They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels - Satisfaction that comes at a price

If you check on Steam it actually comes at pretty low price. But obviously I was not talking about money. I was talking about time (which equals money) but let talk more about why I came to such a conclusion.

So if you have read my previous review you probably guessed that I like this game because it is a 2D platformer. And yes I like platformers and I was collecting them in the past when I had time to play any games. Naturally I came across this game and loved it at first sight. And why not? I watched the trailer and I saw fast paced action, lots of different moves and attacks. I loved this simplistic but beautiful art style. It also said it was inspired H.P Lovecraft which told me absolutely nothing at first but after searching online I know all I needed. Another thing that got me really excited was the number of achievements to unlock. And my friends know that I’m a achievement-junkie. But I should have read what those achievements are about. From the tags I new it wasn’t going to be easy and I was quite ready for that. So I grabbed my controller, fired up the game and focused on my TV screen…

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer 2D Platformer Games.

They Bleed Pixels is a challenging wall jump platformer, with a satisfying unique premise, quality combat and engaging mechanics.

You control a presumably troubled student at the Lafcadio Academy for troubled girls. She stumbles across a magical book that makes you have wild dreams involving a few strangely horrific creatures, several bloody spikes, and an ever present number of saws. The book also has glowing bits and pages that not only are missing, but found inside said dreams. Take heed of any such events that occur in reality, as these are not normal behaviors for books or their pages.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

They Bleed Pixels on Steam

Volgarr the Viking

Volgarr the Viking

Volgarr the Viking by Crazy Viking Studios

Simply put, Volgarr is just old-school classic fun!


Volgarr is a classic (but brand-new) side-scrolling platforming/adventure game flirting with the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis and the likes.

The game’s look and feel is spot-on, with Castlevania-esque jumping (no turning back midair) and Super Mario’s (I know it’s not the real influence but whatever) health by upgrades.

The single most important thing about Volgarr the Viking is DIFFICULTY, it’s hard…seriously!

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Indie Games.

Genre: Retro 2D 16-bit Platformer

Sub-genre: Hardcore Platformer

Presentation: 10/10 - Each pixel is beautifully rendered and lovingly placed to burn a hole directly through your skull with enduring love.

Gameplay: 10/10 - With simplistic yet unforgiving controls, this game will have you high fiving your best friend one minute, and smashing your face into your desk for sweet release the next.

*Keyboard and mouse compatible, as well as Gamepad compatible.

Sound: 10/10- With a soundtrack that feels like it was ripped right out of the 90’s, it fits right in sync with the mind-numbing sound effects that will have your ears bleeding from extreme brutality.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Volgarr the Viking on Steam

Dead Dungeon

Dead Dungeon

Overal, I would recommend this game to anyone who is into platformers. The focus of the game is on precision and timing. There is no fighting or shooting involved here.

That being said, I think this game has a lot of annoying little shortcommings that make it more difficult in an ‘unfair’ way. I hope these issues can all be addressed by the developers.

Although the looks of your character will remind you of Super Meat Boy the character controls very differently from SMB. The controls are pretty tight, which is a good thing, but the movement is definitively not as nice as in SMB. There are three major difficulties with the controls:

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Platformer Precision Platformer Games.

Enter at your own risk. Dead Dungeon imprisons you in a hardcore challenge fit for puzzle platformer masochists.

The game pushes the double-jump mechanic to its limits. Many of the puzzles are inventive without becoming too convoluted, with responsive controls that enable the requisite dexterity. The level design reflects the developer’s lifelong experience with the genre, with effective application of familiar motifs that give the game its own character. Navigating through the forty levels of Dead Dungeon is a feat of patience and grit.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Dead Dungeon on Steam

Tax Fugitive

Tax Fugitive

Difficult but really nice 2d platformer! I really like it! I’m not very good at it! But I still really like it! No real complaints about the game!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Nice pixel styled 2d platformer. Cool character and lot of levels 16 and most levels are enough difficult at least to me. Very cool 2d platformer and also with very affordable price. I hope more achievements but otherwise this is great way to spend few evenings

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Tax Fugitive on Steam

Yissa Deep Realms

Yissa Deep Realms

To begin with, Yissa Deep Realms is my final addition to complete the PixelGreeds games collection. And I must say, this 2D platformer game isn’t really a walk in the park, but rather a punishing one. This game proved to be very challenging that essentially required both a strong mind to handle the frustrations and the stress as well as the experience in platforming games. Trust me, you need both of that. Also, unlike the other game titles that came out after this which were enjoyable, this one was in the middle line of likeable and unlikeable.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

