Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet

Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet

I’ve LP’d the previous installment , Kickstarted the sequel, and was rather looking forward to this. Let’s break down my impressions, from least important to the most:

Graphics: I kinda miss the original hand-drawn look. It had a unique charm to it that the smoother and less unique 3d models lack.

Voicework: Quite good all around. Except from some British TV guy – apparently everyone were so excited to have him on that they forgot to check whether his voice fits the character.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Singleplayer Games.

As I have been following the game’s author’s main work for a while, (which I would highly recommend to most people on the planet) I finally brought myself to buying the game during a sale. The drawing style is simple, but atmospheric, the voice-acting is mostly superb and the few birds one gets to see up close are truly adorable. The highlight of the game definitely are the song-bits, which are completely insane and oddly catchy. Bought it during a sale and thought it was quite sweet. Especially for a game both written and animated by someone who, as far as I understand, only dabbles in game-development.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet on Steam

Risen 2: Dark Waters

Risen 2: Dark Waters

Risen 2 is a third person open world action roleplaying game made by Piranha Bytes, the team that gave us the Gothic games and of course the first Risen game. It’s hard to talk about Risen 2 without referring to their previous games, which I’ll call ‘PB games’ for short.

To summarize: Risen 2 sometimes feels like a ‘PB game lite’ but it’s certainly not completely dumbed down from previous PB games. The atmosphere and the ‘feel’ of the PB games is there, so I’ll enjoy playing this game more than I would 9 out of 10 similar games. The fact that melee combat is almost as bad as it was in Gothic 3 and the absence of ‘real’ magic are the only two problems that certainly knock off some points in the final score for Risen 2.

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates RPG Games.

It is very difficult to recommend this game because depending on your personal preferences, it can either be a wealth of unpleasantness or it can, as I have in the end perceived it, be a gem of extraordinary substance and enjoyment although in a wierd way.

Warning: This will be quite a lenghty review where I try to outline in detail the great drawbacks of the game as well as the great features about it.

First off, I will state all of the unpleasant aspects of this game and if anything I mention seems unacceptable, better to stay away from it as it is a game that not everyone will enjoy and it can be difficult to grasp.

Real player with 69.2 hrs in game

Risen 2: Dark Waters on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™

Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™

Easily the best AC game in the franchise! sailing around on your own ship, plundering treasure and boarding enemy ships, while upgrading your ship to fight forts, and become the greatest pirate… so much fun! I could play this over and over again. 10/10 would recommend :)

Real player with 86.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Open World Games.

O I thought I heard the old man say

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!

Tomorrow you will get your pay

And it’s time for us to leave her!

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!

Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!

For the voyage is long and the winds don’t blow

And it’s time for us to leave her!

Oh the wind was foul and the sea ran high

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!

She shipped it green and none went by

And it’s time for us to leave her!

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!

Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!

Real player with 79.8 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ on Steam

Captains of the Wacky Waters

Captains of the Wacky Waters

Captains of the Wacky Waters is a fast-paced boat roguelike where ships drift and krakens wear moustaches!

Back in the day, helping ghosts get to Heaven was an easy task, but someone wiped out the peace in the Wacky Waters and now all the captains have to learn to defend themselves and their crew. At least until the old days return.

Combine the strength of your rowers and the wind force to navigate around the procedurally generated zones, gradually improving your ship and finding powerful configurations that will help you in combat.


  • Every playthrough is different, allowing a lot of replayability.

  • Good vibes roguelike with loads of wackiness and weirdness.

  • Unlock new playable captains after defeating them. Each ship has different features and a special ability to play with.

  • Save cute little ghosts that will join the crew taking one out of the 6 different roles to help you in your journey.

  • Use many weapons to shoot and slash your enemies, including a cannonball shotgun, a boats cannon, or a giant hammer.

  • Lots of gadgets and upgrades. These are curious and diverse items with different functions to upgrade and configure your ship, from a medieval spear to a pair of giant incognito glasses for your boat.

  • Navigate different zones with unique gameplay styles and aesthetics, which will become more and more strange.

  • Many, many hats! Every living thing in the game wears its own type of hat.

Captains of the Wacky Waters on Steam

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG

Heads up, this review is LONG. There will be a TL;DR at the bottom.

This game is a gem, covered in a pile of shit. If you’ve read negative reviews for the game I hate to say that most of them are very much accurate. This game is very unwieldy, hard to learn, harder to master, and really doesn’t teach you anything. The closest this game has to a tutorial is essentially a few hours of being stuck on one island doing small quests to make enough money to buy a small ship. Unfortunately, this means you likely won’t know if you want to keep the game or not until after the refund period has passed.

