Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

“Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End” is a pretty good port of PS2 game.

Despite it’s name - the game have actually a bit of “Dead Man’s Chest” and “At Worlds End” in term of story and it is a way more simplified version of the movie plot as you may guess.

Also the game takes only certain key scenes so if you didn’t watch movies you will be confused as f*ck while playing this game.

I want to point out - for a simple Disney movie tie-in video game

developers did a really good job with overall gameplay and level variety.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Singleplayer Games.

Tags: 3PAA - Third Person Action Adventure

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TLDR: Corridor leverpull. Primitive arkham style fighting. Superficial thin story. Button mashing oriented. Pass.

The game established a gameplay loop fairly early on of fighting a few guys, pulling a lever, getting a short dialogue or cutscene. Most of the dialogue is fluff and activities aside from reaching the end of the level include finding easter egg like optional areas in which you can free additional prisonners for completionism sake. You can also grab gold which I was not clear on its use, and you can pick food items.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End on Steam

The Caribbean Sail

The Caribbean Sail

Forget that the graphics would have looked dated on a Commodore 64. Never mind that you didn’t think you wanted a dying-at-sea simulator until now. This game is good. Your first run will be a disaster: you will board your raft, purchase whatever meager supplies you can scrounge up, and expect to have a fighting chance of reaching the nearest port, a mere thousand miles away. Hah. Your crew will starve. Those who don’t starve will catch the plague. Those who don’t die of plague will be picked off by Spaniards or pirates. All while a chiptune rendition of ‘Drunken Sailor’ tinkles merrily in the background.

Real player with 90.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Pirates Choices Matter Games.

Probably the best indie game I’ve ever played. If you have a thing for anything nautical you should totally play this game - there are so many things you can do. You can be a fisherman and make a living through selling fish, be a wealthy merchant carrying various flags to use them to fool around enemy ships to trade with them without involving yourself in the war while carrying an abundance of cheap luxuries bought from China to sell them to rich Americans or you can buy a powerful warship and be a pirate to destroy anything in sight and loot every ship you come across, or save civilized world from crazy pirates by being an ally of England or doing an absolutely crazy thing like sailing from China to America with the cheapest ship. You can even catch a giant whale or be a master gambler. Game goes on no matter what you ending achieve, so possibilities are endless.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

The Caribbean Sail on Steam