Chaos Galaxy

Chaos Galaxy

Instantly the game reminded me the old SNES game, Raiden? But that game uses hex cells instead.

Simple in operation, a lot of units, honestly i loved it. Definitely gonna try all the factions.

Tho i wish the bullets during the animation can fly in unison or salvo manner rather than sequential fire, which took a lot of time. Just like the SNES game I’ve mentioned.

With box cells, the game operates just like the Super Robot War series.

There are two major unit category, mechs or warships. Or maybe Gundams or those Carriers, Space Cruisers whatever. Mechs usually could steer inside asteroid clusters and they gained evasion bonus for that. They hit 100% all the time but suffer with lower total HP pool. Also a team divided by 3 units, losing 1 of them losing 1 weapon to fight with. Tho if the enemy weapon could fire once, they benefited by no matter powerful it was, it will only took one unit with it. If it connects.

Real player with 235.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Sci-fi Games.

For full disclosure, I volunteered to review and correct the English text for this game. I’m listed in the credits for my assistance. I received a free copy of the game in advance of the release in order to have time to do this review. I also received some additional free keys. I also did a similar review for the previous game in the series, Chaos Sector. I purchased that game, but I did receive some free keys for the help I provided. Having contributed to the game’s content, I’m probably a bit emotionally invested into it.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Chaos Galaxy on Steam



Manage a sundry store and expand your areas of expertise until you become a multinational of commodities and durable goods, and become the richest in the world.

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Fast-Paced Games.

Dismantler on Steam

Guns Craft

Guns Craft

so boring.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Military Games.

you can’t make anything on your own you can only recolor the pre-made ones and even then it won’t let you chose new colors

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Guns Craft on Steam

Panzer Paladin

Panzer Paladin

So yah, it’s pretty good. highly recommend.

The story is easy to follow with its very few cut scenes, of which is reminiscent of 90’s anime like Voltron. The pixel art is fantastic and the soundtrack rocks hard, each song is region appropriate. As well as the demon’s chosen for the boss battles. and the game design is clever.

The swordplay is fact intuitive, throughout the levels you will be picking up a multitude of weapons with different stats and durability. If your break a weapon on a enemy nothing will happen. But if you break the weapon yourself it will cast a spell that will very anything from increasing your attack to a blessing spell.

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game

This game is a new take on a genre that people in the 90’s grew up with.

I didn’t think I was going to like this game, which is odd considering I actually love this genre.

As of the time of me writing this, I’m only writing based on what I have experienced so far and my thoughts on it. I am nowhere near done with the game so I cannot touch on the Story aspect for this review.

While quite reminiscent of a Metroidvania (as we get tons of those on Steam and other platforms), the game hits close to home for me as it feels more like a Mega Man game than it does anything else. I’m a huge, HUGE Mega Man (X) fan, so this little project made me extremely happy.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Panzer Paladin on Steam

Tactical Vanguard Saga

Tactical Vanguard Saga

Nice game sofar,, but right now it seems only the first Mission is playable, it will not let me continue to the next Map after the 1st intermission.

For a Game that lasted less than 30 minutes 4€ is a bit much, hope it will bne updated in Future with more Missions.

For now sadly i cannot recommend it

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

A slightly-edited worked example of TShadowKnight’s SRW Engine MV, featuring some unique assets but just one stage that’s all of 15 minutes long. So, this is blatantly unfinished crapware trying to get money out of people by promising a game but then not actually creating the game.

Can’t recommend buying this for any reason.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Tactical Vanguard Saga on Steam



  • The gameplay is fun and somewhat deep. Each enemy is unique and requires specific tactics to beat. You also need to keep in mind your surroundings, enemy status, and choose your equipment and consumables for each mission.

  • The graphics look decent during battles. It reminds me of Into The Breach units-as-icons visual style. Characters during dialogues require some polish, though the story here is non-important; the game fills more like chess - it doesn’t really need a deep and meaningful story arc, to begin with, if the gameplay is fun. Maybe something more will come up later (storywise), but I haven’t seen a lot of meaningful dialogues or character development during my first several hours of the game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

A fun little game. A bit clunky UI, so you need to spend some time to learn it.

Sometimes game give you hard challenges and you will not be able to finish some missions from a first try.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Thermonuclear on Steam

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Good job. 难得有一个游戏让我能想起同时玩大航海时代和超级机器人大战的感觉。内政系统让我想起圣魔大战和lost technology。最有趣的是捕获系统,同时用海盗的导弹巡洋舰和北天的光束扁海盗不要太爽。同时也很期待Chaos Galaxy正式版的上市,希望开发者健健康康,开发顺利。

下面是几个针对新的Chaos Galaxy的建议:

1. 目前试玩版里,每个行星有五个slot可以建造要塞。不知道可不可以增加别的建筑,比如提升商业/工业/防御度上限的建筑?防御建筑当行星被占领时自动被拆除,其他建筑保留。

2. 是否有可能增加行星驻守舰队?满额的5个要塞在战力5000以上的舰队(旗舰+1-2巡洋舰+补给船+1机甲)面前仍然很脆弱,而能组建舰队的将领数貌似非常低(初始=3),所以领地稍大一点貌似就会被周边势力偷家。同1,是否可以通过建筑/科技增加仅仅驻守在行星本地的1艘巡洋舰+2机甲?


Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Very nice, litlle one-man indie turn based strategy with retro touch.

Simple, but efficient strategy layer plus series of small scale tactical combats (at most 20 units on board, usually ca 8 turns) makes for fast paced game and prevent drag. Choices are minimalistic, but well implemented.

I found game reasonably simple (with beginning a bit more challenging) and needed 21 hours to reach all endings.

For negatives, there is little replayability. Game is somewhat unbalanced (submarines" are underwhelming), AI is passable, and plays by the rules (which is nice feat for such a small game), tlhough very predictable in tactical phase. RNG sometimes can be a bit annoying (but never ruined the battle for me). For the price I can really racommend game.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 on Steam

Into the Breach

Into the Breach

Anyone who says this game isn’t fun hasn’t played it long enough or has played it too long. Only just beginning to beat it on hard difficulty. Patience, a good set of headphones, and a willingness to let NPCs die will take you far. Great game.

Real player with 673.4 hrs in game

I’ve enjoyed tactical RPGs ever since I discovered Final Fantasy Tactics Advance when I was younger. So I was naturally intrigued by Into The Breach. Now it might not be an RPG, but it’s definitely tactical and it will scratch that itch if that’s what you’re looking for.

First of all, the game runs on a very simple computer and that alone sold the game for me. The design is also unique, interesting and fits well into the universe the game is set in, without ever hinting to the game-design troubles the developers struggled with.

Real player with 75.3 hrs in game

Into the Breach on Steam

Lone King

Lone King

a pve game about killin robots the skills look amasing and every mech is diffrent

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Lone King on Steam



ROBO-OH harKs back to the classic days of chiptune music and 16 bit graphics. This game fills out the giant robot fighting game niche i didnt know needed filling. Unique characters like GRANDSKY and MASAMIOH provide not only a refreshing taste of old-school fighters, but leave a lot of room for creativity. Get this game!

Real player with 114.2 hrs in game

Wonderful NES/Famicom style Fighting game. Lovely pixel art, great music.

Many combo routes,even for different characters, are fairly similar. This may be a drawback of sticking to NES/FC

technical limits,but I wish there was more variety there.

Still very fun to explore the combo system, hopefully it gets expanded on in future updates.

Real player with 66.9 hrs in game

ROBO OH on Steam