventures, brought to life by the imagination of a young girl.

Embody the personas she plays in each story, interact with silly characters in odd situations, and help her learn the lessons her Grandfather is trying to teach.

A Series of Colourful Worlds

Brought to life with hand animated storybook illustrations, voiced characters, and an excellent soundtrack.

A Wholesome Narrative

Featuring lessons that help us take control of our own stories and improve the lives of those around us.

An Accessible Experience

Designed and tested to ensure there are little to no barriers for those with disabilities. For a full list of accessibility features please visit our website.

Read More: Best Point & Click Colorful Games.

Stories of Blossom on Steam

No Ghost in Stay Home

No Ghost in Stay Home

Nice game! I had a great time dealing with things that were definitely not ghosts.

It’s short and easy to complete if you unlock the hints when you get stuck (some endings might be hard to figure out otherwise).

Love all of the creative outcomes you can get in this little room.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Point & Click Singleplayer Games.

a fun little title reminiscent of flash games. it’s a simple point-and-click, where in each 3-minute (or less) playthrough, you make small changes to the scene in order to cause big reactions. the endings are all delightfully weird, as to be expected from this type of game. it’s a bit unceremonious when you finally get the last ending and/or achievement, but in the immortal words of the man who died for our sins, macklemore, “but shit, it was 99 cents!”

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

No Ghost in Stay Home on Steam

Delivery Company Clicker

Delivery Company Clicker

In short:

A nice, minimalistic clicker that doesn’t require much thought)))

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Point & Click Singleplayer Games.

Delivery Company Clicker on Steam

Landlord of the Woods

Landlord of the Woods

I’ll preface this by saying I did fall asleep halfway through the game so you should be able to get through it in less than half an hour if you speed run it but I woke up and finished the game after 3hrs roughly lol The music is pleasant but had it mainly switched off since I was listening to Twitch in the background. hehe The drawing style is quirky and there’s a sinister touch to the puzzles. A couple of the puzzles I had to reset to get past them by escaping to the main menu but a minor bug. For the price of less than $2 I think it was worth an afternoon curiosity and to support the creator. Think of the game as an existential pat on the back that you’re doing so well and play it when you need a change to your perspective you never expected.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

what can i say i loved it i loved her other game whimsy loved the music in this one, story was good ending well i will let you see for yourselves about that, but its short but it cheap as well so cant complain, i would love to see what else she can do as i did enjoy these 2 games by her and would love to see something a bit longer as its such a disappointment when its ended for me anyway, i love how you have to think for once and loved the artwork, over all defo recommend if want something short and sweet and good at decent price ,check this out and if you liked whimsy you will like this as much good game overall good game look forward to more from her she did good for one person game well done put together well and music and graphics good overall good game see for yourselves

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Landlord of the Woods on Steam

Later Alligator

Later Alligator

(WARNING: Massive amount of spoilers in this review)

About 3 to 4 years ago when I bought Night In The Woods it followed a particular progression. I saw the game advertised on Steam, looked at the page and it slowly caught my attention. I then chucked it into my wishlist and there it stayed for a long time. Finally months later, I caved in and bought it on sale. The game proceeded to become one of my all time favorite modern video games and won my heart minutes into the game.

Later Alligator very much followed that same flow. The art style, the characters, it all looked so obscenely adorable that I knew I needed to try this game. Sure enough, in this fateful autumn sale I fell for it. Starting at 1 AM in the morning (Since what better way to enjoy a goofy vibrant day in Alligator New York City than in the dead of the night) I dived into the game and it wasn’t until 5 AM that I finally made myself put it down. Just minutes into it I immediately fell in love with the art direction and the fluent animation. And Pat. Once you meet Pat, never let go. You’ll learn very quickly in Later Alligator what kind of a world it is. It’s a dark, gritty, grey world full of loving parents, overachieving bodybuilders, people relaxing on the streets, and old folks playing card games. And ghosts. If nothing else to be said about the game let it be known that Alligator New York City needs Alligator Ghostbusters because the entire city is crawling with ghosts. It takes some time getting used to the grey filter on everything. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it but there’s an odd aesthetic to it. It draws your attention to the already colorful and scaley denizens of the world. However from an gameplay aspect it can get cumbersome, more on that later.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Early review right now after a quick hour of play.

