Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Games are often judged under 3 categories: Story, Visual Graphics, and Soundtrack.

Nyan Cat takes all the cake, the table and the entire buffet.

The story involves around the creature, nyan cat, in search for what has been lost by travelling through different dimensions and facing danger. On the journey, nyan cat gets access to different magical artifacts that help nyan cat on the journey while collecting lactose and fighting off against the evil.

The visual graphics are just fantastic. Most modern games today such as CoD, Halo, etc, all have the same problem: THere is too much going on the screen that it makes it hard on what to focus, to finish the objective, etc. And the biggest problem of modern games: motion blur. It just makes a beautiful game in this muddy madness, it’s like your character or what not is always drunk and it’s about to collapse. Now take a look at nyan cat. The graphics are minimalistic, and nyan cat just contrasts against the background, making it very easy to see, and not just nyan cat, also the items and enemy, they are contrasted against the background. The HUD is also very simple and straight to the point.

Real player with 223.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Cats Games.

Nyan Cat: Lost in Space is a casual game inspired by the Nyan Cat meme. In it, you play as the eponymous cat as he flies through space, collecting milk, cake, donuts and such. If I had to describe the gameplay, I’d say it’s an autoscrolling platformer; you can’t really make Nyan Cat go back, he always moves forward; your control is limited to jumps, though there’s two powerups that allow for a more directional control over the Y-axis. Your goal is simply to get as far as you can, and get as high a score as possible, while avoiding falling to the bottom of the screen, or hitting TNT, both of which end your game. There’s also a few hazards in the form of enemies like a dog, Tac Nayn (evil Nyan Cat) and UFOs.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space on Steam

PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist

PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist

Ah, Legend Of The Brofist. A game filled to the brim with controversy because of the person it’s based on. But, I am here to review the GAME. NOT PewDiePie. So if you’re mad at anything I say in this review… go take it somewhere that somebody cares. And get in line if you have any personal beef with me because of my opinions. A lot of people do, and you’re just another one to tack on to the list.

Gameplay: Legend Of The Brofist is a 2D platformer, with differing elements in certain stages, such as low-gravity, and even a 2D shooter style for one stage.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Co-op Games.

This game is absolutely nonsensical. I mean, maybe there’s some lovely tapestry of narrative in it, but if I have to go watch a youtube dude to figure it out, you haven’t told a good story. But you don’t play this for the story (dear god I hope you don’t, anyway). This game is a pretty open love letter to the 16-bit era slathered in a layer of surreality, and it actually plays damn well. Most levels basically spelled out their intent or were based on something I recalled from my younger days, and while I think one or two stages' gimmicks make their lack of checkpointing* irritating, only the rather-lengthy final boss really held me up for more than 15 minutes. It’s also got a bunch of difficulty settings in case you find it too simple/challenging, and after you beat the endboss you can play anything you’ve beaten on Hard on a one-hit kill, no powerup mode, should you be masochistic enough.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist on Steam

Putin VS Zombies

Putin VS Zombies

It is one of the best games I ever played. Some time is needed to get to know the controls but after that was figured out the game was super fun. As long as you don’t play around you can’t lose because all your abilities are overpowered and super fast ready. After you completed the game all levels reset and get harder. I’ve completed this game around times, it’s just super addicting. The Songs are awesome but a bit loud on my point.

Pros.: Funny Gameplay

Every Stage has its unique design

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Casual Games.

An accurate representation of the current geopolitcal situation. I learned a lot. (Corey I absolutely despise you for buying me this)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Putin VS Zombies on Steam

12 bananas

12 bananas

I have been fighting an uphill battle with depression and PTSD since i saw my comrades fall in the Vietnam War. Then i found this game. It cured all mental illness i had and it made my dad come back from the milk store after 13 years. Absolutely beautiful. Deep story, Awesome character design and one of the best soundtracks i ever heard. This game can easily defeat games like Fortnite, Minecraft and COD.

10/10 would play again

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

I’m the banana and Savior

I have you back to the wall

Strike without grace

Drink of the wine of the wrath of banana

(One more banana rejected!)

