Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls

Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls

My original review from 2017:

Having gotten every achievement, I have decided to rewrite my review.

The writing is very well done, nothing seems to try too hard to be funny and it packs a load of charm from that. It doesn’t always take itself seriously, which is not a bad thing.

Gameplay wise it’s very similar to titles like Mega Man and Castlevania. In that way it’s fast and punchy, which you’d expect coming from someone with a giant golem fist. The level design is pretty much exclusively linear, there’s some hidden collectables strewn about of course but otherwise it’s a clear path to the boss. The levels and their respective boss fights are decently difficult, even for someone who’s beaten the game quite a number of times.

Real player with 86.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Indie Games.

Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls

I played this game +40 hours, and It’s just not enough…

I need more! MORE!

This game it’s one of the best free games on Steam, and, to be honest, it’s better than some of the Pixel graphic-Plataformers that cost up to $9.99

It took me like 40 hours to finish the game at %100 (all modes + achievements) and I will definitely play it many more times.

The art

The style of the game is beautiful, both the characters, the enemies and the bosses are really well made sprites.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls on Steam



Oh wow…

So its kinda hard to play but its 10/10 I would recommend playing it :D

the sound may be a bit loud you cant turn it down with in the game itself so you’ll have to open up volume mixer.

I actually loved playing this as much as it pissed me off dying a few times, in the end its worth it

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Indie Games.

If you want to challenge yourself, play this game. 8/10

Check out my Gameplay and Review👇👇👇

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Ecio on Steam



“Some things scratch the surface while others strike at your soul.”

― Gianna Perada

This quote is the exact sentiment I felt after finishing this game.

Möbler is an interesting title that was released on the 7th of june, 2019 by a group of students attending the Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands; not to be confused with the nether, a ‘hellish’ underworld in Mojang’s Minecraft.

Gameplay - 10/10

The gameplay features simple platforming while furniture and appliances infinitely stack upon each other. Your goal is to continue to reach the top to avoid being eaten by the Intergalactic Space Whale (I.S.W).

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Casual Games.

This game is a journey I looked up birdo on steam as a joke thinking nothing would come up but then I saw this beauty was free and popped up. I of course instantly downloaded the game and started playing and man is it good. I thought that it would be shitty or cheap but this game is coated in so much polish I don’t even think I could hold it. The game play is really sick, think tetris but you are at the bottom and have to try to not be crushed. It is simple but a ton of fun and very addictive. I hope the devs end up adding more modes (possibly multiplayer) and more achievements because as it stands you can 100% in like 3 minutes and I want more reason to play.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Mobler on Steam

Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box is a game so simple and self-explanatory that it’s hard not to enjoy. Vlambeer’s arcade-style survival platformer is a great little game that tasks players with collecting crates that randomly spawn around the side-scrolling arena while waves of enemies wander about on set paths. It’s the least complex thing imaginable, but it works really well, particularly as a ‘pick up and play’ type of joint. It’s not something to be taking extremely seriously, which is its greatest asset.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Super Crate Box is a small, indie game that consists of the player battling against green and white monsters with a variety of firearms. You play a character and your objective is to collect as many crates (which contain different kinds of weapons, which one uses to defeat the monsters.) before dieing. This game can be frustrating though, considering the fact that your character dies in one touch of any of the monsters, one has to be carefull in jumping around a small map and firing guns at monsters, who can sometimes be in groups of many and can be difficult to take out.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Super Crate Box on Steam

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge

Very fun game, downloaded it completely out of interest and have spent a decent amount of time playing it since.

Single player challenges start simple and ramp up in difficulty, and are a good way to learn different ways to hit the ball, ranked singleplayer modes are also enjoyable, and the leaderboards are competitive, with people consistently one-upping each other to be the best. The dev also actively deletes cheaters from the leaderboards to keep them legit

Multiplayer is a ton of fun, and a great way to play a nice quick game and climb the ladder. I’ve enjoyed ranking up through the ladder, and it’s nice queuing into the same high ranked people and adapting from their playstyles (HarryCane is in my head rent free, steals my rank everytime)

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

This game is very fun, whether you are bored or you’re actually in a mood to play a game like this. Lots of single player challenges that get reasonably more difficult, and ability to get all orbs is possible, though tedious. Only thing I would consider is making the ranking system a bit better (like how I deranked after just one match as a new rank, and even after being on a TWELVE game winning streak and then losing once again, I’m now an even lower rank), maybe some type of visible MMR or point system, and add more various challenges and modes (if possible)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Dark Roll: Free Kick Challenge on Steam

Drop Alive

Drop Alive

Review brought to you by:

TentacleBunny’s Cozy Cottage

Drop Alive is a very cute and fluffy platformer that will challenge you to have fun and have good time through all the game levels.