Real player with 663.4 hrs in game

Very OLD Akella Pirates game player here when “dinosaurs ruled the earth”.

I basically played the entire game in Russian (no DLC) before it was released in English offline.

I recently went back and have been playing the DLCs online, and my immediate review is still valid in any case.

The game series has been around since 2000. Published by Akella, and eveloped by various studios. This is actually the SIXTH game in the series. Sea Dogs, POTC (Sea Dogs Modification, SD2, the bad disney production), Age of Pirates (AoP) , Tortuga - Two Treasures, AoP2:COAS (City of Abandoned Ships) , and POTEHO (SDTEHO). Black Mark Studios has most of the original modders and designs from the original games. SDTEHO has MANY of the same landmarks as COAS and similar quests. Personally, I am partial to COAS for many reasons, but predominantly the freedom to do whatever the hell you want very early.

Real player with 504.8 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - Pirate Open World RPG on Steam

Turtle’s Quest

Turtle’s Quest

A masterpiece I would say but you cant get past the mission where you pick up wheels and shit cuz Oswald takes everything and then does nothing and he asks you for the same shit again, but guess what it doesnt exist anymore cuz Oswald fakin took it.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Up untill the mission Booty it is ok if we dont consider some of the “minor” glitches. When you retrieve all the materials in Booty and speak to Oswald he just steals all your stuff and you are thrown back to the start of the mission, forcing you to restart the game because the materials dont spawn a second time. I can’t get past this. Devs pls fix your shit!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Turtle's Quest on Steam

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Q: Why is being a pirate so addictive?

A: Because when ye lose yer hand, ye get hooked!

‘Tempest: Pirate Action’ takes us to a timescape where the tantalizing tall tales of tanalised tallship tars turn true! This is one of my favourite PC games to date, along with ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ and ‘Naval Action’. That’s partly because I love square-rigger sailing ships and 1700s maritime history and lore. Of these three games, I consider Tempest the most imaginitive and atmospheric.

This open world game is much better than I expected, based on the YouTube reviews. Various aspects of the game have been much improved since those reviews were posted. The ship-capturing boarding action, for example, is now vastly better, with fully mobile, realistic fighting characters, one of which, you fully control, so you can take part in the melee, close and personal, from a 3rd-person perspecive. That’s something that neither ‘Naval Action’ nor ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ can boast.

Real player with 204.5 hrs in game

Score : 55-60/100

Unfortunately it is ““NOT”” a full pirates game.

If you’re looking for a real pirates game this one will disappointed you.

Good points:

  • Graphic is acceptable

-Ship easy upgrade

-Some of the special items were good designed

-Ship fighting is ok ( Only to those who just enjoy firing cannon balls )

-Auto picking up design

-Time speed up design

Weak points :

***One of the greatest weak point is : this game have “NO” save and worst of all …….there’re traps that didn’t looks like a trap that we will lost 1/4 or even 1/2 of our most experience crews without warning !!!!! 0 . Though we can still play the game without a save file.

Real player with 148.2 hrs in game

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG on Steam



truly amazing

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Crafty on Steam

Unearned Bounty

Unearned Bounty

This is a fun multiplayer game, with fast paced battles/matches. The game has so far perfomed well on my resource-humble pc, with no lag/latency/BS emcountered except in one game only! props!

So far this ombination of simple, fun, fast paced action with the ease of picking up matches is what keeps me playing,


  • matchmaking: I tried the matchmaking option once, which was also the last time. That was the firt time I played. The timer kept going but I was not connected to any match.

SInce then, I’ve used the custom game option. Custom game presents me with 1 to 4 rooms, along with the player count in each. occasionally I will have to wait 1 to 3 mins ad refresh the list of custom games

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

This game shows some real promise. At the moment there are a few bugs and not alot of content but the devs seem active and if they can flesh out the objectives in the battle then this could become a really great moba ship brawler. If they can add cross play PS4 / X360 to help with the population then thatd be even better!

Matchmaking has a few issues at the moment, becasue it’s currently based in NA you may not have the best ping, you can get a group of mates together and host a server though if you want to play on local ping, join the Discord too, it’s slowly starting to grow!

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Unearned Bounty on Steam

World Pirate Wars

World Pirate Wars

Fun little game, it’s free give it a try.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

I keep checking the store page to see if I’m just blind, but I can’t seem to find anywhere that this is “Early Access” and yet the game is so completely and utterly unfinished that it barely even feels like it’s started development. But here we are, with a July 31, 2021 release date and a store page that appears to display a fully released game… hang on let me check again… nope, can’t seem to see an Early Access label anywhere.

Let me play the game again and make sure I didn’t miss anything… Nope, there’s basically no content.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

World Pirate Wars on Steam