I’m the banana and Savior

(One more banana rejected!)

I have you back to the wall

(One more banana rejected!)

Strike without grace

Drink of the wine of the wrath of banana


Fear banana and give glory to him

For the hour of his

Judgement has come to you!


When the thousand years have expired

orange will be released

Judgement has come to you!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

12 bananas on Steam

2 Ninjas 1 Cup

2 Ninjas 1 Cup

JUST Finished it 100%. 26/24 sushis (cause I think I found 2 extras and missed one along the way, so i think could have been even 27/24). I bought it in like 2017 and finished it in 2021 , i’ve spent like 40 hours on it, and it’s truly wonderful. The “rage” aspect of it comes in the controls. They are very much seemingly intentionally bad and unpredictable controls that make the platforming hell on earth. But after a while (or , in my case, a few years) you get so used to the controls that you start trying alternative ways to platform just for the fun of it. Controls and gameplay aside, the dialogue is pretty funny. Afterall, the game is called 2 Ninjas 1 Cup, so it is supposed to be a comedy game, and it’s pretty good at that. I personally found it pretty funny and had a chuckle or 2 over the cutscenes. Worth every second of those 40 hours i’ve spent playing it, and I probably will now start speedrunning it cause I love this game so much. Incase the developer happens to read this, THANK YOU! Wonderful game.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

dont let the silliness fool you. you might see some crummy, almost quaint pixel graphics. you might see some over-the-top antics. you might hear some weird and funny voice-acting. and you might have even read the summary, stating how stupid the game is. but again, dont let it cloud your judgement just yet.

while the game is very simple in nature, consisting only of movements and 2 buttons, it’s a fairly decent game, and a pretty tough platformer. not the hardest i’ve encountered; it’s challenging, but fair enough that it doesnt require such intricate microscopic precision to clear the stages. with a bit of practice and good timing, you could pass just about all obstacles.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

2 Ninjas 1 Cup on Steam

Deep Dark Fight

Deep Dark Fight

This game is not OK, it is bad. All sounds in game (music, jumps, sound of your death) are very annoing (but not gachi sounds of course). 1/2 of levels are VERY boring. Bosses are very boring, too. The last level had made so bad, that I deleted game. This game is not rofl-able, it is too good for that (but it is too bad to play it serios). I don’t want to play this game for free, and paying even 300$ hm hm… 1,5$ for it is silly

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

♂ T H A N K Y O U S I R ♂











Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Deep Dark Fight on Steam

Gachi Dash

Gachi Dash


Real player with 0.7 hrs in game














Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Gachi Dash on Steam

Meegah Mem 2

Meegah Mem 2

really good, funny

but there are afew bugs that REALLY suck, like opening the menu while youre frozen by flehs mem softlocking and the water physics being too extreme, but otherwise it’s better than the real mega man 2

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

it will cause you incredibly immense pain and suffering but still fun and it is satisfying to beat bosses

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Meegah Mem 2 on Steam

Save the Furries

Save the Furries

The furries were facing near extinction. As I watched from a distance their race being annihilated. I then decided to intervene, and proceeded to help them wage their war for survival.

Real player with 1264.2 hrs in game

A very generic puzzle game, where mediocre could be said about everything in it - from graphics to sounds to gameplay.

The graphics in particular aren’t very crisp, and sometimes I found myself lost between the foreground and background. Nothing really stands out as exciting, and while nothing is particularly bad, nothing about it is particularly good.

I played the whole game in about 3hrs - probably more than the average person, as I initially wanted to collect everything, but gave up on this idea part-way through due to lack of interest.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Save the Furries on Steam

Worn Thin

Worn Thin

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

my full play through here once it uploads (first youtuber to beat it?): https://youtu.be/KvQM9L30mf8

Fun game and absolutely nothing rage inducing about it. The game is short but it can take forever. I liked the little easter egg you could find as well. IF you beat the game it does feel rewarding and you can definitely tell your improving as you play. The music is super nice and relaxing as well plus the pill is doing his best to save the man with the most F**ED up teeth in the world.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Worn Thin on Steam