Drop Alive was developed by Invi Games and published by Ipsilon Developments and is accessible to everyone since it is a free to play game on Steam.

In Drop Alive, you play as a small drop of water lost inside a big house and you have to help her get out of there through several challenging levels. It also plays away with the climate conditions and the multiple water states to help you traverse and reach the final stage of each level. You also have to collect 3 special coins on every single level to have a perfect score and sometimes those are not easy to accomplish. Especially tricky because if you die, you will have to restart the level from the very start.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Very adorable free to play game. I’ve 100%’d the whole game, gaining all achievements and unlocking all the costumes. For some reason, when I went back into the game after getting the final achievement (went to unlock the costumes, you use the coins you gained to “purchase” them), the game acted as if I hadn’t fully completed some levels, which as I already have the achievements and all my coins were still there so I could purchase all the unlockables, it didn’t really matter. But be warned that this game does have a chance to not always save your progress.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Drop Alive on Steam

Elliot and the Musical Journey

Elliot and the Musical Journey

the controls felt buggy, most of the game play felt boring, the last boss was annoying but got there in the end with 1 heart remaining, double jumps felt like it didn’t work most of the time, wouldn’t recommend re-playing that again.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I am on the fence with this game. I will outline my points.


  • Has original art

  • Quite easy controls

  • Lovely music

  • Easy to learn game loop


  • Jump (or double jump) not always get recognized which is quite annoying

  • DJBonehad boss is easy but the lasers spot you even from outside the light

  • when you lose all hearts you need to restart the level

  • you can’t record the musical notes order (not big deal) but is inconvenient

Overall is a nice FREE indie game that you will enjoy if you are into platformers

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Elliot and the Musical Journey on Steam



Another free game I enjoyed so much that I purchased the paid component.

Gameplay is pretty standard platformer fare. Wall jumps, air dashes, ledge hangs. Himno is billed as a relaxing platformer, but there were moments where I uttered the most profane of oaths. The controls take a little getting used to, and even after having spent a few hours playing, I was still plummeting to my watery grave. For the most part it is a fun and peaceful distraction.

No enemies, but the developer is working on a sequel that promises combat, loot drops, crafting and general roguelite attributes. I have wishlisted and followed.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Himno is a well-designed, free-to-play, casual platformer without combat that has an internal level generation system that gives the player an infinite number of levels. There’s not too much in the way of objectives when it comes to this game, as all you do is jump and dash, wall-grab, slide, and jump dash some more. You can look at the 11 very doable Steam achievements as your goal. (Took me about 2.5 hours to do everything necessary to get them.)

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Himno on Steam

Life in the Static

Life in the Static

Life in the Static is minimalist atmospheric platform game.


The core mechanic of Life in the Static is an ability to stop time and once you do - enemies and other hazardous objects become platforms you can use to reach other places.


  • Tight controls

  • Minimalist and atmospheric environment.

  • 30 Levels.

  • Hard mode.

  • Speed run mode.

  • Short and can be beaten in under an hour.

Life in the Static on Steam

Lights Out

Lights Out

This was a great game for me, very nastalgic from puzzel games i plaied in the 90s

This seems to be geared more toward a controler build but once i got into it it wasn’t bad. I really liked the story they put together (the first 2 screens should be click to continue was a little fast to read the frist time but I understand it is like that to get into the game ASAP) The controls were not difficult if you plaied old flash games and once you started to get the powers everything clicked together. (that said there was some clipping issue but it is a free game so not really lowering it in my eyes). I did like the extra story on each level there are 3 tiles hidden in the level to give you a deeper story of what happened and how things got to this point. it was fun that it didn’t beat me over the head with it and let me go at my own pace.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game



-Some fun platforming

-Lots of checkpoints mitigate frustration from glitches

-You can choose order of levels to enter (not sure if all can be entered from the start, but there’s definitely non-linearity to some degree)

-Multiple ways to get through levels


-Had to figure out keyboard controls by pressing every button

-Camera and enemies may get glitchy

-Easy to get out of bounds, had to restart a level thanks to this

-Some of the powers are pretty useless

Really easy, beat it quickly (says 3.4 hours because I had it open while doing other things). It was amusing. Pretty neat for a student project. I had a drive to finish the game but have no desire to 100% it.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Lights Out on Steam