I am the «gameplay first» type of guy so I will be talking more about gameplay as I really liked it. This game is a mix of two genres. The action side will remind you of Megaman games – the aiming system, different guns that suit the situation (I found third weapon to be most useful against air-type enemies, while the default weapon is mostly for situations where the enemy is exposed to you all the time), even the slide is here. Another side of the game has more common with games like They Bleed Pixels or The End is Nigh – the precise platformer with a lot of environmental hazards that will be killing you at a constant rate (the game is really hard if you don’t play on «story» mode). The most beautiful thing in this game is the feel of controlling your character. It’s smooth and it doesn’t have much inertion (so you can overcome precise platforming challenges). So the gameplay consists of intense jumping (including walljump), sliding, and shooting. Another thing I found fascinating is that every encounter is different. There is always a new mixture of different monsters, or the enemies themselves a situated in different way and complimented with some environmental dangers. So there is no filler or dragging. You will always wonder what encounter will happen next. There are also mechanics like wallhopping (and wallsliding) (you can also shoot while sliding) and hand-grabbing. These mechanics are more advanced so they’re used to their maximum by 1/3 of the game. Don’t get me wrong. They’re here from the start, but they become mostly important by 3th or 4th level if I recall correctly. By that time player is comfortable with more obvious and basic mechanics and is ready for the new challenges. The grabbing thing reminds me of Shovel Knight Specter of Torment main mechanics. Your Hand (basically it’s your gun and your companion with big mouth) can grab other hands (it sounds weird when you type it) that are located all over the levels. This mechanic makes you feel really awesome. The whole game is about feeling cool. I recommend you using second weapon as it has another built-in mechanic – i-frame dash that will make you feel like Yasuo from League. Btw every weapon has a secondary use – often times it’s completely unique mechanic – shield that absorbs damage, summon that helps you killing thins, heal, dash, etc. There is also a weird weapon – the last one that is called Vindictiveness – Predator. It’s basically a boomerang but when it’s coming back it also hits you – so you create the enemy yourself. I found it to be a nice touch. It reminds me of all the weird weapons from other games like Nevan from DMC3. There also bosses at each level – half of them is concentrated around bullet-hell, and the other half deals more with platforming.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Yissa Deep Realms on Steam



This game is awesome!!! Iv’e beaten the game with expert S rank and all achievements and let me say, iv’e enjoyed nearly every moment! Yes, the game is challenging but when you get that knockout it is so satisfying! Its a 10/10 game and i would recommend it!

Real player with 369.6 hrs in game

















Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Cuphead on Steam

Q - A Neon Platformer

Q - A Neon Platformer

Really fun (and hard) platformer! I’ve now finished 2/3 of the game in ~17 hours (and 4.5k deaths), and every new level is only getting harder, but the rewarding feeling of finally beating a level you were stuck on is insane!

Controls might be a bit difficult at first, but after a few (or many) deaths you’ll get the hang of it.

Every new mechanic is introduced in a nice and easy way, if you follow the “right” level route. You may feel like the game skips over a lot of necessary introductions if you happen to find an alternative route that leads you to another world or a Dark Chapter.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

I don’t normally review games before completing them but….this one is definitely worth it!

I played the demo for this game about 9 months before it was released and immediately I was hooked! Been waiting for the release date ever since!

This game is so fun! Everything about it is great! The music is awesome so that when you die over and over again you still don’t get sick of hearing it! (And you will die A LOT) The platforming feels very fresh and unique! The Neon-ness looks great!

Tough as nails (or should I say spikes?) this game is, a lot of precision platforming is required. Can’t wait to see what else this game is waiting to throw at me!

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Q - A Neon Platformer on Steam



Control parasitic worms through dangerous environments as they evolve from tiny parasites to city-engulfing monsters. Every threat kills you instantly, so precision and timing are critical for success.


  • Fast-paced challenging gameplay

  • A story spanning 5 visually-distinct chapters with over 200 levels!

  • 9 brutal boss battles

  • 4 bonus remix chapters

  • Golf

  • Unique music for each chapter

Wormatozoa on Steam

Aesthetic Melody

Aesthetic Melody

The game is hard and challenging.. Especially the ++ parts but with the soundtrack and all it’s a e s t h e t i c.

The only issue i had was the little stuttering effect (it’s VHS and all but it’s annoying especially while dodging stuff because you literally move an extra step etc. then restart…)

With all that in mind, i recommend the game and don’t forget to be patient !

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

this game is amazing, beautiful remake of nostalgic feeling game, i cant quite put my thumb on it, buuut its amazing, 10/10 for someone like adam, he made beautiful titles, and a game that makes me ragequit every 2 minutes but i ultimately come back because its so loveable

i do not however, like the bullets. that sh*t was annoying as hell

i ragequit through all the levels and had to take a break, but this game installed so fast and i love the acheivements and community market items

10/10 would recommend to your patient family member who likes old games,

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Aesthetic Melody on Steam

Alter World

Alter World

Tags: Platformer

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Xbox360 pad detected and working correctly. Audiovisually solid enough. No resolution options. Miniature one screen levels that frustrate with overuse of gimmicky gameplay within very narrow success margins and dubious controls.

Review: The gimmick is that when you press a button the game goes from color to black and white with slightly modified death pitfalls and platform positions. Levels usually start with with putting you in a dead end with no visible mean of survival or escape, then you having to study the movement pattern of platforms, as well as compare the black&white board with the color board and puzzle out a pathway forward. The process in by which you do is usually by dying repeatedly activating the board swap mechanic and plunging to your death as you study the differences. Even once you do figure ou what you need to do the jumping is very vertical and elliptic, movement is altogether slow, and it is easy to jump too late off the edge of a platform and having the game no longer register the jump button, having you plunge to your death. This will happen often given the level design. The game tries to rely on small text blurbs to give hints to solution as well as provide an allergoric/indirect narrative but the writing is a little hollow and dubious and did not hook me at all. The overall experience feels empty of meaty gameplay, narrative hooks or satisfying interactivity and I am removing this title for declutter given the oversaturation of the platformer market.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Simple-yet-clever design…but dang, ya gotta be good at platformers to actually play this one!

I’ve completed the likes of Limbo, and couldn’t even get to the tenth level of Alter World (of which there appear to be 50, judging by the Achievements). I mean: I could have made it at least ten levels, but only with a good deal more patience than I’m currently packing…

The fact that I was trying to use keys and mouse probably compacted the problem - a controller is certainly advised - but I still couldn’t get my head around the quick-switching-between-alternate-worlds mechanic that is key to the gameplay. My mind just doesn’t function that way, unfortunately.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Alter World on Steam