Later Alligator (and I swear I’m not biased towards this game at all) is a gorgeously 2d-animated, primarily point-and-click, cartoony romp through Alligator New York City. Everyone’s alligators. The gameplay itself is simplistic; unlike normal point-and-click games of this style that you might have come to expect, there’s no picking up items, there’s no real big decision making. It crosses over more with Professor Layton-style gameplay, wandering around the city and picking up little collectibles by clicking on various pieces of the environment.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Later Alligator on Steam

Puzzle Angry Cat

Puzzle Angry Cat

Will crash every single time you will finish a puzzle or press a key. Of course it’s basic puzzles and not a point & click.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Puzzle Angry Cat on Steam

Children of Silentown: Prologue

Children of Silentown: Prologue

I really enjoyed playing this demo. The fact that it runs on my laptop is a MASSIVE plus and the storyline has so much potential. Definitely a big fan of the cat’s personality and the integration of music into the core of the game. I don’t often play horror games but I love watching the gameplay. For once, I actually want to play a horror game (ie. this one) and that is a big deal. I think there are a couple of spelling and grammar issues that I noticed pop up here and there, but they could be intentional. I can’t remember them right now, but it is something the developers are likely to fix before releasing the game. The graphic style is adorable and eerie simultaneously, but the quality is crisp and motion is smooth. I actually found it quite relaxing despite the foreboding that’s lurking throughout the storyline. I had not realised this was just a demo and I was heartbroken when I found out because I wanted to play more immediately. I was surprised at how interactive the game turned out to be and it’s definitely perfect for people who like puzzles. So even more positives. The only major issue I had was that the trailer was laggy the whole way through, but that may just have been poor internet connection on my end. But overall, I am so excited for this game and I cannot wait to play the rest of it. ((Side-note: Thank you so much for creating something super fantastic that actually works with the specs I have!))

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Children of Silentown: Prologue is a 30 minute long introduction to the full game which release is still to be announced.

Game’s premise:

**_You play as a little girl who often experiences horrific nightmares and spends time playing with neighborhood kids in the backyard, which sums up pretty well the image we get right away from this game’s story - cozy, peaceful, laid back, heartwarming… yet somehow really unsettling.

Living together with your parents, spending days helping doing house chores while your kitty misbehaves a bit and singing with your mom is not all you get to experience on daily basis. In fact, there are strict rules coming to heading outside from the house due to some mysterious disappearances of children taken place quite frequently. You can’t leave the backyard and you have to respect the curfew._**

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Children of Silentown: Prologue on Steam

Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet

Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet

I’ve LP’d the previous installment , Kickstarted the sequel, and was rather looking forward to this. Let’s break down my impressions, from least important to the most:

Graphics: I kinda miss the original hand-drawn look. It had a unique charm to it that the smoother and less unique 3d models lack.

Voicework: Quite good all around. Except from some British TV guy – apparently everyone were so excited to have him on that they forgot to check whether his voice fits the character.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

As I have been following the game’s author’s main work for a while, (which I would highly recommend to most people on the planet) I finally brought myself to buying the game during a sale. The drawing style is simple, but atmospheric, the voice-acting is mostly superb and the few birds one gets to see up close are truly adorable. The highlight of the game definitely are the song-bits, which are completely insane and oddly catchy. Bought it during a sale and thought it was quite sweet. Especially for a game both written and animated by someone who, as far as I understand, only dabbles in game-development.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet on Steam

Smile For Me

Smile For Me

What a delightful and unique game! You visit the Habitat - a retreat run by the elusive Dr. Habit and populated with sad people. You are a flower delivery guy and you soon find yourself tasked with cheering up 22 residents. Each sad person has a quest (some simple and some complicated) for you to complete.

The game is divided into 24 hour days but is complicated by a nightly curfew. If you are not back in your room on time, you lose half of the next day. So, time is of the essence.

There is no voice acting and the characters are 2D, place within a 3D environment. The art style, the written dialog, and the original music make this a very interesting adventure.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

I got this game for my girlfriend recently after she had expressed interest in it. I am now writing this review not long after my birthday ended, where she had gifted me a copy of the game too.

Smile For Me is very much first taste of a game that isn’t an MMO in a very long time. As a big fan of MMOs, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I played this a few hours ago, at the time of writing.

Frankly, I was blown away by the quality here. I was impressed by how cleanly the game runs, and the quality of the gameplay. It is inspired, in my opinion, to use mouse movements to interact with NPCs such as in this game. In a world where selecting a text dialogue option is the established norm' here, Smile For Me, which I will refer to as S4M for the rest of this review, takes a radically different approach to this type of interaction in gaming. One that so many people take for granted.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Smile For Me on Steam



Not bad.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

edit: the price got halved soon after my review was posted and the developer deleted the feedback thread on the forum (again), proving my points below. I edited parts about the price, but the game is still not recommended, as it is the same as before.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

BeetleQuest on Steam