

i found this game through Markiplier, and even though the gameplay was not something I typically would go for, I adore the characters and ambient-story to bits. Turns out the gameplay wasn’t too hard to pick up with practice, which is good because this game encourages retrying and experimentation.

As for the mood, it has a sort of nostalgic quality of the house you lived in as a kid, where the world felt big, and yet existed only however far you knew. The sort of scary feeling of how your parents won’t acknowledge how scary the dark hallway is, or trying to understand if you are asleep or awake when you had a fever.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Adventure Games.

Tabby has to save her family from the curse of the House, can she?

You have to use your wits to figure out all the solutions to the puzzle.

Nice control schemes with some advanced tricks to movement, multiple ways to solve puzzles and multiple endings.

The achievements were fun to discover, only a few were a little tricky to figure out.

Love the graphics, they’re adorable, and horrific at the same time.

The Music fits so well, it has a deceptive warmth to it and gets eerie based on events and time progression.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

House on Steam

Soul Catcher

Soul Catcher

It’s nice to play a game that doesn’t hand everything to you on a plate. In an age of ultra-high budget productions I’m reminded that sometimes simplicity can produce a compelling game. Some talented individuals with a story to tell, maybe a few puzzles and jump scares along the way make a surprisingly compelling game. Because of the whole horror retro vibe of the game this is definitely one to play with headphones. I have to admit that I took a while to complete this, probably because I’m not that great at puzzle games. I have to admit there were periods of frustration when I was stuck on a few puzzles but to me that makes it all the sweeter when you finally figure it out. Don’t get me wrong, the game isn’t without its flaws. The low-res aesthetic certainly won’t appeal to everyone. Sometimes it feels like the difficulty of the puzzles can suddenly jump without much of a ramp up to them. I think an optional hint mode as an option within each puzzle could help. Checkpoints need to be more evenly spaced as I had to play for a good 30 minutes before I hit my first one. For what the game is, when it was floated on the steam store I thought it was a little expensive. But hey what are Steam sales for! All in all this game is a great reminder that you don’t necessarily need a multi-million pound budget and photo realistic graphics to make a compelling story that’s enjoyable (if a little scary) to play through. Now I just need to complete play throughs with all the other characters XD.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Hand-drawn Games.

Yes, I’m aware of the ALL CAPS game this title is similar to.

Are there games out there like Rogue?

Yes, a lot. That is why “Rogue-like” is now a genre.

Am I going to make a federal case out of inspiration?

No, no I am not.

What I will do is say that this game is awesome. It sets up its own unsettling folklore-themed flavor, presented in classic retro-PC style, with some pretty clever puzzles. There are multiple characters, and multiple endings depending on what you do and/or the order you do things in.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Soul Catcher on Steam



Viviette falls somewhere between The Witch’s House and Resident Evil. It’s actually made in the GameMaker so you will notice a huge improvement over RPG-Maker titles. The animation, effects, and gameplay are more complex, while preserving that JRPG aesthetic. I played a lot of “top-down” horror, but this might be the best representative of this genre when it comes to overall quality. Resident Evil seems to be a big inspiration for its puzzles, as the game incorporates keys with names, emblems, and pushing statues. Not only the artwork here is fully original, but the game also has so much attention to detail when it comes to the environment. The narrative has a compelling mystery, fun character interactions, and many disturbing events. This is one game that you should definitely play with headphones because it spends so much time building suspense and atmosphere.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pixel Graphics Adventure Games.

Ahh. Viviette.

A modern day pixel art gem in the survival horror genre. Had this game been released on the PSX or even perhaps the SNES, it would without a doubt be seen as a classic in the same vein as titles like Clock Tower or Resident Evil.

The puzzles in this game can be more than a little difficult at times, and others are very simple. You’ll find your progress hampered at times trying to find the next clue, but don’t fret. They’re usually very close by, within a room or two distance and just begging you to give them more attention to detail. Unfortunately, you may not be able to. While you’re examining objects the monster hunting you will not stop. You may close your inventory or dialogue box to find that it is right behind you.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Viviette on Steam

Your amazing T-Gotchi!

Your amazing T-Gotchi!

This game is AWSOME! If you are a gamer like me who loves games like Doki Doki Literature club and Danganronpa, (Basically games that have mature topics like death) then I definitely recommend this game for you! Its short but sweet, and its pretty cute. The Tamagotchi you are taking care of has a sweet personality and can be a little possessive (fine a lot but still who can blame her) To be honest, its not worth the 5 dollars, so try to get it on sale (I got it at 50% off). As I said above, it looks like a cute game so if you are looking for exactly that, I do not recommend you play it. Happy playing!

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

well, this game was certainly an interesting mental test and an exercise to futility…


it was an emotional rollercoaster, and while at first i had hopes of giving her a happy or a better ending, all (early) attempts ended in disaster.

then, i tried to earn the other achievements, so i had to treat her badly in order to complete the games achievements.

it was a very thought provoking game, and it got into some very dark places.

its strange how you see a digital character, a character that doesnt exist, and yet it can cause you so much sadness when she suffers or when she is feeling hopeless and alone/depressed.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Your amazing T-Gotchi! on Steam

Just Ignore Them

Just Ignore Them

I decided to play this game because I am a retro junkie and I desperately needed my next fix. It was only $3.99, and it enticed me with its gore and horror elements. Despite having a small, yet particular qualm with the game’s narrative, Just Ignore Them is a fun, story-driven game that manages to summon an eerie atmosphere as you play Mark, a man tormented by monsters following him since he was a child.

At its heart, this game is an all too familiar tale for those of us who have dealt with childhood trauma. You cannot really put your finger on why, but ever since your father’s disappearance you have been plagued by these ‘monsters.’ Your mother tells you they aren’t real – but then what are those things you see, those whispers you hear behind closed doors, and who the hell bought you that god forsaken creepy teddy bear!?

