Jin Conception

Jin Conception

So far i like it.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics RPG Games.

I’ve wiped my old review clean and am going to be much more concise in this one - having played both the Steam and Switch versions of the game now, I can firmly say that if you plan to play this game at all, the Switch version is the way to go - though I would skip out on both. It has less RNG bullshit in it and the controls simply make more sense and it has overall less bugs, however…

Upon a second playthrough of Jin Conception (once on Steam, once on Switch), I can confidently say that… while there is some good here, the cons just definitely outweigh the bad. Even knowing the answers of who is friend and foe, there is virtually no way in the game to actually deduce this naturally. I had the benefit of speaking with the developer during my playthrough and was able to speak with him afterwards to try and clear up some misconceptions and unfortunately the conversation only proved to clarify what I feared: the story is in fact incomplete, with much of it simply not in the game.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Jin Conception on Steam



I’ve put enough time into this game to understand a lot its strengths and weaknesses. This is a social deduction game that was balanced to favor one side in many modes, enabling the game to lean on that mechanic. It enables a unique type of gameplay that I find very engaging. The devs threw a ton of thought and patience in the core mechanics, and they’re incredibly active in the game’s discord server. They regularly receive feedback and interact with the community.

Unfortunately, the game is unfixable.

Real player with 108.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Free to Play Games.

A simple hidden role game, and free to play, at that. The gameplay itself is very good - not perfect, but it’s still in development - but the community is VERY bad, and I consider this to be partly the fault of the developers. Not ENTIRELY their fault, but….

For example, the report system. You can report people for harrassment or abuse or spam. That’s good. So what’s the problem? You can also report people for cheating, or for gamethrowing. If a person is reported often enough - for any offense - they are automatically banned by a bot and must appeal to the mods. This encourages bullies to sling reports at people for perceived offenses that didn’t occur, giving them even more power and generally fueling a negative atmosphere.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game


Escape Mind

Escape Mind

edit: a couple more patches got rid of most technical problems, so I removed them from the review.

a short and simple point & click where your goal is to escape from a house you end up in after chasing a rabbit around. fortunately, there’s no time limit or fail states and you can save anywhere. some light puzzling and a few arcadey parts, but revisiting locations over and over is a must, as new things keep appearing. moving around is fast enough though, so it’s not an issue.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Adventure Games.

As an addict of puzzle/escape games I was excited to find this game. It took me 1hr 15m to complete, but was pretty fun! Great value at $0.99. Also I thought the art style was cool. Hope there’s a sequel!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Escape Mind on Steam