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

I found this game by accident and thought it looked interesting and wanted to give it a try. I love horror games; I love point and click games; I love puzzsles. What could go wrong with this purchase?

A Lot

Unfortunately, there was more done wrong than right in this game. I think the devs were trying a bit too hard to be clever with some of their puzzles than they were trying to build a fun, playable, and intelligent game. I just want to start off by saying PLEASE get someone to proofread your game. There were so many typos and punctuation errors and wording that simply made no sense that it KILLED your storyline right when it could have been important, but I’m not really sure if it was important or not beause it was unintelligable. I played through this game TWICE and I still have no idea on if any of this stuff actually made sense. I’m pretty sure it didn’t, but hey, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Just Ignore Them on Steam

Ashina: The Red Witch

Ashina: The Red Witch

Join Ash on the journey of an afterlife-time! Travel through a mysterious spirit world filled with strange creatures, interesting characters, and memorable moments! Ash must find her way back home and save her sister from the powers that be.

Ashina: The Red Witch is an exploration-based, story-adventure game. Use items to solve puzzles as well as talk to many other characters to help dig into the story even further!

Game features include:

  • A unique (hopefully) and thrilling story!

  • New and exciting characters, as well as some returning characters from ‘My Big Sister’.

  • Adventure-like puzzles.

  • Character dialogue options to delve into the lore surrounding the universe.

  • An Original Soundtrack + (Maybe) Remixed Soundtrack.

  • Achievements + Trophies!

My stories are made for the fans and players, and I would love to continue sharing them with everyone!

Ashina: The Red Witch on Steam



Old school Arcade game from an era where light gun were really fun.

You have to master the scoring system to be the best player!

I recommand even if there is no online leaderboard.

Maybe in a futur update?

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Nice game, easy to learn, difficult to master.

Though pixel games tend be controller supported, this game seems to be keyboard and mouse only. You will need a left and right mouse button and a spacebar, if you got this then you are good to go.

Obviously you have to shoot zombies and not feed them. There are four color zombies indicating the amount of bullets they require for them to die, you will have to empty your gun before reloading, you will have to think about how to spend your bullets and when to reload, the only problem is you won’t have time to think…

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

BioCrisis on Steam

Blind Boris

Blind Boris

This game has alot of potential, but i don’t think this should be presented as a finished product.


Theme is awesome and creepy.

Loved the pixel graphics.

Minimal but effective sound design.

And the rest…

Some typos in dialogue.

Hard to tell what you are supposed to do at any given point.

Level design is pretty awkward.

Sometimes you cant use things in your inventory when you need to.

Some guy on youtube already posted a video of a ‘walk up a wall’ bug.

Im on the fence about getting a refund tho because theres a ton of promise here. Hope to see a patch from the devs!

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Very interesting!

I wouldn’t really “recommend” this game to everyone as it doesn’t have a typical appeal like story (I didn’t understand a single thing about the plot), graphics (standard pixel art) or gameplay (incredibly buggy and unpolished).

The only appeal that I can find is its weirdness.

I personally quite like figuring stuff out for myself instead of being told and trust me, this game is happy to hide as many details as possible from the player.

I spent 2/3 of my time restarting various times trying to understand the mechanics of this game and once it all “clicked” I breezed through the game from start to finish with no problems in one attempt, I even skipped a lot of items (optional ones like health and traps that help agaist hazards) since I already figured out how to reach the end.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Blind Boris on Steam



**Date/Time kindly sent EW/WE for free and being a keen Horror Indie fan I jumped in to play! I completed it & replayed a few times more to fully indulge in the scary audio & the unnerving mystery of the story.

The developer recommends playing with headphones which I endorse too since it really makes it a more immersive journey though I would add a Warning because the crawling features a heartbeat sound which could cause problems for Anxiety sufferers and suggest to the Developer to consider adding a Save function for any players who find the experience too unsettling but want to return to it after a break.**

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

This was an okay game. The first phase really highlighted that tension building and adrenaline pumping does not rely on life-like graphics and jump scares. The audio was used paticularly well, better than the visual aspect, but due to the disconnect between you as the player and the character in the game, there’s nothing to immerse you in the experience itself.

There’s a phase to the game where you’re wandering in the dark, but it’s poorly executed in the sense that there’s no real consequence for loosing your way, and the ‘HUNTER’ is no longer frightening.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

EW/WE on Steam

FAITH: The Unholy Trinity

FAITH: The Unholy Trinity

On September 21, 1986, two priests arrived at the Martin Family home in rural Connecticut to investigate an apparent case of demonic possession. Only two people would leave the house alive.

FAITH is a pixel horror game inspired by the era of classic 8-bit gaming and the “Satanic Scare” of the 1980s. Use your holy crucifix to perform exorcisms, fight back against possessed cultists, and cleanse haunted objects. Discover a world of dread, isolation, and mystery as you explore haunted forests, abandoned churches, and the inner sanctums of a Satanic cult.


  • FAITH - Haunted by nightmares and searching for answers, a young priest returns to the house where an exorcism went horribly wrong a year before.

  • FAITH: Chapter II - After confronting unspeakable paranormal entities and narrowly escaping with his life, a young priest descends into a new nightmare.

  • FAITH: Chapter III - Aided by a mysterious stranger, a young priest travels the dark countryside to stop a Satanic cult from summoning a horrifically powerful demon.


  • Wickedly chunky pixels

  • Hand crafted rotoscope animations

  • Haunting retro soundtrack

  • Multiple/secret endings

  • 1980s religious paranoia

  • Demonic EVPs channeled through abandonware speech synthesizers

FAITH: The Unholy Trinity on Steam